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Graded [Shade of the Fae See- Fae See] Home Sweet Home

Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She'd felt like she'd known Shael for a long time, even though they just met... or had they? If this was her home-place... what if these were emotions of her previous body re-emerging? What if this was someone close to the 'previous' Kalina? Well, she knew her surname was meant to be Chivernu, not Xyvern, so they likely weren't related. Unless Kalina had changed it, but she doubt she'd been married? Maybe just for the adventuring business and vampire hunting..? Either way, she figured they wouldn't be closely related. That would be far too unlikely... maybe they were cousins? There didn't seem to be that many Lune Elves, so that chance was larger. Or just old friends? Possibly. Either that, or her 'body' was feeling 'at home' and generally more relaxed here? Both were plausible options. In both cases, it was a strange sensation.

Even with Vinny, she felt like she'd warmed up to her in no-time, despite the high and mighty behaviour the girl barged in with. {“That does sound truly impressive.”} She replied to the tales of the Xyvern lineage, figuring acknowledging it was the best way to get on an even better footing with both of them.

She chuckled at the question if she was from Ryke. {“Did my surname give it away?”} She could've been a bit more creative, but this identity had never been meant to stand out. {“From the capital, even.”} She'd add. She was meant to be a city-girl in this persona, after all.

Going along with the story to ignoring any lingering awkwardness on the nickname, she nodded to Vinny. {“I would be most honoured to receive something so valuable~”} She ended up replying, making a dramatically deep bow to stress it a bit with a smile on her face.

For as odd as it was to head to Shael's place this soon, she could hear herself agreeing with a {“That'd be great.”} before good and well thinking it through. This place, these two girls, something here was getting her off her game again. Not even just the fact that they were Fae rumoured to be magical and therefore likely delicious... Come to think of it, she'd been able to deal with any thirst a lot better since becoming a dhampir. One of the bigger benefits. That said, some earlier questions still lingered. Could either of those be someone to her previous self? How would she find out without risking to expose herself? That was a tough question. Unless she'd play the 'insensitive' foreigner for a bit? Actually, there was one logical question that wasn't even that weird to ask, especially if they were heading for her home. {“Do you have any other family, other than your parents?”} She'd ask. That was a start. From there, she might be able to inquire about Shael's childhood friends and see if she was one of those. Assuming Shael would take the bite and she'd be able to keep that conversation flowing form there, of course.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario


Vinerva maintained a smug showy look,

“{Of course it’s impressive, not every fae can claim to come from something special, but Shael right here, she has an impressive lineage for at least some hundreds of years, course when thinking about these numbers one needs to take into consideration that people like us tend to live a deal longer than humans do.}”

Shael on the other hand just seemed to be a bit quiet during the grandiose display, perhaps looking a bit embarrassed by just how grandiose Vinny was making it all sound.

“{Uh yeah, Ryker will kinda do that, I’ll have you know I’ve learned quite a bit about humans and some of the more common naming conventions.}” Vinny proclaimed confidently.

“{Capital huh? I’ve never been too bothered by the idea of a big city to be honest, it’s why somewhere like Widersia sounds like it could be kinda fun, can’t say many others hold that same opinion though.}”

The bowing only resulted in Vinny chuckling a bit standing as straight up as she could, her legs taking up a bit more space.

“{Finally someone who truly understands my genius, I think we might just get along splendidly Edith~}” The smug look returned to her face, albeit in a more playful way in tone as well.

Shael Xyvern
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Shael was pleasantly surprised that Kalina seemed to respond positively to come so soon. Even she was aware enough that it was probably odd to be inviting her over this early, but she was tired and had been given an option, so it wasn’t as if Vinny or herself were pressuring the traveler to come, and in the moment it had seemed polite to offer. Granted Kalina probably could have rested somewhere more public but this would be more private and keep away some of the skepticism that the village was going to have as a whole toward her simply for being human.

“{Feel free to follow Vinerva and myself and we’ll be there in not too long at all, there are plenty of paths to take to get around these parts in different ways I think you’ll find.}” Shael replied with a bit of a smile.

Then she got to Kalina’s question.

“{Well yes actually, I have some aunts and uncles, cousins, as well as grandparents and great grandparents, some of them now live in other areas of shade but some are still here too.}"

Shael replied truthfully, but then her face shifted to looking a bit more serious again as she got to the next part of the answer.

“{I have a brother and I had an older sister…”} She said this part with less emotion like she was in thought or that it was bringing up some memories which were not pleasant.

By this point the trio were likely moving along the paths together, Vinny had been trailing just behind, perhaps on account of her shorter stature, but even her face looked similar to how it had before when Shael’s older sister was mentioned.
However she did try to add a positive spin a bit after seeing how Shael was responding.

“{Even if there tends to be much fewer of us, the good news is that many of us stick around for a very long time. I have a lot of family members around and about the shade too.}" Vinny added in unprompted.

“{What about you?”} She reciprocated to Edith.

As the trio moved onwards the buildings began to spread out more and started to look more private and dwelling oriented, all with standardized suspended paths with railings giving them access to the rest of the network. The view from the high up pathways was pretty atmospheric as well, the small colorful bits of light floating and flying around that they had encountered before on the way up, it was sort of like a localized magical fire fly show. There were also more colorful medium sized mushrooms providing light here and there, and the occasional Lune elf who was presumably heading toward the way they came every now and again either not acknowledging or giving Kalina a bit of a skeptical look as a first automatic reaction.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She figured she'd let the smaller Lune Elf have her smugness. She'd earned as much for being surprisingly helpful. Well, trying to be. Considering she had no concrete plans to do anything with any of the information her persona was getting, she almost felt bad for having them waste so much effort. Alas, such was the cost of deceiving others. As for the naming among Humans, she chuckled. She too liked how non-creative Humans could be with their names. {“There tend to be a lots of Smiths and Bakers out there.”} She replied, in what would likely come across as a joke about her own species.

{“Widersia...”} She muttered. That certainly brought back some memories. {“I've been there, once, but I didn't like the smoke, noise and busyness.”} The factories had been even worse, but it wasn't the time to bring up such things. {“If I'd ever return there, I'd rather visit the Shire. I heard it's rather peaceful and scenic there.”}

{“It would be my honour, lady Vinerva~”} She further played along as Vinerva stood tall and took in the praise. Somehow interacting like this felt a tad bit familiar, which was odd, as it shouldn't. Yet it did... She shook it off. Probably just tiredness, right?

She nodded to Shael as the latter took the lead to head towards their next destination. She was following in silence, allowing Shael to talk about her family. Kalina was a bit surprised. In her previous life, she'd just had her parents and siblings, in as far as that counted. She'd never been on good terms with them, as they'd always just fought to survive between working and being maimed at home. Most of her memories about them was of being considered a burden....In this life, the closest she'd had to family was Renee. Another unfortunate story. Perhaps people like Scylla, Iberis, Cayde and Sophia could count, in a way. If family was like that, it'd sure be nice to have more of it.

It's why hearing someone talk about uncles, aunts, cousins and even grandparents and great-grandparents was a lot. It made her feel... she wasn't sure. It wasn't exactly jealousy, or was it? Perhaps it was more of a longing in general? To not feel like she was randomly put in this world without anything, to be forced to continue the isolation of her past life? She shook her head, mentally shrugging it off, then smiled. {“That sounds like a rather large family, which must be wonderful.”}

That said, she could taste some hesitancy when Shael mentioned a brother and that she 'had' an older sister. She honestly had no clue how to react to that one. Things would fall into place a fair bit, wouldn't they? The odd feeling of familiarity with these strangers that seemed to be mutual... Should she ask about it further? Yet... She didn't dare to. What if it was the case? Then what? 'Hey, I'm back, but I have no memories of life here, sorry about that.' That wouldn't cut it. Even if she'd somehow ran into her 'former' family, which was a big if, then the best outcome would still be bad, wouldn't it? Ugh, this was making her head hurt...

Then she heard Vinny speak up again. Right. Fewer of them, yet surely still a lot, right? Yes. There were a lot of Lune Elves. Running into one she was related too was too coincidental. This was just her fantasy running wild. {“Out of curiosity, how many Lune Elves would you think there are left? If you all live that long, I'd imagine most of you know each-other or are related in one way or another?”} That should probably help her figure out more, without being suspicious or weird, right? She hoped so. She started to want to write this off as an odd coincidence. Even so, she wasn't brave enough to ask the real important question. What happened to Shael's sister. The answer to that might be too much for her.

