Shards of Immortality

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Shards of Immortality

A Miz and Wiz Production

“It had all faded away...

He was a man with unsurpassable power, a near god in flesh. He was unknown, a concealed figure behind armor. No one knew where he arrived from, no one knew of his limits or his weaknesses, and no one knew where he departed off to.

According to fables, the Overlord was a man whose abilities were paramount. He was an individual of incapable acts, mastering both sword and staff, he was able to tame savage races, slay demons and dragons, and revive the dead. Legends about his greatness were endless, and were recalled upon by a variety of races for centuries. Warriors, Wizards, Warlocks and more, they all were lead to him by either a thirst for power and glory, or a fear of conquest and death. He gained quick following throughout the Material Plane, as his legends grew more notable and his armies grew, so did his influence. Soon enough he was desiring land, territory, kingdoms, cities, towns, all for himself.

Eventually the fabled man constructed a Tower to which he used as his palace. A pillar of magical defenses, it was built around a fortified core that amplified his followers powers (after a portion of their beings were added to its mechanisms), making them immortal, immune from aging and death. His armies became an Immortal Legion, unable to be killed or lay to rest, returning back to life only moments after their slaughter. With eternal life at their side, the Immortal Legion continued to ravage kingdoms, and expand, bringing one race after another underneath its banner.

Soon enough, they were one of the few powers remaining in all the Material Planes, and begun battling with the invading demonic forces of the Nether Plane for power over the Material World and beyond. Battles would be waged, won and loss, but ultimately it ended in an utter stalemate between both sides for over a century.

However, just as the Immortal Legion was about to push out, and conquer all of it. As many of the seers predicted that we would, the man who mysteriously arrived centuries before, vanished. He left no trace, no soul in the plane of the departed, no being in the Nether, and no aura anywhere in the Material Plane. We searched for him, searched endlessly for days, but it was all for naught. For in his absence we were attacked. Attacked on a scale to the likes of which we had never seen. An Alliance of the Material Races we had conquered over the centuries rose up, organized and coordinated, they managed to break our defenses. Without our leader, they managed to infiltrate our Tower and shattered our core. Removing not only our immortality, but our ability to return after Death. It was then that they struck, an unprecedented army who took advantage of our weakened state, they finished us off, killing us for good....

It’s been a thousand years since that fateful day, and you have awoken from your slumber, the tower restoring your life. In a weakened state, you hope to kill those who managed to defeat you, only to find yourself resurrected amongst ruins. A millennia has passed, and you are not the immortal General you once were. The Immortal Legion has been destroyed and left to rot. Our achievements written down only in lore, and our legacies forgotten. Yet we are alive, and we can regain our power....”

- Shieldheart


In Shards of Immortality you play a General from the Overlord’s Immortal Legion from 1,000 years ago, that had died in the attack against the Tower that was your homebase. You have now been mysteriously revived once more over a millennia later, with the core that has given you your power destroyed and its mechanisms shattered into fragments. These fragments are harboring the powerful energy that once made you great, and now are being used by enemies and entities unknown across the Material and Nether planes.

To regain your power, and rebuild the Legion, you must rebuild your fractured core, redevelop your magic, reconquer kingdoms once more. Only this time, without your leader, the Overlord, to assist you.

Skill Slot System: Shards of Immortality features a unique and custom system called Skills. It is the first attempt at any such system, and focuses on a more specific set of skills/advantages over basic broad advantages, as we have done in other roleplays. The Skill System allows for more customization, uniqueness and of course, adds to the challenge of the game.

The skill system can be best explained as a system of slots. There are three kind of slots based by color: Orange, Green and Purple. Each one of these slots can hold different advantages, but of different power levels and limitations. Skills Slots can be earned/rewarded throughout the game as your characters develop their abilities and powers.

Open the spoiler below for a full breakdown of the Skill System:

Oranges (Basic Skills & Proficiencies): Orange slots are for skills that your character can cast/utilize as many times as they want (even using them multiple times in one post). These include basic magic abilities (like fireball), weapon proficiencies (axe handling) or basic feats or skills (like pickpocketing). All skills that can be used more often repeatively without exhausting your character.

