[Shadows of Nexus] Tavern Talk


New Member
You step into the tavern and... Well, it's just like every other tavern in games. You sit down, the busty barmaid brings you some food, and you start chatting about your exploits, or whatever else that comes to mind. This is where random chatter goes. Anything that doesn't necessarily have something to do with the game, or simply discussing posts that were made.
Yay, the game forums are up! *howl*

Anyway, how do we submit character sheets? (this is what I meant when I said you might want an info thread in the Characters section)
No clue. I don't know how things work on this site haha xD I just know that somehow, sheets are being given to STs to check, whether that be by posting, PM, some built in character submission system, or whathaveyou, I have no idea lol...
Usually each player creates their own thread within the Characters subforum, and fills out a character sheet template. However, this is easier with non-tabletop games because their sheets are incomparably simpler.

Example: my Amaranth RP: http://www.rpdom.com/forums/the-chosen.5657/

With Exalted, however, sheets are much larger, more complicated and therefore in my opinion inconvenient to be handled that way. I don't know the usual practice with Exalted games, but the Fall of Ten Thousand Dragons handled it by converting their sheet into plain text format and simply filling it out like that: http://www.rpdom.com/forums/fall-of-ten-thousand-dragons/

I kinda like the .pdf sheets, but I see no way to use them aside from having to upload them again and again every time there was a change and updating their links in the Characters subforum... Alazair you need to talk to someone if you're stuck on this! Wolf suggests you speak to @Grey as he is knowledgeable in such affairs and can most likely offer solid advice *bark*
I'd really like to know how to make the sheets where its several pages on the same post across the top. I can do the spoilered one, at least.
I already know about all that Wolf, plus I have a text Exalted template that's pretty decent if somewhat incomplete in my personal opinion. Just needed to know if we can jump in.

I can post up the code if anyone wants it quickly.
PirateLexi said:
I'd really like to know how to make the sheets where its several pages on the same post across the top. I can do the spoilered one, at least.
I agree completely! I don't see an option like that in the editor and I've not seen it done on any other forum, so I couldn't have picked up how to do it anywhere else... Before posting edit: Nevermind. I believe I figured out how it is done. Maybe I should have actually tried to do it before saying that I didn't know how, eh?
As for submitting character sheets, it may be easiest to just upload the pdf sheet, then make a new post whenever something is changed, stating what was changed. Then people could simply edit their own copies of the sheets. Or, they could be uploaded in addition to a text version being posted. Which would probably be best for those who are just wanting to read the RP without downloading stuff to get information about the characters.

So yeah, that's probably the best way to do it... Make a post with a text template of the character and upload the pdf sheet with that post, then just specify what is changed later as things are added. As for the template to use, Fall of Ten Thousand Dragons, as was linked above has a good enough template for our purposes xD
@Alazair if you don't mind, I'm gonna use a text template I have already, it's made with tabs, and to use them you write:

[tabs][tab=Number 1]Number 1[/tab][tab=Number 2]Number 2[/tab][/tabs]

And it looks something like this:

  • Number 1
If we're going to be using a text version of the sheet, then there is no point in continually uploading new versions of the .pdf on the forum. Instead, let's agree on a text template and have everyone convert their sheets.

Locally, we can still keep our .pdfs updated and use them while playing since it's better looking, there's just no need to keep updating the .pdf online. Get what I'm saying?
Yup, that's why I prefer going with the text one, updating it requires a simple edit rather than upload the whole thing again continuously.
Sure thing, I'll send it to you tomorrow, it's fairly late over here and I need some rest, but I'll share it here on the thread for everyone to see and use if you like it.
That's actually what I was saying. Upload the pdf on the first thread, and later just update the thread with the changes made. That way people can edit their own versions of the pdf sheet if they decided to dl it. No need to keep updating the uploaded pdf as long as the things you've spent Exp on are noted in the thread xD The only time you'd have to upload the pdf again is if you made numerous changes, such as like, if you redid a portion of your character after the first combat because you didn't like how what you'd originally chosen played out.
Ok so this is the format I commonly use:

  • Name:
    Caste: Zenith
    Gender: Female
    Overall Personality:


And it looks like this:

  • Name:








    Overall Personality:


This is just an example as you can see, and obviously you can modify it to your liking, adding or taking out stuff as you see fit.
*twitch* I had forgotten that I never saved a proper template, but here's the one I use from time to time, as a note, I tend to screw with it every so often to get it to work just so.

  • Name:




    Anima Banner:

    Anima Effect:


Ignore the Code's Shorthand with the bolding, every word that is bolded needs to done seperately so that your numbers don't get bolded and then hurt your eyes reading them at some point.

And well...here's what it looks like live.

  • Name:




    Anima Banner:

    Anima Effect:

Last edited by a moderator:
This is the template I'd like to have used for posting characters. It is currently still a work in progress, so expect changes.

