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Fantasy Shibusa Acadamy (Muse, GC, and Elizi)

Delilah rustled under her covers and turned over in her sleep as Peach made her way to the bathroom yet again, her having had a great sleep for the most part last night. After a moment the sunlight trickled into the room and shown across her face, her letting out an annoyed noise and turning over in the bed again, her not really wanting to get up as this was a free day with no classes...seeing as how this school did the whole weekday classes and weekend off thing. Regardless she was use to getting up early so she knew that it was rather fruitless in trying to go back to sleep once she had already woken up in the morning, although if it was still dark out that would have been another story. With that in mind she rolls back over and lets her eyes flutter open, her effectively blinking herself away.

After a bit she gets use top the light and notices that the young woman was not in her bed, which meant that she must have gotten up early for one reason or another. With a rather sleepy look on her face having just awoken she sits up in the bed and rubs the sleep out of her eyes, her then looking over at the cracked open bathroom door. 'Is she perhaps sick again,' Delilah mused to herself as she swung her legs over the side of her bed, her then standing from the bed and stretching a small bit. In a few short strides she knocks on the ajar door and says in a light tone, her rather cheery even though she had just woken up, "Roomy you feeling well? Do you need me to get you something?" 

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Peach shook her head. "If you have a way to stop me from being sick every morning without death, then I wouldn't know Delilah..."She sighed, flushing the toilet as she wiped her mouth, laying on her knees still. Peach rubbed her forehead and then remembered she brought her phone with her. Looking at it there were a few messages. The most recent from her boyfriend. ^Hey Peaches. Haven't heard from you in awhile. You better speak to me soon or else.^ And as she went to shut her phone down to the lock screen another showed up. ^I advise you listen this time or I hope you haven't seen this yet as I know you've been reading. Every. Single. Message. Meet me at my workout and parkour area under the willow trees by the lake. You know where i'm talking about.^ The pinkette Sniffled. She didn't mean to upset him and she knew he'd put her against the wall again.

"If you have a breath mint and or ginger-ale or the sorts, ii'd be nice." Peach finally spoke out as she flushed the toilet, standing up. She swung the door open and forgot she wasn't even clothed. Her hair was in strands around her head as she was getting warm again and she had sweat glistening on the top of her bust that was held up by a darker pink and black lacey bra with frilled ends and matching panties. On the side of her head where her hair was parted thanks to sweat, there was a almost healed cut. Unfortunately, the rest of her body had light bruises around the sides below her shoulders yet above her elbows. It seemed as if she was forcefully grabbed by someone if you could see them and boy could you see them on her pale skin. The poor girl looked like a wreck and yet she masked her pain so others couldn't have to see it.

(Introducing the bad Mason strongly in this one while teasing Delilah and Kana if Delilah ever tells her. XP)
The first thing she noticed was that the young woman was in her undies, although that took a backseat when she realized that she was quite noticeably banged up. It was also presently obvious that it was not self inflicted or something one would get from merely falling down or what have you, someone had caused this damage to her. Having been in this school Delilah knew all to well about how some people were not exactly nice but none here would do something like this to such an obviously nice individual, even being monsters as they are classified. For a moment she simply just looked her over, her wondering how she should tackle such a turn of events. The marks on her wrists were further explained due to the other marking on her body, which would often be caused by someone doing something unwanted to her. 

Regardless she simply shook her head and then spoke, "I do not have either of those in my room." She paused for a moment and then add with a light raise of her brow, "Forgive me for being rather forward but did someone force themselves on you and inflict the bruising to your body and scabs to your wrists?" She went for the straight forward approach and didn't figure on diverting from it even if the young woman decided to be evasive, seeing as how this kind of thing would not be something one would just let happen again. 
The first thing she noticed was that the young woman was in her undies, although that took a backseat when she realized that she was quite noticeably banged up. It was also presently obvious that it was not self inflicted or something one would get from merely falling down or what have you, someone had caused this damage to her. Having been in this school Delilah knew all to well about how some people were not exactly nice but none here would do something like this to such an obviously nice individual, even being monsters as they are classified. For a moment she simply just looked her over, her wondering how she should tackle such a turn of events. The marks on her wrists were further explained due to the other marking on her body, which would often be caused by someone doing something unwanted to her.