Greens (General Skills): Greens are skills that are more proficient and effective than Oranges. They are skills they can only be used once in a set of time without rest (meaning they are refreshed when we move to a new thread or when we perform a timeskip in the roleplay, an example would be heading to a new destination within the same thread, we will always alert you as to when your skills are refreshed.). They are usually more powerful skills, but are still generally basic. Greens would include the skills such as summoning a Water Elemental, disabling a trap, or being able to manipulate one’s rage for an assault in battle.

Purple (Ultimate Skills): Purples are skills that are more proficient and effective than Green and Orange skills. Purples are considered ultimate abilities. These are abilities your character has trained immensely to learn. They have amazing capabilities, and show off their might as Generals. Purples can only be used once in a thread (regardless of timeskips). An example of Purple skills would include: causing a meteor to fall from the sky, creating a Nether Portal, or draining someone’s energy, or the curing of some disease or ailment.

Selecting Skills: When you receive a slot for your character, it is up to you to create an advantage/skill for them. Each skill should be explained in depth to what its abilities and limitations are (as an ability that is seen as too weak or too powerful maybe rejected from its slot). These skills can be about anything you desire, as long as they make sense for your character to have, and do not break any forum or roleplaying rules. Of course, the storytellers can reject or ask you to revise any skill you submit. They can also ask you to revisit your skill in the middle of the game if they feel the skill is broken and requires buffing or limitations.

Mixing-and-Matching: Skills do not have to be all from one stereotypical roleplaying class. Your character can have abilities from any class they choose to have, as long as they make sense with your character’s bio and history. You can choose all mage skills, all warrior skills, or rogue skills. However you can have magic while doing weapon proficiencies (to make a magical fighter), or have social magic and charm with stealth abilities (to make a magical rogue).

Receiving Additional Skills: Each character starts with a set number of starting skills. These skills will grow in time as more core shards are collected, and as your character develops throughout the roleplay. There is no distinct time in which your character will receive new skills, instead the Storytellers will reward your character with an additional slot when they feel it's merited. Meaning your character could receive a new slot for completing a quest, an arc, or for just roleplaying a situation appropriately. This gradual reward of gaining new skills is suppose to go with the theme of reviving your character’s past glory. As with each new slot, your character becomes closer to their previous immortal self.

Races: In Shards of Immortality you have seven custom races you can choose from, each with their own histories. Your character must be from one of these seven races. You can see all seven in the second post.

Magic: Shards of Immortality is a high fantasy game, as such it has a large degree of Magic. Magic in this game however is very controlled. You will be required to play by certain posting rules in order to use it appropriately, so that its fair for everyone. This includes a required two post system where you must use your first post to cast your spell, and a second post to then have the spell’s effects occur, this way giving the other players time to react.


A character template is available to look at in the third post. You can use it to begin making your character, but we will not be approving submissions until the roleplay is online. You can however still submit your characters to this thread, they will be properly moved to their correct location once the forums are up.


Life Expectancy

: 85 Years

Alliance Capital


Estercastle (pop. ~54,900)

Other Capitals


Kingsmont (pop. ~37,140)

Belhart (pop. ~23,370)

Elmunt (pop. ~15,020)

Humans are the most numerous of any race in all of the Material Plane. Diverse and adaptive, Humans are the terrestrial race that once conquered a majority of the world. Unlike other races, Humans have developed a wide variety of skills, each area of Human culture manifesting its strengths in order to survive the world’s ruggedness. Their armies are massive, and their navies are intimidating. Human cities scale great heights, and are extremely populated. Humans, after the Elves, are the most educated of any race, and are the race that actively fights the Nether.

Humans pride themselves in individualism, and have diversified immensely. So diverse are Humans, that each Human’s abilities (and magic especially) are individualistic. Humans are renowned for their abilities over Elemental and Clerical Magic (Human Paladins are a rank feared by all), but humans have dabbed into other areas, including the forbidden Necromancy and other Nether magical fields utilized by Demons. Humans have also ventured into Arcane magic (see Elves), and have a wide array of technology on par with Elven and Demon kind.

With so much potential, Humans are able to evolve soldiers consisting of many traits and abilities, creating some of the worlds greatest warriors, unrivaled by any race.

