Sharing the Manor

You can be right hand for the Clan, though. First comes first served at this point. I'm on my phone so I'll update the list later.
Name:Lilly Claire



Personality:Lilly is a cute and adorable one and is definitely obsessed with candy.Despite that she can eb very sneaky with her quick moves and small body.Nto to mention her innocent looks.Even though Lilly is small she still defends her sister no matter what.

History:( i don't know.Since it's connected to your character i really don't know lolz)

Position:Lilliette St. Claire little sister.


Name: Rebecca "Becca" Mayers

Age: nineteen (19)

Gender: female

Personality: Rebecca is a quiet individual, this mannerism caused by not having much of a say in her life. She speaks only when spoken to and always has this look of fear in her eyes, as if doing or saying anything would get her reprimanded. She finds more comfort in women than men, being wary of the masculine sex even as kind or reassuring they may appear.


Rebecca was an "Oops" baby, the child of two dumb teens who thought nothing bad could happen to them. They thought they were so in love, but once her mother, Cecile, brought up the "good" news all hell broke loose. Her father demanded that she get an abortion, that he "had plans" which didn't include a kid. In spite of him, her mother kept the baby. But Rebecca's father wasn't the only one opposing the child. Her parents claimed she was too young to be pregnant, that she had so much ahead of her. So in spite of everyone's wishes, her mother kept her.

Cecile was kicked out, her parents claiming that if she wanted the life of responsibility then she could have it. Everyone was just confused, not thinking straight, but the deed was done. Regretting their choice, her parents funded Cecile until she was capable of paying rent on her own. Around this time, Rebecca was birthed and Cecile couldn't have been happier.

But you soon get bored of the same old routine after ten years.

Cecile finally figured out what she missed out on. She was 29 years old and here she was living in a cheap apartment and working as a motel maid. She could have gone to college, she could have married the boy who left her if they just kept their clothes on. She began to hate her only child.

Her idea of making up for lost time was partying until she couldn't stand straight. Rebecca hardly saw her mother, and when she did the older woman was either passed out drunk on the couch or sneaking - if you call practically falling over and laughing loudly in the middle of the night "sneaking" - into her bedroom with a stranger. Cecile soon was capable of gaining a steady relationship, but the drinking and clubbing still continued. This is when Rebecca's story begins.

She was fifteen at the time, home alone once again and eating a TV dinner in the living room. Her mother and boyfriend entered, Rebecca doing her best to ignore them. Her boyfriend led her mother into the bedroom and Rebecca expected that to be the last she saw of them tonight. But the older man exited the room and took it upon himself to sit beside her. This was unexpected, the two never even saying "Bless you" when one sneezed. He started small talk, Rebecca giving short answers; the alcohol on his breath made her feel sick.

Then he attacked her.

He tackled her, saying how much of a tease she was and how much he wanted her. Rebecca screamed, kicking and punching. She was capable of punching him in the jaw and he, in his drunk state, easily fell over. Rebecca cried for her mother and, fortunately, the woman came to her aid. Or so she thought. Rebecca hugged her mother, tears pouring down her cheeks and she choked out what he tried to do to her. The man didn't even have to give his side of the story. Cecile drunkenly pushed her daughter away from her, slurring how much she hated her and that she was just trying to ruin her chance at a happy life once again. She cursed at her, shoving her out of the apartment and slamming the door. Rebecca was on her own.

But it doesn't stop there. With no where to go to, not even knowing who her grandparents were, Rebecca was officially homeless. She slept on the streets for what felt like a week before help came. And once again, it wasn't the help she was expecting. The older man explained that he had just the place for her, fatigue not allowing her to notice or worry about the lustful look in the man's eyes. He led her to an apartment building filled with nervous men and women of different calibers. He led her to a brothel.

Four years. Four years of being used. Four years of fear. Four years of being a prostitute. Four years until she was finally saved. The brothel was finally busted, anyone inside who wasn't able to escape the police arrested. Some girls were saved, Rebecca being a part of this group. They were all sent to different institutions before they were capable of finding homes. But Rebecca was sent to Manor St. Claire after her therapy, for what home did she have before?

Position: Homeless



Other: the town :3

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