[tabs] [tab=Personal Info]
[b]Name:[/b] Exemplar of Examples
[b]Age:[/b] One day
[b]Apparent Age:[/b] 25
[b]Place of Birth:[/b] Nexus
[b]Gender: [/b] Male
[b]Caste:[/b] Night
[b]Concept:[/b] An Example Night Caste
[b]Motivation:[/b] To be the best Example one can possibly be!
[b]Anima Banner:


[spoiler=History]Insert history here!
[/spoiler] [/tab] [tab=Traits]
[u]Physical Attributes[/u]
[b]Strength: •••
Dexterity: •••••
Stamina: ••[/b]

[u]Social Attributes[/u]
[b]Charisma: ••••
Manipulation: ••
Appearance: •••[/b]

[u]Mental Attributes[/u]
[b]Perception: •••
Intelligence: •••
Wits: ••[/b]

[u]Abilities[/u] (Remove untrained Abilities and bold those that are Caste/Favored, then remove this note)
[b]Martial Arts: ••
Melee: •••••[/b]
War: [/i]

[i]Integrity: •
[b]Performance: ••
Presence: •••[/b]
Resistance: •
Survival: [/i]

[b]Investigation: •••[/b]
Lore: •
Occult: [/i]

[i][b]Athletics: •••
Awareness: •••
Dodge: •••
Stealth: •••••[/b][/i]

Linguistics: •
Socialize: •[/i]

[b]Melee[/b] (Mundane Swords) +2
[b]Stealth[/b] (Reestablishing Surprise) +3
[b]Awareness[/b] (Unexpected Attacks) +1

[/tab] [tab=Advantages]

[b]Compassion: •
Conviction: ••••
Temperance: •
Valor: •••[/b]

[u]Limit Break[/u]
[b]Virtue Flaw:
Partial Control:
No Control:[/b]

[b]Willpower: ••••• ••
Essence: ••[/b]

[b]Personal:[/b] 13 / 13
[b]Peripheral:[/b] 30 / 30

[b]Native:[/b] Riverspeak

[/tab] [tab=Charms]
[u]Charms[/u] (Condense and abbreviate descriptions, then remove this note)

Overwhelming Excellence of Dawn | 1m/die
Triumphant Excellence of the Zenith | 2m/succ
Resurgent Excellence of Night | 4m to reroll

[u]Martial Art Styles[/u]


[/tab] [tab=Combat]
[b]Join Battle:[/b] 5
[b]Move/Dash:[/b] 5/11
[b]Jump - Vert/Horiz:[/b] 6/12

[u]Attacks[/u] (A dot after the PDV means the value was rounded up)

[b]Straight Sword:[/b] Speed 5, Acc 14 (+2), Dam 6L (+3L), PDV 7. (+1), Rate 2, Tags: ~

[b]Punch:[/b] Speed 5, Acc 8 (+1), Dam 3B (+0B), PDV 5. (+2), Rate 3, Tags: N
[b]Kick:[/b] Speed 5, Acc 7 (+0), Dam 6B (+3B), PDV 3. (-2), Rate 2, Tags: N
[b]Clinch:[/b] Speed 6, Acc 7 (+0), Dam 3B (+0B), PDV ~, Rate 1, Tags: C, N, P

[b]Armor:[/b] Fine Chain Mail
Type: Light, Soak (+2B / +4L), Hardness 0, Mobility -0, Fatigue 1, Notes: May be hidden under clothing

[b]Dodge DV:[/b] 5
[b]Parry DV:[/b] 7

[b]Soak:[/b] 4B / 5L / 4A
[b]Hardness:[/b] 0B / 0L

[u]Health Levels[/u]
[  ] -0
[  ] [  ] -1
[  ] [  ] -2
[  ] -4
[  ] Incap
[  ] Dying

[b]Knockdown:[/b] 4+ raw damage / 8 dice vs DC 2
[b]Stun:[/b] 3+ damage levels / 3 dice vs (Dam - 2) DC

[u]Social Conflict[/u]
[b]Join Debate:[/b] 6
[b]Dodge MDV:[/b] 5
[b]Surprise:[/b] 3
[b]Awareness:[/b] 6

[b]Presence:[/b] Speed 4, Acc 7 / 5, PMDV 4. / 3., Rate 2, Notes:
[b]Performance:[/b] Speed 6, Acc 6 / 4, PMDV 3 / 2, Rate 1, Notes: Targets whole area
[b]Investigation:[/b] Speed 5, Acc 7 / 5, PMDV 4. / 3., Rate 2, Notes:

[/tab] [tab=Panoply]

Manse Power:


[/tab] [tab=Experience]
[b]Bonus Points: 12 / 18[/b]
4 - Intelligence +1
2 - Willpower +2
2 - Melee +2 (Favored)
2 - Stealth +2 (Caste)
1 - Athletics +1 (Caste)
1 - Awareness +1 (Caste)
1 - Specialty +2 (Caste)

[b]Experience Points[/b] 0 / 0

[/tab] [/tabs]
And this is what the template looks like... (So far)

  • Name: Exemplar of Examples

    Age: One day

    Apparent Age: 25

    Place of Birth: Nexus

    Gender: Male

    Caste: Night

    Concept: An Example Night Caste

    Motivation: To be the best Example one can possibly be!

    Anima Banner:



    Insert history here!
Wolf likes it.

I'm gonna go and start converting my sheet to this, since it looks more than solid! If there are any changes they can hopefully be worked into easily *bark*

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