Story Shadow Corruption



"I can feel the cold hand approaching ever so closer, the shadows are taunting me..I walk to them, hoping that it is only a dream... Only to be devoured by the darkness... My screams cannot be heard, nor can they be felt...

My name is Chris Telefadin... And this, is the story of Corruption..

The shadows or commonly known as Darkidans came to our planet on my 17th birthday... Just after we've said our good-byes to family, a dark shadow passes over the ground and I stare up to see a barrage of some sort of black object falling from the sky... A purple aura surrounds them.. One lands right beside me and when my family goes to observe, I can see tendrils appear out of the thing and stab my parents through.. It pulls them inside of it and they looked as if they were absorbed.

When I began running, I head to the one place I know I could seek shelter in.. The nearby military fort, when I get there I can see that there is no one there, no living soul infront of the line to get in except two soldiers, I walk up to them and ask, "Where.. Is everyone?" They look at me with a sad expression mixed with surprise, "They're either at their homes, being scared or dead... We have a few people inside, I suggest you get in before they begin to come here..."

I walk inside to see a bunch of activity from soldiers, yet a ring of people praying. I walk over and see that they're actually civilians, praying for safety. I don't join them, due to my non-belief in God. I know we're going to die whether it's soon or never.

About 2 weeks or so later, I was given a gun, seeing as the only one close to sanity... The living conditions were terrible. We were given a single small cot. The food was either terrible, stale, or completely dried up. Everyone else slowly began to disappear with mysterious creaks at the night and screams echoing from the distance. The gun I was given wasn't reliable at all, made with the scraps of destroyed jeeps. We begin an expedition into the town to scourge for liquids and foods... I know were all going to die because of this, whether or not it's from debris... Or them.

The expedition began 2 hours after I was given a gun. The resistance was strangely small, we only saw a few two-legged shadow things. They appeared to be blind, running around in spot and only running to us when shots have been fired. That, or they're insane. We eventually came across a super-market which had a few looters inside, we easily took care of them. We managed to return with enough edible items to last for a month. We also managed to find some fruit, which we past around and let everyone take a bite of. We conserved some of the fruit for those people who risked their lives to go on the mission.

I am writing today to hope for someone to find this when they begin to travel to this area. Don't dig underground. You'll find a dreadful sight, and.. Something that I will not write about as it restricts me. The shadows have invade, they're lurking. Screams echo inside my head, "Kill.. Destroy.." I am turning into one of them.

(P.S.) I did this on Trivaeum about 3 or so months ago with no direct feedback. I hope that you will tell me where to improve and such.
"Day one of the expedition, we begin to descend into the old Lilas town. It appears to suffer a lot from the invasion, the one beautiful landscape turned into a blasted shadowhell. We now know what the creatures are made out of and what to do when we come across them.. The darkidans know very little fear, yet we know how to inflict it." They begin to walk around with a large platoon of soldiers with scrap weapons.. The soldiers appear to be 15 or 16 years old.

They find the fort, in even worse condition than it was left. They begin to enter it, first seeing a large hole reaching into the depths of the ground. The only noticeable light in the cave is a dark violet, fainted. They nod to the troops and they begin to stand infront of them as they begin to walk down... They notice a crossroad they nod to the right yet the soldiers begin to walk to the left. The researchers begin to walk to the right, unknowing of the soldiers going left.