Regardless she simply shook her head and then spoke, "I do not have either of those in my room." She paused for a moment and then add with a light raise of her brow, "Forgive me for being rather forward but did someone force themselves on you and inflict the bruising to your body and scabs to your wrists?" She went for the straight forward approach and didn't figure on diverting from it even if the young woman decided to be evasive, seeing as how this kind of thing would not be something one would just let happen again.

Peach Crawford V1.png

"Y-yea. My old frineds were rough-housing and I was caught in it a bit.." Peach stated as she bit the inside of her cheek, a habit she had when she was feeling frightened or just worried etc. "If we have off today, i'll be g-going somewhere. If you'd wanna come you possibly could. And so could Kana if she wants" The girl knew Mason wouldn't dare try anything if others were there. But if the man showed up... She shook her head, going over to her suitcase, getting some clothes, a blue and white skirt and other clothing that matched, unaware her phone buzzed in the bathroom, flashing as another message came up. ^I advise you have some antispect and stuff. You may need it sweetie.^ The phone had a picture of a orange haired kid winking at the camera with the name Maysoon, Obviously a pet name.
Peach shook her head as she saw Mittens on her back, paw pads facing the ceiling and she booped the kitten's nose, trying to not convey her raging thoughts at how Mason would react when she had others around.

(Good thing I cheaked here. Stupid mass like notifs causing me to miss rp  Notifs...)
This whole roughhousing stuff didn't really seem kosher to Delilah and through that she figured it would be best if she would tag along with her, although simply leaving the school isn't really something students do...seeing as how it is in fact not just present in the human world. To get out of the school and then subsequently out into the human world one would have to get permission from the head mistress of the school, and well one would need a decent reason to leave the school. Simply to go out and meet friends wouldn't really be a good enough excuse. She wondered if the young woman knew of these rules, her figuring she didn't really get a rundown before she was accepted into the school. Delilah wasn't old anything about this school either on her acceptance, which would explain why she was allowed into the school considering humans were not permitted entry. 

With all of that in mind she cocked her head to the side and then spoke as she stood there in front of the young woman, her tone having a matter of fact lilt to it, "You are aware that this school is in it's own pocket dimension and can not be entered or exited without the Head Mistress's permission right?" 
Kana decided to change into her workout clothes to go for a run in the gardens.She slipped on a white tank top and pale blue running shorts, along with her black tennis shoes. She threw her hair up into a bun, took one last swig of blood and headed out the door. She doesn't run often, but when she does it's always nice. The flowers always make it more enjoyable just from their scent and presence. Plus this is a really good way to keep people from talking to her, as they usually seem to let her be if she's "working out." She sometimes ran into Delilah when she went on these runs, and that's usually the easiest time to talk to her since no one is generally around. She's only ever seen around 4 people outside when she goes this early, so it's always nice. It's not that she wants to be antisocial, but she;s never meet someone worth talking to other than Delilah, aka why she's so popular. 
This whole roughhousing stuff didn't really seem kosher to Delilah and through that she figured it would be best if she would tag along with her, although simply leaving the school isn't really something students do...seeing as how it is in fact not just present in the human world. To get out of the school and then subsequently out into the human world one would have to get permission from the head mistress of the school, and well one would need a decent reason to leave the school. Simply to go out and meet friends wouldn't really be a good enough excuse. She wondered if the young woman knew of these rules, her figuring she didn't really get a rundown before she was accepted into the school. Delilah wasn't old anything about this school either on her acceptance, which would explain why she was allowed into the school considering humans were not permitted entry.

