Sharing the Manor


Mad Scientist


"Welcome to the Manor St. Claire, your new home."


You are either a delinquent, a homeless teenager, a gang member, or maybe even all three. You live in a fairly poor city that contains only one truly rich family, the founding family of the town. Perhaps you were picked up off the streets, or you were arrested for fighting your rival gang. Either way, the cops have been picking people up right and left. But with the jail so full of real criminals, there is no way they would have been able to hold all of the teens. The foster system being too cruel, the owner of Manor St. Claire and descendant of the founder of the town stepped up. She decided to give a home to the kids, because just her, her servants and her grandchildren in a huge empty house didn't feel right, especially when a lot of the kids didn't have homes to go to.

All of you go to the same school now, the best school in the town. But what will happen at that school and at home if the leaders of the two most powerful gangs are living together?


Residents of the Mansion before the decision:

Layla St. Claire, owner of the Manor: NPC, when needed controlled by me. (Won't be seen much)

Her Grandson: Draven Malaki (Ardetha~Nacht)

Her Granddaughter: Lilliette St. Claire (me)

Her other Granddaughter: Lilly St. Claire (ForgottenBlood)

Homeless Kids:

(They were just wandering the streets and were picked up by the police.)

1. Samuel (Sam) Lynbourn (Aidan Rowtag)

2. Ardetha Van Flettermaus (Ardetha~Nacht)

3. Rebecca "Becca" Mayers (savagePEST)


The Wolf Pack:

(Most powerful gang, their color of preference is Red.)

Leader, goes by Alpha, or Alpha Male: Aloe Max (ForgottenBlood)

Right hand man, or Beta: Alexander "Alex" V. Rose (Lucem Tenebris)


1. Draven Malaki (Ardetha~Nacht)


The Clan:

(Second most powerful, their color is black)

Leader: Ryan Devine (NebulaSkies)

Right hand man:





1. All RPN rules apply.

2. 3 Characters Max (per person)

3. You may control some NPCs, like police, servants and civilians, but not the ones given a face/name by me. In order to keep this RP alive, I will use said NPCs in a game master type of way.

3. Romance & Violence PG-13, or go to black. If you wanna get into it, message each other.

4. You may not request to make another gang until the first two are filled, same idea applies to other factions in positions, and when they are filled more will be made available. Also, your character can have more than one position, i.e. you could be Lilliette's bro and the leader of the Wolf Pack.

5. You must be accepted before you may join the RP.

6. If you are reading these rules, put what the St. Claire's founded in the other section of your character skelly.

7. Your first character must be a teen, your second & third can be older or younger.

8. If you are going to be inactive after you make your character, please tell me, so I don't kill you when the RP starts, and for everyone else check back until the RP is made please~

9. If you do want to make a different kind of chara, make it and I'll decide, or ask me first.

10. I have the right to not accept a character, but you can edit your skelly as many times as you like.

Note: This is a semi-lit RP, and the rules will be slightly different for the RP thread.


Name: (include nick name if you have one)






Appearance: (Prefer anime pic, but you may use others or write about it)


The RP :3

Name: Lilliette St. Claire

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: To people who don't know her very well, she is refined, proper, regal, and sometimes they perceive her as either being mean and snooty, or kind and caring. Mostly the later. But people that do know her know that she is just like anyone else and can be clumsy and actually has feelings.

History: Lilliette lived in a fairly normal home until she turned 13. It was that year that her parents died in an accident. At the funeral, her rich grandma, whom she had seen only about once every two years due to the distance between their homes, decided to take her and her brother in. Since then she has been forced to learn to be a proper and obedient child, but she has always been silent about it because she is very grateful to her grandmother.

Position: Granddaughter

Appearance: 5' 8", very slender and looks delicate.


Other: The Town. Has a small dog named Shiba.
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You mean history? No, nothing on the skelly is optional, except for adding something on other. But it can just be summed up, like I didn't go into detail on mine.

Basically what they did before the Manor, and/or how they were caught and taken there, and/or their opinions on it is acceptable.

And yes, you may.
Name:Aloe Max



Personality:Aloe is the person that doesn't play with anyone and takes things seriously.He doesn't joke around when it comes to his gang and certainly with others.He is ruthless and cruel and doesn't care if someone as a problem with it.Don't get on his bad side but eh who said he had a good side?If you manage to crack him out of his shell and get closer to him then you might see the other side that's deep down inside of him but it would take a lot of work to get to that point let along in a relationship with him.

History:Aloe was born and raised to fight and use guns.At the age of 12 he already killed someone and was put into juvy 6 times already.When he was actually old enough to go to a real jail he did 9 times for killing people.Chargers were pressed and everything but he didn't care,but he did pay them.He even had a death sentence but escaped jail and hid away.There is no record of him anymore so police can't really find him unless he comes to them.He made a gang of other people that were like him and called it the Wolf Gang.And since red is a color of evil,fire,and pain that was the color they used.(Sorry it's so short..eek)

Position:Wolf Gang Leader


Other:I could be the brother of someone when we get more people?

The town?
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Ryan Devine. Her gang name is Bell.






Ryan is a very mischievous girl, who always has tricks up her sleeves. Despite being the leader of a vicious clan, she isn't violent in any way, she has her clan do the dirty work for her. She is a girl who prefers to be in charge, and constantly shows that she is dominant.