She was snapped out of her thinking by a question from Vinny. {“Oh, I'm...} an orphan.” Wait. Pause. She was not. Wrong persona. {“... well, a bit of a daddy's girl, I'm afraid.”} She quickly added in [Deception B] to hide the odd pause. {“My mother passed away while I was still fairly young, so he raised me to take over the business. I don't have much family otherwise.”} Right, that was back to the person she should be portraying as. She hoped that 'save' would cut it.

Despite being in turmoil, she did appreciate the environment they were in. Every so often, she'd slow down a bit to better observe the view of a particular dwelling or mushroom. She didn't mind the looks she was getting too much, as she had more troubling things to keep her mind occupied with. Such as why even this place was slowly starting to feel familiar with this area.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario


Vinny looked like she was in thought for a moment before her face shifted to one which suggested she had been entertained by the joke

"{Oh! I get it because many humans who are smiths and Bakers are both of those things!}" She announced with a laugh.

Shael Xyvern
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On the other hand Shael’s expression shifted for the worse when she heard the word Widersia perhaps a bit pained if albeit briefly before it went to looking serious again, as if she had reset herself to maintain her composure.

“{Well I can assure you like I said, that's by far the more popular opinion. I just think it might be neat since it’d be one of the larger city type places where Fae are pretty easily accepted.}” Vinny reiterated to Kalina on her thoughts on Widersia and preferring to visit the Shire. It didn’t seem like she had particularly taken notice of Shael’s brief shift.

Vinerva gave Kalina a grin upon hearing her call her Lady Vinerva. “{Very good then Miss Ryker. If you continue this most appreciated loyalty then I might just have to reward you.~}”

After Shael looked normalized again and talked about her family she gave a bit of a smile toward the ‘merchant’ when she commented about a large family being nice.

“{I suppose it is nice to have the option to convene with family. I appreciate being able to talk with those who have come long before me as well, I do believe their lived experiences hold value.}”

Vinny then responded to Kalina’s follow up, “{Well I would say that many Lune elves who know one another, and of course there are others who are related to one another, I can’t say I have an exact number but for a conservative I guess I believe there are at least a few hundred of us throughout the Shade of the Fae See, though there may be more, even I haven’t met everyone and that’s not counting those who have since left and gone to live elsewhere in the realm.}”

“{Tch, nothing to be afraid of when you’re in good graces with Lady Vinerva~}”
Her tone became more serious toward the later part, “{..However I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother…I’m glad that it sounds like someone's been there for you however…since it seems you’ve taken well the family business.}”

Xyvern Residence
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After some more walking through the increasingly residential area the trio arrived at what looked like a rather nice house. It was illuminated in the darkness of the shade and looked like it was well supported by nature offering support for the building.

“{This is the place.}” Shael said while tapping a spot on the side of a tree, the a upper path seemed to manifest leading to the front door.

Vinny and Shael approached the door, Vinny moving to the right of Shael before she knocked on the door, and after a pause, the door was opened revealing a figure who was wearing a dark cloak with orange eyes who had silvery hair. They looked close in height to Shael.
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The expression on their face was semi warm when it looked like they realized who was there.

“{Oh hey Shael, I can’t say I was expecting you back home this soon, and you brought some friends I see..}” The voice was decidedly male, the voice becoming a bit more quiet as he looked toward who he thought was a human. It was more of a surprised look rather than a concerned one before they became more neutral looking again.

“{Please do come in, I’m certain mother would be pleased to see you.}”
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Kalina shrugged at Shael's reply, although something did come to mind. {“Perhaps the capital of the Magic Duchy would be better? I heard they appreciate us Fae...”} She stopped mid-sentence. That was a giant mess-up. She had to come up with something. {“...and merchants equally, one for their trade, the other for their magic.”} She managed to correct herself in a hopefully believable way. Even so, the odd pause couldn't be undone. {“That city should be a lot more magic-based and far less industrial than Clockhaven in Widersia.”} She continued as if nothing happened.

On the topic of acting like nothing happened, she kept up her 'game' with Vinerva all the same. {“A reward? I would be most honoured to receive anything, as just being worthy of one would be a blessing in its own right~”} Playing along like this felt like it was coming to her naturally, as if she'd done it before. How peculiar. Or perhaps it wasn't. She wasn't sure what to think about the latter option.

She'd nod at Shael's statement on family next. {“I haven't even met my grandparents, so I can't imagine what it must be like to have them, or to even have great grandparents on top of that. The world must've been so different when they were young...”} That was a lot of generations back. She couldn't even imagine what it'd have been like back then.

When Vinny expressed her sympathies, she felt a bit bad. After all, she'd been mostly lying. Then again, she knew neither of her parents in this life, so perhaps it wasn't that much of a lie? {“Thank you.”} She'd just end up saying, as she could at least sincerely appreciate the sentiment her lie had brought about.

Even so, the numbers of Lune Elves weren't in her favour. If there were only a few hundred of Fae left here... and if that included at least four generations... that meant the likelihood of her running into family or friends from her past life was high. Very high. That also meant that there was a chance that this very person was related to her. A chance that was increased by the fact Shael had admitted to having a sister. Even more so that she had seemed hesitant to talk about said sister...

Kalina gritted her teeth. Why was this so tough to figure out? She had no clue how to proceed. Part of her feared the idea of it being true. That she did have family hear. After all, her past lives' family had not been a good one. This life, the closest she'd had to family was Renee, who was still haunting her dreams from time to time. So why the hell did she even come here? Trying to find origins that she wasn't ready to face? Some longing for a family that she'd be better off never meeting? Was it even her family? She was only partially Kalina, after all, with however mixed the thoughts and emotions of both her lives were becoming...

She'd almost bumped into Shael when she stopped in front of a door, having been deeply in thought. A bit hesitant still, she followed suit. She knew to be weary of how young or old people may seem here, but the one that opened the door didn't seem to be Shael's father. Right..? Either way, she'd best be polite. {“It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Edith Ryker.”} She'd say with a bit of a bow.

As she was desperately trying to keep her thoughts in check, however, something snapped the moment she stepped through the threshold. Without knowing why, she could feel tears running down her cheeks. It was as if her body was remembering things that her mind still hadn't recovered. To make matters worse, it was as if those very memories were trying to resurface, yet they did so without success. It felt like her head was about to explode, like a plethora of vague, undefined voids in her memory were blowing up inside her memory, desperately trying to be acknowledged, but unable to find anything to hook onto.

With her head in such pain, her thoughts in such turmoil, she couldn't even come up with any excuses for her odd behaviour. She could barely even keep her disguise up, although part of her actually wished to just drop it... To give into whatever and hope for the best. The question was... should she? As with her Lune Elven half would also come... Ugh. Her head was even more painful, as the [monster] part was still there as well. Even Renee's influence was still there. If she focussed, it was as if she could hear her call her out for being weak again... In the end, only one thought remained. Just what the hell was she doing here? She'd really screwed up and had no way to fix it.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Vinerva "Vinny"
Vinerva and both Shael initially looked somewhat surprised when Kalina said appreciate us fae, as it was pretty difficult not to notice, but then when she corrected herself they looked more understanding as it had been cleared up.

“{Hm, Magic Duchy..Not a bad thought. Should there be a time when I want to leave the Shade, that is a contender for certain, perhaps if we meet again we could go together.}”

Even Shael took notice of how uncharacteristically friendly Vinny was being toward a human. Was it because she was getting similar feelings which Shael had been getting from this person? She wouldn’t know for sure until they discussed the matter which probably wouldn’t come until much later, in her mind at least.

“{Heh you know for a human, you got a pretty fun tongue in Sylvan, and the more I hear the more I like the way you’re thinking.}” Vinny responded to the honored comment.

Shael Xyvern
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In response to Kalina’s comment about grandparents: “{Especially for a fae, by the time someone’s considered a great grandparent a lot had to happen in their lives, to reach that point. I understand that it is rare for humans to meet their great grandparents as you mention which is unfortunate, but the good news is you can still learn from those willing to speak. }”

Vinny gave her a smile of affirmation when Kalina said thank you.

“{While I agree that’s a good conservative guess, It’s probably a couple hundred higher or so in the Shade from what I’ve hard from others., I know there are other settlements underground which neither me or Vinerva have seen yet..either way, Vinerva’s point is well taken like many other fae, our populations don’t tend to be all too high. There isn’t really a need to prioritize having children so soon when we are around for so long.}”

Shael seemed to pause for a moment when he told her that mother would be pleased to see her.

“{What about father?}” She inquired quite a bit of her focus falling on the other Lune elf.

Nyll Xyvern
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The lune elf paused himself before letting out a slight sigh.

“{It pains me to say this but he’s still out there..looking for her.}”

Shael’s expression didn’t look too pleased at hearing that, it was a bit pained even.