Politically, Humans currently remain in a alliance that has lasted for centuries. With the exception of smaller settlements and some Warlord states, Human forces serve this loose confederation of Human nation-states, known simply as the Alliance. The Alliance origins stem back to the defeat of the Overlord. Where Humans and other races united to destroy the Overlord’s armies. However it became more important to Humans, especially after the Overlord was defeated, as Demons and other Nether creatures invaded the Material Plane, nearly wiping out Humanity. Cooperating against these imposing forces, the Humans were able to stay alive and thrive.

In recent years however, the Alliance has begun to separate, what was once a massive nation has now split into a Confederation, with four key powers: Estercastle (The Capital), Kingsmont, Belhart and Elmunt, all battling for political power and influence.


Life Expectancy

: 1,500 Years


: Alye'kel

Elves are one of the most powerful races in all of the Material World. Renowned for their magically inclined nature, Elves have mastered magical technology and the ways of Arcane Magic. Elves pride themselves in their magically infused blood, that allows them to possess an extended lifespan that far surpasses their racial peers (a Elf can reach the ripe age of 1,000 with only slight dementia).

Unlike other races, almost all Elves reside in a single location, a metropolitan city state tucked away in the Elven Valley known as Alye'kel. Because of their isolation from other civilizations, Elves think very little of other races and are often obsessed with their own agendas. Elves in fact encourage a balance of power between the Material and Nether Races, preferring their constant struggles between one another as a means to keep peace for their civilization. Elves rarely assist other races when they are attacked by invading Nether forces, and only get involved when a Nether power grows too immense in strength. As such, other races view Elves as selfish, elitist, and egotistical, at best.

Yet as powerful as Elves become, they cannot forget their humble origins. As Elves were once all human. Actually to many races, Elves are regarded as humans. As legend has it, Elves were nothing more than a group of enlightened Humans that banded together to create a fortified city. Using their magical ways, these humans created a magical “Well” at the center of this city, which gave Elves their enhanced blood and elongated life-spans. With their new abilities, these humans saw themselves as superior beings and crowned themselves to forever be known as ‘“Elves” after the valley they had begun to settle. However, even with their past, Elves have little kinship to other humans, only uniting with them to stop the Overlord nearly a thousand years ago. It is in fact the Elves who are accredited for stopping the Overlord’s forces, as their civilization was one of the few that did not get conquered by his immortal hordes.

Elves are identical to Humans in appearance for the exception that they are slightly taller, have white hair and usually have purple eyes that glow in the dark. Elves are also terrible at melee combat and physical activities, and as such are very skinny. For whatever reason (some assume the Elven blood), most Elves are asexual, and do not enjoy intercourse, only having those kind of relationships for the necessity of marriage.


Life Expectancy

: 185 Years

Tieflings are those who are born to a human mother and a demon.They possess a wide variety of skills and appearances that are unique to each Tiefling, and their own demon heritage. Tieflings regardless of their qualities, are all humanoid, and do not surpass the height of 7’2”. All Tieflings are born in the Material World to a human mother. Tieflings are created when a Demon impregnants a human woman, often, but not always, through intercourse. When Tieflings are born, they first appear human, but become more demonic as they grow and age. Becoming their true nature by the onset of puberty.

Tieflings are regarded as smart but hot-headed, often getting upset easily with basic daily stressors. They are known for their strategic minds and their cunning. Tieflings are known to be very dexterous and exceptionally skilled in sword fighting. Yet a Tiefling’s emotions and demonic rage are often their weakness in battle, causing them to get into many unfavorable situations.

Tieflings do not have their own societies, and have few accomplishments beyond their military successes. They can exist in an array of different civilizations in the Material World (filling a variety of roles from generals to mercenaries to farmers). Tieflings, however, prefer to live in places far away from any dimensional Nether Portals, and usually do not participate in human society once they reach adulthood, preferring to engage either in the shadows of human society or live with other non-human and non-demonic races that look beyond their half nature. This is because when a Tiefling is born, they are feared by their human counterparts upon reaching adulthood, and their Demon heritage refuses to accept them as offspring and almost always neglects and/or abandons them in the Material World, if not killing them upon discovery of their existence. For this reason, it is not uncommon for Tieflings to fear the Nether and their demonic parent.