With all of that in mind she cocked her head to the side and then spoke as she stood there in front of the young woman, her tone having a matter of fact lilt to it, [COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]"You are aware that this school is in it's own pocket dimension and can not be entered or exited without the Head Mistress's permission right?" [/COLOR]

Peach looked at Delilah and tried to look sad, though she was relived. "Oh... I'm too shy to even attempt to ask her to leave. I had to go and clean the house and make sure no one worries about me, that's all." Peach states, smoothing out her skirt. "Wait... Does that mean we're ghosts?!" The pinkette looked nervous, not biting her lip or cheek though. "That means I could go accidently scare people right? That's no good! How did we even make a pocket dimension? we're only humans, not wizards or mages!" She sits down and drags Mittens out of the bed, standing the tiny kitten upright before she fell on her face, sinking down until she was laying down yet again.
Delilah stood there for a moment and simply pondered whether or not she was being truthful, her wondering if the young woman had a reason to hide things from her for one reason or another. Candidly she didn't really figure on pushing the subject as she respected other peoples privacy but she knew all to well how keeping secrets only weighed on you the longer you kept them. She however double blinked when the young woman spoke of being a human, her raising a brow as she replied to her, "Um, do you not realize that this school is filled with non-humans?" Delilah also was brought here under the same instances but she quickly figured out what this place was when a shadow manipulator slipped under her door on her first day, her being the upperclassman she roomed with in the first year she went here.The Head Mistress was most likely aware that this new human was going here, but she would obviously not want her to just go around and tell everyone about who she really was. 

With that in mind she shook her head and then added with a light smile, "Regardless you shouldn't go around and tell everyone that you're a human, after all humans don't go here and it would just make you stand out even more." After she said that she stretched a small bit and took off her shirt, her standing there in her unmentionables just as Peach had done a moment ago although she was much more obviously endowed. After slipping on some loose fitting clothes she walked over to the door of the room and spoke again, her saying as she did so, "I'm going out for a walk, if you get hungry there is a kitchen on the first floor that students are welcome to use." With that she walked out of the room and made her way outside, her going about her usual early morning stroll like she usually did in the wee hours of the day. 

Moments into the walk she spots Kana in the distance, her making her way towards Delilah on her morning exercise as she also usually did regularly. When she approached her she waved at the petite young woman and spoke in a light tone, "Out again Kana, you're quite the energetic one." 

