Sherlock AU (NerdyGeekFlower and Fluorescent) [Inactive]


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Fluorescent submitted a new role play:

Sherlock AU (NerdyGeekFlower and Fluorescent) - Boarding school, how boring.

Sherlock and John meet each other at boarding school, adventure follows.
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John frowned, the extravagance of the building providing no comfort for his nervousness at being here. Countless windows were framed by old-fashioned architecture and chipping paint. Naturally, he’d convinced himself that he’d do just fine, but as the car slowed to a halt, he doubted that. Forced out of his thoughts when the driver pounded on his window, he pulled himself from the car before grabbing his luggage and making his way up the driveway. Part of him anticipated the challenge of mapping out this new school.

The sizeable front doors were propped open, a small handmade poster welcoming new students taped hastily to the side, so John made the fair assumption that just walking inside would be best. A slow stream of his fellow new students joined him inside, looking anywhere from desperately unhappy to excited out of their minds. Finally finding himself lost as to where to go next, he approached a student, a few years older by the looks.

“Erm, excuse me, you don’t happen to know where the first year sign-ins are?” John asked, letting his hands hang in loose fists at his sides. “Oh, of course,” the boy smiled. “Just down that hall, and to the left. Big room, hard to miss,” he explained, squinting his eyes and pointing a finger helpfully. “Thanks,” John said shortly, giving a curt nod. “I’m Mike by the way!” The boy, Mike apparently, called after him before continuing whatever conversation he’d been having with his peers.
Sherlock was completely done with waiting in the goddamn line. Yes he was as freshman, why did that mean he had to wait in a line with.. a Pathological liar... a chronically anxious person... A closeted gay person who was in love with his seemingly best friend? Or more like, the person who he considered his best friend, but the feeling wasn't mutual... A rather Bewildered blonde slipped into the room, he clearly wasn't used to things like this school. That was obvious by the way he was so desperately trying to fit in. Boring.

Sherlock watched the male dully, having nothing else to do before he made it to the front of the line, where he got his schedule, AP science... AP Chem.... AP.... AP..... Sherlock yawned and took his room assignment, he was told to report to the Dorm mother, who ran the dorms and kept everything in line, doing room checks, spot checks, illness....yawn... Sherlock actually yawned along with his sarcasm of his inner monologue. He had a few minutes to learn everything he could about the school- and the people in it- before he had to report to Mrs.Hudson, the dorm mother.

He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes taking what he could into his into his Mind palace so he could examine everything slower without it moving about on him. He wrote off everyone as boring. He opened his eye again and found himself very close to the blonde boy.
John stood in line, letting the insistent chatter of the other students fade into the background. Somewhere along the way, a particularly tall boy with a pale complexion and a mane of unruly dark hair. It wasn't the kind of face you'd see often, or at all for that matter, unique and strangely captivating. Snap out of it, you've only just arrived. Hardly the time to be mooning over some boy. At which point he became vaguely aware that the very boy was looking at him, which made him feel admittedly uncomfortable, and he was relieved to get his list of classes, barely scanning them before he found himself being walked about the towards the dorm mother, Mrs. Hudson.

Waiting for the last few students still lingering behind, he looked up, startled to find the pale boy standing only around a foot away. Not about to be rude on his first day, John decided to strike up a conversation. "Um, hello, I'm John," he said with more confidence than he'd anticipated. "So, what do you think so far, about everything?" He inquired, lifting a hand to indicate the school in general.
"I think you are extremely uncomfortable with the wealth of the school. And you have a brother. But he doesn't go here." Sherlock straightened his uniform shirt. He grasped his cuff between his fingers and pulled on it. "Your a scholarship." He stated. It was not a question, he could tell by a lot of the tells the boy was displaying. "If you will excuse me I am going to find my dorm, I assume I will see around, we are both Freshmen. He took another look over the boy. "And you have at least one AP class, so I can count on a higher probability of seeing you. I do hope, it's not gym." Sherlock turned and took another look at his paper. It had his roommate on written up on it.

Philip Anderson dorm Floor 2, room 21, hallway B

Sherlock shook his head. He didn't know who this 'Anderson' was, but he had a idea that he wouldn't get along with him. He shook his head once more before heading for the elevator bank.
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