Life Expectancy

: 115 Years

A cousin to Tieflings, Nymphs are individuals born to a human mother and a Fae. Fae are some of the most powerful entities in the Nether and Material Planes. Unlike demons, Fae appreciate the simplicity of nature (of both planes) and base their magic around it. Nymphs tend to follow in their Fae heritage and have abilities that are in tune with nature. Each Nymph is different, and its Fae heritage decides what abilities they have over nature and magic.

Regardless of their abilities, Nymphs are viewed as beautiful, charming, and charismatic by others. Nymphs are usually calm and do not like to resort to violence. Instead, they prefer to handle situations diplomatically. Similar to their Fae parent, they are very fickle, and do not rush to make promises with others. Nymphs dislike having too many friends. Fearing they cannot trust everyone, they instead usually entrust only a few with true honesty. Nymphs are promiscuous, having little regard for race (and sometimes gender) and are known to have many partners over their lifetime, if not at once.

Nymphs are usually shorter than an average human, have a variety of skin colors, and are usually soft-faced. Nymphs stop aging after they reach adulthood, and stay youthful (in appearance) for their entire lives. However, this isn’t to say they do not die of old age. Nymphs will most likely die after a century of life, but will appear the same age even towards the end of their life. For this reason, it's very difficult for other races to detect how old a Nymph is, and Nymphs use this to their advantage as they build a web of lies to defeat their opponents.

Nymphs, unlike Tieflings, are usually welcomed into Human society, but are seen as untrustworthy. However the feeling is mutual, and Nymphs don’t have much consideration for their Human heritage, and often leaving to adventure into nature upon the onset of puberty. Nymphs are curious about their Fae nature, but almost never find their Fae parent, as the only thing more elusive than a Nymph is perhaps their Fae parent, being master of nature, trickery and shapeshifting.


Life Expectancy

: 40 Years

Largest Settlement

: Kaagar Tribe (Nomadic)

Half-Orcs are human individuals that are born with Orc blood in their heritage. Half-Orcs were once created in a harsh union between an Orc father and a Human mother, yet over the years, Half-Orcs have bred with one another to create their own race. Half-Orcs are the only living relatives of the Orcs, as true-blooded Orcs no longer exist in the Material Plane. Warlike and barbaric, Orcs were once one of the most terrifying races in the Material World. Orcs make vicious warriors that renowned for their fighting skills, being nearly 3-5 times larger than a present-day Half-Orc. Orcs were capable of wielding almost any melee weapon in battle. However the Orc’s fatal flaw was that they would continue to grow in size until their deaths, which would usually be around 20-30 years of age (Half-Orcs manage to avoid this issue, with the inclusion of human blood).

Orcs were originally created by the Demon Lord Daickar, in the Nether Plane over three millennia ago. He created them in order to make a perfect army against his Demonic rivals that challenged his control. Ultimately, he used his Orcs in an attempt to rule over the Material Plane, launching massive invasions through Nether Portals that still remain to this day. His armies were vicious, plundering and pillaging nearly all of the living races, only to fail at the hands of a single man in battle. This man was supposedly able to break Daickar's control over his Orc troops. With the magical spell broken, the mysterious man, who would one day become the Overlord, managed to control the Orcs and have them submit to his will. As the Overlord grew in power, so did his Orcish hordes, that would breed with humans and give rise to the Half-Orcs (who, unlike Orcs, had free will).

Unfortunately, upon the destruction of the Tower’s core and the Overlord’s disappearance, the Orcish race began to act feral, with no one in control over their animalistic nature. The Orcs began to lash out at one another and attack villages and towns randomly. Unable to control their rage-like tendencies, all Orcs were exterminated in the Material Plane by the other races in less than a century. Orcs have not been seen on the Material Plane in nearly 800 years.

Half-Orcs were unaffected by the Overlord's disappearance, and thus remained alive and “civilized”, not exterminated by the other races. Renowned for their abilities in fighting, Half-Orcs usually rose to made their own nomadic societies and traveled from place to place looking for mercenary work. Half-Orcs are skilled in all types of melee combat, but can also employ blood and shamanistic magic that is very different from the Elven Arcane Magic. Even without their constant growth, Half-Orcs are able to grow to a size far larger than any race, reaching heights of nearly 8 feet (however most remain closer to human size). Viewed as brutes, Half-Orcs are considered the ultimate warrior (even if they do have limited intelligence), but it is speculated that one day the Orcs may return if another portal from the Nether World is opened...


