[Shards of Immortality] (The Awakened) Round 2 of Approvals & Waitlisting


Level 20 Mizard
We have now reviewed every character/player that was initially posted for approval (those who have either received a Teal Pending Prefix, or a PC prefix). Those of you that get approved from this group will be the first batch of players to be incorporated into the Roleplay.

Round 2 of Approvals

We will be going through the Teal prefixed characters and looking at those which the creator has stated he has revised their character. (These threads will be receiving another temporary tag called “Revised”) At which point we will review what has been changed and either recommedn further revisions or give the character the stamp of Approval!

Those with further revisions may have to wait until the third round of revisions before we get to them again.

Dice Rolls - Round 2 is much like Round 1 in that the characters will be reviewed at random from the pool of characters that have been revised by a dice roll. This ensures fairness if we have to add characters to the Waitlist.


For all characters that do have a Teal Prefix as of the time of this posting, are Works in Progress or have not yet posted their character. Your characters will still be reviewed by Wiz and I however if you were to be approved you would be wait-listed until later in the game in which we can allow more players. Right now we have an overabundance of characters and while we all love for everyone to play its a huge amount of people to manage especially at the start of a roleplay. We hope that Wait-listing is not considered an insult, but merely seen as a necessary evil that is required when a Roleplay receives this many submissions.

Round 2 will begin promptly. So if you haven’t made your revisions, you should probably get on that.

Thanks for your Patience,

Wiz & Miz (Kind of cute when you say it together)
Tabby said:
What does "later in the game" translate to?
If for some reason you are waitlisted, it means that you won't get in immediately at the start.
So, for those Revised, we will be able to join immediately if we're cleared, right? Or will being in Round 3 waitlist us?
Tempest said:
So, for those Revised, we will be able to join immediately if we're cleared, right? Or will being in Round 3 waitlist us?
If you are cleared in round 2 it will be immediately.
[QUOTE="Cliff Robotnik]I am not sure where i stand on this, My character seems to have been completely ignored for a while now.

This is because we had to address 25-26 characters ahead of you. I am sorry but we had to do this in the most fair way.
Roll of the dice, my friend. It's the fairest thing that can be done.

Besides, I wasen't given any special treatment, and I was part of the prior version of the game. Even then, it would be stupid to give preferencial treatment to the people who have joined before. It may be the same idea, but it's a different roleplay, my friend.
I Sincerely disagree, It would be Unfair to Exclude people you KNOW can do it, and have loyally done it(for me, Like 3 times!), due to Random Chance.
It's Less about Favorites, and More about being Loyal to the ones Who've followed the Game, even after its been rebooted time and time again.
You, um, may want to look up the definition of favoritism.

Also probably couldn't hurt to learn how proper nouns work - when to capitalize and when not to capitalize words.

We handled the characters that first came, the others that did not make it in, will have a chance to enter in another chapter that way we don't have 25 characters awakening at once, that would be chaotic and most likely collapse the game, for the game's health it's better if we slowly allow the flow of players to settle into the game instead of all at once.
SO your abandoning the Old players you KNOW work for it, in exchange for new Bloods, who may Suck for all you know?

PS: also, get on Steam or something so we can talk privately.
[QUOTE="Cliff Robotnik]SO your abandoning the Old players you KNOW work for it, in exchange for new Bloods, who may Suck for all you know?

This is assuming that the new players have never roleplayed before, Cliff. Also, it's not all new blood- for example, Pineapple will be among the first batch. Cliff, it's mainly the fact that they simply didn't have the time to get to your character. I know, it really really sucks.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]We handled the characters that first came, the others that did not make it in, will have a chance to enter in another chapter that way we don't have 25 characters awakening at once, that would be chaotic and most likely collapse the game, for the game's health it's better if we slowly allow the flow of players to settle into the game instead of all at once.

That does actually make me a bit curious - is the game in general going to be one huge topic or a couple smaller ones or wut?
[QUOTE="Cliff Robotnik]I still firmly believe they should do the Classic players First, then get to the new blood.

And that is where we have a difference of opinion. I feel that it is always good to invite new peope to play, even if it means that you may have to ask someone more experienced to wait their turn. Without this philosophy you cannot expect anyone new to the hobby to be given a fair chance. If you wish to discuss it further, we should take it to a different thread.

With that said, if you really feel that you are being slighted by my presence in "your" game, I will turn my place over and wait for a chance to come into the game after things have been established (assuming your character becomes approved and the GMs don't have an issue with it). Though I hope you understand that I do this out of a desire to prevent hostility on the boards rather than as a means of pandering to a childish belief that "Classic" players (such as those who have been enjoying the hobby for 20+ years) should be favored over those who are not yet experienced in this particular game.
ghoti115 said:
And that is where we have a difference of opinion. I feel that it is always good to invite new peope to play, even if it means that you may have to ask someone more experienced to wait their turn. Without this philosophy you cannot expect anyone new to the hobby to be given a fair chance. If you wish to discuss it further, we should take it to a different thread.
With that said, if you really feel that you are being slighted by my presence in "your" game, I will turn my place over and wait for a chance to come into the game after things have been established (assuming your character becomes approved and the GMs don't have an issue with it). Though I hope you understand that I do this out of a desire to prevent hostility on the boards rather than as a means of pandering to a childish belief that "Classic" players (such as those who have been enjoying the hobby for 20+ years) should be favored over those who are not yet experienced in this particular game.
That will not be necessary, I have already informed Cliff Robotnik that he will have to wait till there is more room and his character gets processed and accepted, I have sent you a PM regarding the situation and I look forward to your involvement in this game :) !
Thanks! As I've said a few times before, I don't want to be a problem. If I can, I try to be a solution. I am looking forward to the new game experience.
With that many characters things could get out of hand very quickly. Geebus, the Prologue only just started this morning and it's already at 30 posts! I can't keep up. @_@

I'll post up a revised version of Selene some time this week. Maybe later today-- maybe tomorrow. I'll do it when I feel like it-- but definitely some time this week.
im a little confused, i havent recieved any update on my character build. am i still waitlisted?? dont c how i was overlooked, i was the first posted character lol.
Zerohunts said:
im a little confused, i havent recieved any update on my character build. am i still waitlisted?? dont c how i was overlooked, i was the first posted character lol.
You have to respond to your character, we did not wait list characters on first come first serve, we did it based on who fixed there characters first.

You have a bunch of things we responded to in your character sheet.

Waitlisted characters will get many chances to enter the game as we make more room for more players.

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