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OP: Dramaturgy by Eve

ED: Telecaster Stripes by POLKADOT STINGRAY

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    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

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Chapter 1: The Promised Normalcy

「 Synopsis 」

Months after the Shijimas' retirement from the assassination world, life finally settles into the mundane. But how long will this promised normalcy last?


Haru Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ 🔅
Location: Arcade ⇒ Hatagaya Suburbs, Tokyo
Scene: Ordinary People In Ordinary Situations


There once was a family by the name of Shijima. They were legendary among the world of assassins. The guilty feared them. And they were revered by all hitmen from far and wide. Every criminal organization from Sōya to Taketomi wanted their contract, but they were loyal to the Ryumasa clan. Then one day...

They were gone.

"H-Hey c'mon, you gotta be kidding me." The panicked expression of a young man with blonde-dyed hair is illuminated by a unknown light source. The area around him is dark. "No way, man... I can't believe I'm going out like this." He says as a bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face. The silhouette of a gun is drawn forward. "Nooooo!" BANG! BANG! The digital avatar of a Yakuza gang member is shot dead on the screen of an arcade machine. "Player one defeated," sounds a digital voice. "DAMN IT! You beat my ass again! You're too good at this!" The blonde delinquent points at Haru with teary eyes. The latter lets his hand fall to his side, still gripping the red oversized plastic gun. He adjusts his glasses with his free hand, allowing the light to catch the lenses and obscuring his eyes.

"That's like the sixteenth time this week. Alright, c'mon man, we're doing this again. It ain't gonna go down like that this time 'round!" The delinquent seems pumped about the prospect of winning.

"You say that every time." Haru puts his gun back onto the rack. "I have to get going." He picks up his school bag and heads out the door. Outside, he gets on his bike and starts pedaling down the street—his face palpable with apathy.

My name is Haru Shijima. I'm an ordinary student. And that's all there is to tell, really. Today's a school day, but I decided to skip a period. I'm not a delinquent or anything, but sometimes I just have the need to get out of there. That's a normal feeling for a teenager, right? Yeah. Just things from a normal life.

Haru's face subtly perks up as if he notices something. Increasing his speed, he swiftly rounds a street corner.

But... The thing about 'normalcy' is...

An unknown figure rounds the same corner but, as they do so, all they see is an empty bike falling onto the ground a few meters away. They move to investigate the bike. Behind them, a manhole cover starts to rumble. Then, in an instant, the cover bursts upward and out comes Haru like a shooting rocket. He performs several midair somersaults and sticks the landing in a Y-pose. It was so impressive, a few elderly men in the backdrop hold up signs with the number ten on them.

"Gotcha!" Haru says with razor-sharp teeth, wagging snake tongue, and hands poised to grope—at least that's the mental image for some. "You've been following me since I left the arcade. What is it that you want exactly?" Haru interrogates the figure; he only sees their back so their identity is still a mystery to him.

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Man Without a Cause
Mitsuo Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Arcade ⇒ Hatagaya Suburbs, Tokyo
Scene: Ordinary People In Ordinary Situations


Tokyo felt so weird now. Once, it was...oppressive. Every alley was a place to ambush, every skyscraper a vantage point. Shijima's were trained to see opportunities everywhere. Targets in every face. It was hard tot urn off. Being normal was hard.

He wasn't sure why he was following Haru. Maybe because he wanted to make sure his little bro was settling in well, maybe it was because he had nothing to do. Maybe because he no longer had a future laid out for him and he needed something to occupy his mind.

Somehow, Haru had avoided his brother's gaze. Stomping out his second cigarette for teh day, Mitsuo slowly approached the fallen bike. immediately, his eyes scanned for clues.
"Hmmm...bike just fell down...judging by how the metal feels, no longer than a few seconds. Any amount of time in the sun would make it hot. Not many places to hide. Which means..."

The eldest Shijima child, knelt over the bike, looked behind him just in time to hear the manhole begin to shift. He couldn't help but smirk.
"Hehehe...nice one squirt."

Mitsuo could have easily taken Haru down. he could have caught him in the air, or tossed the bike at him. But this wasn't a fight. He allowed himself to get caught. or that's what he told himself, anyways. He let out a chuckle as his younger brother pressed him for answers, holding his hands up. "Heyyyy, whaddya mean? I was just on my way back to the diner, this is just one crazy coincidence, man!" By that cocky smirk on his face, Haru could obviously tell Mitsuo was lying. Not that he was trying very hard to. mind you. Finally, he let out a sigh, shrugging. "Figured I'd keep an eye on you. I got someone to cover for me at the restaurant, so I uh...thought someone needed to make sure you weren't causing trouble. Speaking of which..." His dark eyes eyes narrowed intensely, like an owl surveying it's prey. As punishment for his delinquency, Haru was subjected tot he dreaded Shijima Hidden Technique, passed down from generation to generation. It was spoken only in hushed whispers, a myth said to be more dangerous than any assassination Art. It was:


"You're not in school. Haru..." He sounded just like their mother when he said that. The disappointment in his voice was felt just as much as it was heard. He rubbed his eyes, his fingers slightly pushing his squared glasses as he continued. "Look...I'll let this slide, but don't let me catch you doing this again. Mom'll have both our asses if she finds out." He let his left hand go to his side, the other running through his messy black hair. He looked down, as if he hated lecturing Haru. Judging by his posture, he did.

He was always the first born. the responsible one. The second father, so to speak. It was his duty to make sure his siblings didn't get in trouble. Make sure they...didn't get themselves killed. And the weight was starting to become too much to bear.

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Exceptional Student Council President
Fujiki Michiko
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ 🔅
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom


Sun-light streamed in through the windows of the classroom, illuminating the faces of those that sat by them. Fujiki Michiko was one of them. Usually she would be attentively listening to the teacher who droned on with his lessons at the front of the classroom but her flitting thoughts were preoccupying every inch of her attention. It was May. That meant school was due to be over in just two months. There had been so much she had accomplished during this school year. Becoming president of the student council, reforming areas of the school which needed up-keeping, dealing with student body problems and just generally making the environment a better place for everyone as a whole.

So, Michiko should feel satisfied and happy about her triumphs... except she didn't. How could she let herself feel all positive about that when there was a singular thing she hadn't accomplished at all?

Having a friend. What a shocker, right? The famous Fujiki Michiko of Sukusa High didn't have a single friend. Taresen appeared on her face- mentally at least. It was honestly embarrassing. She just didn't know how to approach people with the intent of being friends. Of course, it wasn't like she was socially inept or anything. It was just hard to relate to people when you weren't of the norm. You either came off as arrogant or out of touch with reality.

Laughable really, considering Michiko was definitely neither of those things.

What if that was her new goal for the rest of the semester? Making friends? Slowly she perked up and surveyed the classroom. There were two types of people, those who were actually concerned about their education and those who didn't. Sad really but what could be done when no one wanted to listen? That was territory she hadn't dared touch yet, getting other students to get their grades up. Mostly because she didn't know how to approach it. What if it backfired and resulted in students becoming even worse? Her presidency would be brought into question and teachers would look at her with disapproving gazes! A shiver ran through her body. It was simply horrible to even think about.

Michiko looked up as a piece of paper slid onto her desk. The teacher gave her a cursory glance over before moving to hand more paper. Oh, what was this? She picked it up and almost immediately heard groans as others did the same. It was a pop quiz. He always did this. It would be about stuff they had learned weeks or even a month ago. She wasn't too bothered by them since she was confident in her ability to remember things. The same couldn't be said for those with a less impressive memory. Opening her pencil case, she took a mechanical pencil out and got to work. There were ten questions respectively. Each being about something different.

After finishing Michiko put her pencil back into the case and leaned on her chair. Then a great idea came to mind. What if she used this pop quiz as an opportunity to make a friend?

Thus, she leaned over to the person sitting next to her and whispered softly. "Do you need help with some questions?"

Operation friend was a go!