Life Expectancy

: 50 Years

Largest Settlement

: Noestrak (According to Legend)

The scaly Lizardfolk are a primitive race that exists only in the Material Plane. Slightly smaller than a human, they are best known for their abilities to navigate underground tunnels and waterways. They spend most of their time underground. Lizardfolk prefer wet environments and rarely live willingly on the surface, preferring the more remote and cold underground. However, if Lizardfolk are above ground, they usually surface near a swamp, wetland or spring that provides fresh water. Almost all of these above-ground settlements are temporary.

Lizardfolk are a young race, rising only during the Overlord’s time. They were in fact created by one of the Overlord’s most powerful advisors, the Great Deviator Serorr, who manufactured them as an experiment. Lizardfolk were originally intended to be much larger and act as a new soldier that would eventually replace the uncontrollable Orcs. Combining human specimens with the likes of Lizards, Lesser Dragons and Wyrms, Serorr was able to create the race of Lizardfolk after many failed attempts. He was unsatisfied with the results, but was astonished at the abilities they came to possess. More and more he skewed the race until they became the borrowing, water-faring race they are today.

Lizardfolk would probably have remained and died in Serorr’s Dungeon underneath the Overlord’s Tower, if the Great Deviator gone mad, and releasing his creatures in the progress. Unlike his other monstrosities, the Lizardfolk were intelligent enough to properly escape and effectively fight back the Overlord’s guards.

The Overlord, seeing these capabilities, drafted many of the Lizardfolk who did not escape, into the Immortal Legion. Some were even made Generals. Those who did escape, did so through the tunnels and sewers underneath the Overlord’s Towers. It is not known where they came to rest. Legends say there exists a city that is hidden and fortified in an underwater cavern. This mysterious hidden settlement, called Noestrak by some, supposedly exists behind a waterfall, through endless tunnels of underwater caverns that are dangerous for any other race. According to Legend, it is there that Lizardfolk have grown secretly in strength over the millennia.

Lizardfolk are aggressive creatures once they are provoked. Most are apathetic when left alone. However, they are still vicious warriors, that have the ability to utilize their natural weapons to their advantage. In fact, a Lizardfolk’s jaw is able easily and cleanly sever a human’s limb. Lizardfolk are also known for using the jaws and bones of others to make weapons (the most commonly made weapons are spears and bone swords that resemble scimitars).

Lizardfolk are not known for magic, and in fact, fear its abilities mainly because of their ancestral past. However, the Great Deviator did create Lizardfolk with the ability to shoot lightning from their mouths (which is also foretold to light up all of their scales). Some of the more skilled and intellectual Lizardfolk are able to channel this lightning in other ways. Excluding this natural lightning ability, Lizardfolk almost never venture into any school or sphere of magic.


Life Expectancy

: 75 Years

Largest City

: The City of Ruishim (In the Desert of Ruishim)

Pantheons are a unique and strange race of the Material Planes, relatively unknown until just a few centuries before the defeat of the Overlord. Pantheons are a race of half human, half animal creatures, that have a human body but an equally proportional animal head (“Human from the Neck Down” is the phrase races say to refer to them).

According to legend, Pantheons were once humans that were cursed (or blessed) into their current animalistic forms by the Demon Lord, Ruishim. Ruishim had entered the Material World through a Nether Portal in order to start his own kingdom, after being defeated by much stronger demons within the Nether. A master of manipulating fire, Ruishim desired an environment that would better suit his abilities, and thus turned the land surrounding his portal into a desert that stretched for miles. For the villagers and inhabitants in this area, crops began to wither and soon died, water evaporated, and a massive drought continued for years. Brought to the brink of death, the human inhabitants of Ruishim’s land banded together in order to banish, if not kill, the lesser Demon Lord. Knowing of their plans from the beginning, the animalistic Ruishim anticipated and defeated the attack.

