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Fandom Shimmering Shade (Always Open) - Additional IC

Timber removed himself from his post and landed on all four down below where Shadow resided. "Hey shadow," He meowed in his deep, sultry voice. "I see the prey has been running differently between your paws. What have you been up to?" He meowed curiously as he stretched his limbs still remaining unattached or concerned about the current events.

" Ah how nice to see Timber" Shadow said if only to be polite looking down from upon Phenex's back.

Really Shadow would like to try to only talk to ground as she could us group mentality to get people on her side as cat would go with the largest consensus, which in this case was for the best. Still every cat she could get was another cat saved in her mind.

" As for what I have been doing I have gone into the forest and spoken to the clan cats that live there " She said knowing that was impressive as the clan cats were not known for letting outsiders speak " And I have found the source of their powers and that source has found them lacking" She explained not going into detail " That source has thus asked me to form a new clan from all those here and all those in the forest that are willing to join" She said once again abridging her tale " Os now I must find converts, Phenex here is one such convert what about you Timber how does a proper home, and plenty of food sound at only the cost of your hatred? "
Crow awoke from a nap, she looked around and saw her cats. The dead body still in the middle of all of them. She yawned and stood up, stretching she would then leap down near a large male cat with black fur and gray eyes. He looked at her and dipped his head a little.

"Hello crow." Said in his deep voice. Crow looked at him and nodded she rubbed her head against his and purred. "Hello claw."'she said with a purr, she and claw where best of friends and knew everything about each other. She stopped and stood up walking around her cats. "Has anyone heard of timber?" She said her strong voice ringing out through the woods and the clearing. They all shook there heads.

She sighed and shook her head. "We'll someone go look for him." She hissed, every cat shrinking back and one stood up and darted off to go get timber.

@anyone really
Timber tilted his head only slightly amused. He always felt like crow and shadow conflicted each other. "I hold no hatred, though," he meowed matter of factly. "It sounds interesting which is usually the reason I do things, but..." He thought for a second. "Crow, have you asked crow her thoughts?" Crow held detest for the forest cats so perhaps she would be interested in this.

@Karcen @Jinx
Crow sighed as she sat in the middle of the clearing, she needed to talk to timber about something. The cat that crow had scent was nearly to where timber and them where. He was a small white and gray cat, he meowed when he saw timber, but he looked at the fox thing had a cat riding it. "What the?" He said and his face made a weird look. He shook his head and padded over to timer. "Timber, crow needs to speak with you." He said dipping his head.

@DemonKitten @Karcen
" To put it bluntly no I have been speaking with the masses " Shadow said just as the messenger cat showed up it seemed that Crow was needing to see timber, how convenient. Shadow never really cared for Crow she knew of crow but she didn't exactly agree with what she did now and before as her power was based on strength she was just like the others only she could kill a little more, there was no point is ruling though fear.

" It seems we both will need to talk to Crow " Shadow said her tone implying there might be more than talk, shadow after all had a few fun tricks.
Timber nodded. "Well, come on then. Crow will find this interesting," He meowed as he nodded to the gray and white cat. "Lead the way, messenger," He meowed as he followed the cat to where crow resided. " I wonder what she will think about it," he thought as he looked back to shadow. "Let us get going," He started walking in front of the white and grey cat.

@Karcen @Jinx
The messenger cat let timber go I front of him, he knew he knew where he was going. He didn't like that shadow was coming though, crow had asked for timber and timber only. He just wished he got to live with this one, the waked for awhile before they got to forest and soon to the stream. "Crow!" He said padding past timber and over to crow and whispered something in her ear.

Crows eyes narrowed as she heard what the cat said to her. "Let it be thorn." She said to him, she looked at timber and a softness cam to her eyes but it was soon replaced with interest as she look at shadow riding a fox.

@Karcen and @DemonKitten
" Ah hello Crow " Shadow as if she were not on top of a mysterious animal from somewhere that wasn't their world and as if she didn't bear a white star symbol on her head. " It seems we all have a reason to meet today, I wonder if it is fate or chance[/b]" Shadow said just to sound cryptic and making sure she spoke first " Now before you ask I will explain you have no doubt heard I have been speaking to many cats inviting them to join me, that is all true and the invitation is open to you as well " She said more or less to put everyone on her topic leading instead of letting crow dictate what would be spoken about.
Crow looked at shadow her eyes narrow. "Why would I want join, what's in it for me." She said in a chuckle. "And why would I want to lead by a cat like the clans." She said her eyes filled with fury for if she did join she didn't want to be ordered around like a lost kit.
" I will not lie to you crow for you there are two benefits you will care about the first is you and all the cats that join the blood clan will gain the same powers as those other clans, and two I have been tasked to take the forest and while some may be willing to join me many won't and those that won't will sadly have to die and that is something you want " Shadow said letting both offers sink in before she went on she had offers for more than just crow " You as an experienced leader I would put as my second, or as it is called else where my deputy , you would lose little authority and would gain more followers. " Shadow said expecting that to be an offer crow would like " But I come not just for you but all those around you perhaps they tire of pointless fighting, perhaps they hate not having a place to sleep, or constantly empty bellies all of these I want to solve the clan I wish to build is one based on helping all we can and defending those who can't, all those willing will be part of the blood clan and together we will work towards the greater good for all cats " She said and some of those around crow obviously liked the ideals Shadow spoke of.
Crow thought a moment, she like the idea of being second in command and the cats around her ears perked as she sat and looked at crow. "If my cats like the idea of joining you than so be it." She took a breath and stood up. "And as for me." She said looking at her cats then to shadow. "I will join." She said dipping her head, she didn't like it but it was better than being hunted by cats. "As long as I get to kill some of those cats that don't join or want to." She said looking at her cats. They all nodded and agreed to join.
Timber stood beside Shadow licking his paw which had got dirt on it on the way over here. "Sounds interesting. If Crow joins, I'll join since it would become boring around here," Timber returned to his disinterested way and started to yawn.

Venom approached the group of cats, walking beside Crow and in front of a disinterested Timber. He bowed his head politely to both Crow and shadow. "My name is Venom," He spoke to Shadow with a kind, calm voice. He was tall, not as large as Timber, by no means, but a strong looking tom. "I wish to join you for my own selfish reasons," Venom meowed as he kept his green eyes steady. "If you would allow me," He bowed again.

@Jinx @Crow
" All who wish to join are accepted though I have to wonder what these reasons are." Shadow said she would most likely let him join no matter the reason , the main question was would these reasons conflict with her mission, she did not truly seek to take the forest by bloodshed but by honor and promises she would keep. Still reality was reality and she needed every cat she could get to go against the well trained clans, they would have powers and most likely numbers, but the clans would still be a threat.
"My reasons shall not conflict with your goal," He meowed in a calm tone. "I just see this as the best route," Venom stood by the two as Timber looked up for a moment of curiosity.

"What an interesting cat," Timber thought out loud as he returned to his uninterested grooming.

@Karcen (Sorry not feeling all that hot)
you kinda then i don't know a skip to night for a stone hunt

then maybe the threat against the clans
Karcen said:
you kinda then i don't know a skip to night for a stone hunt
then maybe the threat against the clans
Ok I'll post are you like in a little building or something or like at a gathering hall.

(I'm to lazy to read all the posts I made)
Karcen said:
is gem phenex as that's the fox and shadow was on him the whole time
Oh sorry I didn't know you were on me relaxing the whole talk. xD

I'll post again. :)

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