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Weird Dog Person
Mogeron Australiana
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Jasno Jasno

The soft hums of a butcher's son rang throughout the halls. Well, not really, since various other students were talking amongst each other, diminishing the sound he was creating. Mogeron Australian, his totally real name that everybody knew was, in fact, his real name, was practically skipping through the hall. Despite his eccentric behavior, nobody seemingly batted an eye in his direction. It was because everybody knew who Mogeron was. He was notorious for being eccentric ever since his enrollment in the school and didn't change his behavior despite disciplinary action. Eventually, nobody cared enough to stop Mogeron from his eccentricities and ended up tolerating his existence. It wasn't like he was endangering others or harassing so, so they let it be.

Though the question is, what was Mogeron doing now? Contrary to what any passerby in the hall was expecting, Mogeron's homeroom was on the opposite side of the school to where Mogeron was. What was Mogeron exactly doing was traveling to the other side of the school? Only Mogeron knew.

His eyes flitted through each of the classroom doors. Stopping himself in front of the selection, he pointed his finger. "Eenie Meenie..." And then proceeded to try and pick a random classroom door to go. Some of the students outside the classrooms could be seen silently praying for Mogeron not to select their door. "Miney mo..." As for Mogeron himself, he wondered what he should do after school. It was noon, so he would have to return home after a few hours. Sasha, Luke, and their pups were well fed, and gramps said he was manning the shop today. "Catch a tiger by the toe..." He had given the crows their daily dose of meat so that he couldn't speak to them today. They were always so cranky after a meal. "Eenie Meenie mini-" Before he could say 'mo,' he walked up and slammed open the Fujiki's homeroom door.

"Mo~," He said. He could feel everybody giving him a weird look, but not like it scared him. "Good evening, everyone! Sorry, I'm late, teacher~" The teacher only served to glare at him before continuing.

With that, he surveyed the room. It seemed like everyone was taking a quiz except for that one girl, Fujiki, who looked like she was trying to strike up a conversation. Ever the opportunist, Mogeron decided to delicately insert himself into their conversation. Skipping through and around desks, he sat on the person's desk, the one Fujiki was trying to talk to and introduced himself.

"Hello~ I'm Mogeron Australiana!" He said with his ever-present smile. Looking at Fujiki and the person whose desk he was sitting on, he decided to complement their appearance, "You two look pretty today." Mogeron sincerely complimented as he looked at Fujiki. Her brown eyes were cute, and her hair was nice to look. Not to mention the color of her cheeks was pretty. Though that didn't matter right now, he noticed something on the table.

His eyes lingered on the questions. "Oh, are you two doing homework together?" Mogeron incorrectly interpreted the situation.

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Mama's always watching
Hanabira Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Shijima Diner
Scene: Happy Hour Comes at a Price

PARTNERS: Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford

“It’s late, Kyoko-sama. Do you know where your children are?”


A drawn out honk followed the exaggerated wail while a white tissue dabbed delicately against Hana’s reddened nose. The suit on tv hadn’t been speaking to her, but his question hit closer to her heart than any bullet ever hoped. To be fair, she had an IDEA of where her babies SHOULD be, but one could never truly know unless they were in her sight. Only a few months had passed since their transition into this new life, but she still wasn’t the least bit used to the concept of ‘school’. Even the ones who didn’t have to go were still separated from her today and it was taking a toll on the overprotective mother.

Blowing her nose again as a timid knock resounded from the other side of the break room door, Hana’s face had fixed itself into a flawless mask of composure by the time she greeted the person who had interrupted her. If it was a face that didn’t belong to her family then it wasn’t one she bothered remembering and so she simply offered the nameless creature a polite smile as they explained that the lunch rush was becoming too much to handle.

“Ah! That’s right, you’re Mitsuo’s replacement today. Thank you for your hard work, I’ll be right out.”

Sweet words spoken by an ageless beauty left the waiter in a daze where he was only able to nod dumbly as Hana shut the door between them. The reminder that Mitsuo had chosen to skip quality time with his mama-er, work- probed at her already tender heart and demanded another tissue from her pocket. Dabbing carefully at her eyes this time as beads of tears welled up, she practiced the deep breathing techniques child bearing had taught her well. Everything was fine. Mitsuo was probably just enjoying himself like he deserved for once in his life. Haru and Chiyo were at school, safe and happy surely. And Shoyo…

Hana pinched the air between her fingers and held it before her chest as she willed her shrieking nerves to calm down. Shoyo was fine. Most babies went to daycare centers and came back alive and unscathed; he had many times and today would be no different than the rest. It pained her to leave her prince with strangers, but he deserved a chance to crawl around and play rather than be strapped to her chest all day. At least, that’s what her husband continued to remind her.

With another shaky breath and click of the remote, Hana was the epitome of a cool beauty once more as soon as she graced the battlefield of her business. Well, her *husband’s* business. If she could have her way then all of the noisy, demanding, ungrateful faces around her would be furry ones instead. Then maybe happy hour would actually be just that for once; pleasant, not dreadful. Caramel eyes watched the lack of staff dart from table to table like chickens with their heads missing, but instead of worrying for their benefit, she wondered if Daisuke was faring well in the kitchen. Sending a silent prayer in his direction, and the blow of a kiss, Hana rolled up the sleeves of her blouse before diving into the fray. A line was beginning to accumulate past the doors and out into the street, leaving a nameless hostess at the front shaking beneath the burden of impatient glares and one single, roaring question: How much longer?

“I’ll handle this. Why don’t you help clear the tables? Thank you ~”

Sending the fretful creature on her way, Hana faced the monstrosity before her with the same, polite smile that never seemed to leave her lips.

“Welcome to our diner! It is such a privilege to serve you today and we apologize for the wait thus far. The food must be so delicious that people don’t want to leave, but we’ll make sure you all get a turn. Now, I see one table clearing up so I would be happy to escort whomever is next in line. I’ll also be sure to grab some drinks and snacks I can find for the rest of our very, very understanding customers on the way back. Free of charge, of course.”

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Haru Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ 🔅
Location: Hatagaya Suburbs ⇒ Sukusa High Preparatory Academy / Shijima Family Diner
Scene: Ordinary People In Ordinary Situations / Happy Hour Comes at a Price

PARTNERS: Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford smooshie smooshie

Contemplating it, Haru starts to notice just how familiar this stalker's back is. Then, right at the moment it hits him, the figure begins to talk. Oh crap. "M-Mits?!" Haru instinctively shouts. At first telling a bald-faced lie, Mitsuo quickly confessed to have been following his younger sibling to ensure that he keeps out of trouble. "H-Hey! Why do you always assume I'm looking for trouble?" Haru thinly feigns innocence but, from the situation, it was clear that he's skipping classes.

Then, comes one of the Shijima's clan most fearsome techniques: the Death Glare. Haru's face immediately becomes as white as a ghost before his visage shatters like glass. He stands there unmoving; paralyzed by Mitsuo's mastery of the dreaded technique. It takes Mitsuo scolding him about school before Haru is brought back to the realm of the living. "Sorry, Mitsuo..." The apology is genuine. "I know I've had plenty of time to adjust but I'm still having difficulty getting used to our new situation. Even Chiyo is better than me in this regard, and I'm supposed to be her older brother." Haru walks past Mitsuo and picks up his bike off the ground.

"Hey, big bro? Can you walk me back to school?" Haru asks with a bit of a sad smile.

One peaceful walk full of brotherly teasing and casual conversation later and the pair finally arrives at the entrance to the Sukusa High Preparatory Academy. Haru secures his bike to a nearby rack and the two enter the main building. Inside, they are greeted by a janitor with a goatee wearing a beanie and... sunglasses? Indoors? As a school employee? Surely if Haru notices that odd detail then so would Mitsuo. But before Haru could bring that up, the vice principal comes sauntering by. He stops when he sees the brothers.

"You. Aren't you supposed to be in class? Get going, young man!"

Haru looks at Mitsuo. "I'll see you at the diner after school." Then he disappears as he rounds the hallway corner.

