Shadow play


HEAR ME RAWR!....mew :3
I'm only allowing five people for now, unless more want to join. and gender balance does not matter

Character sheet










Passion (optional):


Pick one as your best quality and one for worst rest are neutral

Intellegnce, strength, agility, Willpower and memories,

(rest are neutral)



Lila Ann doyle













easily angered-



Likes: fresh air, sweets, stuffies, cats, penguins, ducks, bright colors, girly clothes, internet Rpg and WoW (world of world craft)

Dislikes: Hawks, eagles, complete darkness, being alone, eggs

Fears: being alone, hawks

Passion (optional):To be an artist


Lila grew up in the city of Chicago, with her older sister and mom. They were both highly religious people, and Lila not so much. Most of it was consumed by church and the fear of monsters and demons, the half of being alone with her artwork. She always felt like she wasn't alone, but any times she mentioned it as a child. She was told there were angles with her, and sin, so to pick carefully. When she started turning sixteen she would get hellish nightmares. Every night she would thrash around and scream in fear. After a while she became more secludes to her and would mostly talk to her self. Playing on her games, which weren't really allowed in her home, but eh. But now that she is old enough o move out, her mother is trying to get rid of the "problem child"

Pick one as your best quality and one for worst

Intellegnce, strength, agility, Willpower and memories,

(willpower and memories for strength

strength for weakness.)​
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Name: Shawn David Martan

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Shawn is a very protective person, he doesn't like seeing people getting mistreated and will risk his life to stop it. He is very quiet around people he just met, but becomes very talkative after awhile.


Likes: Mexican food, Music, sports, animals

Dislikes: Swimming, Dancing, abusive people, spiders

Fears: Swimming, spiders and dying as nobody

Passion: Music

Backstory: Shawn grew up in South Carolina under his adoptive parents. He grew up with 4 brothers and 2 sisters, and he was the least liked by his parents. He had good relations with his siblings but his parents always pushed him to do stuff he didn't want to do. His parents wanted him to focus more on studying and less about music. Shawn never liked to study but he was forced to by his parents. He wanted to be remembered by the world, he wanted people to know he existed, he wanted to be remembered by the thing he loved. Although his siblings didn't care and secretly supported him, his parents began to whip him and even through his guitar out the window. After that faithful day, Shawn began to have recurring nightmares about his worst fears. 3 weeks later he woke ul to another nightmare, only this time he saw his guitar in the corner of his room. He was shocked because he was sure it had busted when his parents had threw it out window. He had slowly walked to it not sure if his mind was playing tricks on him. When he realized it was his guitar and not some illusion he was overcome with joy. He began to remember all the bad times he had here and quickly packed his stuff, and ran away from his home. "I don't want to live in a place where I can't be who I want to be"

Best Quality: Intelligence

Worst quality: Memories<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images.jpg.ee4346a133149f284b2376efc2dfcd4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images.jpg.ee4346a133149f284b2376efc2dfcd4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Jason Vertigo]Name: Shawn David Martan
Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Shawn is a very protective person, he doesn't like seeing people getting mistreated and will risk his life to stop it. He is very quiet around people he just met, but becomes very talkative after awhile.


Likes: Mexican food, Music, sports, animals

Dislikes: Swimming, Dancing, abusive people, spiders

Fears: Swimming, spiders and dying as nobody

Passion: Music

Backstory: Shawn grew up in South Carolina under his adoptive parents. He grew up with 4 brothers and 2 sisters, and he was the least liked by his parents. He had good relations with his siblings but his parents always pushed him to do stuff he didn't want to do. His parents wanted him to focus more on studying and less about music. Shawn never liked to study but he was forced to by his parents. He wanted to be remembered by the world, he wanted people to know he existed, he wanted to be remembered by the thing he loved. Although his siblings didn't care and secretly supported him, his parents began to whip him and even through his guitar out the window. After that faithful day, Shawn began to have recurring nightmares about his worst fears. 3 weeks later he woke ul to another nightmare, only this time he saw his guitar in the corner of his room. He was shocked because he was sure it had busted when his parents had threw it out window. He had slowly walked to it not sure if his mind was playing tricks on him. When he realized it was his guitar and not some illusion he was overcome with joy. He began to remember all the bad times he had here and quickly packed his stuff.