“{I..see that is most unfortunate.}” There was obviously more there to the conversation which neither was bringing forth and it looked like Vinerva either knew well enough not to push on the mater or already knew what was going on.

The male Lune elf gave Kalina a nod of acknowledgement back, not seemingly too interested in bowing back to her, probably because he thought she was a human.

“{My name is Nyll Xyvern, Shael's older brother.}” He introduced himself plainly.

When Kalina joined the others through the doorway it was apparent the floor was covered in a plush, mossy carpet which would feel soft underfoot, simulating the feeling of the forest floor.

The door automatically shut behind them, and not far off in the distance there was a room which had a hand-carved wooden table serving as the focal point. The table was adorned with intricate patterns of constellations.The table had elegantly crafted wooden chairs surrounding it. Small mushrooms in containers hung from the ceiling, emitting a soft, iridescent glow that added to the ambience of the room.

“{Well then sister, why don’t we all have a seat in here with our visitors,}” It looked like Nyll had taken notice of Kalina tears and a slight look of bewilderment fell upon his face as to what was wrong.

“{Right..uh maybe one of us should get her a drink?}” Vinerva said looking visibly concerned at what was taking place with Kalina at the moment,

If Kalina would allow the shorter young woman would try to guide her toward one of the chairs so she could at least sit down.

While this went of Shael quickly came back with a wooden cup which had an amber liquid with a slight glow to it, which she set down on the ornate table, near the spot where Vnerva had tried guiding Kalina toward.

Nyll just looked back at all three of them confused, “{So would someone care to explain what’s going on?}” He was giving off a look now like he really wanted to know why the pair had brought a crying bug into the Xyvern residence.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She was a complete mental wreck at this point and she was awfully well aware of it. This wasn't a minor slip-up like some of the previous ones that she could explain away. Besides, it was obvious to her now. This house, these people. Her mind didn't recall them, but her body recognised them. Somewhere deep down, she knew that she could close her eyes and head upstairs to her room without fault. Even though she couldn't recall what it looked like or where it'd been, it felt as if it was engrained into her muscle memory. Even the feeling of the mossy carpet below her feet felt awfully familiar, despite not recalling to have even seen it before.

Upon realising the situation she was in, she also realised that she really had only one option. If she didn't come clear now, she'd loose her chance forever. If she'd hold her tongue now, she'd never find the strength to confess what was going on again. Even so, that thought didn't make things any easier, sadly enough. Her first instinct was to ask Shael to speak with her alone, yet if her instincts were true... then her older brother and one of her closest friends from her life before the 'new' her inhabited this body would have an equal right to hear about this. She just... she didn't know where to even start. How in the world could anyone start something like this? Should she tell them she was Kalina? Yet, she wasn't, at least not entirely. Yet...

Should she show them her appearance first? No, they might assume she was playing a cruel joke on them. She sighed deeply. She'd probably have to start this story at the start, didn't she? No... just telling that out of the blue might only be more confusing. In the end, she didn't know what to do, so she just did the first thing that came to mind. Confess she wasn't who they thought she was. {“I have to come clear about something... It's, rather difficult to explain, so please bare with me.”} She started, a tad hesitant. {“I didn't come here as a merchant. I'm not even a Human... I came here after I learned that I might be related to this place and... well...”} Already changing her mind about her past line of thought, she allowed her alternate identity to fade away.

Kalina Chivernu

{“well... even though I'm suffering severe memory loss, I just can't shake off the feeling that this place is... was... was my home once.”} She managed to state it with long pauses. {“I... I'm afraid I can't recall a thing, but it's like the emotions of this place.. it's like they are still there... like...”} She pointed at the other side of the table. {“I feel like that's where I'd normally sit, even if I can't recall ever doing so.”} She stated, knowing it was a really weird thing to bring up, but with the overwhelming amount of thoughts and emotions welling up inside of her, she had no clue how else to keep going. Besides, if this really was her family... how'd she even tell them she was part monster now? That she hadn't only lost her memories of her life here, but that she also had memories of another life now?

Where the hell should she even start? Did she even dare to start? Wait... the vampire hunters she'd been with. Senna, Theron and Yumi. What would they have told her family..? How much might they already know? Would they... even accept her?

She wasn't easily frightened, but this situation made her start feeling the same fear and panic as she'd felt in those factories in Widersia. The thought of using her stealth to get out of here was growing. To run away and leave it all behind like some failed experiment. Besides, wouldn't it be better if she didn't get to know any of these people better? It'd be nicer to think there was a family that cared out there than to learn they'd possibly be just like the one on earth or that they'd go as insane as Renee had gotten. Yet... she couldn't bring herself to move, as she silently started into the cup that Vinny had offered her after she'd taken the seat she'd been guided towards.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario

All three of the Lune elves looked with a mixture of confusion two with concern as Kalina began to verbalize why she was feeling so conflicted and upset with what was transpiring for her mentally.

Vinny and Kalina were pretty quick to look visibly surprised when Kalina mentioned that she wasn’t even a human, which wasn’t exactly a reaction which was difficult to predict since they had been fooled thus far by Kalina’s high grade capabilities of keeping her true identity hidden.

Nyll eyes narrowed however like he looked skeptical of what was being said, his stance subsequently became more guarded as if he was half expecting whatever Kalina was saying was going to result in them being attacked shortly.

That was until Kalina revealed that she was in fact Kalina by dropping her alt identity. Vinny’s mouth dropped visibly agape.

A look of pure bewilderment overtook Nyll’s face which had seemed the most calm and collected out of any of them.

It was from that point Shael’s eyes looked a bit illuminated briefly and it wasn’t long before tears began to fall from her eyes, quite a few in actuality, a rarity indeed with how seriously Shael carried herself.

Shael Xyvern
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“{I-It’s..Kalina.}” she let out, and it wasn’t very long after that before whether Kalina wanted it to happen or not that Shael was embracing her tightly, her head against hers, before it sounded like she was starting to sob.

“{Kalina..sister...I thought you were..I thought...}” she addded sounding like a mixture of great relief and pain in her tone simultaneously. Instead of finishing her sentence she hugged harder.

Nyll Xyvern
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Nyll looked rather alarmed at this development as he quickly made his way closer and his eyes also briefly illuminated as if to verify what Shael said was in fact true.

“{Kalina..so let me understand..you don’t remember much at all do you?..Well you look like and sound like I remember..and that is in fact where you’d sit. I also understand now why Shael would have been more compelled to help you beyond her more..liberal interpretations of how Fae should conduct themselves..furthermore if all of this is true.. I’m your older brother..}"

Instead of the more dramatic hug he gingerly made his way behind Kalina and Shael who didn’t seem to want to let go of her and he embraced the both of them. “{And Shael is our younger sister..}” He finished, some more tender emotion now in his voice, even if he wasn’t shedding tears it was pretty clear that there were enough emotions brewing he probably could have too.

“{It’s okay..whether you have your memories or not you’re here now. You’re safe.}”

Vinerva "Vinny"

“{But she hasn’t lost all of them..I knew something was off..yet felt so familiar..}” Vinny contextualized aloud.

“{There..was still so much I wanted to talk to you about before...}” Vinny spoke softly, before also making her way over close to Kalina, and getting her from the front, so that she was essentially being flanked on most sides by people making close contact with her.

“{What..happened? I’m sure it’s a lot and I get that you're shocked but.. but..I can tell something still isn’t quite right..and there are just so many questions..}” There was a tone of concern in Vinerva's voice trailing after the relief.
Kalina Chivernu

Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She'd thought her tears had almost dried up, but when Shael didn't only confirm her suspicions, but also went on to embrace her, she realised she'd been wrong. Tears freely flowed along her cheeks. Was this what having a real family was like? It was so different from what she remembered back in her past life... Was this what the other 'her' had grown up with? Was this what something deep within her had still been longing to return too? Could... could this be hers now?

It was strange to be told she was 'safe' just like that. Considering how often she'd been 'not safe' and probably still wasn't. After all, they had no clue what happened. They didn't know who or what she was right now. She barely knew it herself. It's why this odd revelation had a very painful edge to it. Something she knew she had to address... Yet... at least she could enjoy these embraces for just a little longer... right? Allowing herself to indulge a bit longer and calm down, she would eventually take a very deep breath.