Peach had looked away at the start of her roommate taking off her shirt. Then was told about a kitchen and excluded it. She put the sleepy kitten in her purse, the fluffy head poking out as the eyes were closed. She put on her white walking shoes and instantly headed to the head mistress's office, sitting down by the door as she looked at the wall. Mason was someone she knew not to anger or defy. As she sat there, she noted her still boated abdomen and snorted in obvious dismay. "I only hope I don't look so frail in front of her. Let alone the fact she could be a giant snake... A Lamia!" Peach shivered as she imagined a half human half snake patting her head with their tail as they looked at her with their eyes, watching her every movement.
Kana slowed until she was stopped in front of Delilah, then rested her hands on her hips, slipping her thumbs under the elastic band of her shorts. "Well, you know me, haha! I'm either thinking or moving, there's no in between." Kana smiled, thinking of how it was nice to get to talk to Delilah outside with no one around, almost as if they were secret friends that weren't allowed to be around one another. It almost made her feel special, like Delilah had picked her to be cohorts with in a secret plan. Maybe she was getting a little ahead of herself, but the idea of being a badass secret agent was always something Kana liked to think about in times like this. No one knew about that of course, because that would be embarrassing! "Is Peach doing any better," she asked with almost too much worry in her tone. 
"She still seems a bit sick but I suppose she is doing well enough," she paused and then added with a light tilting of her head, it seeming as if she had something on her mind at that moment. After a bit of contemplation she spoke once again, her looking down at the young woman as she did so, "Oh that reminds me!" With that said she paused and reaching in her back pocket for something, it seeming to be some kind of mix one would put in water to give it a different taste. She held out the packet and added with a light smile toward Kana, "I was told that this flavors the blood vampires use for nourishment." she paused for a moment as she held it out to Kana, her then saying with a light giggle, "I figured eating the same thing over and over again would get a bit dull so I went ahead and picked this up for you Kana." Candidly she did indeed think of Kana as a close friend, although she had never spoken those words as they had never came up before but she figured Kana knew this already...
Kana takes the packet and looks at it. "I've never heard of these, but it'll be a nice change, thank you," she says very excitedly. She's really happy about getting to try this seeing as, how Delilah said, it gets boring having just the plain taste of blood all the time. Standing in the garden on such a nice day with the only person she really feels comfortable with has always been one of Kana's favorite things, even though it never happened all that often, which just made it even more special when it did. She wanted to thank Delilah a thousand times just for standing there, but she knew it would be odd. To try to keep herself from doing as such, she asks Delilah a typical question during school time, "So...how do you think you'll do in your classes this semester..?" Not that she expected Delilah to boast, but she's always been a perfect student, whether that be by nature or by really good study habits. She just wanted the moment to last, so anything she could think to talk about was okay for her.
"You're welcome," she said with a light smile down at the young woman, her quite pleased that she was happy with the token that she stumbled across a couple days ago. Although before she was able to speak again Kana asked her a question, Delilah thinking on it for a little bit before simply shaking her head. With that done she replied, her putting her hands behind her back as she did so, "I never know what to expect here, but that in itself is half the fun isn't it Missy?" With that said she looked over at the young woman and let out a rather adorable giggle, her then adding as she looked up at the sky, "Planing your life out, thinking of what will come next, always looking to the future instead of the here and now." She closed her eyes at that moment and just stood there, her still looking to the sky but now her eyes were closed as if she were thinking on something. 

After a little while she spoke again, her opening her eyes as she did so and letting out a light sigh, "Just talking with those that I consider friends is enough for me, class will just have to wait until I get there." With that said she looks down at Kana and then winks at her, her emphasizing her point that she considered Kana a friend. 

Peach had looked away at the start of her roommate taking off her shirt. Then was told about a kitchen and excluded it. She put the sleepy kitten in her purse, the fluffy head poking out as the eyes were closed. She put on her white walking shoes and instantly headed to the head mistress's office, sitting down by the door as she looked at the wall. Mason was someone she knew not to anger or defy. As she sat there, she noted her still boated abdomen and snorted in obvious dismay. "I only hope I don't look so frail in front of her. Let alone the fact she could be a giant snake... A Lamia!" Peach shivered as she imagined a half human half snake patting her head with their tail as they looked at her with their eyes, watching her every movement.

(Who shall play the Head Mistress...?)
Kana was pleasantly shocked. Delilah had actually called her a friend. That was something she'd always hoped for, but never wanted to really admit to. She smiled, bigger than she realized. "Yeah, I see your point," she says, happily. Maybe this year would be different. Kana never saw herself trying to outwardly get close to anyone, but maybe, just maybe, she'd work a little harder at making friends. At the very least she'd try to be a better friend to Delilah. Whether she'd venture out to other people was a whole different issues, one that she didn't feel liek thinking about right now in this moment. She was enjoying herself too much, and didn't want anything ruin the moment for her. 

(Seeing as the Head Mistress would likely be more serious, I'd have to pass. Not good with characters like those.)

Peach had looked away at the start of her roommate taking off her shirt. Then was told about a kitchen and excluded it. She put the sleepy kitten in her purse, the fluffy head poking out as the eyes were closed. She put on her white walking shoes and instantly headed to the head mistress's office, sitting down by the door as she looked at the wall. Mason was someone she knew not to anger or defy. As she sat there, she noted her still boated abdomen and snorted in obvious dismay. "I only hope I don't look so frail in front of her. Let alone the fact she could be a giant snake... A Lamia!" Peach shivered as she imagined a half human half snake patting her head with their tail as they looked at her with their eyes, watching her every movement.

