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Realistic or Modern Shadowhunter Academy


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello hopeful ascendants!

Let me be the first to say welcome to the Shadowhunter Academy. Sure it's a little... out of sorts. But, after being closed for so long, of course there are some kinks to work out. Nevermind that though. This is meant to be the most exciting part of your young soon-to-be-shadowhunter lives. There will be everything from exciting hunts to not-so-exciting exams, so be prepared as only the fittest make it to drink from the mortal cup and obtain their first marks.


Amelia Ashdown

Shadowhunter Academy

Lead Instructor

What I envision for this rp is a mostly OC rp taking place in the Shdowhunter World. As you can probably assume it will mostly take place in the academy, but some field trips to some Institutes are not out of the question.

Being a well-read fan of TID or TMI is HELPFUL but NOT necessary! I want this to be designed in such a way that persons who may not be aware of the shadowhunter fandom can still join and discover an awesome book series and roleplay! I once found myself in a Supernatural rp and had no idea what it was about, and now I'm here binge watching it as I type this post!

If you INSIST upon roleplaying a canon character, PM me. I'm open to having canon characters in the academy, but I reserve the right to be a little picky regarding in-characterness and such. Also, we can't have 18 Jaces. PMing is an easy way for me to keep track.

I envision this as a casualish roleplay. 1 to 2 paragraphs a post. One liners are hard to respond to! However, also don't be afraid to post more. If you get inspired and type out 8 paragraphs, kudos! But, I won't expect that daily. What I will expect is 1 to 2 paragraphs AT LEAST once a day, every two days. But, don't get cranky if someone has time to type 5 posts or so and you get a bit behind. Read through it, or PM me and I can get you caught up. That being said, if you go out of town for a weekend or so, no worries.

I hope I've answered all questions (if not, ask!) and I hope I'll get some interest. :D


Feel free to start making characters!


First rp I've started ^.^ So excited!
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I am very interested. I read TMI books though I have not read TID...that being said it has been a little while since I've read the series, but I love the idea of the rp.
I'm so glad this is generating interest! This will DEFINITELY happen, and I'll get to work on it whenever I get the chance. I'll keep everyone up to date on its progress! :D
Hey guys, I'll join. I've been going through some... rough times so I need to be cheered up by some roleplays.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

Huge Twenty One Pilots fan.

If theyre ever playing in Atlantis, I'd be more than happy to buy scuba gear and attend the concert with you. Ill even pay for your ticket.​

@Dolphan of Lyfe

And I think they'll come with the blurry faces tour. I can't wait for them to play fairly local.


I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

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