Switching personalities on the fly, the vice principal suddenly becomes very polite and bows at Mitsuo. "Ahh, you must be his older brother? Don't you worry! He is getting the best care and attention possible here at our prestigious school. Now, if you'll beg my pardon. Please, have a good day." The VP then walks off in the direction of the janitor. Passing by the latter, he nods at the VP before resting one of his arms on the handle of the broom he's carrying. Strangely, there is a glint coming from underneath his long sleeve. A pointed dart connected to a wrist watch. He's purposely aiming at the VP—the latter unaware.

"I'm next in line," says a foreign-looking gentleman in a business suit with his hand raised. He walks up to the hostess desk with a polite smile on his bright face. "I'm in town for business and I heard this place is very good! I'm eager to see what everyone's so excited about." He turns his head to the huge line behind him. Despite being a foreigner, his Japanese is excellent; almost not a hint of an accent. Soon, he is escorted to a table by Hana who also hands him a menu. It didn't take long before he decides on what to have.

"If I could madam, one curry omurice and a lemon iced tea please." He waits there at his table patiently for his food; always keeping that polite smile one his face. There was no doubt that he is a handsome man, but there is an unusual air about him. When the food finally arrived, he thanks the person that brought it to his table and begins to eat at a slow, methodical pace.

When the food is half gone—and half as in exactly half with a precision cut down the middle of the dish—the man gets up from his seat and approaches Hana. "I'm sorry to interrupt you madam, but I just have to say that the food is every bit as exquisite as I've heard. If you could please give my compliments to the chef. Shijima, was it? I heard that a husband and wife duo operates this restaurant and that's the name on the sign so I assumed... Anyways, I should return to my meal. Pardon me." He briskly walks back to his table and continues eating quietly.

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Chiyo Shijima
Date: May 1st, 22
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom


What a beautiful day today is! Today seemed like a day where nothing could go wrong... because there wasn't supposed to be anything sinister; just a normal day at a normal high school with normal students... How in the world could all these people go to this boring prison for essentially every day of their lives?! It made no sense! There were so many other things that she, Chiyo Shijima, could be doing other than wasting time at school! Such as... Such as... the fated first mission...

The 15-year-old girl rapidly shook her head of the thought. The Shijimas retired from that life; she could handle that—she had to.

Up to now, today had been going swimmingly as any other day. What made today particularly different was the fact that Chiyo wandered the halls alone, trying to make to class far later than she would have liked. "Stupid, stupid, Chiyo..." she muttered. Who would have thought that a simple nap in one of the empty classrooms would last through the bell!?

Upon rounding a corner, though, she could breathe a small sigh of relief. Seems she wasn't the only Shijima running later to school. Come to think of it, Haru wasn't even here for the earlier classes, was he?

"Haru!" she cried out, waving after her older brother. Upon reaching him, Chiyo grabbed a part of Haru's sleeve, stopping them both in their tracks as she caught her breath. "Where were you? Actually, no, never mind that, we need to think of an excuse for being super late!" Though she said that, there was a notable grin to her lips, entirely conifdent. "One that would seem believable to our classmates, at least." The smugness in her demeanor heightened once she retrieved a small perfume bottle from her bag.

If there was anything Chiyo was worried about, it was not the chance of their teacher reprimanding them.

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Akane Nozaki
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Misuteeku Misuteeku Jasno Jasno

Akane sat at her desk, chin resting in the palm of her hand as she stared off into space, daydreaming about being anywhere but here. Now, don’t get it wrong, Akane was a great student, but that didn’t mean she enjoyed it. She’d much rather be out somewhere on an adventure, enjoying life and doing something exciting instead of being stuck inside some stuffy classroom all day. Maybe she could—

She snapped back into reality upon hearing the annoyed mutterings and groans of some of her classmates. Ah, a pop quiz then, she correctly guessed a moment before turning her head to see their teacher passing out test sheets. Disappointing, yet utterly predictable. Biting back a sigh, she grabbed a pencil from her bag as a quiz sheet was placed on the desk in front of her. Looking down at the questions, she recognized them as from material covered weeks ago. Again, completely predictable coming from this teacher, but still disappointing.

Akane started going through the questions and answering them. Admittedly, she was a bit slow, taking her time. She still wasn’t completely focused, her mind still caught somewhere halfway between a daydream and reality. The dark-haired girl was staring blankly at the sixth question on the paper when a voice from her left caught her attention.

“Do you need help with some questions?"

Huh? Were they talking to her? She turned her head and was met with the warm smile of student council president Michiko Fujiki. Akane was about to tell her no, thank you, she was alright, just having a bit of a slow day, but an interruption at the front of the class stopped her before she could even get the first word out.

"Good evening, everyone! Sorry, I'm late, teacher~"

Akane looked up to where the classroom intruder was situated at the front of the classroom. It was that blond-haired boy, she couldn’t remember his name, but he had quite the… reputation around Sukusa High as someone rather so eccentric that even the faculty have quit trying to even reprimand him and his behavior. She watched as he surveyed the classroom, silently praying please don’t before his eyes landed on Michiko next to her, and he made his way over with a jaunty skip. It took all of Akane’s self-control to not groan out loud as he sat himself on top of her desk, facing both her and Michiko.

"Hello~ I'm Mogeron Australiana! You two look pretty today."

Akane’s facial expression remained blank, but she swore she could feel sweat beads starting to run down her face from the awkwardness of the situation. This Mogeron guy was facing Michiko as he spoke his compliment, giving her the slight impression that he only added her to the compliment as a courtesy, which was honestly more than fine by Akane; she wasn’t used to people speaking to her like that anyway. Her thoughts are interrupted by him continuing to speak.

“Oh, are you two doing homework together?"

Akane finally spoke up. “Uhh, actually it’s a quiz.”

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Kawaii Overlord
Ekubo Gaido
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon(ish)?
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom


It was the most beautiful sight Ekubo had ever witnessed in all sixteen years of his life. One moment he had been in class and the next he was suddenly levitating in a valley of cotton candy clouds and cute little critters. Any normal person would have freaked out, but this place looked like heaven compared to the drab and dreary reality back home.

'Ahhh, did a comet hit the school? Maybe that creepy girl who sits behind me finally made her move. Oh! This could be one of those isekai things. Like Narniah or…something.’

The ‘how’ wasn’t important; Ekubo was just thankful that this was his version of heaven. It was strange that his eyelids still felt heavy even in death, but his body felt lighter than ever. Enough to allow him to frolic freely in the sugary atmosphere and roll around, laughing without a care in the world as kittens, rabbits, and other adorable creatures swarmed him. They were warm and soft; his two most favorite sensations in the world. This place was like one giant, everlasting hug whose embrace he never wanted to leave. A black and gray striped kitten cuddled beneath his chin, earning some happy giggles from the teen. Wrapping the precious feline in his arms for a hug, Ekubo’s gray eyes blinked twice when a peculiar sound left the kitten. It wasn’t a ‘mew’ or a ‘mrow’, but instead it almost sounded as if it had said-


Shocked, the brunette pulled the kitten away from his chest and held it at eye level, squinting at the innocent looking creature.

“What did you just-”


The kitten mewled his name a second time, the sound so sweet he thought his ears might melt. Inhaling slowly, but deeply, through his nostrils, a strange and high pitched squeal began to emit from him while his eyes began to sparkle; a strange phenomenon indeed.

“You said my name. You said my name! You know my name!”

Rather than be weirded out or suspicious, the youth was overjoyed and jumped to his feet, cat still in hand while he spun around. It continued to say his name, each time more urgent than the last, but he was deaf to anything but the sheer joy he was experiencing in this momen-


A sharp sting on the top of his head ripped Ekubo from his fantasy and suplexed him back into his homeroom seat. The jarring transition made his head jump up from a pool of drool that had gathered atop his desk. With both arms trapped within the confines of his sleeping bag he resembled a rabbit-eared caterpillar more than a human. Blinking sleepily as he tried to gather his surroundings, a heavy blanket of disappointment enveloped him when he realized where he was and who had been saying his name all along.