Ruishim could have simply killed the humans, or punished them, but the cunning Demon Lord instead decided to make peace with the inhabitants. He struck a deal with the humans, saying he would not punish them and instead would transform them so that they could not only live in the desert, but also become the greatest warriors of all time. All the humans would need to do would be to worship Ruishim as a God. In desperation, the Humans accepted, and the Demon Lord transformed the humans into new animal-headed creatures. Yet, he gave the Pantheons two new abilities, the first being that they could no longer be killed by fire and second was the ability to transform temporarily into the animal form of their head (meaning if a Pantheon had an eagle head, they could temporarily turn into an Eagle).

The Pantheon society grew, and soon they built a city in Ruishim’s honor. An oasis in a desert, the Pantheons named their monument city after their Lord. They thrived, in the desert isolated and undisturbed for centuries until the arrival of a stranger - a human-looking man that strolled into the desert from the west. He gave them no name, but told the Pantheons that he would give them powers beyond their comprehension if they would abandon Ruishim and serve him. The Pantheons who received this offer responded in different manners, some willingly accepted, others were pressured to accept, and others refused, returning to warn the others back in the City of Ruishim.

Pantheons were one of the many races that helped destroy the Overlord's forces in the Great Alliance. They retreated back to their desert over the centuries. Any Pantheon that remained behind would be considered a traitor to their God and Race....
----- CHARACTER NAME -----

----- TITLE -----


Name: (This must include a first and last name unless you have a background reason.)

Title: (This is your own personal title.)

Race: (You must be one of the races available to you. No custom races, no exceptions.)

Physical Age: (Age that doesn’t include the 1,000 years you spent “dead”)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Sexuality: (Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, or Asexual)

Posting Colors: (The colors your dialogue will be colored in the game.)




Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Notable Characteristics & Distinguishing Marks:

Description: (Description + an Optional Picture)


Opinion on the Overlord: (Hows does your character feel about the Overlord’s disappearance, is he still loyal or is he only seeking to regain his immortality?)

Opinion of the Generals: (Does your character see the Generals as friends, or merely compatriots? Is there any close feelings towards other Generals?)

Opinion on Friendships: (Does your character value friendship? What do they seek in friends if they pursue close friends?)

Opinion on Relationships: (Does your character seek relationships out of Love, out of physical Lust? Is your character even pursuing a future relationship or are they in a relationship? What do they hope for in a relationship?)

Opinion on Races: (What is your character’s opinion of their own race, and do they have any feelings towards any other races in particular)

Education: (Is your character literate, did they have any formal education in any fields?)

Motivation: (Goals, Secret Plans, etc. If its not here it’s not happening in game. Even if your plot is to kill everyone, it has to be here. Players are expected to not metagame and instantly know your character is a traitor by looking at your sheet. We expect everyone RP things in game and figure things out that way. Make sure to state if other characters are not supposed to know of a motivation because its a secret or something.)


Upbringing: (What was your character’s upbringing, and childhood? How was their relationship with their parents or their siblings (if they know who they were)?)

Most Important Event: (Was there any event that inspired your character, was traumatic for your character, or set the course for their lives?)

Before Immortality: (Who was your character before they were a General and joined the Overlord’s Immortal Legion? Why did the Overlord show interest in your Character?)

As a General: (What did your Character do as a General? What tasks did they perform, Did they become famous for something?)

Your Defeat: (How were you killed in the raid against the Tower? What room did you die in (Bold the Room Name, picking a room will allow us to design the tower)?


Personal Mementos: (An important personal object that your character keeps around for memories (Optional))

Weapons: (Any weapon your character currently has on his person a majority of the time)

Armor/Clothes: (Any armor or clothes your character currently has on him a majority of the time)

Other Items to Note: (Any special items to note)

Quest Items: (To be filled in by Storyteller)





Disadvantage (Optional):

Disadvantage (Optional):

Orange Skill Slots (Basic Skills & Proficiencies):

  1. Starting Slot 1
  2. Starting Slot 2
  3. Starting Slot 3

Green Skill Slots (General Skills):

  1. Starting Slot 1

Purple Skill Slots (Ultimate Skills):

