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sweet thing with a hint of sin
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d e l i l a h .

The Great Hall was quieter than usual. Although it was lunch time for many students, a majority were holed up in the library or studying on the grounds, blankets spread out on the grassy fields. Over at the Hufflepuff table, a young girl speared fresh strawberries from a wooden bowl, pouring tea with her other hand. Long, blonde hair scraped the edge of her plate, piled high with a stack of fluffy crepes. She groaned and messily tied her hair up. Were they not nearing winter break, she might’ve chopped off her tendrils, ever-annoyed by its presence.

“I haven’t felt better since I chopped mine off,” the soft-spoken girl across from her said. Delilah glanced up, still in the process of wiping sugar out of her hair. Evangeline had begun making herself a plate, pretty as ever with her new bob, walnut-brown tendrils cut straight at the ears.

Off in the distance, Delilah took note of her Slytherin friend walking up to the pair. With cinnamon locks framing sharp cheekbones, Dorothea was always a sight to see. She unceremoniously dropped her bag to the ground and stole a sausage link off Eva’s plate. “So what’s our plan for today? Studying, stalking cute boys, pretending to study while we stalk cute boys?”

Delilah huffed in mock laughter and pushed her plate away, watching as it vanished back to the kitchens. “Remus is giving me the cold shoulder; think I flirted just a bit too hard with him.” The Gryffindor table was indeed empty. Even Marlene McKinnon, the 4th Musketeer of their little girl group, was nowhere to be found. “Come on girls, finish eating. Let’s see what trouble Marlene is getting up to.”


j a m e s .

Merlin bless Lily Evans and her willingness to contribute to the Marauders’ crimes. For a moment, he thought she would roll her eyes, flicking her flaming red locks over her shoulder and marching away. Instead she heartily agreed with only a small shrug giving away her nonchalance. “Why not?” She had said after he sought her out. “This is the least harmful thing you and the other idiots have done in the past 6 years.” James took that as a compliment.

The Marauders, including Lily, had taken a trip to Hogsmeade between classes and stocked up on Fizzing Whizzbees. It took some test runs, mainly on Peter, but Lily was finally able to charm the candy to do a little more than just fizz. All five Gryffindors hauled buckets of the candy out to the schoolgrounds, Lily and Remus being the only two bright enough to levitate the buckets rather than waste their strength.

“Everyone spread out - we’ve got too much attention on us,” James marked four locations for each person, taking up his own spot last. With any luck, they would successfully pull this off without any Prefect or Professor interference. One by one, each Gryffindor tossed their bucket of candy into the Great Lake, holding their breaths until —


Anyone within 20 miles of the explosion would’ve been affected by not just the sound, but the aftershocks as well. It seemed Lily had done too good of a job when she charmed the candy - rather than scattering across the surface and popping in tandem, the candies floated together and conjoined, resulting in one large explosion.

“Oh fuck,” Peter whimpered 10 feet away, any nearby students having already run off, professors now streaming out the doors.

“EVERYONE, RUN!” James bellowed as he scrambled away from the crime scene.

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