After about 40 minutes of walking, the soldiers come across a large interior, purple surrounding the middle with a large pedestal in the middle. It appears to be hovering. As the guards get ever so closer, they can hear a faint breathing. They aim their scrap weapons at the purple object and as they do so, they can hear a hissing noise come from the purple substance as it begins to steam. The orb begins to fade into the ground as a figure begins to appear. One of the soldiers recognize the man and his eyes widen, "Dude.. That's the one guy forced to join the Xrcross squadron... He was forced to go on an expedition why the fuck is he here?" One of the soldiers notice a scrap piece of paper large enough to write a complete essay on. He grabs it and begins to read it while the other soldier watches anxiously for his reaction or explaination on what's going on. The soldiers face begins to pale as a faint chuckling noise begins to echo from Chris's body. They notice two bulges in his back and begin to back up slowly and cautiously, fear overcoming them. He begins to stand up ever so slowly and after he does so, he opens his eyes. His eyes are a glowing red full of hatred and death. There also appears to be a faint hint of sadness and fear, almost as if he has a double personality. His voice echos filled with a darker voice of himself, "Do you fear..?" His voice sounds like a hiss as he says fear. The two soldiers begin to pant rather heavily and one of them begin to weep.. After he does so, two large tendrils burst from his back, each of which appearing to be spined and made of bone. They're dark similar to the shadow color of Darkidans and appear to have faces at the end of them, (similar to the Darkness, will post a pic.) One of the soldiers begin to full on cry and the darker Chris begins to laugh as the two tendrils dash towards the soldiers and stab through them... The soldier begins to scream as he begins to leak blood, he looks up at Chris and notices something different before he begins to pass, a face of horror and sadness and Chris begins to mutter in his normal voice, "What have I done..." (Sorry for wall of text.)

He looks at the corpses, confused on what has just happened. Fear has clouded his glowing red eyes, a voice echos in his head which makes him drop to his knee, "YoU ARe MiNe." The voice is extremely scratchy and barely indictable, it sounds as if I lion was combined with a male voice biting and dragging teeth along steel. Chris looks around and notice two glowing figures fading in and out, eventually they become unnoticeable as he begins to realize that they were far away, the voice says again in a much more stable and less scratchy voice, "ShadOws are safety.." He's jerked forward and noticed he begins to run on all fours and when he begins to look at himself, he looks like he's in a much more primitive state almost like a dog. The figures appear again and he lets out a growl and begins to quicken his pace. No longer having control of his body, he stares at the figures as they begin to get closer.

The scientists continue walking through the cavern, occasionally shouting out the name of the guards. They eventually look at each other and sighs. "They're not here, probably ran off further into the cave.." He exclaims. The other scientists nods his head, "We should begin to find the way out in this labyrinth.." They begin to hear the padding of footsteps and they look towards the sound, smiling as they think it's the guards. When the dog-like figure appears, their smiles are instantly wiped off of their faces. One of them draws a small pistol and aims at the dog. The shadow-dog lets out a snarl and the scientist begins to fire... He begins to move in a zig-zag formation, getting hit rarely. When he gets hit, he lets out a heavy snarl.. He pounces at one of the scientists as 5 tendrils begin to appear.

The scientists begin to scream as the dog pounces and the one that hasn't been trapped under the dog begins to run.. The one trapped screams at the running one, "HELP ME!" Chris begins to look at the one fleeing and the voice begins to speak again in a much more controlled way, "Kill the cowArd..." 3 of the tendrils wrap around the scientist and lifts him up in the air. He begins to sprint after the coward...

The scientist knows his demise is approaching, and he continues to run. He looks back to very well see the approaching figure. It's catching up swiftly and he knows he will die soon. The dog pounces at him and he begins to fall, trapped by the large dog.. The tendrils begin to rip up the flesh as the entrails begin to spew out.. The tendrils wrapped around the scientist begin to tighten.. They threw him to the ground and begins to tear him up as well..

*Jackie Estacado, blessed or tormented with the Darkness, no I did NOT base the Darkidans off of this, they were around before the Darkness.*
Chris begins to walk his way out of the cavern, his footsteps abnormally echoing. The dripping of blood can also be heard echoing. As he reaches the exit, he can see a large dark figure covering the entrance. The hiss can be heard again. "Species...." The figure at the entrance lets out a similar hiss saying, "Corrupt..?" The force inside of him begins to force him to nod his head. The figure at the entrance begins to let out some sort of hybrid noise, stuck between a chuckle and a hiss. He can hear one word come from the figure, "Come.." The dark figure by the entrance begins to move away as it begins to take an inhuman shape. It looks similar to a large dog without a head, replaced by a large sphere. It has a white eye in the middle of it. The force begins to move his body, Chris just stares, not saying or thinking a single thing.

As they begin to walk out of the cave, they notice several different things. First of which is about 7 of the dark figures, each of them in a different form then the other.

(this is an old story, I haven't looked over it before posting. again, post any feedback.)

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