Shifting Isles


New Member
System: Pathfinder

Setting: Forgotten Realms

Character Creation:

Level: 3

Wealth: 3,000 gp

Ability Scores: 30 point buy

Max hit points

2 character traits, plus a bonus regional, background, 1st level only, or bloodline feat. If the benefit is too powerful or synergies too well, you will likely be asked to sacrifice more than just a free bonus feat.

Books Allowed: Any official 3.5 and Pathfinder. Preferably no 3rd party or home brew, but will be considered on a case by case basis.


Your adventure begins aboard the Crooked Tide, a caravel style ship heading from Baldur's Gate to the Moonshae Isles. Your destination is Caer Callidyrr, home of High King Derid Kendrick and capitol city of a failing empire. Although not the largest of the Moonshae Isles, Alaron was once considered the most powerful prior to the Spellplague. Now House Kendrick struggles to keep the surrounding region stabilized, let alone exert any control over the remaining isles. The King's army spends most of its manpower protecting the waterways from pirates, leaving little more than a glorified militia to protect High King's Road. Compounding these problems is a recent upswing in goblin activity from Durnall Forrest, with the monsters becoming unusually well organized and bold.

While many travelers are avoiding this region, you see opportunity amidst the turmoil. Will you find fame and fortune, or only death at the end of a crude goblin spear?

This forum will only be used for planning the game. Eventually everything we need will be on Obsidian Portal and Roll20. So feel free to post whatever you like!
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So, it sounds like this'll be Forgotten Realms after the Spellplague. How will you be handling the Spellscarred? Traits? Feats? PrC? Combination of all of the above?

Also, what will the tech level be for the campaign? I know Lantan sunk into the ocean during the events of the Spellplague, but did any of their technology (i.e. Firearms for a Gunslinger class) survive? Did Lantan survive and that's where Firearms mainly come from?

Since this is Forgotten Realms, will you be using some sort of Regional Benefit? If so, may I recommend those be Regional Traits be used for that (possibly as a bonus trait?)

Speaking of traits, will you be using them? If so, may I recommend PCs start with 2 traits with possibly a bonus trait - one related in some way to the campaign? 
There are a few character concepts I've been thinking about

- a Summoner who bears a spellscar - which becomes his/her Eidolon when it is summoned. Originally a Conjurer, this individual became unexpectedly fused with a summoned creature when a pocket of spellplague erupted around them, enveloping the two. Since then, he/she has learned to exert some control over the Eidolon, using magical power to enhance and reshape it.

- a Gnome Gunslinger - possibly the last of his kind, he was showcasing some new firearms in Baldur's Gate when the Spellplague happened. Since then, he has wandered the Sword Coast, seeking news and information about other survivors from Lantan.

- an Inquisitor, tasked with seeking out the Spellscarred and the remaining pockets of Spellplague and destroying them.

- a Dragon-Blooded Sorcerer, seeking to make his fortune and increase his personal power at any cost so that he might earn the favor/respect/notice of his draconic ancestor.

Except for the Gnome Gunslinger, I don't really have a set racial concept for any of these.
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Yo... I sent these links to the other two players. :-) I'll try and come up with a character concept too...
Eadaoin said:
May I play a character from the Kitsune race? It will most likely be a rogue or sorcerer.
No problem! 

DMMagius said:
So, it sounds like this'll be Forgotten Realms after the Spellplague. How will you be handling the Spellscarred? Traits? Feats? PrC? Combination of all of the above?
That depends on how much you want being Spellscarred to define your character, I suppose. The limit being how much material we are willing (or able) to create/convert from 4e. Mechanics aside, I'm all for reflavoring, well, anything you want. (enough commas?) As long as you adhere to the setting and game style along the way. So your spellscar cannot be a glowing blue circle on your chest that allows you to fly around while wearing full plate armor and firing energy beams. Wrong game. :wink:

DMMagius said:
Also, what will the tech level be for the campaign? I know Lantan sunk into the ocean during the events of the Spellplague, but did any of their technology (i.e. Firearms for a Gunslinger class) survive? Did Lantan survive and that's where Firearms mainly come from?
As far as anyone knows, Lantan did not survive and it's inhabitants were killed. However they did maintain numerous resource camps in other locations, namely Chult. After the Spellplague, distrust in magic has caused various groups and individuals to take a much keener interest in the use and development of technology.