Best Quality: Intelligence

Worst quality: Memories

Accepted ^_^
Name: Alexander Saden

Age(15-19): 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Doesn't care much about anyone else and will say what he feels like saying, annoyed a lot and has a short temper. Doesn't agree with most people and is usually very hardheaded, Dependable when you need him though.


Likes: Quietness, Serious People

Dislikes: Stupid People, Noise, Animals

Fears: Having no one around, being alone, Subways, The Dark

Passion (optional):

Backstory: Born on a farm in Ohio, Alex was haunted by nightmares and sounds all throughout his childhood and teenage life. He would not leave the house at night and refused to shut off lights in the house. Both his mother and father found him to be crazy and at the age of sixteen was sent to an orphanage. He didn't make any friends while there and finally after turning 18 he was able to move out and go live his own life, where he thought the world would be normal and imaginary creatures wouldn't follow. But it was only just the start, Alex had never been alone before and his life and the darkness of the house and the emptiness almost drove him mad. He is still there though for some odd reason.

Best Quality: Cunning

Worst quality: Doesn't work well with others
Tanshin said:
Name: Alexander Saden
Age(15-19): 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Doesn't care much about anyone else and will say what he feels like saying, annoyed a lot and has a short temper. Doesn't agree with most people and is usually very hardheaded, Dependable when you need him though.


Likes: Quietness, Serious People

Dislikes: Stupid People, Noise, Animals

Fears: Having no one around, being alone, Subways, The Dark

Passion (optional):

Backstory: Born on a farm in Ohio, Alex was haunted by nightmares and sounds all throughout his childhood and teenage life. He would not leave the house at night and refused to shut off lights in the house. Both his mother and father found him to be crazy and at the age of sixteen was sent to an orphanage. He didn't make any friends while there and finally after turning 18 he was able to move out and go live his own life, where he thought the world would be normal and imaginary creatures wouldn't follow. But it was only just the start, Alex had never been alone before and his life and the darkness of the house and the emptiness almost drove him mad. He is still there though for some odd reason.

Best Quality: Cunning

Worst quality: Doesn't work well with others
Accepted! ^_^
YES!, this rp better stay active or i'm gonna be so upset, my last rp I was part of is a ghost town.
Well I try, Its just trying to get people to join mine. For some reason no one likes mine QAQ but ill make the starter here in a minute. So you two can join in. Its us three thats a good start xD

Kiyoko Tomoe



"Kiyoko Tomoe."




Kiyoko Tomoe has two sides to her personality. She always shows herself as childish and utterly useless, but that's only half of her. Kiyoko may seem sweet, but once she "receives an order", her other self comes out. Her other self is something she completely hates, but usually ends up having to deal with because of her inability to control it.

As her "other" self, she'll do whatever her "orders" are, regardless of what they may be. "Ordered" to kill a person? She'll do it. "Ordered" to blow up a building? Not a problem for this side of her. Whatever it takes to survive his "orders", she'll do. Kiyoko for her kind, childish, and "pure" self, then Tomoe for her "other" self.


Bisexual or Straight



Kiyoko Answer

"I like sweet things and cute things..."

Tomoe Answer

"Anything that'll keep me alive."


Kiyoko Answer

"I don't like scary things... like lightning..."

Tomoe Answer

"If it gets in my way, I don't like it."


Kiyoko Answer

"I... I'm afraid of the demon... He takes control of me... Uses me... for evil..."

Tomoe Answer

"He's all around... Everywhere... everything... It's but a shadow that we live in... Even the sun... The sun and moon are the eyes of the demon, and where we stand, is its palm... I simply obey the orders they give me... My one fear... is to fail an order from him... That would certainly mean my death, which is something I'd rather not have happen..."


