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Fantasy Shadow play


HEAR ME RAWR!....mew :3
As a child, were you ever afraid? Of the monster under your bed, or the ones in your closet? maybe when you turn of the lights, you have a feeling like...something is watching you? Maybe even in pure daylight you felt just alone, or like so many things were watching you. Well if I told you, you were right? Something was watching you, something was hiding under the bed, or in closet. That everywhere you went, you were never alone.


In this world, there are guardian angles. But not the ones you would think of, not the shiny, feather filled beautiful angles. But your own shadow, always lurking over you. This world is filled with demons, and a select few of people have the ability to stop it. They can interacte with there shadows, learn from them. And save them selfs, and there family or friends or even everything. Before the monsters get loose


Today is the day, you will learn of these things. Inside of your dreams like everything is said, or at least till your physically able. Your shadow will sleep with you tonight, and show you the glory, and fear of the real worlds. And the ones around it!

In dreams sequence~

Your eyes open into a pristine white room, so white there is no wall nor floor. The sound of a child laughing can be heard behind you, but even as you walk you never get any closer. The laughing turns to crying, a low muffled crying. Then into a high pitched scream, so loud it makes it feel like your ears are bleeding. You head feels like exploding, and your completely immobilized. Finally it stops, and the room becomes smaller, able to see the walls and floor now. As a door apears, the only color but so black...it makes emptiness appear in your mind. You have the choice of opening this door, or staying here forever. And somehow deep in your thoughts, you know its the only way out.
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Lila eyes fluttered open, staring into the white void. It took her moment to realize where she was, actually were was she? Her body easily lifted up off the ground, and stood looking around. Her pajamas had been replaced with her normal clothing. Maybe she had fallen asleep at her desk again, and was just having another bad dream.

Her eyes scanned around, looking for anything other then white, a floor, ceiling, someone, something! But she sighed in defeat realizing nothing was around. but then she heard the small faint of a child laughing, coming from behind her. Lila didn't see anyone, but started walking in the direction the noise. It became louder with time, feeling like ages with every step. Then like that the crying started, she was utterly confused. "Ello? is anyone here" she yelled softly into the void. But no response, just crying. Again she kept walking, trying to find the child who was crying, she couldn't even tell its gender. After that, after all the walking the screaming broke out, murderess screams. coming from all directions around her, like the child was hurt. It made her fall to her knees as she tried to cover her ears but only got louder. Her vision being blurred by the past nightmares, the room seeming to be filled with evil. Before it finally stopped, leaving her in the empty noiseless void. Tears streaming down her cheek and hitting the floor, wait there was a floor now. Her eyes looked up as she laid in a very small white room. A door behind her the color of nothingness, so black it could rot you from the inside out. It scarred her, what was it doing here?

But like everything else it compelled her to come to it, making her stand up completely and slowly reach to it. Letting her self open it and peer inside slowly.

In the room ahead of her was a fountian, a huge skyscraping fountian. There was a stone floor infront of her and a few benches laying around. It seemed to be a garden with a the ceiling being colourful glass, some weird marking all around them. She walked slowly into the room as the door vanished and more doors appeared. Them self's slowly being opened, she didn't know what was behind them. but she hid, waiting for the nightmare to continue