“Bummer.” His smooth, monotone voice carried upwards into the ears of his teacher who he barely spared a glance before laying his cheek back down atop the soggy desk. “Not even 1% cute.”
Another smack of some papers against his head barely made him budge this time and a scowl could be heard coming from the teacher as he left the quiz against the brunette’s noggin in favor of returning to the front of the classroom. Most adults didn’t bother with him anymore, knowing that they would have better luck getting a response out of a mountain. It also helped that he carried a level of intimidation with him thanks to who his father was, but he rarely ever used that card unless he had to.

‘I just wanna sleeeeeeep.’

It had been such a nice dream too. Unfortunately, pop quizzes weren’t something he could take home and finish and despite his lethargy and constant sleeping in class, his grades were among the top in school. Annoyed that he couldn’t return to kawaii paradise, Ekubo puffed his cheeks into a pout as he straightened in his seat and stared bleary-eyed at his wet desk. Rubbing the drool off against the inside of his hood, he cast a slow scan around the classroom to see if there were any clean desks around that he could use. None were unoccupied and most of his classmates were beginning to group together…was that even allowed for a quiz?

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Exceptional Student Council President
Fujiki Michiko
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ ☀ ⟫
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Misuteeku Misuteeku noxrequiem noxrequiem smooshie smooshie

Coincidentally, Akane Nozaki was the person who happened to sit next to her! While their interactions were mostly infrequent Michiko liked to think she had a decent understanding of the former's personality. Private and distant but generally friendly enough when approached. Also, considerably intelligent as evidenced by her school work. Akane was one of the few students that she didn't have to worry about creating chaos around the school unlike some other rascals that liked to vandalize or smoke on the roof top while cutting class. She's caught this happening more than a few times. Blech, why was smoking even such a popular thing when harmed and damaged people's lungs?

Has no one watched any documentaries or searched up valid studies on the internet? Perhaps she should start up an anti-smoking campaign? That was a good thought but it had to be shelved for another time. She had too much on her plate already. After all, the grind of a student council president never stopped. Michiko watched as Akane was seemingly about to answer her earlier inquiry when there was an interruption. A very loud one, might she add. The sound a door being slammed open was terribly unpleasant. She half jumped when it happened. However, her brows quirked up with curiosity upon realizing who was the cause of said interruption.

What business did Mogeron Australiana of all people have in Class 2-B, when his homeroom was all the way on the other side of the school?

"Good evening, everyone! Sorry, I'm late, teacher~"
It didn't come as a surprise to her when the teacher, instead of doing anything, merely glared at the intruder and continued doing whatever he was originally doing. The faculty and staff had completely given up on rectifying the boy, leaving him to his own devices as long as he didn't harm anybody. She had overheard the teachers talking about him in the faculty lounge when she went in to drop off some signed documents. It was jarring to know that the school staff actually gossip about students. And while it wasn't anything particularly bad it had made her feel extremely uncomfortable so she had hurriedly scrambled out of there.

Michiko blinked as Mogeron came closer and closer to where she sat. Eh, why was he coming towards her? Well, not that she minded being approached of course but she wasn't sure why he was coming over here. Have they ever spoken or even looked in each other's directions before?

"Hello~ I'm Mogeron Australiana!"
An amiable smile grew on her face once he introduced himself. Though, it was slightly awkward because one, she already knew his name and secondly he sat on Akane's desk, right in front of the girl's face. That must not be comfortable, right? These desks were only so big. The smile on her face morphed into a grin as it became wider and more genuine upon being earnestly complimented by Mogeron. It wasn't just a complementary remark. She could tell he honestly meant it. And for that she was thankful. People who lied and falsely raised the happiness of others were awful. "Thank you Australiana-san. That truly means a lot! You look good as well! Very sharp!" Michiko reciprocated in turn by also being sincere. His blonde hair and green eyes were nice to look at! Two colors that complimented each other extremely well.

“Oh, are you two doing homework together?"

“Uhh, actually it’s a quiz.”

Michiko nodded her head to Akane's statement to show her agreement with it. "Exactly as Nozaki-san said. Our teacher usually gives these quizzes out abruptly and sporadically. And just as everyone lowers their guard, Bam! He'll sprung it onto us." She ended that off with a simple shrug of her shoulders and once again surveyed the classroom. Most people had finished with their quizzes already so it wouldn't be long before the teacher started going around and collecting them. However, something utterly horrible caught her eye. Was that drool? The clean freak in her instantly woke up and started cranking alarm bells. That would not do at all. Luckily, she was always prepared for certain types of situations.

Her reliable reputation didn't come from nowhere! Tearing through her school bag Michiko pulled out a roll of paper towels."Gaido-san! Heads up!" As the roll of paper towels soared through the air like a bird, her mind started going wild with possible bad scenarios. In hindsight, perhaps throwing something at the sleepily Ekubo wasn't a good idea. She could only hope he caught it in time! And if it didn't.. then please forgive her!

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Weird Dog Person
Mogeron Australiana
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Jasno Jasno

Mogeron was utterly unaware of the awkward mood he was creating through his sheer presence and introduction. Nobody outside of himself could tell whether he was completely ignoring it or ignorant of it. He shot a smile towards Akane as he turned his head to look at the paper but lost interest quickly as he turned over to Michiko.

"Why, thank you, Gramps always said I have to look my best every day." He didn't know why; gramps wanted him to dress up well every day. If he had a choice, he would have just worn his uniform and gone to school. However, gramps was always adamant about looking good in every possible situation. Something along the lines of, "If you look like a mutt, then no lady would bat an eye at you!" While it was a hassle, Mogeron always made sure to fix his hair and tidy his clothes every day before going to school.

"Ah, I see a quiz," Mogeron knowingly nodded as if he knew all along that what they were doing was a pop quiz. Those were always rough. Mogeron wondered why such a concept existed in the world. It was as if the teachers wanted to know if the students had studied the material. Though, a new revelation hit Mogeron in the head. If Mogeron decided to frown, though he wouldn't, now would have been the correct situation to frown in as he had a recent thought. If they were taking a quiz and talking to each other during the quiz, wouldn't that mean they were both cheating on the quiz? Before Mogeron could act on this thought, his attention was drawn away from Michiko's eccentricities.

"Good shot!" As Mogeron saw, the roll of paper towels sailed in the air. It was an honest opinion as it was impressive for a civilian like Michiko to throw a paper towel roll across the room. He would have commented on how weird Michiko was for throwing a paper towel roll at someone out of nowhere, but the accuracy impressed him so much that he forgot about it. "Though wouldn't it be better to wipe it off yourself?" Mogeron said as he turned his toward Michiko. Wouldn't she get in trouble for causing a disturbance in the classroom? Mogeron wasn't wholly ignorant that he was a frequent offender of such a case.

Well, he already knew where the paper towel roll where it would land by a glance, so he lost interest in that as well. Turning back to Akane, he said, "So, how did you do on the quiz Norizaki-chan?"

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Haru Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ 🔅
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Jasno Jasno noxrequiem noxrequiem Misuteeku Misuteeku smooshie smooshie

Walking down the empty corridor, Haru soon encounters another familiar presence: that of his younger sister, Chiyo. She rushes over to him and admonishes that they needed a believable excuse for their tardiness before removing a small perfume bottle from her bag. She certainly seems a bit too eager with whatever she's planning. Haru stares at her with a sweat drop on his head. "In that case, why don't you just drug the whole class? Then we'll gaslight everyone into thinking that they're the ones late. Give me some nose plugs." Of course, Haru was only joking with his suggestions, well, half anyway.

"Put that thing away. We're a bit late, but have you seen half the things this school lets students get away with? Our crime isn't so bad. Come on." Haru gives her a few light pats on the head as to not mess with her hair before continuing down the hallway. "Your birthday's coming up this month, sis. Tell me what I should get you, and don't have me guess. You know that never goes well." Haru reminisces about prior birthdays where he was severely off the mark in his acquisition of presents.