Ryan was born on August 3rd, to two parents who could care less about her. She was always in and out of foster homes (mostly for causing riots occasionally), no one really wanted to adopt her. She was constantly neglected, which lead her to wanting to be on her own pretty quickly. Once she became 18, she left to make a clan, because at least they would care about her.


Head of the Clan.




The town! ^.^
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Neither of you got the answer... aha. It's in the first half of the plot. ^^'

But I do love the charas :3
Name: Samuel (Sam) Lynbourn

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Sam is extremely quiet and shy when he firsts meets people. After a while he sort of warms up to them. He isn't the type of person to deliberately get into an argument but he will stand up for someone he is friends with. (or more I guess blahhh)

History: Sam ran away from home when he was 15 due to family problems (will reveal in the rp). He started stealing but only to get things that he needed. He got caught shoplifting some tennis shoes from the mall and when the police questioned him he admitted to being homeless. Sam was sent to the Manor.

Position: Homeless kid


Other: The town Im assuming or the manor blah idk. Also Sam's most prized position is his guitar.
Yay! Accepted! ^^ btw, I LOVE Blue Exorcist!!!! :D

I think we'll start the RP when we get at least two more characters. But it may end up being made later, Monday at the latest.

Lilliette needs a bro, so if you want to take on a bit of a leadership let me know. Basically their grandma is so busy all the time she ends up putting them in charge of the new kids, and some butlers/maids will help as well (but are minor/NPCs)
I'm using my phone right now so I'll update the positions later, but go ahead and make the app, but remember to specify which gang you are the right hand for ^^
Name: ardetha van flettermaus

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: very skidish around others but tries very hard to talk to people but in most cases just runs away

History: ardetha was abused as a child and was beaten by her older brothers. growing up she had to hide the scars and bruises she always had. when she was at school the teacher grew suspicious but wasnt able to do anything. her father got up and left them and her oldest sibling left town, so it was the next oldest brother and her mother. since her mother was always passed out drunk she never heard the cries and screams that came from her daughters room everynight. she finallly had enough..she got her things together and ran off. she knows she may never be able to hide from her brother forever but she could try. shes been homeless for over 3 years now.

Position: homeless



Other: oo.oo


Name: draven malaki

Age: 21

Gender: male

Personality: draven is very quiet, strong silent type right? but with a very bad anger problem. he doesnt need his voice to show his anger. hes not open to many people and will most of the time ignore you but he does have an inner soft side mainly towards girls. hes also very protective over his "family"..the gang members hes come to know.

History: draven was always the protective type, especially over his sister. growing up they got teased a lot for being poorer then the others and were constantly being bullied. guys would start to pick on his sister, that led to him getting kicked out of school for aggressive behavior. when he and his sister turned 13 their parents were killed in an accident and his grandmother took them both in. he finally just stopped going to school not caring anymore but the fighting didnt stop he was always getting bullied by others around him so he started to bully back, but harder. he was sent to Juvenal high for beating up and nearly killing younger kids and soon was getting sent to jail for theft and high speed robbery. he had to leave his house to join his gang, but he promised his sister he would always protect and would come back to her someday.

Position: wolf clan gang member




thhheee town
Name: Alexander "Alex" V. Rose

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Alexander could be considered the exact opposite of the boss. He is always calm and treats everybody kindly. He is hardly ever seen without a smile on his face. One would never consider him being in a gang. He is a very dependable person and loyal to the Wolf Pack, considering the members as family. He is almost always calm and laid back, the only exception is when it comes to the gang. When important matters regarding the gang are brought up, Alexander is nothing but serious. He is very loyal to his boss and won't allow anyone to disrespect him. He has only been witnessed once when angered and that situation did not end well for the receivers of said anger. Despite his feminine appearance, he has the strength of a monster. He could compared to a wolf hiding in sheep skin.

History: Alexander grew up many towns away in a wealthy family. While many people envied his position, he wanted nothing to do with the lifestyle. He was never allowed any freedom and was forced to follow a strict set of rules. If what he was doing was not considered high class, he would be stopped. He would be repremended for partaking in activities 'beneath him', even physically. He wanted nothing more than to cast away that lifestyle and think for himself for once. That opportunity arose weeks later when the family began to move out of the state.

As the family passed by numerous towns, Alexander eventually managed to run away. He was five years old and all alone, but he didn't care. He was finally free and he couldn't be happier. If he died out in this town, so be it. If he died, it would be as his own person.

After many years of struggling, Alexander eventually found himself joining the Wolf Pack. The gang was accepting and he considered them the family that he had always wanted. A family that accepted him for him. After awhile, Alexander managed to become the Beta, directly under the Alpha, Aloe.

Position: Beta of The Wolf Pack/Aloe Max's Right Hand Man

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.1ac9fbb1682d4dd14a14817025e23e76.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.1ac9fbb1682d4dd14a14817025e23e76.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: The Town.



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@ForgottenBlood you may make another female character ^^ I think that'd make it even before we start tonight. :D If you want to be Lilliette's little sister go ahead, just make sure she lives at the Manor even if she's a part of a gang. Basically take any unopened position. I know you wanted to make a girl so yeah. Or another good one would be to be the Clan's right hand cause that would be another useful one aha (heck even both)

So yeah, we are starting tonight! But for now I have to go help my mom and grandma pick out furniture.... At least I might get a bird cage out of it lolz

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