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Fandom Shadows of Ravensbirch (A New Take on Creepypasta)


Royal Historian
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Today, children, we'll be reading a new story. One of mystery and deceit, of home lives and pain. However, it will be very unlike ones you've heard before...

A Dark Town
On the side of a somewhat large mountain in Oregon, lies the misty town of Ravensbirch. It's not abandoned, but it could be, judging by the number of citizens. The town itself is somewhat average, with almost all of the buildings remaining the same as when they were first built. Though this does add "rustic charm" to the town, it also makes the creep factor spike up immensely. But dusty houses and musty roads are hardly the biggest problem.

Even though Ravensbirch is one of those places where almost everyone knows everyone, things still seem... off, to the youngsters of the town. Like everyone's waiting for something bad to happen everyday, whilst being generally optimistic about it. But in the small town of Ravensbirch, Oregon, nothing really happens. The adults are nice, and the kids are kids. Its as simple as that.

Or is it?

With an Even Darker and Older Secret
Chateau Academy, the only school in Ravensbirch. Is in old, piece of gothic junk that needs to be renovated before it either gets blown away or flooded. But sadly, the weather man has predicted neither of those things, so you, a student attending the school, must carry on. The interior itself tries to make up for its extremely creepy exterior, with modern lockers, desks, and technology, though the architecture still stands out against it all.

Its Friday morning. Class is about to begin. Maybe you're hanging out with your friends, or messing around, or merely walking through the school by yourself. Whatever you're doing, something happens which results in you being punished with detention in the principals office. In there, you'll meet the others, who, unjustly or not, are stuck in the oldest room in the building for the rest of the day. The principal leaves, telling you to clean up his office as best you can before he gets back tomorrow morning. Begrudgingly, you begin.

During your cleaning montage, however, shenanigans ensue and someone accidentally kicks down a part of the brick wall. Before you can panic, the group finds a box contains miscellaneous items that seem to have no purpose, and a large tome that seems to be locked. Once someone opens it, a chill runs down everyone's spine. Some of the artifacts are gone while others have somehow opened

Now, its a race against time to find and contain the evils from myths and stories you unwillingly unleashed upon your small town, before they become powerful enough to break free from the towns barriers and invade the lives of every human on the planet. You have three months, maybe less.

This time, you aren't some psycho eating waffles and hanging out with his pals.
You're not some scary skeleton killing folks for laughs.

You're being forced to save your lives with a group of people you just met.
You're risking your life to save your families, and maybe millions of others around the world.

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