The interruptions. The talking. The sleeping. The casual disrespect for the classroom setting. The teacher stands with his back to the rest of the class absolutely fuming. Worst yet, the school refuses to do anything about these delinquents. Even the student council president is chatting away and casually tossing things around while a pop quiz is taking place. He's had it. "Shuuuuuut," spinning in place to face the class, the teacher practically has steam coming off of him, "UP!" He finishes. "This is a quiz! Not lunchtime with your friends, got it?! You," he points to Mogeron, "do you even realize how rude you're being sitting atop someone's desk like that?! Wait, how could you? You were obviously raised without manners! If you insist on being an interruption on everyone's lives, then at least make yourself useful and take this damn quiz!" He slams his hand against the extra quiz sheets on his desk.

Just when the teacher thinks things couldn't get any more disruptive, the door slides open and, almost instinctively, he knows what's coming. "SHIJIMAAAA!" As soon as Haru's head pokes into view, the teacher readies a piece of chalk in his hand. He then launches it at the doorway. Haru casually walks in and immediately bends forward, allowing the chalk to harmlessly fly pass him. "You're late again!" The teacher shouts. He then sees Chiyo entering. "You too? What's the excuse today?!"

"...I saw a baby bird that's been abandoned so I nursed it back to health and raised it until it grew up and could survive on it's own. Then Chiyo and I released it back into the wild. It was a very emotional experi-" "THAT'S A STUPID-ASS EXCUSE AND YOU ROPED YOUR SISTER INTO IT!"

The teacher pinches the bridge of his noise in frustration, cursing the day he decided to get a teaching job at this high school. "We have a pop quiz today. So grab a sheet and sit your asses down."

"Can I ask what's the subject?"

"Geometry." Hearing that, Haru raises his arms in celebration as if he'd just won something. "And English." A shrunken Haru, with his arms wrapped around his legs, sulks in a corner. "Chiyo, fortunately, I can count on you to do well on this quiz so I can forgive the tardiness." The teacher finally turns to the rest of the class. "Get back to work!" He sits back down and stares daggers into Mogeron.

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Kawaii Overlord
Ekubo Gaido
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon(ish)?
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Blu Blu Misuteeku Misuteeku Jasno Jasno noxrequiem noxrequiem AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Lost in his thoughts, Ekubo was unaware that his presence had caught the attention of their class president. It wasn’t the way he was dressed, or the fact that he had tried to snooze through another school day, but the unsightly accumulation of saliva on his desk that had triggered a response from Fujiki-san. The roll of paper towels soared in an impressive trajectory towards him and the teenager suddenly found himself in a pickle; the figurative kind. He could use his impressive reflexes to fling his arm out of its bind and catch the object, but then that would raise questions and reveal more about himself than he cared to share. Not to mention it might mean he would actually have to participate in P.E.

Unwilling to shoulder that risk, it was only with minimal embarrassment that he allowed the cylinder to hit the top of his head with a soft ‘pomf’ before bouncing off in a different direction. It didn’t hurt- and the sound was awfully cute -, but now he was faced with a new dilemma. The impact had knocked the quiz resting atop his head onto the floor and the paper towels had landed in the lap of the creepy girl who sat behind him. Ekubo began to turn around, but before he could make eye contact or voice his request for the rolls, he thought he heard a soft growl and instantly faced back around. There wasn’t much that scared him, but CG (creepy girl) was very unnerving. Cutting his losses, Boku was actually going to unzip himself and put in the effort of reaching for his quiz, but the announcement of the newest kids in school caught his attention. Not just his, but their teacher’s as well; his attention and fury. The outburst and lame excuses that the siblings offered almost brought a smile to his sleepy face.


Their surname gently plucked a cord in his memory, but why? Was it because of how cute they were? Probably not, but Boku lost himself in their faces for a moment. The smaller one, Chiyo, was definitely the cutest in class; maybe the entire school. An easy 86%, but there was something prickly about her aura that quickly dashed the notion of asking her for a cuddle. She only seemed close with her brother who was…

Boku’s eyebrows gently furrowed together while his gaze sharpened on the other male. Oversized glasses, messy hair, broody stare, freckles...all a recipe for a reasonable rank on his ‘kawaii’ scale, but instead of a clear number that usually came to him when he saw people, random numbers were spinning wildly above the boy’s head.

It annoyed him.

Looking away before he was tempted to show a shred of emotion, a weary sigh slipped past Ekubo’s lips as he reluctantly pulled at the zipper of his sleeping bag. His boring uniform was a jarring contrast to the pink cocoon he emerged from, but at least they couldn’t control what he wore beneath it.

“Hey. Fujiki-sa-AHN.”

With his quiz in hand, Boku had nearly made it halfway to where Michiko was when something suddenly rolled under his foot. He realized too late that it was the paper towel roll from before- courtesy of CG -, but his reflexes saved him from face planting on the floor. Instead, his hand lunged out and grabbed the nearest object which happened to be the back of 24%’s- er, Nozaki-san’s- chair. His weight forced it and its occupant backwards, carrying both students to the ground. So technically he hadn’t landed on the floor, but rather, the semi-soft chest of his unfortunate victim.

“...ah. Sorry. I just wanted to see if I could sit over here for the quiz.” He muttered, apparently in no rush to move off the poor girl.

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Akane Nozaki
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: smooshie smooshie Jasno Jasno Blu Blu Misuteeku Misuteeku AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Akane simply raised a brow at Michiko’s seeming lapse in judgment as she watched the class president toss an entire roll of paper towel—wait, an entire roll? Did Fujiki-san really walk around with an entire roll of paper towel in her bag?—at the sleepy Ekubo, who was nailed in the forehead with the plush material. She simply blinked for a moment, shrugging the moment off before turning back to her quiz, or at least trying to with Mogeron partially in the way. Speaking of whom, had turned back to her with a question.
"So, how did you do on the quiz Nozaki-chan?"

She was about to politely inform him that she hadn’t had the chance to even finish the quiz yet, when yet another interruption prevented her from even getting the words out. Again. This time, it was their own teacher yelling at the class from the top of his lungs. Well, looks like he finally snapped; she was honestly a bit surprised it didn’t happen sooner. He specifically singled out Mogeron, still casually seated on top of her desk—but despite the teacher calling him out on it, the blond boy didn’t look like he was about to move any time soon.

Just when she thought things couldn’t possibly get any more chaotic, they of course did. This time, it was the Shijima’s, Haru and Chiyo, making a late entrance. Akane was slightly alarmed when their teacher threw a piece of chalk at Haru, full force, but the boy casually bent out of the way, unbothered as the object flew over his head. The instructor proceeded to scream at Haru for his lame excuses (seriously, a baby bird?) but Akane had heard enough now and began to try to tune out the yelling. All she wanted was to just finish this stupid pop quiz so she could get back to daydreaming about being somewhere else, doing something more fun than this. And just as she picked up her pencil to resume writing down answers…

“Hey. Fujiki-sa-AHN.”

One moment, Akane felt a hand on the back of her chair. The next, it was tipping backwards and she was falling out of her seat and onto the hard tiled floor. Before she even had the chance to react, another body was crashing into her, pinning her onto the ground. Ekubo. He had knocked her out of her chair and fallen right on top of her. And now the entire class was staring at them, dead silent. She could feel her cheeks begin to burn bright red as her brain quickly scrambled to catch up on the situation.

“...ah. Sorry. I just wanted to see if I could sit over here for the quiz.”

Couldn’t his apology wait until after he had gotten off of her? Speaking of which, was he even planning on moving anytime soon? Clearly, he was taking his sweet time!

“Gaido-san, get off of me. Right. Now.” Akane spoke through grit teeth, trying to remain calm. It was taking all of her self-control to not just instinctually kick him off with a well-placed knee.

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Man Without a Cause
Name: Mitsuo SHijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Arcade ⇒ Hatagaya Suburbs, Tokyo
Scene: Ordinary People In Ordinary Situations


The looks Mits gave Haru could cut diamonds. "Really? Did you really ask that?" The elder brother let out a sigh, nodding as he put his hands into his jacket pockets. He nods solemnly, letting out another sigh. "Yeah...I know, squirt. Sorry..." Mitsuo smiled slightly, ruffling his little brother's hair, saying, "Don't say that. You're doing good, man. C'mon, let's go before you're missed."

