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Fandom Shield Academy Character Sheets



Senior Member
Congratulations on your admission to SHIELD academy. Whether you have powers or not, and no matter who your parents are, you can be sure that you are getting a great education here. Enclosed in your acceptance packet is a "getting to know you" information packet. Please fill this out, and send it back in the pre-paid postage envelope (also found in your acceptance packet) as soon as possible. Once we have this information, we can plan your schedule and rooming arrangements accordingly. Again, congratulations, and welcome to SHIELD Academy!

Principals Phil Coulson and Maria Hill

About the StudentThe Basics
Nicknames, if applicable:

Identifying Information
(Please include a recent photograph of the student along with a description)
Typical Attire:

Grade Level (9-12):
Strongest Subject:
Weakest Subject:
Disabilities, learning or otherwise: Y/N
If yes, please describe:
Powers: Y/N
If yes, please describe:
Other special skills/abilities:

Personal History
Parents' names:
Life Story:

If there is any other pertinent information, please include it here:

OOC: Please feel free to format this however you choose, creativity is welcome! Just make sure that all the information is present, please!
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  • Name: Robin Barton

    Nicknames, if applicable: none

    Age: 14

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[div class=cont] [div class=hold] [div class=image][div class=page][div class=top][div class=thing][/div] [div class=pos][div class=d1]shield [/div].......................................[div class=d2]78% [/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=num]7:49[/div]
monday, july 08, 2019
[/div] [div class=rhold][div class=fakr][/div] [div class=sop] [div class=back][div class=img][/div][/div][div class=arrow]Torunn[/div][div class=rel][/div] [div class=stats][div class=overflow][div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]full name[/div] Torunn Thorsdóttir
[div class=firstword]alias[/div] Tor, Tory, God of thunder
[div class=firstword]age[/div] sixteen
[div class=firstword]gender[/div] female
[div class=firstword]sexuality[/div] heterosexual
[div class=firstword]Parents[/div]: Thor Oddinson & Lady Sif
[div class=firstword]hometown[/div] New Asgard

[div class=firstword]appearance[/div]
[div class=firstword]Height[/div] 175cm/5’ 7”
[div class=firstword]Weight[/div] 65kg/145lb
[div class=firstword]hair color[/div] Dirty Blonde
[div class=firstword]eye color[/div] Blue
[div class=firstword]complexion[/div] Fair
[div class=firstword]body type[/div] Athletic
[div class=firstword]style[/div] 1, 2 [/div][/div]
[div class=o][div class=scroll] [/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=film][/div] [div class=2hold] [div class=cont2][div class=bg][div class=border][div class=pic][/div][/div] [div class=user]@thunderrrr_[/div][/div] [div class=pers][div class=overflow style="width: 105%"] [div class=photo][/div]__.___[div class=photo style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/8f/6e/c08f6ef8878a3b7c13dac93437fcc2c8.jpg); background-size: 160%;background-position:-1.7em -1em;"][/div]

[div class=box] [div class=v]abilities[/div] Grade Level (9-12): 11
Strongest Subject: Physical Education
Weakest Subject: Mathematics
Disabilities, learning or otherwise: No

Powers: Yes
Asgardian Physiology// A child of Asgardian/God hybrid and an Asgardian warrior, Torunn has no doubt inherited the perks of an Asgardian including:
Superhuman Strength: Torunn's physical strength is much greater than of a human. Her strength is capable of lifting weights up to 100 tons for less than a minute. Many physical objects and obstructions can easily come undone if she puts the effort into it.
Invulnerability: Her body is able to withstand an undefined amount of crushing weight, impacts, and changes in temperature, making her pretty durable. She heals at a slightly faster speed than the average human but is not able to regenerate lost limbs/organs.
Superhuman Speed: Torunn is capable of maintaining a speed of 30mph on the ground while reaching greater speeds in the air.
Superhuman Stamina: Torunn has the ability to sustain prolonged periods of physical or mental efforts. This also affects her metabolism and will need more sustenance than the average human's serving.
Flight: With her enchanted sword, Torunn has the ability to fly. The sword lifts her up at will and she is able to alter the flight path and speed.
Electrokinesis: Her body is able to produce and absorb electricity, with her sword acting as a medium (for now). Torunn is able to strike large lightning bolts to targets with a strike of her weapon.

Equipment: Asgardian armour (1, 2), Enchanted broad sword
Other special skills/abilities: Combat, Alien languages, Pottery
[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=cont3][div class=title]history[/div] [div class=rop][div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div]............................[div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div][/div] [div class=box2][div class=overflow] "And when will your majesty return?"
"Who knows Valkyrie? But I'm sure you'll raise her better than I ever could." Thor looked at his newborn with adoration and placed a long kiss on her forehead before carefully handing the babe to the one he trusted with his people.
"You know I'm a bad influence right?" Thor chuckled at his friend's comment, "Can't be worse than me. I'll be back."
"You better be! And say hi to Lady Sif for me!" Valkyrie added just before he flew off with Stormbreaker in hand.