Kiyoko was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. She spent most of her life there, living peacefully and without worry; or so her parents thought. Ever since Kiyoko was seven, she's been hearing voices in her head, telling her what to do. They were scary voices, the kind that would cause a person insanity if they didn't follow the instructions the voices gave, but would make them equally insane if they did follow them.

Kiyoko was always hiding the fact that she heard voices. At first, the voices weren't all that loud, and weren't always able to be heard by her. Eventually, they became worse and worse, until she was eleven. The voices gave her an order that, no matter how hard she wanted to, she couldn't refuse, because according to the voices, not completing the task given to her would mean death for everybody she knew at the hands of demons, which she was given a clear image of in her head just to frighten her further.

Two nights later, Kiyoko's younger sister was found laying in the bathtub, dead. Kiyoko had killed the girl as ordered by the voices in her head, and since then, a part of her has never been the same. They never figured out Kiyoko had killed her little sister, but two years later, they did bring her in to the police station for questioning once the police found a few "leads".

Just Kiyoko and a single detective, alone in a room without video recordings, without any one way glass, anything. The voices, told Kiyoko to kill the man, and she was to comply due to the part of her that took over whenever she would hear the voices. She played a massive trick on the person using the gun the officer had on his waist.

Kiyoko managed to get her hands on the gun, and when the officer went to get it back, the officer was put in a position where he ended up accidentally pulling the trigger, a bullet just barely missing Kiyoko's face. By that time, another officer was there and saw the struggle that looked like Kiyoko being attacked. Before the second officer could react though, Kiyoko managed to turn the gun around, and shoot the officer that "attacked" her right in the stomach, knocking him down for good.

A year later, once they "found" the guilty party for Kiyoko's sister's murder, Kiyoko and her parents moved to America. Kiyoko fit right in, having learned English at a very young age. She was easy to adapt to the small city she lived in, and it gave her plenty of quiet time when she needed it, then plenty of places to go and have fun when she wanted to get out. It also gave the perfect environment for those voices to instruct her in.

In her time manipulated by whatever demonic force put voices in her head, she's done several crimes without getting caught. Once, on vacation, she was even ordered to blow a large building up and kill several people, which is exactly what she somehow did, once more going uncaught. Her family returned to their town later the same day, making for no way of ever figuring out that Kiyoko had destroyed the building.

Eventually, Kiyoko attempted defying an order given to her; the biggest mistake she could have ever made. When she defied the order given by the voices in her head, her parents were killed right in front of her, and that straightened her back out. Especially, when her house was set on fire just after, leaving her to only be alive because of firefighters.

Half a year later, and present time, is when she got out of the hospital after being partially burned. During that half year, the voices tortured and tormented her, slowly molding her to where most of her was that dark side produced by the existence of the voices. Now, if she's even near a knife or gun, she'll be ready to kill anything within moments' notice, and leave absolutely no traces of her being the killer, for the sake of her life to continue.


Kiyoko Answer

"I am quite fast and intelligent... Even with my agility... I can never outrun him... Even with my intelligence... I'll always be a step behind him..."

Tomoe Answer

"I'm fast and intelligent. His orders are of high priority... This means I have to complete them as fast as possible, with little mistake as possible."


Kiyoko Answer

"I have a bad memory... It's probably a self-defense mechanism to keep my fear of what I've done... to a minimum..."

Tomoe Answer

"Memories. I don't need them, so I let them easily fly away. All I need to remember are my orders."​
Omg one NYU!!!!! two accepted...three how would you like to be in this story. one of the few kids who control the orbs power, or a villian of someone I'm bringing in soon
I was thinking an example of a person controlled by the darkness that most never see, and thus is forced to become the anti-hero, but isn't exactly antagonist/villain.

Also, if possible, I'd like her weapon to be a gun instead of those that are provided for picking, since it just fits her way better than a sword or knife would.
Sure thats fine with me for both things,since your not really one of the kids you can cause only they are forced to use thoughs weapons. Everyone else uses guns and stuff, thats why they basically get insta full skill for it.

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