The walk back was silent, Mitsuo deciding to not chastise his brother anymore. He wlaked his brother into the school itself, alwready preparing an expert ecuse. Except he lsot his trian of thought. Why the heck was that janitor so insconspicuous? THere was such a thing as too normal. He diceded to take note of it, and was jsut about to provide his game plan when Haru made his exit. "Oh...alright, no problem, hehe. Be seeing ya, squirt." He almost seemed disappointed. Like he was looking forward to vovering for his brother...oh well. He made a little finger salute before he turned around and headed back to the diner, seemingly deep in thought.

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Chiyo Shijima
Date: May 1st, 22
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Blu Blu Jasno Jasno noxrequiem noxrequiem Misuteeku Misuteeku smooshie smooshie

For a moment, Chiyo thought her brother was giving the green light; the approval to put her skills to use and appear in the classroom as if nothing happened—all unknown to the teacher and their classmates. It didn't take long for her sparkles to fade as his sarcasm came to light. Apparently, being late wasn't big enough to warrant a chemical attack... which, fine, maybe that was true. Reluctantly, Chiyo put the bottle back in her bag with a sigh. "Okay, sure, but this teacher won't be happy with you, you know!"

As the two approached the classroom door, Chiyo stood nervously to the side. "Be careful, Haru! He might just—" As the door slid open, the teacher's annoyed yell pierced the air. The shout was followed by a launched chalk, skillfully dodged by Haru and smashing to crumbs against the wall. "... throw something at you..." They were in for it now, weren't they?

Chiyo crept inside after Haru, reorganizing her composure to appear both guilty and nervous: typically the favorite sight to see from a Japanese superior's point of view. That composure almost shattered with a laugh at her brother's bizarre excuse for tardiness, though. Haru, you idiot! Not even I could convince him of that! When it came to Chiyo's turn, she bowed her head slightly down, donning a pitiful expression. "I'm sorry, Sensei, I blanked out and missed the bell somehow. I promise it won't happen again." The younger sister had taken everything into account: the degree to bow her head, the tone of voice and when to tremble the pitch, the adorable puppy-like glance up. The natural result would be her victory!

Well, not that Chiyo needed to say any more; her reputation was good enough, it seems. She suddenly beamed up, blushing excitedly. "Thank you, Sensei!"

Geometry and English. Good enough; she had confidence she'd get a good score on the quiz, even if she was late to class. Chiyo took the paper, then gracefully walking over to her desk... Up until a shout, a bang, and a clutter. She stopped, as the path to her desk was now barricaded by a boy sitting on...

Chiyo felt her cheeks flush a genuine red this time, watching the scene unfold. That boy wasn't so much as moving any urgently, either! Was he enjoying it? Regardless of how much Chiyo knew either of them, she felt a rush of responsibility to save this poor girl and perchance, him as well! "Wh-What are you doing?!" she spat, second-hand embarrassment taking full reign of her face. She could have sworn the classroom wasn't this hot when she came in. Using all of her force, she grabbed Ekubo's arm and pulled him off of Akane, though not bothering to help him up. "You shouldn't do that to a girl! Especially not to block my way to my desk!" Her cheeks puffed frustrated and unnerved. "You should apologize to her!"

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Haru Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ 🔅
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa noxrequiem noxrequiem smooshie smooshie Jasno Jasno Misuteeku Misuteeku

Haru walks back to his desk with quiz in hand; anxiety filling his mind. While he is a genius when it comes to Geometry, he is dreadfully mediocre in just about every other school subject. Haru's desk is toward the back of the class, near the center—the perfect position. Close to the exit while not directly in line with it, and away from any windows. After all, what sort of self-respecting hitman would put themselves in the path of a bullet? Simply idiotic. As he goes to sit down, Haru is immediately distracted by the commotion occurring to his far right. Ekubo—the residential serial sleeper—has tripped and brought Akane down with him; conveniently faceplanting into the latter's ahem soft cushions and avoiding injury.

Ekubo sure took his sweet time to get off the poor girl. In fact, he didn't. It took Chiyo to pull him off of Akane. Although, her peculiar strength betrayed her petite appearance and she ended up tossing Ekubo in the opposite direction. As the latter was falling, Haru effortlessly kicks a nearby chair which then bounced off another desk and slid towards the lethargic young man, catching him with perfect timing—all of this while Haru was still seated and looking directly at the front of the room. The last thing he needed today was for his sister to inadvertently injure someone.

But while Haru may have saved the drowsy boy from possible physical harm, Chiyo's scolding is a different story. She complained that Ekubo is in her way and demanded that he apologized to Akane. Suddenly, the sounds of people standing up can be heard. Seven or so male students got up from their desks and suddenly unbutton their school jackets, revealing that they're all wearing pink shirts with the chibi-fied image of Haru's sister emblazoned on them. "You got some nerve, Gaido!" One of the males yelled.

"Yeah! How dare you block Chiyo-sama's way like that?! We of the Chiyo Shijima Fan Club Society won't forgive you!"

"...I quit." "...I quit." Both Haru and the teacher think in unison.

"Haru-sama, should we kick his ass-" "Please don't associate me with your weird cult." Haru then stands up and walks over to his sister while the members of her fan club respectfully clear a path for him as if he were a general in an army. He shoots an impassive glare at Ekubo before turning his attention toward Akane; the reflected light from his glasses obscures his eyes...

Michiko is walking her way home from school when Haru pops his head out from the leaves of a tree, observing her with a pair of binoculars; there is a nest of fledgling sparrows on top of his head crying for food. "Observation: Michiko Fujiki appears to be exceedingly normal. Dangerously friendly... But not a physical threat." His head slowly disappears back into the many tree branches.

A discreet camera attached to a metal stalk is jutting out of a slab of meat, transmitting footage of Mogeron and his grandpa in their shop to Haru who is watching from a park bench via a laptop. "Mogeron Australiana is a ridiculous fake name. Who would be fooled by that? Seems like an ordinary butcher shop but that backroom is certainly piquing my interest. Huh?" The camera quickly retracts back into the piece of meat as a customer requests to purchase that particular cut. "Shit. That cost 12,000¥. I'll have to retrieve it..."

Haru—dressed in a police uniform with sunglasses and a fake moustache—is listening in on a conversation between Ekubo and the chief of police while facing a water cooler near the chief's office. "So he's the police chief's son, huh? I'll have to be weary around that one; although it's not like the authorities have ever been an issue before." Suddenly, another cop walks up to Haru. "Hey, new guy, I need you to go clean the restrooms. Janitor's out sick." "Again?!"

Haru watches as Akane leaves for school from the roof of her house. He is dressed very sleek, and carrying a variety of tools for breaking and entering. "Akane Nozaki... Her family is well off but not exceptionally so. But it feels as if they're hiding something. Guess I'll find out in a bit." Haru soon finds what looks to be an office and enters through the window—unlocking it with a clever tool. Inside, he tosses a coin that ricochets off the eastern wall and hits the locking mechanism on the door at the other side of the room: locking it. He searches the center desk but finds nothing until he looks underneath and notices a peculiar symbol. "Himura clan? They're connected. Or at least whoever this desk belongs to... There's some sort of lock but I can't open it without the 'key' unless I destroy this panel. Time to go."

"Out of everyone that I've researched, she gives me the most pause..." Haru thinks to himself as he looks at Akane. He reaches a hand out to her as his face starts to look like the male protagonist out of a Shoujo manga; even the air around him is sparkling. "Nozaki-san, here, let me help you up." He says with a cool smile.

In reality: He reaches a shaky hand out to her with a rather forced smirk on his face; he seems really nervous. "H-H-Help... up... you want? What the hell was that?! That didn't even sound like proper Japanese! Damn it, she'll totally be suspicious!" He stands there waiting as his eyebrow and upper lip twitches from the embarrassing attempt of acting normal.

Suddenly, a voice blares up over the PA system: it's the vice principal. "Attention everyone! A fire has broke out on the lower west wing of this building! Do not be alarm! It's only a small flame and firefighters are on their way as we speak. Still, we need every classroom to gather outside as the situation is dealt with. Please exit this building in an orderly fashion and avoid the west wing on the lowest floor!"

