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Fantasy Shallow Waters- OOC Chat

I figured you and the others who played gods would be setting up the beginning. o,o What about the humans who stole the ability to time travel? Should their part in the plot not be set up?
Omg xD I did not expect my first post to be so long after I finished thinking it out xP
Just stuff :3 I won't let it interfere with whatever main plot you have going on though. I rather incorporate it into the main plot for my character, but without making a massive change to what you may have in mind. I won't take control of the RP ;3
Am srry *^* I have been busy lately and rarely able to RP. I shall be back into it now however.. o,o
I shall just wait another few hours or so before moving on with Jay's part I suppose.. o,o nobody that had been interacting with him seem to be active besides @Emberskull atm, so perhaps time jump to where Jay along with any other's who may return are facing Lucifer, Dar'vange, Ezrael, and Anabelle?
Hi! Sorry for sounding abrupt, but... Anyone got ideas as to how I should jump in..?..


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@Wick Ya know what I'm just gonna randomly jump to ur location, I'm just out of ideas...... May I know where you are right now?

halp me I'm outta ideas ;-;
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@MatTamMax The Gods are currently in their land, beyond human reach. There are two gods in the library, Farazia (The leader) is in her work room and Coactus is with her. There are also two gods in The Forest of Innocence and one outside of the Assassin's base. All the Assassins are inside the base, except for Vixen, who is still in the Forest of innocence. I hope that helps!
What should I do when Annabelle is finally able to summon artifact creatures? Should I make a reference page for each monster she summons like it's a new character, list strengths and weaknesses, etc?
@MatTamMax The Gods are currently in their land, beyond human reach. There are two gods in the library, Farazia (The leader) is in her work room and Coactus is with her. There are also two gods in The Forest of Innocence and one outside of the Assassin's base. All the Assassins are inside the base, except for Vixen, who is still in the Forest of innocence. I hope that helps!

Yes it did, thanks a lot!
What should I do when Annabelle is finally able to summon artifact creatures? Should I make a reference page for each monster she summons like it's a new character, list strengths and weaknesses, etc?

I think you should, it would help us understand each one. Also if you have time you should draw them to so we get a picture of what they look like. Or just stick to your idea :P
I apologize, some of this might come off as me being a dick, but please understand that I do not enjoy even seeming rude.

@DeathValley105 Perhaps make your beginning post so that it does not effect the entire roleplay. I understand that you said that the entire Earth and the realm of the gods experienced major quaking, and nothing else, but I would like to point a few things out.

1. If the entire Earth were to experience major earthquakes, then no matter what, this would absolutely cause buildings to collapse and would basically complete the entire apocalypse on it's own.

2. I am not trying to be an ass, and I am not saying that Time and Space are not overpowered, primal beings. In that, this is also not me saying that my and @MatTamMax's characters should be worshiped and have all the attention. Those being said, I must acknowledge the impossibility of the god of war bringing about the end of the world, simply by waking up. It seems lees like an intro for your character into the story, and more like a way of drawing everyone's attention, and proclaiming that your character is, (no matter what people say) at least 10x stronger than all others.

3. How and why would war be dormant in the first place? The whole plot for the RP is based around a war between the humans, and the gods/goddess' themselves. War is absolutely one of the more primal gods, seeing as it did in fact exist before most others such as plague, or ocean, or whatever else, so as Coactus regulates time for all of, well, time, and @MatTamMax's character, (srry, I have yet to memorize the name ;-;) regulates space all the time, then (srry forgot your character's name as well @DeathValley105 ;-;) your character would also have been regulating war throughout the ages, watching humans and even other beings from different planets perhaps, fight for control of different scenarios. Perhaps the God of War was the one who helped pit the humans and gods against each other?

Now, @LuckyLucifer. I do not normally like to throw out my thoughts on another's RP style, but this should be said.

1. Teleporting wherever and whenever you like, is in a small way, godmodding, unless regulated to the point where it isn't overpowered, or you make it so your character does not do it 24/7

2. Please, if you see that a few characters have set up a character building scenario for each other, (such as Jay, Annabelle and Vio. (srry, still suck with names of newer characters xP)) where we are clearly about to have our characters meet for the first time, and perhaps work to make a way where a god decides to aid the mortals, then please, feel free to not teleport in randomly, and start adding some sort of random moment where Satan starts "Dying of laughter" over Annabelle holding the orb of ice. I see no reason why anybody would just appear and start hacking up their lungs, laughing at something that holds no humor whatsoever.

3. I understand you have "clarified" this issue by saying that "Satan=Pain" but you should not be able to just summon whatever you want that can cause pain, and use it. Similar to what I mentioned before, I could poke someone in a sensitive spot on their body, and it could hurt them. Does this mean that by implying you can summon anything and everything that causes pain, that you can summon my finger to poke somebody to death?


I once again apologize, I just needed to let off some steam, and the last thing I want is for this wonderful idea for a roleplay to die out because people are either godmodding, the posts are not related/don't make sense, or it gets completely unorganized. o,o
Just thought I should say, as though this entire damn week wasn't stressful enough for me, twice today, not once TWICE I typed out a nice long, wonderful response for Jay and Coactus both and the stupid website freaked out on me. First time, I got through two small 2-3 sentence paragraphs for Jay, before pressing the enter key moved the typing crap up above the second paragraph, and created a gap between it and the first. When I attempted to fix it, it deleted the first.

THEN after I finished my rant above, I tried again, this time coming very very close to finishing, and it decided to start glitching again, so instead of panicking after it deleted a paragraph, I simply stayed calm, and highlighted the ENTIRE post, from top to bottom, and copied it. I opened the page up on a new tab, and when I pasted it... well, here is the paragraph.

--->  "  <-----


I apologize, but I will not be trying again tonight, only to be crushed by the websites bs.

I will try posting again tomorrow morning. I apologize for the inconvenience.  :'I
@Wick I completely understand, with a character as war I find it hard to not power game and then not try to be weak. 

1. By this I meant as in shaking not actual earthquakes where the grounds cracks and new mountains/hills form etc, but like a rumble of a giant beast waking.

2. War as we all know is destructive, brings death, causes heart break, loss, etc, etc so I was trying to create an ominous feeling about him but also stating that if no ones wakes him up then he will be at full power and be much strong than war has ever been before, similar as if USA, Russia, China, and UK all attacked North Korea. But the same time not to be super god modding or powergaming 

3. Dracke (God of war) is dormant because he gets incredibly bored because of this, at the start of wars he is like a kid in a candy store but as they go on its like your at your grandmas house without wifi. So he goes into a meditating stage of life where he goes up to space and "floats around" until either A he gets woken up by a god or goddess B a huge war will break out or C he wakes up himself where similar to the headless horseman he conserves his power. So let's say he went  into his stance 10 years before WW1. Imagine all the battles and wars between then and now being changed into power and energy that fuels him. So when he awakes he will basically be showered in either fire or lighting or be able to use blood magic for a certain amount of time because he has conserved all of this energy, not to mention but because he is basically the God of fighting he is already physically stronger than all the gods but lesser in magic (unless there a minor God or demigod) 
Is there a general or exact year this is set in? I know the Gods above have a very old fashioned type "settlement", as their abilities have prevented the necessity of most technology, but how advanced are the mortals below? I have seen a variety of different weapons and was just curious for future clarification. If this is in the RP I apologize, I read through everything, but I could have missed something. 

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