Alex opens his eyes, looking up at nothingness unsure of how he got there. Stands up softly hearing laughter "hello? Is someone here?" Uncertain as to where he is, confused, walking back and forth reaching for a wall or something to touch. The room almost gave a suspended feeling if like floating, uncertain of what is up and what is down. "Is anyone there?" laughter changing to crying softly. "Stop making noise please" the sound felt as if it carried miles and the one making it could be anywhere "Please come out if you are there" Alex thought he must be in a dream, there was no way this was real. It felt like a dream but had such a real feel to it, It had to be a dream, there is no way this could be real alex thought. The crying changed to screaming and it was so loud, echoing back and forth as though there were walls to bounce off of. "SHUT UP!!" It suddenly felt as though It was a room alex was in and fell over, looking up at a door. The sound had stopped and alex got moving towards the door opening slowly he walked forward into a room with a large stone fountain, it had a big difference from the last and alex got the feeling he wasn't alone. The door behind him disappeared and it seemed he was stuck in here.
Shawn eyes slowly began to open seeing nothing but white all around him. "Okay that's it, no more milk before bed" he said picking himself up. His clothes were different as well, he had his leather pants and jacket on and his red shades near him. "Strange? I haven't worn any of this in awhile" as he put them on he heard giggling coming from out of nowhere. The sudden giggling made him jump and turn around "Hey........is anybody there?" His voice echoed in the white void. He began to walk towards the giggling to see if he wasn't the only one in this. He continued with no success, unil he heard crying. He thought the sudden change of emotion was wierd so he kicked up the pace to find her. It was a quiet cry at first and it appeared to be getting louder. Shawn thought he was getting closer until he hit the floor grabbing his ears. The crying had become a loud scream echoing through the void. Shawn felt as though his ears were bleeding and was suprised that the screaming had suddenly stopped. He looked up to see he was in a small room with a black door right in front of him. He was confused but overjoyed to find his guitar beside. He picked it up but didn't take his eyes off the door. He slowly crept to the door and opened it to find a large fountain. It stunned him with its beauty as he left the door noticing it disappeared. "I have a bad feeling about this."
Lilith watched the two boys come out, the doors seeming to appear and disappear in a triangle form. Her eyes scanned them both, she wasnt sure if they were part of the dream. She hadnt had many dreams with people in them, but they were usualy the worst. But these people seemed as confused as her right now. Maybe there stuck in this dream with her, or just false alarm. But lila took a deep breath and tried to say something "E-Ello?" she asked softly, peeking from beside the fountain.

She hadent noticed that behind her three small orbs had appeared, clear white, void black, and then one in the middle the same as both. A voice barely whispering into all there ears. "You must pick" then it was silent again. Lila was pretty scared at this point but didnt really know what to do. Not sure if this was a dream, or reality at this point.

( sorry guys about last night mom stole computer from me and I passed out, also if you pick one of the orbs ill give you a heads up on each one.

Black: you will control Sin, rage, anything bad, you will control all thats bad. Also a sword will appear(pic will come with)

White: mercy, strength, anything good, you will control all thats good. you will control also a bow and arrows (pic included)

White and black: you will be the balance between two, everything good and bad. Also you will either get a bow or or two sicles (pic included)

(gallery has weapons on display now)
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Alex looks over towards the voice he just heard seeing Lila looking back at us. "Hello, Do you know whats going on here?". Suddenly Alex heard a voice whisper softly into his ear "You must pick" Alex turning slowly towards the direction that the voice seemed to come from where he saw three orbs. Drawn to it he approached the orbs softly uncertain of what was going on "This is all a dream right....so it doesn't matter what decisions I make" He slowly put his hand out and touched the black and white orb, feeling a rush of power and something in his hands.
Shawn slowly approached the two with his fist balled tight. He wasn't sure if these two were friendly or not so he wasn't taking any chances. He heard a voice saying he had to choose one of the orbs. He was hesitant until he saw the other boy grab one of the orbs. "What the hell are those? Well if I have to pick one........I'm defiantly not picking the white one after that incident." He looked at the black ord and gulped, he stuck his hand out and touched the orb feeling evil flow through his body.
Lila was the last to chose unfortunately, Shawn had picked black and for some reason gained a sword. Alex seemed to pick the joined colours but he got sickle instead, weirdly enough it looked like it could form into a bow as well. She stared at the white orb for a minute, tilting her head. nothing bad had happened to the other two. "Lila you have one choice, that is all" something said only to her. So she reached out and grabbed the thing holding it in both hands. It turning into a silver bow and for some reason her entire body felt lighter and more good then usual.

