Shattered Earth (Actual RP)

Ryan Fleischer, affectionately known as "Mask" to his victims and colleagues alike due to the mask upon his face, strolled through the streets with his rifle slung across his back. Chuckling maniacally, he thought aloud as he licked the blood left from his most recent murder off of his long halberd. "What shall I kill today? Perhaps an X'Ravirr," he smirked, "or perhaps even the other, no-good PAT members wishing they were as great as the glorious Mask--" A stray dog interrupted his self-praising, as it walked over to him. The hair was scraggly and the poor thing was bleeding. "Oh, you small animal, you shall be put down immediately. This will only hurt a lot, my canine friend," Ryan quickly swung his blade up, and brought it down quickly onto its neck. With the dog's life so quickly over, he continued on his merry way, planning to burn and destroy all in his way. The young psychopath gave not a thought to the cruel act preformed mere seconds ago, whistling a joyous tune as he skipped along happily.
Jemima rolled her eyes. She shook her head, but then jolted into speed, running strait past Xavier. There were many things she could never dream about beating him in, but she was a fast runner. A grin coated her face as the hall doors came into view. She picked up her speed and pulled her hair back into a bun.
Xavier saw her bolt off and began to laugh. He knew he didn't stand a chance against her but sill, he liked having fun and challenging Jemima. Xavier turned around and immediately picked up speed trying to catch up to her. In a quick burst of speed he caught up but only to talk, "Your such a cheater" He chuckled he had to slow back down because he did not have the speed to keep up with Jemima let alone pass her.
(I do believe that TKoLord's character, Xavier, now had a hole in his ear, from what could have been a fatal bullet wound. Luckily, Xavier moved a little bit and instead of going through his head, he simply has impaired hearing.)
Jemima stopped, leaning on the doors for the mess hall. 'Oh well.' She giggled, shrugging. 'That's just another way of saying 'I can't keep up with you!!'' She laughed again, and opened the doors, trotting happily in.
Xavier walked inside chuckling, "Yeah I guess your right. Alright so whats for breakfast?"
Jemima looked around, with a raised eyebrow. She spotted someone laying out the tables on the far end of the room, and skipped over to them. Porridge. She sighed and asked if she could help at all.
"Well food IS food so it's good enough foe me." Xavier snagged a plate and began to eat.
When she'd finished she sat next to Xavier with her bowl, and ate it quickly. 'We'd better eat what we don't want quickly, so we can get rid of the thought.' She took a glass of water and gulped it down, handing one to Xavier.

Maybe we can use that quote later, like when Jemima is scared of doing something, Xavier can say... 'We'd better do what we don't want to quickly, so we can get rid of the thought.' !! :D
"Thanks" Xavier launched the Water down trying to eliminate the taste of the food. He got up and looked around something was missing "Hey Jemima where is Riggs?"

(Sounds about right xD )
Jemima looked up from her glass of water and shrugged, raising an eyebrow. 'I know he's not usually on morning missions... did we miss a roster switch last night?'
Xavier thought for a moment "No i don't remember anyone having any reason to be out at night, even him"
"Eh whatever the Three of have a mission soon so he needs to hurry up." Xavier Started to Smile, "I can't wait to try out the Titan Suit."
'Yes I know, you've been talking about it for about a year now.' Jemima rolled her eyes and pulled her hair up in a ponytail.

Hey you like my profile? I drew it ^-^
(That looks amazing) "Well I've finished building it so i can't wait." He Chuckled, "And besides when is it not fun to bash alien heads in?"
"When they??" Xavier looked at Jemima shrugging, "Come on, spit it out" He said jokingly.
Jemima smiled without looking at him and shook her head. 'No I just... I was trying to think of reasons why it's not fun... But I ca-' She gasped. 'WHEN THEY'RE BABY ALIENS!'
Xavier starred at Jemima, and then started to laugh, "You do realize the babies are probably still deadly. I mean I've never seen a baby alien."
Jemima shrugged. 'Me neither, but... I dunno. I just couldn't kill anything that was innocent... And those babies, with no idea of what was happening..' She stopped and shrugged. 'Also-' She shook her head again. 'No, nothing this time.'

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