{“I... I'm not sure how much you might already know, as most of the things about myself, I learned from others... so, I guess I'll start from what I do remember, or rather what I learned about it.”} She stated, as she was gathering up all her courage to start talking. {“I was in a small group of vampire hunters, with Theron and Yumi. I can't recall that time either, but I met them in an attempt to find out more about myself... I don't know what I might've said about it, but I do know I was using the surname 'Chivernu', perhaps to ensure the vampires I hunted wouldn't trace any of you down..? I don't have any memories of that time though, I'm afraid. Either way, I learned that one of the 'jobs' went wrong, that I got infected and started turning into a vampire. In order to stop that, Theron and Yumi used some sort of ritual and sealed me away below a church in the north of Ryke... yet something went wrong. Somehow I 'woke' up from it, but I had different memories from another world and didn't even recall a thing about my life here. I wasn't even sure who I was... I also realised I was... well... the infection had spread. I was a vampire...”} That was tough to admit.

{“It was... it horrible. To have that [monster] voice in the back of my head telling me to destroy and murder and... do all sorts of horrible things. I managed to suppress it... I even met a lot of people with whom I fought against an undead cult with, some who voluntarily offered my their blood so that I didn't need to hurt anyone for it...”}

{“Yet I knew that I had to do something to get rid of it. That's when I started looking for people that might help me. I even went to the Dark Continent to find someone who could tell me how to undo it, a hag that pointed me to Theron and Yumi in Widersia.... They managed to come up with a plan that revived some of my old self, but not all of it... I'm, I'm afraid I'm still part monster. A dhampir...”} That was another tough thing to admit to. {“I'd like to fully undo the curse, one day, but at least I'm able to stay [Fae] now, outside and in. Even if my sense of who I am or who I was is in shambles, I'm a lot stronger than what remains of the curse. Yet, well, becoming part Fae again also brought back the desire to find my home. Even if I still can't remember any of this, or any of you, it still feels really familiar. It still feels like I'm at home, even if I don't recall this home. It's... it's strange.”}

She took a deep breath. That was the shortest way she could explain the many things she'd gone through, the most honest way she could put it as well. If they'd still accept her knowing all that was a second question, however, as this was a little more than just memory loss.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Three Lune elves to the best of their abilities given the intense emotions which they were feeling, tried their best to listen to Kalina’s information exchange with them.

During this process, however Shael did not break away from Kalina, staying quite close.

Nyll Xyvern
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Nyll gave a nod when she mentioned the names Theron and Yumi. One could infer he recognized the names she mentioned.

Shael Xyvern
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“{That sounds like something you’d do out of precaution during your hunting Kali…}” Shael spoke softly after she heard Kalina say she had used Chivernu.

Vinerva "Vinny"

Vinerva looked somewhat surprised when she heard about memories from another world. {“I’ve..heard rumors about people from other worlds..cropping up here and there..you saying something like that happened makes me wonder...}” she commented uncharacteristically quietly.

A bit of a pained look fell upon Nyll’s face when he heard that Theron and Yumi’s sealing ritual didn’t work, he almost opened his mouth but he didn’t speak on the matter as his face returned to a serious and focused one. It looked like he had mentally decided against the action.

All three of the Lune elves looked like they had some difficulty in nonverbal cues, Nyll clenched his fist, a solemn expression on his face, Vinny looked sad like before, and Shael, continued to grip Kalina, when she spoke of having the monster voice in the back of her head.

“{I just wish I had been there to help you..}” a look of confliction taking hold on Nyll’s face.

Shael looked even a bit paler than usual when Kalina mentioned going to the dark continent, it looked like the danger resonated with her, the very idea of Kalina being there enough to make her a bit upset.

As upset as she looked she became less tense when Kalina discussed that they had been able to bring back part of her.

Nyll looked a bit less tense too at hearing that, and Vinerva who looked like she had many thoughts going through her mind let out a small sigh of relief.

“{You might be part monster but you’re still all our Kalina.}” She reaffirmed.

Now Shael could add something else to her list of to do things upon hearing Kalina share she wanted to remove the curse, of course she would want to assist with that process.

“{Whatever I can do to help..just let me know, you shouldn’t ever have to..deal with something so difficult alone.}”

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“{I can promise you this is your home whether you remember it or not Kalina}” A somewhat more mature feminine voice occupied the air. Another Lune elf walked into the space as it became apparent she had been near the doorway for who knew how long. Her ambery eyes practically illuminated in the dim light of the house. Nyll, Shael and Vinny all turned to look at her after she spoke, just after Kalina had finished her spiel. The way this elf carried herself suggested confidence beyond what the others had possessed so far.
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

It was surprisingly comforting to have Shael close. Predominantly as the latter didn't break away, even when she mentioned having been a [monster] and still being a half-monster. The fact that it hadn't motivated Shael to break away for as much as a second really helped to give her the courage needed to carry-on telling her story. Even her guess about the surname not matching seemed correct. On top of that, it confirmed that they did know she'd been a vampire hunter, in as far as Nyll's nod hadn't already done so.

She wasn't sure what Vinny might or might not know, but considering the latter didn't continue her train of thought, or at least not aloud, Kalina figured it wouldn't be the right time or moment to question her about it. All she knew was that she wasn't the only one, but she'd already found that out by meeting others from other worlds. She might, however, be the only one with a body that still belonged to this this world, which had feelings from it re-emerging within the same body. Especially combined with such a mixed up and fragmented set of memories and an accompanying identity crisis.

On the topic of Vinny, Kalina felt bad. This girl seemed as close to her as her family, yet she couldn't remember why. She sure felt like it, but... Was she like an adoptive siblings? Just a childhood friend? A girlfriend..? A cousin? She struggled to try see if there really wasn't any memory or shred of evidence that she could use to figure out Vinny's exact place in this picture, but she could not. All she could hope was that she'd eventually learn it from context-clues, as she was too hesitant to outright ask about it.

As for Shael's offer to help, she gave the latter a gentle smile. {“Don't worry, even if it was difficult, I wasn't alone. I found some great people that helped me through it. I'm sure you'd like them as well, should you ever meet them.”} She wondered how Shael would react to the folk that helped her. Whether it be the reliable friend she'd found in Cayde, the cheerful and bubbly Scylla, the adorable Iberis, or the very devout Sophia.

That said, there was someone else that'd appeared without any of them noticing. It was yet another dosage of mixed feelings that overwhelmed her. Somehow, this woman felt extremely familiar, but she couldn't recall her at all. It pained her brain to try doing so, giving her a headache from just how much she tried to remember anything, but nothing resurfaced. Only memories of the 'other' life in the 'other' world returned to her, as she recalled the mother from there lashing out at her until she'd be turned into a sobbing, broken and bruised mess. She couldn't combine the two. The overwhelmingly negative memories from one life and the overwhelmingly positive feelings from another.

She knew this would have to be this life's mother, yet the only memories of a mother she had were horrible ones, yet she didn't feel any negative emotions towards this one at all. If anything, she felt a desire to rush to embrace her, a soothing, comforting feeling stemming from her. Not the fear and loathing she'd once had to her mother in the other life. Even so, with such mixed feelings and having to struggle so much to try to recall anything, she hesitated to move over.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Shael Xyven
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Shael saw the gentle smile and it felt like quite a bit of weight had been taken off of her which she had been harboring for who knew how many years. To finally see Kalina again and know that she wasn’t dead, that she was there, even if she couldn’t remember everything that hardly mattered to Shael. Kalina being alive was enough for her, since last she had heard Kalina was quite dead, as had Vinny and the rest of her siblings, as well as Vinny.

“{Of course..you were always meeting and getting along with the right kind of people…that doesn’t surprise me at all..}” Shael said, while still teary, a bit of a smile formed on her face which she presented back Kalina’s way.

“{..If what you say is true then I do hope that I get to meet them one day, whether it’s out in the world by your side, or if you invite some of them back here, anyone who's helped you through this..I’ll always appreciate them for doing so..especially given what you’ve been afflicted with.}” She spoke with sincerity.

Upon the woman entering the threshold, and speaking her piece she calmly made her way over toward the group of Lune elves, there was a certain stoicness that went along with the elegance, like she moved with authority, before she now stood next to Nyll and Vinny, leaning down from the back and embracing Kalina in a tender but heartfelt embrace.

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“{Kalina..my daughter,It’s been so long, a small part of me continued to not believe what I had heard last…even with all the compelling evidence..while I understand that there is nothing wrong for one to return to nature and nourish it… I just knew it wasn’t yet your time..it must be fate that you were brought back here..and I will be forever grateful..stay as long as you wish…I am here for you as I always have been.}” Her speech pattern was eloquent and formal, nevertheless the words were genuine and carried much meaning.
Nyll Xyvern
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Despite these new developments, Nyll and Vinny both stayed relatively quiet for the time being, Nyll looked like he was in deep thought, his mind not completely clear.