And just like that, Torunn grew up with the coolest guardian she could have ever asked for. Valkyrie's parenting techniques were risky. She'd always ask what could possibly be the worst that could happen and somehow Torunn manages to find an answer to that. Thor's daughter took after her father greatly, she was brave, charismatic, and beautiful; and also reckless, stubborn, arrogant and childish. Torunn had spent a total of 3 days each with her parents during her younger days. Their playdates were always shortlived, but she cherished them with all her heart. She did wish they'd tell her that they were leaving instead of disappearing the next morning. But when duty calls, you have to go right? Torunn has the same heart for her people like her parents and Valkyrie, it was no surprise that she pestered Valkyrie to train her since she was 8. Humans authorities would have taken Torunn away if they found out an 8-year-old was wielding a weapon, and the harsh training she put Torunn under. But it would have made her sisters in arms proud to see a young lady pick up the sword to protect Asgard.

Of course, Nick Fury had known about the daughter of the God of thunder, but did not make contact until he found it necessary. And soon, Torunn found herself on the couch opposite the one-eyed man in her living room. Talking about his academy, the curriculum, and the students he's recruiting. But all she thought about was how she would be more like her parents and even imagining what it would be like to go on missions as a family. And the moment he finished speaking, she blurted out with "I'm in." [/div][/div]
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Sydney Stark
“have you ever considered that you're just flat out wrong?"
[class=tabs] line-height: 1; margin: 20px auto; text-align: center; width: 100%; color: black; display: inline-block; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 45%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: grey; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Basics) (show tabsContentInformation) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentPersonality) if (eq ${currentTab} Biography) (show tabsContentAbout) if (eq ${currentTab} Miscellaneous) (show tabsContentOthers) [/script] [div class=tabs][div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin: auto"]Basics
[div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto"]Persona[/div][div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: auto; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto""]Biography[/div][div class=tab style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: auto; margin-right: auto"]Miscellaneous[/div][/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentInformation"]
basic information:
name: sydney amaya stark
nicknames: syd, stark, big brain
age: 17
appearance: (fc: laura gwyneth butler) Sydney has long red hair similar to her mother's, and the blue eyes to match. She'd like to consider herself a carbon copy of her mother in appearance, but her personality a little more similar to her father's. She's lean and tall with pale skin that's covered in scattered bits of freckles. They dot the bridge of her nose and her shoulders yet still manage to cloud the rest of her body.

typical attire: sydney's closet

sexuality: bisexual
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentPersonality" style="display: none;"]
grade levels: 11th

strongest subject: mathematics

weakest subject: history
disabilities (learning or otherwise): n/a
powers: n/a
special skills/abilities: Genius Intellect: Gwen has above average intelligence - she may not be the best historian, but she's constantly creating new puzzles and solutions to the fantasies and ideas she's provided. Engineering: Gwen's a handy person and knows her way around tools so that she can formulate and create new tech and gear. It particularly comes in handy when she finds herself in a pickle. Tactician: Despite not being well-versed in unarmed fighting, Gwen is especially handy with tactical warfare and multitasking to her advantage.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentAbout" style="display: none;"]
parents' names: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts

hometown: Long Island, New York

Life Story: wip
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentOthers" style="display: none;"]
important information: wip
codedbycrucialstar | click boxes and hidden scrolls
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Name: Caleb Banner
Nicknames, if applicable: Cal
Age: 17

Identifying Information
Typical Attire:
Lab coat and shorts in hulked out form.
In human t-shirt, pants, slip on shoes.
Sexuality: Straight.

Grade Level (9-12): 11
Strongest Subject: Science
Weakest Subject: Health
Disabilities, learning or otherwise: Yes
If yes, please describe: some would describe Cal as a genius, but sometimes he gets ahead of himself and forgets to explain how he got to his solution.
Powers: Yeah
If yes, please describe: transformation into normal human
Other special skills/abilities: super strength, stamina, endurance, minor regeneration.
- when he becomes sad or scared, Caleb reverts back to his human form.

Personal History
Parents' names: Bruce & Betty Banner
Hometown: a small town outside of Sydney Australia.
Life Story: being the son of the Hulk, Caleb was bound to inherit some of his physique. When he was born, he came out as his blue self. Only when he cried did his pink skin shine through. As he grew older, more and more often, he and his father would have to wrestle over simple things. This wrestling caused him to become more close to his father. As he grew older, Caleb grew a lot taller then most of the other people his age; about a foot or so taller at any given age. It wasn’t odd; he sort of enjoyed it.
Excelling in his studies, Caleb was taking college classes at 15, then got his bachelors at 17. He hadn’t much friends growing up, only his family and his dog which died when he was 16.

Would much rather prefer a place at home then socialization. He is quite shy. There is a in case of emergencies watch that will revert him to human form.
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  • Name: James Harrison Rogers

    Nicknames, if applicable: Harry

    Age: 16


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