The Mistress V1.png

The Head mistress looked over the girl in front of her and after some time, the lady sighed. [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"I understand you're the one we sent the letter too Miss Crawford."[/COLOR] She begins.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] "We ask you try and keep quiet on being a human here as you may know that you're the only one of our knowledge that is here. With this said, it is allowed you go off campus and pass the protective barrier but if anyone finds out bout this school, you will be punished accordingly, even if they are unable to see this place. Understood?" [/COLOR]The mistress leaned back into her brown leather chair as the girl nodded. The poor thing looked terrified beyond words. [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"And don't worry. I will deal with any problem that arises. Every student knows not to cross me in any situation. You are now excused." [/COLOR]The Head Mistress stated, seeing a small kitten in her purse as she disappeared from sight and she smiling slightly.[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)] 'That's adorable. She actually thinks her pet is going to keep her company! I will note she looks like that Vampiric girl Kana. It would be very... interesting if those two walked around school right next to each other claiming to be the other.'[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]@Elizi@Mediocritys Muse[/COLOR]
Name - Ao Wuqing


Age - ? (Doesn't even remember it himself)

Species: Dragon

Ao Wuqing, a ruthless dragon who wished to battle his father for a chance at the throne. But in change of ruthlessness it was more foolish and arrogant. This is what lead him to his current path. Abandonment, shame, and regret for the battle he had lost, as to tradition he was deemed weak and forced to leave his home. He travels the lands in search of knowledge and power. He somehow managed to survive from what life has brought him. He was able to stumble upon Shibusa Academy, as a stable place to carefully forage around. He settled himself along the academy grounds as an unofficial student. He joins random classes almost daily even when the room's are empty. He tries his hardest to avoid contact with staff cause there's a chance they might have him "expelled" 

He's done quite a impressive job lasting a month with being caught.

But after graduation (If that's even possible for him). He plans to return to his home to battle his father one more time. And surely it will be a battle to shake the earth.

Dragon Form

We are not accepting others as this is a 1x1. Sorry!


Name - Ao Wuqing

Age - ? (Doesn't even remember it himself)

Species: Dragon

Ao Wuqing, a ruthless dragon who wished to battle his father for a chance at the throne. But in change of ruthlessness it was more foolish and arrogant. This is what lead him to his current path. Abandonment, shame, and regret for the battle he had lost, as to tradition he was deemed weak and forced to leave his home. He travels the lands in search of knowledge and power. He somehow managed to survive from what life has brought him. He was able to stumble upon Shibusa Academy, as a stable place to carefully forage around. He settled himself along the academy grounds as an unofficial student. He joins random classes almost daily even when the room's are empty. He tries his hardest to avoid contact with staff cause there's a chance they might have him "expelled"

He's done quite a impressive job lasting a month with being caught.

But after graduation (If that's even possible for him). He plans to return to his home to battle his father one more time. And surely it will be a battle to shake the earth.