He eventually spoke up, "{I know this might not be the easiest thing to talk about so no pressure, but, what's the earliest memory you have Kalina..that doesn't feel like it's yours?}"

Vinerva "Vinny"

Likewise Vinny, actually looked a bit conflicted like she wanted to say something, her facial expression between one of great relief..happiness but then something still seemed to be brewing in the back of her mind which was possibly bothering her but eventually her face became a bit more positive.

“{She’s right Kalina..we’re all here for you no matter what..I knew this was a risk in your line of work..but it was noble work you put yourself at risk for others, so anyone who can’t understand that, then that’s their problem..not yours. If you have any questions Lady Vinerva might just have the answer.}” She said the latter with a tone of somewhat light hearted shift with a small smile.

While this was all ongoing there was still no appearance of a figure who might look like they could be a father figure or anyone else for that matter for the time being.
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

It was somewhat good to learn her past self had also been able to hang out with the right crowds. To a degree, at least. It was a shame that she didn't remember any of them. “{Some of them tend to be a bit eccentric, but I'm sure you'd get along great with just about every single one of them.}” She replied with a smile. Especially Iberis somehow reminded her of how Shael was acting right now, although she was already wondering how Shael would get along with Cayde as well. Or how she'd react to Scylla and Sophia. Oh, she might have some explaining to do, should those names ever drop... Perhaps it'd be best not to mention any of them for now. Her memories hadn't even recovered, so she was still trying to figure out her things...

On the topic of figuring out things, the embrace by the older elven woman, her mother, was something she really had to figure out. Had she ever once felt this way before? Not during the painful and hollow existence that was the 'other' life and not during the lonely first years in this one. Some of the experiences with her friends in this life had come close... but it wasn't the same. Closest to it was being embraced by her siblings just now, but this... it still was different. She couldn't explain it, couldn't rationalise it. Yet... she felt safe. Warm. She didn't know this woman, not in memories at least, yet she felt like she could share just about anything with her. “{Thank you...}” Part of her wanted to add 'mom' to that, yet it felt too surreal. Too strange and alien, no matter how familiar it was.

It's why Nyll's question rang like an alarm clock at midnight. “{It's... difficult to describe.}” She started. “{It almost feels like I'm two people at once sometimes.}” She admitted. “{The other memories, they're much more clear, going back to me being really young... yet they don't feel 'mine' as much as they did at first, not after all that happened at least.}” She took a deep breath. “{Instead, it's like I should have memories of things right here... The other ones don't really feel 'mine' any more, yet it's like all of this feels familiar, without remember it. Even the moss beneath my feet feels like it should be a memory, it feels as such, yet it's not... it's...}” She couldn't explain it, so she tried to give another example. “{I don't remember ever doing it, but it feels like I'd race Shael and we'd jump down the trees as a short-cut, after which you'd reprimand us for it.}” She told Nyll. She had no recollection of ever doing so, yet if felt like she definitely had done so more than once. “{It feels like I should have a memory of doing so, but all I have is a vague sense it 'should' be there...}” She really couldn't explain it any better than that.

That left her to another piece of the puzzle. Vinny. The way she was almost part of the family shortly made her worry. Shael did say Elves could look a whole lot younger than they were. Surely this wasn't her grandmother or something, right... maybe an aunt? She still couldn't make heads or tails of it. When Vinny told her she'd answer her question, Kalina gathered up her courage. “{Well... I'm afraid I can't recall who you are to me, no matter how much I want to. I feel like I know you really well, close enough to be considered family, but... I can't figure out how.}” She really hoped that wouldn't ruin Vinny's mood too much, or that the answer wouldn't be too strange...
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Shael Xyvern
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Shael continued to smile at that. It wasn’t like she hadn’t met her own eccentric people in the fae see as seen by the mushroom person earlier even. A friend of Kalina’s was still someone who she’d hold in high regard even if they were less than conventional or not fae even. Of course this was Shael, whether the others would be as accepting was to be determined should they ever cross paths in the future.

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“{Of course darling, you’re my daughter and a Xyvern at that, afflictions from monsters are nothing our family isn’t used to. Of course I wish you could have been spared that burden..but frankly I’m just..so happy that you’re here by my side again.}” Despite her appearance looking much more youthful than one might assume someone to have who had three children, she still had many maternal qualities in her mannerisms which were well beyond her physical age’s appearance.

Nyll Xyvern
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Nyll’s relatively serious look stayed present on his face while Kalina spoke. At the very least he seemed patient as she spoke, even if it took her a bit longer to get to certain details here and there.

Nyll did speak some after the tree bit, “{Well of course I did Kalina, that sort of behavior is simply uncouth for a Xyvern to partake in, it’s our responsibility to set a good example for Shael.}” Sort of going on lecturer auto pilot mode for a moment it looked like, before he refocused. If anything that supported that Kalina wasn’t getting any false memories from another life.

Nyll’s comments broke the tension a bit and caused Shael to let out a bit of a giggle, which Vinny also found herself partaking in it a bit.

Vinerva “Vinny” Fir
“{Memory peculiarities or not you’re definitely Nyll’s younger sister Kali.}” Vinny said with a more positive intonation and smile.

Nyll rolled his eyes a bit not long after Vinny said that before he looked back to Kalina,

“{Thanks for answering that to the best of your ability I get it isn’t exactly the easiest question. So from the sound of things you have parts of your original memories and pieces of some other person’s memories.While I’m not exactly the most qualified to speak on something so unusual I have a strong feeling we can get at least some of them back with time.}” He spoke optimistically.

“{Granted, it doesn’t sound like theres too much to work with at the moment as far as figuring out what exactly happened to you to cause the current state of your mind, but that could very easily change.}”

Despite the duality of what Kalina said to Vinny next, essentially admitting that she did not remember her much, Vinerva lit up a bit when she answered that question.

“{Why excellent question Kalina, I’ve been one of your closest friends since we were both small!}” She proclaimed.

“{While I’m a Fir by blood, I can assure you I’m a Xyvern in spirit!}”

With that added context the only real question was what had Vinny wanted to ask Kalina before she had gone off hunting last and not returned.
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Thinking of herself as a Xyvern was still odd. On the one hand, it felt natural enough. On the other, she'd been using the name Kalina Chivernu for a really long time and by now she identified herself even more with that name than with Alice Baker. To some degree, even her identities as Elizabeth Mason, Edith Ryker and Chandra Jarmil carried more memories than she had about being a Xyvern. It was such an odd conflict in her mind, between her memories and her feelings, that it started to physically make her feel a bit dizzy, as she had to stabilise herself a bit when the room started spinning. Even so, she smiled. “{I'm... glad to be back... home.}” The last word took her a while to say, before she said it, as if trying to taste how it'd be on her tongue. When she'd said it, she felt relief, it was natural, like the rest of it had been.

Even if Nyll's remark felt like it was something familiar, as he confirmed her feeling about what their relation must've been like. Like Shael, she couldn't help giggle at his serious remark and straight-laced advice. She wished she had more than just the feelings, that she could remember the actual exchange, but even this was already something to be grateful for.

Nyll's explanation didn't seem exactly right to her. It didn't seem like she truly remembered any of it as much as that she felt like some things were logical. It was more like an instinct, or an emotion, that allowed her to draw certain conclusions about past events. About what 'felt' like she would've done, or about what would've happened. Just like how animals seemed to sense when certain people meant them harm and could conclude they did so in the past, it was like everything in this room, people included, made her sense certain emotions she'd had in the past. That said, it was far too difficult to fully grasp, let alone explain to Nyll, so instead she just nodded. “{That would be nice.}”

Although it was somewhat good to hear that Vinny wasn't related, as she might've been shocked for real if the girl had been her grandmother or something like that, she still wasn't entirely sure about her exact relation to her. Unlike with her family, where she felt some sort of natural connection, it wasn't as strong with Vinny, although it did feel really natural to call her Vinny in turn. It's why she knew the latter wasn't lying.

That said, with all the emotions and impressions, she'd grown rather tired. Too tired to think. There were still some questions. Her father, for example. She recalled Nyll saying something about him looking... for her, as in, herself, right? She worried that might be true. If so, her father would've spent over a decade looking for her, wouldn't he? That was a long time. Could someone really be so dedicated to a single lost family member? She definitely didn't expect such a thing to be possible thanks to her other lives' experiences. Yet, if it were true... She wasn't sure what to think about it. To a point, it almost scared her, as the idea was so alien. Yet, on the other hand, even the love she received right here and now was alien, yet still made her feel a warmth she'd rarely felt before.

All in all, she could only come up with one question right now. “{I.. I'd like to rest for a bit. If possible.}” She asked, as she felt like this had been too much for her to keep up with. She needed a bit of time to process all of this. To rest her body and mind and think through what had all just happened.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario

All the other lune elves in the room seemed quite pleased to hear those basic six words come from Kalina’s mouth. She acknowledged it was her home too and that she was glad to be there, even if she didn’t remember much very well.

After Kalina spoke her mother gently gave her hand a squeeze of affirmation and affection, as if to reaffirm that Kalina was in fact there with them.

Shael Xyvern
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Meanwhile Shael hadn’t broken contact, seeming quite intent on keeping contact with her. “{Thank you for staying..}” She said softly, knowing full well Kalina probably could have bailed instead of deciding to see her family through, as she could only imagine how many various feelings could have cropped up for Kalina given all the challenges she had and the lack of memories.

Vinerva "Vinny" Fir

Vinny gave Kalina a much wider smile, a big shift from the serious look of internal conflict earlier after hearing the words. “{Who would've thought Shael would have brought you back like this?..guess her less than orthodox inclinations came in handy this time around..}”

Nyll Xyvern
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A bit of a smile fell on Nyll’s face even as he heard the giggling from the duo, perhaps because he hadn’t heard it come from Kalina in so long, regardless of what the laughter was in relationship too. Regardless of how accurate his explanation had been, it seemed logical enough in his mind for him to say it. He gave Kalina a nod after she said it would be nice. Not hearing her internal dialogue he didn’t have much else to add there nor did it seem like he was keen on pressing her for more information in that moment, after all this had all been quite the emotional experience for all of those involved.

At the time Kalina said she could use a rest, that was the cue for the others to break contact with her which they did.

“{That’s..completely understandable. I'll be waiting for you when you’ve gotten some energy back.}” Shael affirmed.

Vinny and Nyll moved out of the way as well.
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“{I’ll show you to a room.}” Her mother responded assuming she could use some serious rest after all of that, offering Kalina a hand up and support if she needed it.

Presuming Kalina followed she was guided to a modestly sized but elegant room, with coordinated nature and celestial motifs throughout, a wooden bed which seemed to meld to the floor and wall, with an incredibly soft blanket which was like a more luxurious version of the floor moss, on the ceiling of the room constellations carefully carved out and painted, with some sort of bioluminescent material, as well as wooden handcrafted dresser, closet, and desk with some texts stacked up. She would then leave Kalina to rest.
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She wasn't entirely sure how to respond to Shael's 'thank you for staying' comment. Part of her still sort-off wanted to run, but she knew the easy way out would be the hardest in the end. She'd have to face this now or she'd have to live with the regret of not doing so forever after.

She did smile at Vinny's remark. “{Perhaps the Spirit King gave us a hand.}” At the end of the day, it felt almost too fitting for it to be entirely coincidental. She wasn't that religious, but it sure felt like the likelier option for some divine guidance to have been present over just raw luck or coincidence.

When she was told she'd get shown to a room by her mother, she simply nodded. She instinctively accept the hand, even though she might not have needed it. The room itself was familiar, but after all the impressions of the day, she didn't wish to think too much on it. After all, if this might've once been her own room... the thought of items from her youth lingering here was interesting, but she didn't think she could handle more such things right now.

It's why she'd just give a “{Thank you.}” upon her mother leaving after having shown her the way. Even whilst trying not to think too deeply into it, the room was nice. Not even Sophia had crafted blankets as soft as the one on this bed...

As she undressed and put her items aside, she almost instinctively placed them down in certain parts of the room, further confirming her suspicion. Still, deciding to try not to pay too much mind to it, as she eventually hopped into the bed, pulled over the blanket and started at the bioluminescent ceiling for a while... only a while though, as she was asleep much sooner than normal.

Her night was filled with dreams as usual, but when she woke up, nothing concrete remained in her memories. Just hazy remnants of the many things her subconscious had been trying to process. Even so, there were two things on her mind almost instantly. The first, the same feeling of familiarity that she couldn't place based on memory alone. Second, a growing concern. She hadn't expected to stay here for long, so she hadn't brought any 'supplies' with her. Although it was always a risk to go without, it also made it a lot easier to pass through any check-points and get past guards. Add to it that she could go longer without, now that she was a dhampir, she felt more comfortable doing so. Sadly enough, she still needed it in the end. She could already feel it within her, starting to arise, the thirst.

Deciding to try to stay without drinking it for at least another day, knowing she should be able to push herself to at least that much, she instead focussed on something else. She'd spotted them when she entered, but she'd not had the energy or courage to check them out. She did now. The texts that had been stacked upon the desk. She'd get out of bed and walk over to them, unable to resist wanting to gloss over them to see if it'd teach her anything about herself and her (former) place in this world.
Time: Early Morning

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Vinerva "Vinny" Fir

Vinny looked pleased at her comment with a smile returning, “{It wouldn’t surprise me if he did..he’s looking out for all of us after all.}” Even with Kalina perhaps not falling into the norm of fae from the see at least being more religious than not, her words were well taken by those just the same as it was something that someone from there was probably likely to say.

In the room there actually was also a finely crafted shelf near the desk which may have contained some familiar items on it if they were examined closer, as well as some other texts, presumably where the ones on the desk had come from.

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Just before she left, the words
“{Of course, love you.} came from Kalina’s mother with a warm intonation, looking back at her with a gaze that it seemed only a mother who deeply cared for her child could give. This was certainly something unfamiliar for Kalina to experience no doubt.

Thankfully Kalina would be allowed to rest undisturbed for the duration of her sleep until she eventually woke up. She slept long enough that it was very early morning into the next day. As for the feelings which took hold of her not long after she woke up: Perhaps Kalina’s family would understand that she’d need to feed. Even if there might have been implications of the act being impure or unnatural for a fae to partake in. Shael or really any of those she met so far would probably be more than likely to give blood should she just ask and get past the oddity of the situation, but of course there was a duality, people who felt so close in some ways yet far in others.

As Kalina examined some of the texts there were some interesting things to note, upon opening one of them there was an ornate page with natural embroidery around the edges and on the center of the piece there was a fine illustration. She could see a younger version of herself in a dark dress which complemented her well depicted. There was also Nyll who was standing nearby her in fine formal attire looking younger himself, behind them there appeared to be their mother also in a dark dress, Shael was nowhere to be found, perhaps she hadn’t been born yet. Regardless next to their mother was another figure who might have looked quite familiar should Kalina’s memories decide to cooperate, they looked elegant in their attire, an ornate sword blade at their side, and their face had rather pretty features. Behind them was a glowing nature scene with dynamic colorful mushrooms, small orbs, and the very waterfall which Kalina had encountered with Shael on their way there. Overall it looked like a quite a joyful occasion.

Unmet Figure Depicted
Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 9.19.00 PM.png

Another page of text seemed to be discussing the best known methods to dispatch vampires as well as sketches of equipment denoted with what different parts were and how they worked from weapons to protection magic. There were also notes written in Sylvan segregated away from the sketches.

Beyond that text she’d also uncover a finely crafted book which upon further examination looked like a diary of sorts given the elegant writing in Sylvan written in a log style sorts, the year documented it had been quite some time ago. The diary entry suggested that, that night Vinerva Fir had told the writer to meet them in front of the temple in a few days, and that she seemed sort of flustered when she had, and that the writer hadn’t been sure what to make of it all because it had seemed out of character for Vinerva. The writer referred to Vinerva as Vinny, and also suggested that the writer knew who she was. There were more texts to sift through if desired as well as the shelf. For the time being she was undisturbed, perhaps her family feeling inclined to let her rest as long as necessary given how much she and they had to deal with in such a short period of time.
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

The words 'love you' kept hanging in the air for a while, making Kalina wonder. It was an odd and new sensation, as she instinctively knew this was very different than the type of 'love you' spoken by someone like Sophia. Both might've been honest and heartfelt, yet in this case it was more... She wasn't sure how to describe it. Perhaps it was the lack of a particular certain desire behind the words, just the plain intention, that gave it a special meaning? She didn't ponder upon it for long, as she fell asleep. The only thing she would still debate upon waking up was whether or not she should've returned those words. Yet, with her memories as they were, she feared she might not fully mean it even if she did.

As she was looking through the room, one of the images in the texts stood out. It was extremely odd to see. That was 'her' for sure, yet she had no memory of it. Nor did she have memories of the figure she could only assume was her 'father' in this. It seemed her suspicions were correct. She didn't necessarily have memories as much as lingering feelings, and this picture wasn't enough to stir any of those. As a result, she didn't seem to experience anything, nor did she manage to reach any conclusions on what her relation to him might've been like. It was all just.. empty, in a sense. Only the conclusion 'this would be this life's father' in fact, not even the feeling of 'my father' arose. Perhaps if she'd meet him, things would be different?

She smiled a bit at reading the texts about dispatching vampires. Fate really had shown her life some of its weirdest twists and turns. From an aspiring vampire hunter, to a vampire herself, to a partially vampiric vampire hunter now. She wondered if her former, younger, this life's self, would have ever been able to imagine her fate would have so many odd twists and turns.

Upon finding a notebook, she automatically started to read through that as well. Although she didn't want to jump to any conclusions, the entry surely seemed to hint at something in particular. It made her wish she remembered more, so she closed her eyes. She tried to imagine herself sitting in this room, writing in this notebook, these lines... An odd wave of nostalgia came over her. Along with it a mixture of guilt. Yet the latter, she felt, was more from the 'in the now' rather than form the past. Like all the events between then and now had caused her to feel like she'd done Vinny wrong.

She sighed. Even after a good night's rest, this was all still troublesome to deal with. She decided she'd spent a bit more time in her room, going through some of the other stuff. It seemed like her family was granting her the time for it, so she'd gladly make use of it. She held some of the vaguely familiar items for a while, seeing if they'd brought up any memories. She tried to imagine when she might've worn some of the clothing left in the room. She tried to imagine where she'd have gotten some of the decorative objects from. Some rocks, plants, miniature weapons... All she got was feint sensation, in the back of her mind, with no real memories or feelings arising.

It's why she eventually turned back to the desk, to look over the other texts that were on it. What else did she write down? What type of reading was she into? It was both fascinating and strange to explore this life's past, especially with how closely it felt as her own past, despite the memories of the other life still being there as well.
Time: Morning

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario

As Kalina dealt with the material before her, she was left undisturbed for the time being. The situation with Vinny wasn't entirely clear, had she been upset or had she just wanted to tell her something important before either of them went off on some adventure? Whatever it was Vinny hadn’t looked herself when she brought it up, it was unclear if she had even ever been able to tell Kalina before Kalina ended up dying. The whole situation was less than ideal. It would probably be difficult to get to the bottom of it without speaking to her again or someone else in the know, lest some memories come back about the whole thing.What was obvious to Kalina was that she had indeed spent much time writing in that very book about all sorts of things about her past life which had then been her current.

While Kalina didn’t have memories conjured from the specific items, instead feelings of familiarity, when she examined the texts further on her desk, there was some evidence to help clue her into where some of them had come from.

In one of her entry logs she had described going to a social event outside of the Shade of the Fae See with her family. Apparently it had left an impression on her commenting on the pleasant food and drink. She described wearing a black dress which was very similar to one of the ones she had seen in the room. Some had been at different sizes suggesting they were for wear at different periods of time. Perhaps her family was somewhat well traveled based on that information.

There was also another magical illustration like page in one of the texts that depicted Shael and Kalina when they were both a deal younger gathering some of the more ornate rocks nearby that very waterfall she had passed earlier might have come into mind, Nyll appeared to be standing off to the shore of the river as if watching them to make sure they were safe, who while older also looked a great deal younger. This might have explained how she ended up with at least some of those.

While not specifically about the miniature ornate intricate crossbow model in the glass bottle on the shelf , there was commentary about the fact that Nyll had spent quite a bit of time working on similar projects in the past in at least one log entry. While not giving the whole story there were some clues here and there of possibilities.

Of course beyond the more family sentimental stuff on the desk there was religious texts going in depth on the Spirit King and how he operates as well as the various cardinals and how the Fae were called to very much be like what Vinny was suggesting, Sheppards, of course the inclination being sheppards to the races which were deemed inferior. There was a text which went more in detail to the moon cardinal which might have been expected Should Kalina wish to read into it more. What might have been of additional intrigue was further into that section, there was some additional information discussing how at one point there had been a conflict between the Sun and Moon cardinal. Depending on whether or not Kalina wanted to read further into it there was more information available.
Besides religious text there was more generalized adventurer literature as well speaking of legendary figures who had great feats under their belt in times of old. Tales of those who had slain great monsters, liberated peoples, and met gods.

There was also a bestiary of the Fae See and a more generalized guide on monster survival, to which there appeared to be a page marker in the form of a feather which was marked for the defense against vampires section.

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1.png

After some more time went by there was a gentle knock at Kalina’s door before it opened slightly, and the sight of Shael peeking through was pretty obvious.

“{Uh..hey Kali, I hope that I’m not being a bother but..I just wanted to check in on how you were..doing.}” She said softly and eloquently, presuming Kalina was okay with her presence she then opened the door up more fully.

“{Could I get you something to eat or drink perhaps? You must have used quite a bit of energy earlier and while I don’t exactly know your situation with that given your condition, but if there’s anything that’s doable for your diet I’d be more than happy to help you out.}”
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Going through her past, or perhaps one of her pasts might be slightly more accurate, was an odd experience. She wondered if she should confront Vinny later, or if this was better left in the past. Whatever it had been, having been away for more than a decade, perhaps she'd merely bring up old wounds or bad memories if she mentioned it? She wasn't sure. For now, she figured it'd be best not to do so.

It was odd to see what changed and what hadn't. She still liked to wear black, although she'd lean more towards practical clothing over dresses now. She did, however, forget what 'pleasant food and drink' was like for the bigger part. She'd barely started getting used to being able to eat again, in small portions and without being able to get much nutrition from it, but at least it no longer tasted like ash and made her vomit. It was a sign of progress. Then again, she'd yet to taste something that could beat the taste of certain types of blood...

She shrugged it off, as she checked out the rocks. Apparently she'd had those for a much longer time than she first suspected. The waterfall they'd passed seemed to feature a fair few times as well. Apparently she, or perhaps just her parents or siblings, liked that place a lot. A more surprising find was a clue hinting that Nyll might be a [tinkering] of sorts, or perhaps a [boyer], as it seemed made models of them at the least, perhaps the real deal as well? She wondered if she should ask him about it at some point.

The topic of sun and moon cardinals arguing was a good point for her to close the book. She'd barely become 'Fae' again and was still figuring out her faith, so diving head-first into complex religious texts with more than enough political drama caught up in it wasn't going to be ideal. She figured she'd be better off checking if people other than her family would even welcome her back as 'Fae' overall or not.

She couldn't help chuckle when she noticed where the bookmarker in her survival guide had ended up. “Seems I really failed to take note there.” She mumbled, as it did raise another question. Just who managed to get to her? And how did she get bitten? Those were certainly interesting plots to try figuring out one day.

She was surprised when her door opened after hearing a knock. “{Come on in.}” She replied, not really having any reason to keep anyone out. Not at the moment at least. As for the question how she was doing, she actually needed a moment to think it through. “{It's odd. A lot of the things I'm going through feel familiar, but I can't seem to recall them. It's like reading your own biography, having a vague sense that nothing about it is a lie, but not actively recalling most of it.}” She tried to explain it.

Ah, that reminded her of two things. Why not just as Shael? That'd get both topics that had left her wondering some direction. “{Did you, per chance, know if I was on bad terms with Vinny or something before I left?}” She asked, as she figured Shael might know a bit more. Truthfully, she didn't think so herself, but the thought that Vinny had been trying to dissuade her from vampire hunting had arisen, which would be ironic, as the way she returned showed she probably should've listened to Vinny back then, had that been what she'd been wanting to talk to her about.

As for the other question. “{Oh, also, is it true that Niall makes crossbows? Or just the models? At least... I think he made that?}” She'd ask gesturing towards the crossbow model.

Shael's own question, however, made Kalina hesitate for a bit. “{I...}” She started, then paused. Then she sighed. It felt like, out of her family and friends, Shael was probably the one she could be the most blatant with. “{Whilst I can eat and drink, I don't exactly gain much nutritional value from it and I can't consume much before my stomach can no longer take it. I'm afraid I'm not... well, lively enough... in that regard.}” She wasn't sure how else to phrase it. “{Don't worry though, I should be good for now.}” She tried unsubtly brushing off the topic, as she clearly felt a bit uncomfortable talking about it, even to Shael.
Time: Morning

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1-1.png
Shael felt a bit relieved when she heard Kalina tell her that she could come right in, truthfully she wasn’t entirely sure what she was expecting. For all intents and purposes Shael had simply been a stranger to Kalina even on their way over there, she was just getting to know her again, and finding out that she was her sister must have been a lot for her to take in.

When Shael fully entered the space she stood a respectful distance from Kalina. However when she responded to her question about how she was feeling ‘odd’ that was more than understandable to Shael. She wasn’t sure how she’d even begin to feel in Kalina’s shoes. She also took notice of what Kalina had been looking through texts and a book which she recognized as one of Kalina’s diaries, that was probably a good way to at least learn more about herself if not help get some memories back in Shael’s opinion at the very least so it was nice to see that Kalina had seemed to at least accept the fact this had been her life rather than fleeing and or rejecting it.

That allowed Shael to feel a bit of a relief, truthfully she wasn’t sure what she would have done if Kalina had fled and left her again..she had already been so long, she wasn’t certain if she’d ever get to see Kalina again

“{Yeah, that must be strange, I can’t say I’ve had a similar experience, but I’m pleased to hear that you’re learning about you, there are a lot of memories and experiences in this room which are preserved.}”

Shael looked a bit visibly surprised at first when Kalina asked her the next question, in part because she had been in a bit of thought when she asked but also because it was about Vinny, not a name she was expecting to come up right then and there with the conversation they were having.

She had to think for a bit herself before she responded, “{While that was quite a while ago, I can remember it like it was yesterday..as for if you were on bad terms with Vinny, from my perspective, it was quite the opposite, you and her had been on quite good terms and she had been wanting to spend more time with you than she already had been, It was pretty common for her to hang out with the both of us, like she had mentioned earlier. What was strange to me was she hadn’t really entirely been acting herself close to when you left, she had expressed to me that she was really worried about you and the direction in life you were taking, and it seemed like she wanted to tell you something from what she told me and that she might need my support, but as far as I know she didn’t end up doing it. It was so long ago I’m not even sure how she feels about it at this point..}”

Shael added the last sentence in thought again.

“{What i do know is that she..really didn’t take it very well when she heard the news about what ended up happening to you, it took a really long time for her to even regain some form of normal functionality.}”

It seemed like Shael didn’t exactly know what Vinny had said but it did corroborate the information which Kalina had so far, and at least helped support the idea that they hadn’t been on bad terms at the very least.

Shael lit up a bit with a small smile when Kalina mentioned Nyll making bows.

“{Oh that, yeah that’s a model he made and gave you because he thought you’d like it since it’s a model of one with vampire hunting in mind, from the bolt type it supports..and some other special features you’d probably want to ask him more about for more specific details.}”

“{Back then he mostly just made a lot of models but around when you left he started to make some real weapons too, he’s actually quite good at it in my opinion, he’s always been the type who was minded that sort of way though, he excels at spatial reasoning, mathematics, logical and sequential thinking as well as being skilled with his hands.}”

“{If you want to see some of his work sometime I’m sure he’d be more than happy to show you.}”

Shael had actually looked relatively pleased throughout when discussing Nyll.

Shael’s face looked a bit more visibly concerned briefly when Kalina hesitated to answer and looked a bit uncomfortable..she really hadn’t been meaning to do that, Shael felt a bit bad now that she had asked at all, but it had felt like a natural question given Kalina’s condition.

“{I understand, so not really..well in that case you’re more than welcome to try bits of different foods and a little bit of different drinks to see if anything starts to become a bit more tolerable, truthfully after looking around some of your books while you were gone I had read that some vampire like beings drink something a bit more direct which was part of why I asked, anyway, no matter..if you change your mind at any point just let me know if I can help.}”

She reiterated wanting to leave it open for Kalina, rather than trying to push her on it.

“{And of course if there’s anything else you’d like to ask me about..I’d like to think of myself as a judgment free resource.}”
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

The phrase 'you're learning about you' brought a slight smile to her face, as even though it was correct, it truly sounded odd. “{I'm glad I diligently kept track of some of these things, back then.}” She ended up replying.

Vinny was a different situation. She still wasn't sure how to proceed with that, as Shael only backed-up some worries. It seemed like Vinny had indeed been against her vampire hunting endeavours and Kalina couldn't exactly blame her for it, as she'd clearly gotten in over her head due to how she'd ended up by now. It sounded like Vinny had been trying to convince her against becoming a vampire hunter, or something alike, which Kalina clearly had ignored. “{I... see. Thank you.}” That was all she could reply to Shael, as she'd need to gather her own thoughts no the topic. She wasn't sure how to make up or address the issue. She felt extra bad due to hearing how much of an impact her vanishing had had on Vinny.

Truthfully, she couldn't help smile again at the explanation of Nyll's interests. Even though the previous topic was a rough one, this one was all too familiar. “{It seems that even without my memories, I didn't change all that much. One of my first friends after, well, it, happened, was a Fae artisan woman from Ryke, who made me a crossbow as well. She was also the type to listen to my requests about features...}” She wondered what type of impression Sophia would make on her family. “{Her name's Sophia Smith. She's rather busy running an artisan guild right now, but perhaps I could introduce you, one day.}” She suggested. For now however... “{Perhaps I'll ask Nyll about his own craft in the future, or see what he has to say about my current equipment. Although I've come to rely a lot more on my rapier.}”

Like a roller-coaster, the topics of their conversations kept going through ups and downs, as the next topic was a 'down 'again. Even so, with how open Shael was about it, Kalina figured she could at least return the openness in kind. “{You're right, I do need to rely on blood to survive.}” There was no need to beat around the bush on that part. “{So far, I've been blessed to have found a lot of friends to help me with it, but, well...}” Even though she decided to be open, she did hesitate again. “{... relying on family for such a thing, I'm not sure ...}” There were definitely some issues with it. “{... it's, how to say ...}” She really struggled trying to put it to words. “{Somehow, blood with magic tastes really well, meaning that all Fae taste well by default, meaning, you know...}” She didn't finish the sentence, figuring it was already clear enough. “{Either way, the thought of using my own family for that seems, I don't know, weird. Wrong?}” She hoped that'd explain her struggle enough. “{I mean, it means a lot that you'd even offer, and I am somewhat curious, but, well, I've barely even gotten time to get used to the idea of having family and to considering them a source of food... it's not exactly like you're cooking for me... or is it? No... not really...}” She shook her head, as she was overcomplicating things again. “{I'm sorry.}”
Time: Morning

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village, Xyvern Residence

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1-1.png

Shael was glad that Kalina had kept track as well, certainly helped prove that she was in fact who Shael knew she had been, with all the evidence available to suggest such. She gave Kalina a nod of agreement in response.

What didn’t quite feel as great to Shael was how her explanation for Vinny seemed to affect Kalina. Granted it hadn’t exactly been the most cherry news which she shared with her regarding how Vinny had felt and she wanted to be as honest as she could possibly be so Kalina’s reaction was understandable in that sense, she just hoped that, ultimately it could be worked through, it wasn’t exactly easy seeing Kalina have to deal with all of this information after already having to go through so much. Nevertheless she felt optimistic that it could all be worked through, there was no reason for Shael to believe that Vinny would hold something like that against Kalina, she had been so pleased to see that she was okay after all just like the rest of them had.

At least the conversation of Nyll appeared to lighten the mood from the more serious topic, Shael only felt her smile be further reinforced by seeing Kalina’s own, it was definitely a nice change of pace for her to see her sister looking a bit more happy.

Shael looked intrigued when Kalina explained the Sophia Smith individual, Shael’s thoughts did internally go to, should they meet the fact that she was also a fae would probably help some of the family be more receptive to her, which made Shael feel a bit more at ease.

Shael almost giggled a bit at the memory comment.“{I see, I’m truly glad that you made some friends while you were away. Sophia sounds like someone who has work which Nyll would take interest in with that crossover, of course he doesn’t just make crossbows, but they are something he’s taken interest in, if I recall it’s because with a crossbow they can pack more power and have some interesting customization options while also potentially require less training to use effectively compared to a more traditional bow..should her schedule be free enough at some time I’d be more than happy to meet any of your friends, her included.}”

Shael nodded once more at Kalina’s comment about possibly asking him about her gear. “{I’m sure he’d appreciate the opportunity to help you out with that.}”

As Shael had a gut feeling, Kalina did in fact drink blood, a strange thing for any Fae to do, but not when they were afflicted with something like vampirism. It definitely made the dietary situation much more unique.

“{You must have truly made some great friends if they’re willing to help you out with something so initiate and vulnerable..}” The words sort of just left Shael’s mouth before she had a proper chance to assess whether or not she really wanted to say them, but it felt true in the moment, and it only made her feel a greater sense of gratitude. Shael could see and hear the conflict Kalina seemed to possess about the possibility of drinking blood from family, if anything Shael just wished that Kalina could get some sense of peace of mind. She was curious to hear about fae blood tasting good, due to the magical content? