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Fantasy Shake Your Chains [Open World RPG] OOC

So most of you probably saw this coming, and if this is a complete surprise to you I’m really sorry. Admin left us rather abruptly, in fact we found out at the exact same time you all did. Neither myself or my fellow GM were prepared to completely run a roleplay of this size by ourselves, and quite honestly neither of us are very comfortable taking over something that was never our vision in the first place. With that in mind, I’m really sorry to tell you all that we are deciding to close Shake Your Chains down. This chat will be open for a few days in case any of you would like to get in contact with each other and maybe form your own group/1x1 roleplay. I wish you all luck on your next roleplay adventure!

- Lex and Dover
What happened?

The creator of the RP had to leave for health reasons. It was unexpected for both elextrified elextrified and myself. We discussed how to move forward and came to the conclusion that neither of us were comfortable taking someone else's idea and running with it. So the RP will be closed, unfortunately.

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