

The Yodeler
Alright, this is to anyone who loves and watches BBC Sherlock with Benedict and Martin. I know no one who both watches the show and loves slash.

(If you don't want to slash, but want a relationship, we can figure out a fem version of Watson or Sherlock)

((If you just want to RP as they are now, solving a case, that's fine as well ^.^))

I don't really care how dicey or saucy you want to get, as long as you stay in character, nothing that they wouldn't actually do.

Sherlock's not going to go gooey-eyed.

I don't really mind who I play, I'm better at playing Sherlock, but it doesn't matter to me. This will be a PM RP, if that's alright. We'll figure out the plot over PM before we start. I also love Moriarty.

So we'll pretend he's not dead T^T

I'm fine with having more than one person want to RP, I can hold more than one thread at a time :3
Hello, I'm interested in this! I do ship Sherlock and John, so yes, I like Slash.

I do ship them in a cuddling kind of way rather than a 'saucy' way. Sherlock is asexual after all.

This was posted a while ago, I do hope your still there. ^^
Yes, I'm still here ^.^

I dunno, I can ship them a hundred different ways, just as best friends or more than that. Everything from sherlock being aromantic to asexual to sapiosexual.

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