"Quickly men, protect Chiyo-sama at all costs!" Chiyo's fan club quickly surrounds her. "Alright everyone, don't panic! Let's orderly exit the building together. Fujiki, make sure everyone is grouped up and following my lead."

Haru glances over at the window and notices the curious janitor from before briskly walking the lower floor.

Putting his finger to his ear, the janitor appears to be talking to someone. "Hey, you there?"

On the roof of another building, a beautiful woman with orange hair is watching the school building through a pair of binoculars. "I'm here, Plate. There's smoke coming from your position. What happened? Did you get the VP?"

"Not yet, Dish. Got interrupted by a group of students in the hall. VP was already heading toward his office. We don't have much time to complete this hit so I had to create an opportunity. Why do our plans always change last minute? What luck, huh?"

"Your plan. If I hadn't lost the coin toss, the job would've been done by now."

"Aww, c'mon, babe, don't be like that."

"Don't call me that..."

"Hehe, don't cha worry," Plate tunes the dart gun on his wrist disguised as a watch, "he'll be dead in the next five minutes."

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Weird Dog Person
Mogeron Australiana
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Jasno Jasno AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa noxrequiem noxrequiem smooshie smooshie Blu Blu

"Did you say something, teach?" Mogeron just smiled back at the teacher and completely ignored his words. The man was a little too loud, so Mogeron just tuned him out as he turned to face the disaster. It mesmerized the blonde boy as he watched Ekubo grope Akane's breast. Whether it was an accident or on purpose, it didn't matter to Mogeron. Ekubo was a complete lecher. Gramps always said to treat women with respect, or else you'd never mingle with them. Mogeron didn't understand the latter, but he followed the former advice. "Ekubo-chan, perversion is wrong," Mogeron said in a matter-of-fact tone. He shook his head at the sleepy youth in disappointment despite the fact he was still smiling.

He watched as more people barged into the classroom, which he thought was disruptive, but that soon changed as the fire alarm was set off. "Eh? A fire?" Mogeron said at the blaring sound of the alarm. "Cool, I want to see it!" Getting off Akane's desk, he turned over towards her. "Well, I'll see you all later! Norizaki-chan and..." He paused for a minute. "-Everyone else! Have a nice day!" With that, he promptly left the classroom and out into the hall. In truth, he didn't even know anyone's name, except maybe Fujiki-chan, but that didn't matter now. Water under the bridge, forgotten and forgiven.

"Now, where is this fire?" Mogeron muttered to himself. Walking down the stairs, Mogeron tried to do some mental calculations. If there were a fire in the west wing, then that would be where his classes were. That was convenient; Mogeron knew the area well enough since most of his classes took part there. Mogeron waved at the passing students that were urgently trying to get out of the building in an orderly manner. The teachers, who noticed him, wanted to stop him, but he skipped past them. Seeing that it was urgent, they were incredibly more preoccupied than if it were a drill.

"Maybe, I should give Yamada-sensei something later. He always gets flak whenever I'm out of the classroom." Mogeron muttered to himself thoughtfully, and he continued to make his way over towards the western wing of the building. "Maybe a discount at gramp's shop? Yeah, I bet he likes meat!" Yamada-sensei was a vegetarian. However, that didn't matter at the moment. He wondered how big the fire would be when he got there.

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Kawaii Overlord
Ekubo Gaido
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon(ish)?
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Blu Blu Misuteeku Misuteeku Jasno Jasno noxrequiem noxrequiem AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Remorse and Ekubo were perfect strangers.

As the class watched on in horror while he laid atop of 24%’s chest, he only blinked back sleepily. What was the big commotion for? Obviously the incident had been an accident and hadn’t he already apologized? No one said it had to be heartfelt. Just how no one was bothering to ask if he was alright or if maybe he deserved an apology too. After all, if she had weighed a little more then maybe the chair wouldn’t have tipped over in the first place.

“Working on it.”

Though Ekubo didn’t care to learn much about his classmates, he did pay attention to the ones with…problematic backgrounds. Nozaki-san’s affiliation with the yakuza wasn’t common knowledge, but what sort of two-bit chief would his dad be if he didn’t keep his eye on every crime boss within Tokyo’s limits? The young Tigress didn’t seem to share the same troublemaker gene as her father from what Boku had witnessed so far and so the warning in her tone was simply written off as more ‘bark’ than ‘bite’. It wasn’t as if he was still laying on her out of spite or for some other ulterior motive though. The sixteen year old had every intention of pushing himself up- even though she was far comfier to lay on than any desk -but another voice piped up with a scolding that did make his blood run cold.


No. Perverts weren’t cute. He was anything but a pervert. This was an accident. AN ACCIDENT. Perverts weren’t virgins who hadn’t even had their first kiss yet. Hell, he hadn’t even been on a date! What did this giant, golden question mark even know about him?

“Who are-”

He would never know. All the judgment in the world poured into his ears next as the class cutie shrieked at him. It was upsetting that he had upset such a high score as her, but what was MOST upsetting was being tossed through the air as if he weighed nothing more than a rag doll. Not so much because it was a cute girl that had tossed him, but because of the words that followed her impressive feat:

“You should apologize to her!”

It was a good thing a chair had miraculously found its way beneath him when he landed, because the teen was ready to accept his fate at this point. This right here was a prime example of why he didn’t like waking up to associate with the ‘real’ world; it was safer in his dreams. It might have disappointed his father to learn that his successor was ready to give up on life so soon, but once word spread about his ‘perversion’’ he would soon be disowned.

Lost in his silent lament as he draped himself over the back of the chair, Boku was mostly oblivious to the threats being tossed his way from the least cutest kids in class; maybe even less so than their teacher. For while he was a fan of all things cute, fan clubs were just cringe. Idols like Chiyo deserved to be admired quietly from afar and revered…even if she had just very UN-cutely yeeted him halfway across the classroom. The only sound strong enough to break him from his soulless trance was the dangerous weaponization of a stutter. So strong, in fact, that the tendons in Ekubo’s neck nearly snapped from the force of which he lifted it.


He had never seen numbers like that in his life; not even for kittens.

Just as quickly as he was pulled into his state of awe, the shrill sound of the fire alarm snapped him out of it. The Vice Principal made it sound as if there was nothing to worry about, but what had started the fire? A small accident in a classroom should have been easy enough to put out with a fire extinguisher and the kitchen ladies were too diligent to be so careless. Even the school delinquents were smart enough to smoke outside so it wouldn’t have started in the west wing.

‘It was intentional.’

The junior detective in him was tempted to slip away and investigate, but he was reminded that his priority was the safety of his classmates- as little as he cared for them right now -when some of Chiyo’s fans knocked over Fujiki-san in a rush to herd their idol out the door. Sighing heavily from the ordeal just five minutes ago, it felt as if it took every fiber of willpower in his body to rise out of the chair and make his way towards the downtrodden girl. That meant he was leaving his favorite sleeping bag behind in his seat, but if it was a small fire then it would probably be safe…


Most of the class had filed out of the room and Ekubo noticed their teacher tapping impatiently on his wristwatch when their eyes made contact. There was a slight urge to extend his hand to help the class president up, but his fingers twitched as a reminder of what had just happened. She was a key witness to the ‘perversion’ that had just gone down moments ago and probably wouldn’t appreciate a ‘pervert’ touching her. Now that he thought about it, none of this would have probably happened if she hadn’t tossed those paper towels at him, unbidden, in the first place but…it wasn’t like she deserved to be left behind just for that.

“Come on. I have some bandages in my pocket you can put on your knees once we’re outside.”

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Akane Nozaki
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon
Location: Sukusa High Preparatory Academy, Toyko
Scene: Ordinary Classroom

PARTNERS: Blu Blu Misuteeku Misuteeku smooshie smooshie Jasno Jasno AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa

Working on it,” Ekubo had replied to her.

‘Working on it’? Really? He wasn’t even moving!