"what are these things" she asked holding her bow up and pointing to there own weapons. Then right as she said it, the walls started becoming pizels. It moved up to the dome glass and down to the floor. Swiftly it moved out of place and replaced it with them inside of a home. Except they were all alone in a separate place. There shadow moving along the wall, all speaking in unison. That we could all here, "this is your your second choice... choose wisely..." Then the images were gone, and a rattling could be heard upstairs. Lila snuck up the them, her curiosity getting the better of her. The hallway was dark were she walked, but a dim light came from the bedroom down the hall. She crept her self foreword. slowly pushing it open and like that Two huge Fledgeling flew out of the room directly at her. Sending her down the halls as they followed after, zipping by and down the stairs. She ran down the stairs to follow it, she wasnt sure what to do so just started shooting at it. Trying to at least knock them over. The smell of blood was strong on them and she knew just from the glance in the room they had killed two people. Wether this is a dream or not she couldn't let them get away with it. And soon had one of them pinned up against the wall. shaking and julting to get away while the other flew up the stairs again. Quickly she followed after not wanting to hurt it but protect anyone who else had got hurtten. maybe help them, but when she found it. It was curlled up in a ball with one of its own, but just a baby. It was hissing and trying to keep it safe, she hadn't noticed she did hit it with one of the arrows. And now it was just trying to protect its young. from her...

(the baby is the choice,

kill the mother

save the baby and kill both parents

kill baby and parents to

leave them all alone

also fledgelings can be reviewed in lore.))
Alex looked around confused as the room changed, wondering why I now have sickles. He sees Lila walking down the new founded hallway, slowly creeping behind her. "Do you know whats going on?" Slowly she opened the door and two creatues flew out, she went running after it and alex followed. Confused not knowing what was going on but Lila seemed to have some clue to what was going on and it seemed to be a good idea to stay with her. After seeing her shoot one down Alex was impressed and followed her to where the mother was with the baby. Thinking about it for a little bit Alex said "We should probably kill the mother and the baby, it may not be doing harm now but we dont know what it will do if it grows up" Takes one of the sickles and slowly walks twards it.
Shawn's hands were shaking from the power flowing through him. What....what the heck is happening? A sword had just appeared in his hand and thoughts of evil flowed through his head. He was snapped out of his trance when he heard the loud screams of some kind of demon. He griped his sword and hid his guitar to make sure the things wouldn't try to break it. He saw the other two advancing and quickly caught up not wanting to be alone. He didn't exactly trust these two but after seeing the girl shoot one down he knew following them would be the best option. When the choice came to mind an evil thought crossed his mind. He followed Alex to the two smiling as his eyes had turned a dark shade of red"I agree with you" he said with a wicked smile on his face "you kill the mother and I'll murder the baby"
"I have no idea whats going on, but if we play along maybe it will all end." She said to him after he asked the question a while ago, she was busy chasing demons then anyway. Then she saw them both making there way to the baby and mother, her anger grew. She didn't want the poor thing to be without a mother, even if it was a monster. It didn't deserve this life, she drew back her bow. Trying to aim right, it wasn't like she had ever done one. but after though few shots downstairs, it seemed to be natural to her now. With one small flick she let it go and it landed right in Shawn's shoe, but between his toes as not to hurt him. Another one flew off and she hit Alex as well, but this time in his shirt sleeve. Pinning him to the nearby wall, even though he could easily break it. "Guys we cant just kill it! its just a baby and mother for Christ sakes. Kill the father but leave them alone!" she drew back the bow again ready to shoot anyone who tried advancing on the two. But like that the mother picked up its baby and broke through the window. Flying off, the father downstairs had broke free and tried to do the same. But she shot it down, not dead but on the floor flailing to get free of the arrows. "now you can kill that one..."
"I'm sure it will just be a problem for us later but its whatever" Alex took the arrow out of his sleeve "Please don't ever shoot at me again, it makes me uncomfortable. You can kill it if you want to I dont really care, what do you think this place is" He sits down on the ground "I dont ever remember how I got her, I just remember being here" puts his hand over his face "Why does this keep happening to me? Im sure its a dream but everything seems so normal in its own wierd way. Do either of you know about this place?" Looking at all our new found weapons, wondering how we got these and why we have these. Feeling as though he had a new found strenght, he stands up. "We really should try and get out of this place"
Shawn quickly snapped out of his murderous trance and the arrow hit his shoe. He confused on what had just happened "What...what happened?" He noticed the arrow in his shoe then looked at the girl and began to freak out. "Why would you aim that thing at me? Are you people crazy?" He listened to what the other boy had said but he still was freaking out. He had then heard the words "try to get out of this place" and griped his sword and guitar "the only thing O have to do is get away from you crazy people."
A small sound of her arrow flying went by, and the fledgling went limp. "I don't know how this keeps happening, I'm tired of these damn dreams." she leaned against the wall, looking out into the night were the mother went. Her hazel eyes scanning everything "who are you people, we don't even know each other. all my life Ive only had two dreams with people and they end up killing me..." She shook her head, putting the bow down and almost crying. She really wasn't sure what to do at this point "how can we leave, it seems like something is controlling everywhere we go..." The sky started to get darker as she spoke and just stared at the boy freaking out now. "oh stop, You were the one two seconds away from violently killing two...things"
"We should have killed then, all they will do is hurt more people then don't care about us and wouldn't let us live. As it seems we are stuck here we should get to know each other, my name is Alex." He says quietly putting the sickles away "so I'm not the only one who feels like this isn't the first time being in this situation?" Walking down the hallway slowly looking for something to create more light "maybe we should go back to the bedroom and see if there is any clue to how we get out of this place"