Dragon Form

Last edited by a moderator:
Delilah stood there for a moment as she looked down at the young woman who was standing in front of her, her then speaking with a light nod of her head, "How about we get some breakfast?" She paused for a moment and then added with a warm smile to Kana, "It has been a while since I've just sat down with a friend and had a morning cup of tea." Candidly she had never even really had breakfast at this school before, her more times than naught just settling for a quick energy bar in the morning before the day would start. This would be a welcome change for the better as far as she would care, although she figured that Kana would just be there in spirit as she didn't eat a traditional breakfast as far as Delilah knew. "I wouldn't mind some company if you're willing to tag along while I get a cup of tea," she added as she placed her hands in front of her, them intertwining with one another while she awaited an answer. 
"Yeah, that sounds good to me," Kana says with a soft smile. She wasn't much of a breakfast person, nor did she really like tea. It would be nice to just sit though. She just hoped that a lot of people wouldn't be there. If there was, she was bound to get attacked with "cute" this and "cute that, and it would probably be even worse since she was with Delilah. This would be one of the few times that it would be worth it though. Being with Delilah made anything worth it, really. It stinks that she;s older, since Kana will eventually end up at the school alone once Delilah graduates. The likelihood of anyone ever attending this school that was as nice as her was very slim too, so Kana wouldn't likely make friends, not that she was surrounded by people normally anyway.
"Great," she simply said with a warm smile on her lips, her then adding as she turned to start walking to the schools cafe area, "I know you're not one for human like food but I'm glad you're okay with keeping me company." This place pretty much had whatever the students needed in the way of creature comforts, seeing as how leaving the school grounds wasn't something that was allowed to the student populous. As she walked to the cafe area she looks back at the young woman and speaks again, her raising a brow as she did so, "There has been something I've been wondering about you though Kana." She paused for a moment and then simply let it out, "Someone as stunning as you, you're sure to have a special someone or are you just not into that sort of thing yet?" The question was rather out of the blue but she did indeed wonder about that sort of thing quite often, Delilah for lack of a better description a romantic at heart. She has never really had someone that was close enough to call a romantic interest so she didn't really know to well how one would even classify someone in that way, which brought her to wondering how others thought about that phenomena. 
Peach sighed as she sat down, playing a bit with her sausage link, rolling it back and forth. "I wanna eat but i'm worried i'll just throw it back up." The girl dropped her fork and put her hands on her face. 'Later i'll be seeing Mason after a week and a half. He'll be so angry!' Peach sniffled. 
Kana shakes her head. "Well...I wish I had a better answer, but I just don't find anyone to be that appealing...I'm sure you've noticed you're the only person I ever talk to on purpose..." Kana felt strange, but almost relieved. She's never said out loud how she feels about others, but she is happy it's finally getting out there. She blushes and says "I don't have enough interest in making friends with the people here, much less date anyone. No one is...unique enough, I guess. Other than you, everyone here bores me." 
"Well that makes me feel all special," she says with a light nod and then looks over at the young woman as she steps to the counter behind one customer, "I'm glad you talk to me though so keep it up Kana." After ordering her chowder/soup she looks back at the young woman and cocks her head to the side, "Although I might have people around me a good deal of the time that doesn't mean I don't get a bit lonely from time to time." She paused and then lets a light smile come over her lips, her taking the person for handing her order to her and then she starts to a table to sit down. While at the table she sits down her meal and then looks over at Kana as she takes her seat, "They say having a select few close people to you warms ones heart more than having a hundred acquaintances." With that said she reaches over the table and takes the young woman's hand in her hands, her holding Kana's hand palm up as she did so. 

"Where I'm from they say those closest to you can be seen as clear as the lines in the palm of your hand," she said and then started tracing a line with her index finger along Kana's Palm, her adding as she did so, "Some lines don't meet but when they do you've found the person for you." With that said she pauses and then lets a warm smile come over her face as she looks to the young woman with who she was-for all intensive purposes-holding hands with, "It's all just a saying but I think it's a nice thought don't you Kana?" 
Kana blushed as she was a little surprised at all of this. "That's really interesting. Are there a lot of fortune tellers from where you're from?" Kana was staring at their hands, and realized for the first time just how little she actually knew about Delilah. In fact, no one really knew much about her, despite her popularity. She isn't usually one to listen to gossip, but it would be hard to miss details about Delilah. This made her wonder even more: why did Delilah pick Kana to be her closest friend? There is nothing special about her, and she will likely always be the way she is now. She finds herself wondering this a lot, as most girls probably do when Delilah even looks at them, but they would kill to be in her situation. No one really knew either of them, but everyone seemed to be drawn to them. And maybe, that's why they were drawn to each other.

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