[No Slots are Unlocked]
This idea is very interesting and I would like to partake of this game as soon as it is up and running
Shards of Immortality was the first RP I joined when I first stepped foot in what used to be the Wayward Inn, and I would love to play it again. Count me in.
Welcome to everyone who has taken an interest in this game! I look forward to all your characters!
Zerohunts said:
While I won't tell you if you are approved or rejected here, I will be glad enough to give you some tips and pointers. May you please provide more information next to each skill so we can know what they do?
Hrm. Tossing around ideas. If nobody wants to play an unusually ancient elven wizard aiming for ultimate cosmic power and is not at all susceptible to corruption, I'll put together a character. Maybe. >_>
Just wanted to say that this looks very promising, and that I'm interested in joining. I'd recommend getting some guideline/example skills and a bit more detail overall - guidelines for spells especially, or at least an example or two per category for skills (orange, green, purple) that are different kinds of skills so its easier to know what the level of power involved really should be. Looks fun, I'll be keeping a close eye on this.
I'm in for this, but won't be able to make a character until this evening. Bandit king Nymph, with a harem of honeys. :P
Definitely in! Here comes a Tiefling sailor, Admiral of the Overlod's fleets! Yarrrrr :cool:

----- Simeon D’Arghatán -----

----- Admiral Deathblade -----



Simeon D’Arghatán.


Admiral Deathblade



Physical Age:






Posting Colors:



Height: 193 cm (6'4")

Weight: 82 kg (180 lbs)

Hair Color: Dark, nearly black brown.

Eye Color: Blue-Gray.

Notable Characteristics & Distinguishing Marks:

Eye patch over his left eye covering a severe burn mark, he has several scars all over his body and a large one on his chest.


Simeon, needless to say, is a fairly "ghastly" character. His skin is as pale as snow, contrasted by his dark hair. His teeth are sharp like a shark's, and what once were his hands and feet- Have long ago turned into sharp claws, as if his nails and skin had fused together. The easiest way to recognize Simeon, is by the torn admiral's coat and hat he still wears, colored as black as the night. Underneath his 'uniform' Simeon usually wears a vest and a shirt. Simeon has short hair on his head and no facial hair. On his right arm, Simeon has a tattoo of an eye with crossed blades underneath - It is the mark of 'The Revenant's Gaze', Simeon's flagship.



Opinion on the Overlord:

Simeon was one of the Overlord's top Generals, and thus he still remains loyal to his old master in some way, and were the Overlord to reappear - Simeon would be fully ready to take up arms underneath His banner again. For the time being, however, he cannot let the Overlord's disappearance bother him or get in the way of his goals and plans.

Opinion of the Generals:

Some were his friends, others were his rivals and there were a few enemies as well. They were his brothers in arms, though most often nothing more.

Opinion on Friendships:

Simeon does not need friendship or camaraderie - He can only give respect to those that are trustworthy and loyal, but so far none have impressed him strongly enough for Simeon to be ready to sacrifice himself, over them. Except the Overlord.

Opinion on Relationships:

He does not want, nor need, 'relationships' whether it be out of love or lust. He's never felt like that about anyone, and vice versa.

Opinion on Races:

He doesn't really care what someone is, all that matter is who they are.


Simeon attended extensive education as a child, and spent most of his young adulthood on various ships- Learning the secrets of sailing and commanding a crew.


To find The Revenant, gather a crew and reclaim the world's oceans in the name of the Overlord- Through any means necessary.



Simeon was the only child, made sure by his mother leaving shortly after Simeon's birth, leaving him to be grown by his human "father". When he was only a child, his parents of course didn't know a thing about Simeon's true nature - Though his mother since the day she found out she was pregnant, felt that her child wasn't 'normal'. After Simeon's birth, his mother was overcome by a feeling of terror, whenever she even thought of Simeon and in the end, she left, fearing she'd go insane. Nevertheless, Simeon's father Arthur, gave him a good home. Arthur D'Arghatán was the last of a small noble family line, and thus he and Simeon had quite a bit of wealth - This assured Simeon the best education available as a child and a very good home, in the small D'Arghatán family manor located in a smaller town, on the outskirts of Elmunt.