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Shawn was confused by the girl's words and couldn't figure it out. When did I try to kill anything? I'm a musician not a murderer. The sudden questions kept rushing through his head and all it did was aggravate him. This wasn't Shawn's first time going through this confusion but it was the first time with these two. I'm having that dream again. Only.....this time......it feels real. Shawn decided it'd be best if he kept his mouth shut and not try to talk to these two.
Lila opened her eyes after letting her self have a few minutes to her self, following Alex around the hallway to find light. Since the light switch didn't seem to work anyway. "I'm Lila" she said softly, then noticed the other kids confusion and how he just seemed secluded "I'm Lila, whats yours?" she asked him, before finally getting a lamp to come on. The pale yellow light washing over the side of the room. And illuminating her and the bed more clearly. Then she smiled "I found some Alex, now just to find out were we are going." Lila then walked to the window, to see if she knew anything near them. but nothing it was just a normal neighborhood. "do you think we should leave this house? is it safe?"
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"We should probably look around. since we don't get anywhere standing around" He is sitting right next to the light "If there is any more of those things outside we might not want to though" Softly looking out the window, wondering what is out there. Standing up slowly moving closer towards the window listening to the sounds. Looks at Shawn "You know if you don't work with us you may never get out of this place, that's your decision though" heading out of the room to leave (Sorry for the wait had work)
Shawn didn't say a word to any of them, he was still trying to figure everything out. He began to grip both his guitar and his sword as hard as he could. He noticed the two were leaving and at first he just sat there until he other boy started to make a valid point. He heaved a heavy sigh and got up noticing he had a

scabbard where he could put his sword up. He sheathed it and followed close behind the other to. He got bored so he started to play his guitar quietly so that no unwanted attention would come for them.
Lila followed Alex guessing he could probably find his way better then her, looking over at the kid who still wouldn't let them know his name. She sighed in relief being around people and the music wasn't bad really. they were in the living room at this point, she looked for a flashlight while they did whatever. When it dawned on her she left the bow upstairs, "Ill be right back" she told them jogging up the stairs. Lila figured she would need it some more if there were any more creatures.As she walked in she didn't notice the door slowly closing shut on her "oh there you are" she said to her self as the door latched and she jumped over the bed to get it. "Hmm?" Lila sat up, looking at the door. "guys?...Guys this isn't funny..." her voice was barely a whisper, as she walked up to it and tried to open it. But it was stuck, so she started knocking "Guys?! whats going on?!" Then the light behind her must have blown a fuse and sparked out of life, her anxiety flaring up. "Guys!" she pressed her back against the door trying to see anything but nothing could be heard or seen in the blackness. Even the window didn't give off the moons rays.

She was stuck in this room, with one of her worst fears. And if either of the guys got seperated the door would close on them and inact there fears as well.
"I really don't understand why we have these weapons or why we are here" Alex sat down in the living room against a wall looking up through the window and seeing nothing outside "Maybe there isnt even anything out there anymore, it wouldnt upset me" Lila runs off "Im gonna go look around for some sort of light source we could use outside" gets up to look around the house not close enough to hear Lila banging and yelling. Looking through closets and such and finishes searching downstairs. He turns and moves up the stairs to the upstairs.

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