Shifting Isles

Well I've been thinking and since we got a couple of people who are currently involved in the Runelords game, maybe we should switch to Second Darkness. Does anyone have a problem with that? It won't be any trouble for me, since all I've started doing is reading the adventures. So we can switch if you guys want to.
Okay sounds like we got a plan. Lets do Second Darkness same setup as what I had for Runelords: 1st lvl, 25 point buy, 150 gold to start, Pathfinder stuff (I will allow Psionics if anyone is interested), 2 traits, and 1 bonus campaign trait.

Here is a link to the campaign traits (was trying to find the players guide but am having some difficulties.)

Thank you all for your patience with this. I'm hoping to maybe try our first run maybe Tuesday November 12, same time we were running the other one. Anyone have any problems?
There isn't a "players guide" per se. There is a booklet for the campaign though that acts about the same. Paizo charges $5 for it. You can download it for free at 4shared if you sign up, or i can email it to anyone who needs it. 
Arrg, don't know if I can do a paladin in the given setting or not. Such a tempting setting. I can so see Ead being in Riddleport.
Okay, didn't know if there was a booklet thing like they did for runelords. I got the booklet from the person i borrowed the adventure path from.

As for doing the paladin, I don't see any reason you couldn't play it. yes the town is on the darker side of the law mostly, but there still could be good/lawful churches sending people there to keep an eye on things. There is even one of the campaign traits that basically says that you are there to watch for bad stuff going down.

If you want to play the pali, I have no problem with it.
hehe. It's not that I don't think a paladin, in concept, could work. It is that the player doesn't think he could run a paladin in that enviroment without quickly and severly deviating from the role. Lets put it this way, my typical playing style usually has the other party members to nervous to leave my character alone for any amount of time. That, and I've been wanting to bring Ead back for a while, though others may prefer i don't. It's been a year at least and she's still referenced in other games for some of her actions, even if setting fire to a building would have been an effective means of getting the bad guy out. :) I havn't given up on the pali yet, but i may play around with another concept since we have a little time.
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O.o okay. I can understand a little more about the uneasiness of bringing the character in. But as Kat said, play what you want to play. If you think you could enjoy playing Ead, bring him in, but if you feel that it might make it hard for you to play the character as you want to play them you can always try something else too.
Yeah, I've always been a fan of psionics. Played a few in other games and loved the feel of the classes. Go ahead and use those psionic rules.

Also, I've been thinking that I'd like to use voice chat at least for the narrative. The dm of one of my other games uses it and it seems to really smooth some things out. So I don't know what we would like to do, we use skype for the other game but i think there is something with voice in the google+ hangouts. What are your guys' thoughts on that?
I already have Skype and know how to use it, so that would be my preference, LOL. I am good with just doing the whole thing over Skype voice. Can't do video though, it kills my laptop everytime.

I know that roll20 has a voice chat thing too, so that might be an option if we are going to keep using that?
I've tried using the voice (not video) through roll20 and it just didn't seem to work good. The skype call seemed to be pretty easy. And I don't want to push that everyone HAS to be on voice. I'd just like to use it for the narrative. If other still want to use the chat stuff in roll20 for them, that's fine with me.

My skype is: tobiasbluesummers
I'd like to use it for the narrative, but if people want to use voice instead of the text chat, more power to them. But if people are more comfortable with text or what-not that's good too.
Hmm... I know I typically write better than I speak, so I actually prefer to use the chat program for character interaction. However, I'm up for trying voice using Skype or Google+ or another program.

BTW: Seriously thinking about going with Alchemist for this game. Can deal decent damage at all levels and has good skills, including Disable Device. :)
Alchemist sounds pretty cool. But yeah go with whatever feel more comfortable for you guys for interactions. I'm going to post the game link for roll20 here so when you guys want join up.