Akane’s eyes had taken on a sharper quality as she was prepared to take matters into her own hands and do something about the sleepy boy draped lazily over her body, when her savior came in the cute, petite form of Chiyo Shijima. The younger girl began chastising Ekubo, suddenly pulling him from off of Akane with surprising strength and carelessly tossing him aside. He would have dropped back onto the ground too, if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of a chair sliding under him with perfect timing and catching his fall.

As if things couldn’t get any more chaotic from here, half a dozen or so students rose from their seats—all boys—and began to yell at Ekubo on Chiyo’s behalf. And there’s the fan club…” Akane thought to herself with a roll of her eyes. She was still sprawled out on the ground for the moment, and could feel a few bruises forming from the tumble. She had began tuning out the rest of the classroom in favor of reclaiming her bearings, pulling herself up to a sitting position and rubbing the back of her head, which she may or may not have smacked on the way down. She glanced up and was slightly surprised to see Haru Shijima standing before her, the light reflecting off his glasses obscuring his eyes as he slowly held a hand out to her…

Perhaps in a Shoujo, this would be the moment where the romantic male lead reaches out and whisks the poor girl up from the ground and into his arms with a steady hand.

But alas, this wasn’t a manga; it was reality.

While the action itself seemed out of character, the execution certainly was not.

“H-H-Help... up... you want?” The glasses-clad boy asked in a cracked, wavering voice. His hand, still held out to her, was shaking and his face was twitching as he forced a painful smile.

“Do any of the boys in this class know how to behave normally?” She found herself questioning internally. Apparently, the answer was no.

Akane had been keeping her eye out on the Shijima’s long enough to know that Haru Shijima was not one to go out of his way to interact with people. He had certainly been towards the bottom of the list of people she would have expected to help her up. So why was he helping her now? The two had only sparsely interacted in the past, after all, and they were hardly more than acquaintances. As kind as it was of him, it had Akane raising a brow now. What was his motive? Did he even need to have a motive to help her? Well, of course not, so was she just being paranoid? Probably, but there was still suspicion buzzing at the back of her mind for some reason.

Still, she decided to spare the poor boy (and herself) from any further embarrassment, and accepted his help. "Oh wow, his palms are really sweaty…" She thought to herself, keeping her face neutral and from betraying her thoughts. His grip was stronger than one might expect at first glance, but somehow this didn't surprise her

“Thank you,” the girl huffed out after being pulled to her feet. She was still annoyed and embarrassed in equal measure, but at least her face wasn’t burning quite so red any longer. That, and at least someone in this stupid class cared enough to help her up.

She quickly dusted herself off, glancing back up at Haru and pausing at his twitchy, ill-looking appearance.

“Shijima-san, are you feeling alright? You’re looking a bit ill—”

Her words were interrupted by the sudden announcement over the PA system from the vice principal.

A fire? That was certainly odd, to say the least. Maybe if they were lucky, they’d get to go home early…

Her attention was drawn by Haru’s glance out the window, and to the janitor on the lower floor. She couldn’t quite place it, but something seemed off. But as her classmates began filing out the door, she realized now wasn’t exactly the time.

“Come on, we need to go,” she said to Haru.

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Haru Shijima
Date: May 1st, 2022
Time: Noon ⟪ 🔅
Location: Sukusa Preparatory High Academy
Scene: Things are Heating Up!

PARTNERS: noxrequiem noxrequiem Misuteeku Misuteeku smooshie smooshie AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Jasno Jasno

You can learn a lot about someone from a single handshake—at least that's what Haru's dad and brother have always told him. And that was his ulterior motive behind offering Akane a helping hand. He wanted to gauge if she was the mystery person for whom that desk in their study belonged to: the one discreetly engraved with the symbol of the Himura clan. They were a rival family to the Shijima's benefactors, the Ryumasa clan, before the latter's dissolution. It's only natural that Haru be weary of any individuals with possible ties to the Himuras, including Akane here.

Unfortunately, between the PA announcement and the curious janitor wandering the halls below, Haru was ultimately distracted from his goal; ignorant to the fact that Akane had already took his hand and helped herself up before thanking him. "What?" Haru's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets seeing Akane just standing there in front of him. "...." Haru proceeds to intensely stare at her, intentions unknown. It was a primitive form of the Shijima clan's Death Glare but it could probably still strip paint off a wall. Luckily for Akane, she most likely had enough mental fortitude to shrug off such intimidation tactics.

Nearby, Mogeron decides it was time to take his leave; skipping his way out of the classroom and off toward the direction of the fire. A foolish decision for perhaps anyone else, but who knows what that strange fellow was thinking. The Chiyo fanclubbers cleared a path for their idol by essentially bum rushing anyone breathing in her general direction, knocking several students down to the floor including the student council president. Ekubo is quick to come to her aid, possibly to redeem his ill-gotten reputation as a pervert.

Haru is taken out of his thoughts as Akane tells him that they needed to leave with everyone else. His terribly nervous, hunched demeanor from before has now been replaced by his usual calm one as he looks at her with obscured eyes from behind his large glasses. "Be careful. I wouldn't want to see you hurt." He tells her plainly. Oh my, what a line. There are certainly specific things one could interpret from that. "Not before I find out what you're up to anyway..." Nope. Never mind.

But before Akane could give any kind of response, Haru vaults over several desks like some kind of action hero and swiftly runs out of the room, disappearing to the east side of the building. The fire holds no interest for him. The janitor was walking away from the direction of the flames. It was clear that he started it seeing how calmly he acted. Haru just needed to cut him off...

From the other building, Dish watches the fire and soon catches a glance of none other than Mogeron from her binoculars. "Tch, nosey nobody..." She picks up what appears to be a bass guitar case at her side as she sets down the binoculars. "Knowing Plate, he'd have left some evidence of his sabotage. That idiot... Fine," with case in hand, she takes a running start and leaps off the building; then she removes a grappling hook gun from her belt and uses it to safely descend to the ground, landing in a graceful pose, "it's time for me to make an appearance."

At the site of the fire, a teacher in a tracksuit who is patrolling the halls looking for stragglers quickly takes notice of Mogeron who is wistfully wandering about the place. "It's that weird kid!" He thinks to himself before dashing toward Mog. "Hey, you! What the hell d'ya think ya doing?! You see that right?" He points at the thick plumes of smoke and flames. "You wanna get yourself killed?! Get outta he-" Some blurry projectile makes impact with the teacher's chest and explodes into purple smoke, rendering him unconscious immediately as he falls to the floor.

The thump of a case hitting the ground can be heard, followed by the cocking of a gun. "Stay still, you twerp. Just take a nice, long nap now." Dish, peering at Mogeron through the lens of a scope, says as she takes aim at him with a pretty significantly-sized sniper rifle. At a distance of about twenty or so feet away from the young man, she pulls the trigger.

Plate, the disguised janitor, stalks his way through the east wing of the lower floor, inching ever closer to the office of his prey: the vice principal. It didn't take long before he spots his target leaving the safety of his office to make his way outside where the rest of the student body and faculty have gathered. It's a shame however, the VP won't be making it beyond several steps outside of his office if Plate has any say in the matter. Aiming his dart gun at his victim's neck, Plate fires a shot. The miniature dart whizzes through the air at an intense speed, creating a low screech.

A cocky grin appears on Plate's face: it's over. Suddenly, a high-speed object comes shooting out from around the corner, ricocheting off of a locker, and colliding against the dart with pin-point precision. "What?!" Plate's expression is nothing but shock and awe. The secondary object falls to the floor, making a notable clink. "A quarter stopped my deadly dart?!". By now, the VP was gone, leaving the assassin confused as to what had just transpired. He looks around, frantically searching for the source of the coin.

Then, his eyes fall upon a hand peering around the right corner of the hall in front of him. Soon, a pair of glasses emerges and, finally, half of a face and torso. "I don't know what your goals are in killing the vice principal, but it'd be very bad for me if someone died on this campus. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave..." Haru appears and quietly stares down Plate. The latter stands there with mouth agape.

"W-Who the hell is this kid...?! His presence is overwhelming...!"

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