DMMagius said:
Since this is Forgotten Realms, will you be using some sort of Regional Benefit? If so, may I recommend those be Regional Traits be used for that (possibly as a bonus trait?)
Speaking of traits, will you be using them? If so, may I recommend PCs start with 2 traits with possibly a bonus trait - one related in some way to the campaign?
I may have mentioned characters starting with 2 traits on the previous thread, I'm not sure. Either way it stands, plus a bonus feat. This feat can be used for a regional, background, 1st level only, or bloodline feat. If the benefit is too powerful or synergies too well, you will likely be asked to pay a higher price. (such as sacrificing traits, skill points, first born children, normal feat slots, ect... and in that order)

DMMagius said:
There are a few character concepts I've been thinking about
- a Summoner who bears a spellscar - which becomes his/her Eidolon when it is summoned. Originally a Conjurer, this individual became unexpectedly fused with a summoned creature when a pocket of spellplague erupted around them, enveloping the two. Since then, he/she has learned to exert some control over the Eidolon, using magical power to enhance and reshape it.

- a Gnome Gunslinger - possibly the last of his kind, he was showcasing some new firearms in Baldur's Gate when the Spellplague happened. Since then, he has wandered the Sword Coast, seeking news and information about other survivors from Lantan.

- an Inquisitor, tasked with seeking out the Spellscarred and the remaining pockets of Spellplague and destroying them.

- a Dragon-Blooded Sorcerer, seeking to make his fortune and increase his personal power at any cost so that he might earn the favor/respect/notice of his draconic ancestor.

Except for the Gnome Gunslinger, I don't really have a set racial concept for any of these.
All of those concepts are viable, so it looks like you have some decisions to make!
Well, I was working on building a Kitsune rogue or sorcerer and realized it was the same thing I always do so, I have settled on an Aasimir Paladin. No laughing Joe or Kathy, I can pull it off. I think. Maybe. Well, we'll see.
I'm thinking a cleric, maybe of Sharess. I'm just kinda stuck because it's the post 4e world (thankfully not the rules). The character I want to play came from somewhere that doesn't exist anymore, LOL. So... I dunno. Still pondering character background. 

Eadaoin said:
Well, I was working on building a Kitsune rogue or sorcerer and realized it was the same thing I always do so, I have settled on an Aasimir Paladin. No laughing Joe or Kathy, I can pull it off. I think. Maybe. Well, we'll see.
I'm taking bets how long it'll be before you go blackguard. xD
Hi, I'm Ben (Jamie's hubby). I was hoping to play a Dragon-Wrought Kobold Dragonfire Adept. I'm not too versed with Forgotten Realms, so I really don't know on background or region. Other than that, I have also been kicking around a bard idea.
TobiasBluesummers said:
Hi, I'm Ben (Jamie's hubby). I was hoping to play a Dragon-Wrought Kobold Dragonfire Adept. I'm not too versed with Forgotten Realms, so I really don't know on background or region. Other than that, I have also been kicking around a bard idea.
Glad to have you! This is a good place to get Forgotten Realms information. Let me know if y0u have any questions!

Well, other than equipment and a back story I think I'm ready to go.

Meet Ma'at, an Aassimar born from a Human father and an Catfolk mother.

Paladin - Warrior of the Holy Light.

(The wings won't appear until 10th level, but her skin does shine like steel)
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Got invite, accepted. Still unsure of which character I'll be playing, though the two most likely candidates at this point are the Gnome Gunslinger or the Human? Spellscarred Summoner.
Okay, I've posted a draft character background and started my character on Obsidian Portal. By the way guys, if you need help navigating OP and making a character sheet there, let me know - we can set up a Skype conference and I can share my screen and show you. :-)
So I was thinking, we should probably set a start date for the game. Otherwise we're never going to finish our characters. :wink:
We could start by finding a day that all of us will be available online. I've also been thinking about having a practice session with one or two volunteers, maybe a mock combat or something.
I'd be up for doing a practice thing. I've never done the play by post kinda thing. I'm usually on nightly, but only after i get my son down for the night (around 7:30 central time).

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