Also if you have an image that you want used for a player token, send me a link or let me know so I can get it token-fied
Got my character mostly done as far as backhistory and class features/powers/feats/racial abilities. Just need to finish writing up the notes into a coherent form of a history and character sheet.

Decided to drop rogue and go straight psion (nomad) as far as classes.

I'm taking the one 'Optimistic Gambler' campaign trait. Is anyone taking the 'Fools for Friends' campaign trait? Because those two work together really well. ;-) Alternately, anyone want to have our characters know each other at campaign start?

Basic overview: tiefling, rakish type, acts more like a rogue than a spellcaster, personable and friendly although it takes a while for him to actually trust someone. Grew up on his own on the streets (his mother, not the best role model to start off with, abandoned him as a child due to him being a tiefling and all - made it hard for her to make a living in her, uh... 'career' once it became obvious his father was... well, not precisely human). Not a "nice guy" necessarily because he's had to do unpleasant things to survive, but not a bad guy either. He has his own sense of honor even though he spends most of his time on the wrong side of the law, given that most of his friends make up the underbelly of society. Has had trouble with money-lenders in the past because he likes gambling, but honestly isn't very good at it. Tends to get into sticky situations a lot because although he's intelligent, he has a habit of not thinking things through - for instance, maaaaaaybe it's not a good idea to flirt with the mob-boss's dame... right in front of him.

So right now he's pretty much is drifting through life looking for a cause to get involved in, although he doesn't really realize that's what he's missing. Mostly spends his time drinking and gambling. Probably N for alignment, and depending on the way the campaign goes he might lean more toward NG later.
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I was looking at taking the "Fools for friends" trait actually. It is the only one that would really fit her. CN, Catfolk, worships Calistria

Need to work on the story, but something like this. Her 15th birthday is in the next couple of weeks, marking her change to adulthood(apparently catfolk have a shorter life span). To celebrate she wanted to go someplace where one could party hard, but the law might not notice to much. If she is friends with your character, Kathy, he might have been the one to suggest Riddleport if he was going to gamble. Althouth, in waring, she make protecting someone to violent extremes towards the aggressor.
That would be awesome. And I'm already somewhat familiar with Ead (oh, those two are going to get along well, hehe). I need to type up more of the backstory I have too, but I think it will work - he knows just about everywhere one could go to party hard where the law probably will look the other way, LOL. And he was born and raised in Riddleport, although he has traveled a bit.

Also, he's a tiefling of the Rakasha bloodline, which... are cat-demons. How do we both always end up playing cat-like characters at the same time? ;-)

I also need to pick a name, because names are hard. :-/
Valuing their freedom above all else, Eve’s family strayed away from their community. Eventually, their roaming led them to Churlwood Forest. There among the bandits, druids and prime hunting they made their home. While Ead’s parents have claws, she was born without. To keep her part in hunting she turned the bow with all her focus. After years of practice she has her technique down to deadly precision. With her innate ability to climb and an odd talent to produce dancing lights passed down from unknown ancestry, she perches high in the trees, produces a light are two on the ground and waits, arrow drawn for her prey to be lured in.

(Optional based on Kathy’s input.) One day she spotted a man approaching one of her lights she had conjured for hunting. In a playful move, and often reckless, she dropped on him from above and swiped his (insert article of clothing/item). Running a few paces she turned and drew on him when he tried to follow. “What will you give for it?” Seeing her grin and the playful light in her eyes, (insert name) took a change and bet her she could not hit a target he picked. Ead accepted and easily hit the target. (Insert name) enticed her for another bet. While (insert name) set up another challenge they chatted a bit about themselves. Eventually she tried (name) next challenge and one again. “You’re not very good at gambling are you?” Laughing she tossed (insert item) back to (name). “Instead of that, promise me one day you will show me something exciting. I think we could have fun together, and these woods are getting so boring.” With that she ran deep into the woods, not really expecting to see the man again. 
oh, heres a link to the pic for the token and the character in general

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