Most Important Event:

It was Simeon's seventeenth birthday, the night of his birthday in fact- That he had a nightmare so realistic, he could see, hear, feel and even smell, every little detail. He remembers seeing the figure of a great demon and hearing the demon, call out Simeon's name. He's never told anyone the details, but something in this dream made Simeon realize what he was. When he woke up from this nightmare, he found himself standing in the middle of the manor's lounge - Surrounded by flames. As the entire manor was already engulfed in fire, Simeon had no other option but to escape; There was nothing he could have done for his father. He managed to break into a clothing store in Elmunt and steal some proper clothes, after which he headed for the docks to find a way to escape. He was able to get aboard a rather shady ship, on which he sailed for a few months, then switching to the crew of another ship - Learning the skills of a sailor, as well as how to handle a blade.

Before Immortality:

In twenty years Simeon had grown from a helpless Tiefling boy, with little control over his abilities - To be the most infamous pirate, to have ever sailed the seas of this world. Before joining Overlord's Legion, Simeon was known as "Captain Deathblade" commander of the infamous pirate ship, Revenant's Gaze. He sailed the seas, plundering, pillaging and raiding - No ship was a match to the Revenant, and no Captain was a match to Simeon. Among sailors, there were many stories, of a ship "With sails as dark as death itself, and an eye that could burn through any man's soul as it's flag. Built out of the flesh and bones of it's victims, the ship is crewed by creatures from the Nether planes and captained by a demon so evil, even the lord of the nether, spat him right out."

What peaked the Overlord's interest, was when the Revenant attacked two ships, sailing under the Overlord's banner. Yet, despite odds definitely being against him - Simeon defeated the two ships and personally executed their captains, while his crew carried the loot aboard the Revenant. The next day, Simeon was contacted by the Overlord who swore great fame and wealth, if Simeon was to sail under the Overlord's name. And so he did.

(The Revenant's Gaze's flag)

As a General:

When the Revenant entered into service under the Overlord, 'Captain' Deathblade quickly became 'Admiral' Deathblade. Simeon was the leader of the Overlord's fleets, and the Revenant was the fleets' flagship. Simeon attacked the Overlord's enemies from the sea, expanding his influence to the point at which Simeon was more or less the ruler of the oceans. With the Overlord's mighty armada at his disposal, no one in their right mind, even dared to think about going against the Revenant.

Your Defeat:

Simeon, like all the other Generals, had been summoned to the Tower after the Overlord's disappearance. When the armies of the material races attacked, Simeon was in a Lounge Area close to the top of the tower, when (through a window) he saw a tower of smoke rising from the direction of the nearby coast, where the Revenant was docked. Simeon was just about to charge outside, when the room's door burst open and elves, humans as well as others, filled the room. Simeon knew, then and there, he wouldn't survive - There was probably no one else left, this was close to the top of the Tower after all; End of the line. Nevertheless, Simeon drew his swords and charged at his enemies, killing at least a dozen or two, before finally one of their blades pierced his chest.


Personal Mementos:

A necklace with a locket, that contains a portrait of Simeon and his father. It is the only object Simeon was able to save from his childhood home, because he had it on the night of the fire.


Two reinforced steel Sabres.

A dagger attached to the side of his left boot.


A leather vest, underneath his black Admiral's uniform.

Other Items to Note:


Quest Items:

(To be filled in by Storyteller)



Disadvantage: Practically no armor at all.

Disadvantage: He only has one eye, lowering accuracy with any ranged weapons.

Disadvantage (Optional):

Disadvantage (Optional):

Orange Skill Slots (Basic Skills & Proficiencies):

  1. Fencing - Simeon is a master swordsman and can easily dual-wield blades of most any type.
  2. Demonic Strength - Simeon is physically much tougher than most, thanks to his Demonic heritage.
  3. Fire Magic - Also courtesy to his biological Demon father, Simeon is capable of utilizing fire magic and spells.

Green Skill Slots (General Skills):

  1. Ring of Fire - By concentrating, Simeon can engulf himself in flames and unleash them as a wave of fire, that can travel for a short distance, setting anything flammable in it's path on fire.

Purple Skill Slots (Ultimate Skills):

[No Slots are Unlocked]
Thanks again for the interest everyone has shown! I look forward to all your characters :) ......Don't forget that you can post them in this thread and they will be moved to the proper character location once the actual forums are up!

We are still accepting more players, there is no limit set as of yet.
Is there any dice based backing on this, or will it be freeform with the abiltities we set up for ourselves?

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