• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 【SHAMELESS】- OOC.





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@Of the Red awesome !!! ♥ i'm excited to see what you whip up. if you happen to know anyone who'd also be interested in this, it would be cool if you could tag them.
i think after @ailurophile , i'm going to stop allowing people to make character sheets for the rich bitch. we still haven't had any applicants for the 2nd middle son, or the oldest son, which are two really big parts in this roleplay. i'll probably limit applications for other roles too, but i'll get to that tomorrow. i'm so tired lol
OKAY i figured it out. It isn't perfect but I don't want to risk fixing it and fucking up the code so imma let it be.
Haha well this is ten posts. Goodnight girls. Ill finish my character tomorrow maybe? Whenever I have time.
how do you decide which role to go for....when you love all of them ???

I have so many ideas for the Rebel, Golden Girl, Athlete and Younger sister and I'm dying right now.
@Of the Red you're allowed to apply to up to 4 characters, but can only have up to 2 characters accepted. nobody has gone for the athlete, so if you made him, you're basically guaranteed a position lol
[QUOTE="Of the Red]
how do you decide which role to go for....when you love all of them ???
I have so many ideas for the Rebel, Golden Girl, Athlete and Younger sister and I'm dying right now.

basically you just have to pick one role really fast and not ever look at the others so you dont get distracted O_O

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