Shifting Isles

No, no. Others would have to change classes then too. I have some stuff around here I should be able to mess with. Let me do some looking and see what I can do. Not promising anything, but let me look.
Just putting it out there as a possibility for me. xD

If you decide to run and go that route, and need any help, let me know - I actually converted a very large 3.5 adventure path to Pathfinder once, and I know that dmmagius has too.
Well, I talked to a gaming buddy of mine that has a large collection of gaming mods. He found some actual Pathfinder stuff if we would be interested. He loaned me both the adventure paths for "Rise of the Runelords" and "Second Darkness". I've started looking through them and it basically comes down to which one would people want to do and would we be willing to start at lvl 1 and go through one or start one of them at the lvl 3 that we already have our characters at. I'm personally up for either one.
I'd be good for either one. We already have a game running in Rise of the Runelords, but personally I've never had a problem keeping character knowledge and player knowledge separate. :-)
either is fine with me. If you go with runelords I'll stick with a good character, as that is most definitely not what I am currently playing in that game now. Should be an interesting change. whatever
I'm cool with either. :-) Although I might change my character's background/personality a bit if you didn't mind.
Well looking through the mod more, I think I'd rather try running Runelords if no one is opposed to that. So what do you say, I'll go and make a new thing in roll20 and obsidian and we can start off new characters.

Character Creation:

Level: 1

Wealth: 150 gp

Ability Scores: 25 point buy

Max hit points

2 character traits, plus a bonus feat from the Runelord player's guide.

Books Allowed: I'd like to keep this to Pathfinder only, but if there is something 3rd party or from 3.5 that you'd like to use talk with me and we will see what we can do.

I would like the characters to be from around the area of Sandpoint, but if you'd like your character to be from another area, work up a little backstory on why the character is visiting and we will work it out.
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I'm cool with that. I pretty much used the pathfinder info to build my current character so I'll most likely just tweak her a bit. I think her backstory still fits, just change to a local area temple. Any idea on when you would like to start?
Yeah I got no problem you using the same character. No idea on when to start, probably be in a bit. Give people time to get characters made up.

Realized I need people's username from obsidian to send you the invite.
Huh. I didn't get email notification on this. *eyes rpnation*

My username is Taria on Obsidian Portal. I might change my character since she was based more on Forgotten Realms, and I have a couple Pathfinder ideas I've been kicking around. :-)

Do we still need a healer? Is everyone else sticking with their same characters?
Just an FYI, I won't have any spells. Gave them up due to the below archtype.

My character is ready, just have to copy stuff into the new campaign since RPNation dosn't let you switch a current character over. :(

Warrior of the Holy Light

Some paladins use their gifts to focus on the holy light that shines within their souls. With the gifts of purity and redemption, these paladins spend much of their lives helping others find the true path. Unleashing this power takes patience and comes at a steep price. Warriors of the holy light have the following class features.

Power of Faith (Su): At 4th level, a warrior of the holy light learns to use the power of her faith to bolster her defenses and aid her allies. This class feature replaces the paladin's spells class feature. A warrior of the holy light does not gain any spells or spellcasting abilities, does not have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger or spell completion magic items.

At 4th level, the warrior of the holy light gains one additional use of her lay on hands ability per day. She gains one additional use of lay on hands per day for every four levels she attains beyond 4th. She can spend a use of her lay on hands ability to call upon the power of her faith as a standard action. This causes a nimbus of light to emanate from the warrior of the holy light in a 30-foot radius. All allies in this area (including the warrior of the holy light) receive a +1 morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear as long as they remain in the area of light. This power lasts for 1 minute.

At 8th level, the nimbus of light heals the paladin and her allies, curing of them of 1d4 points of ability damage, as per the spell lesser restoration. A creature can only be healed in this way once per day.

At 12th level, the nimbus of light is treated as daylight for the purposes of affecting creatures with sensitivity to light. In addition, the nimbus grants the warrior of the holy light and her allies in the area resistance 10 to one type of energy, selected by the warrior of the holy light when this power is activated.

At 16th level, the nimbus of light grants the warrior of the holy light and her allies protection from critical hits. There is a 25% chance that critical hits made against the warrior of the holy light and her allies in the area are instead treated as normal hits. This does not stack with other abilities that grant similar protection (such as light fortification).

At 20th level, the nimbus of light increases in size out to a range of 60 feet. In addition, all of its bonuses increase. The morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear increases to +2. The amount of ability damage healed increases to 2d4. The energy resistance increases to 20 against one energy type. Finally, protection against critical hits increases to 50%.

Shining Light (Su): At 14th level, a warrior of the holy light can unleash a 30-foot burst of pure, white light as a standard action. Evil creatures within this burst take 1d6 points of damage for every two paladin levels and are blinded for 1 round. Evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead are blinded for 1d4 rounds on a failed save. A Reflex save halves this damage and negates the blindness. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the warrior of the holy light's level + the warrior of the holy light's Charisma modifier. Good creatures within this burst are healed 1d6 points of damage per two paladin levels and receive a +2 sacred bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round. A warrior of the holy light can use this ability once per day at 14th level plus one additional time per day at 17th and 20th levels. This ability replaces aura of faith.
Ok, so we have a Kat going for a fighter type (?), EAd a Paladin, Another playing a Inquister besides DMag is there anyone I'm missing? Once I find out what he's playing I'll think of something to play.
I'm the one that's actually running the Rise of the Runelords game here. :) (I have the anniversary edition that's fully Pathfinder - not sure if you're using that or the original mods, which were 3.5.) Just as an FYI: You mentioned 2 traits and a bonus feat from the Player's Guide - if you look at the Anniversary Edition Player's Guide, most of those were converted to campaign traits.

I'd be somewhat interested in playing in RotR, but if Second Darkness is still on the table, I'd jump at that even more (I've got the first two modules for that and they looked really cool). However, if RotR is the more preferable adventure path for the gm as well as the other players, I'll go with that.

I think I would definitely need to redo my character, since Cyan's background is fairly intricately tied up with what happened in the Forgotten Realms. I'm partial to playing casters, so I might go for a Wizard or a Cleric. Then again, I could do something really off-the-wall and go for a Bard - not sure yet exactly what I'd like to play. 
BTW: If you need the e-mail address, it's dmmagius at gmail dot com. On Obsidian Portal, the username is dmmagius. 
Almost forgot - Tuesdays and Thursdays work best for me, with Thursday being the better choice all around.
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As of now, I'm bowing out until November 6th. I have some things that I need to take care of before joining, sorry. After that though I'm thinking of going with a Arcane Sorcerer. Maybe Gnomish as I havent played one of the smaller races yet.
I am good with the majority. (yup, big group of decision makers here xD )

Oh, and I'm playing a rogue. Working on her, but really busy so probably won't upload her to OP until this weekend.

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