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Fantasy Shibusa Acadamy (Muse, GC, and Elizi)

"Fortune tellers?" Delilah said aloud and then double blinked, her adding with a light giggle and shake of her head, "Oh no, I heard that from mother and she gardens for a hobby." After she said that she let go of Kana's hand and then took up her spoon so she could start eating her soup/chowder, "Regardless though I'm glad that I get to see your smile more often now, you use to hide it so well in the past." With that said she let a light smile come over her lips as she looks over at Kana, her taking a bite of her chowder right after. After a brief pause she spoke again, but this time she spoke in a lighter tone, "You know you should smile more often, it really becomes you Kana." With that said she just starts to eat her food, her seeming to have said what she wanted to say now. 
Peach sighed as she sat down, playing a bit with her sausage link, rolling it back and forth. "I wanna eat but i'm worried i'll just throw it back up." The girl dropped her fork and put her hands on her face. 'Later i'll be seeing Mason after a week and a half. He'll be so angry!' Peach sniffled. 


It wasn't long before Peach simply gave up on eating as mittens rolled onto her back in the purse. The pinkette's mind was flying off as scenario after scenario played in her mind of what Mason could do to her. 

Whatever happened, she was his girlfriend and if he said to get down and take a smack, she'd do it because she was told too. It didn't help she'd been MIA for so long. It was true, she was scared as she was shaking but she couldn't tell. Peach was too busy trying to calm her thoughts so she could focus on everyone around her and get ready for school with the supernatural.
Kana was a bit surprised. She didn't really know what to say anymore, so she just sat with Delilah in silence. She did realize how easily smiling came to her around Delilah, but like she said, it wasn't something she liked to do. She avoided smiling because she thought it would mislead people into thinking they were becoming friends, or that she was happy to be in their presence at the least. This was never the case unless Kana was with her. That's okay though, because she was sure everyone had finally figured that out at this point. Looking around the room now, Kana realized that the few people in the room with them were all looking their way and whispering. She wondered what this could be able, but she quickly shook it off and continued to watch Delilah in silence.
Delilah looked up from her chowder to see that Kana was staring at her, which she wondered why she was doing such a thing in the first place. After a bit of contemplation on her part she double blinked and sat her spoon in the bowl, her pursing her lips before looking up at the young woman more fully, "Do I have something on my face Kana?" She paused for a moment and then added with an ever so slight tilting of her head, "It's just that you seem to me staring at me rather intently. I can't help but wonder if I made a mess of myself." After she said that she looked around at the few people that were around, the lot of them turning their gazes back to the people at their own tables as she did so. While she is a rather astute woman when it comes to her curriculum and pretty much anything else she does like to just go with the flow and at the moment things felt a bit lovey-dovey for some reason or another so she decided to just go with it. 
Kana shook her head. "No, sorry. It's just a habit!" She felt a bit embarrassed, and looked down at her feet. She didn't realize just how strongly she was staring at Delilah, and honestly, it was just a bad habit of hers to stare off into space in general. She almost always has her gaze fixated on a person when it happens, she so feels awkward a lot when someone says something to her. If she wasn't such a thinker, it wouldn't happen near as often as it does. She just can't help herself though because she's always been that way--and never much of a talker anyway. Before coming to this school, she always volunteered to do group projects by herself because she would often get accused of not helping when she was with others, when the reality is that she already had all the ideas but just never spoke up.
"Oh that's good," she simply said and then added with a slight tilt to her head, "There's nothing wrong with staring at someone." She paused for a moment and then took the last bite of the chowder she could eat, her adding after she swallowed, "If I think that does that make me a rude person?" When she asked that she let out a light giggle and then shook her head, her standing from the table and taking the bowl with her as well, "Regardless I guess get on with the day, do you have anything you need to take care of? I wouldn't mind accompanying you since I selfishly asked you to come with me." On days off like this Delilah usually just took care of her menial labors like cleaning up and the like so she didn't really have much in the way of things to do, unless she figured on hanging out and talking with people around the school. While she awaited an answer she walked over and placed the bowl in the spot for the dirty dishes, her then looking back over to Kana for an answer. 
Following closely behind, Kana replies "No, I don't typically do much on free days. I always get all my school work done on Friday nights, so my weekend is usually just sitting in the gardens." Saying it out loud made Kana feel a little pathetic. She always knew she didn't do much, but now she really realized just how much she secluded herself from everyone. That's okay she guessed, since she didn't care for anyone here. But still, it probably wasn't the healthiest thing in the world. Maybe she'd try to spend more time with Delilah this year, although she wouldn't want to be annoying either. Oh well.
"Oh I see," she simply said with a light smile, her actually right in her assumptions that Kana wasn't really one who socialized all that often. That in itself wasn't a bad thing at all, although she did wonder if that was just the kind of person she was to begin with. With that in mind she started to walk toward the exit of the cafe area and back into the halls, her saying as she did so, "Well I don't think there's anything wrong with being someone who likes their peace and quiet." She paused for a moment and then added as she put her hands behind her back while turning a corner down another hallway, "Relaxing and just letting the day pass you by is a great way to whittle the day away." With all of that said she paused for a bit longer this time, although a little later she turned around and came to a stop in the courtyard that they had previously met up in, "But sometimes it's even better to share that time with someone close to you." 

A warm smile went across her face a that moment as she stood there, her wondering if Kana did indeed think really hard on things as often as she seemed to. She did indeed seem like someone who overly thought out things so it wouldn't surprise Delilah in the slightest if she indeed did. 

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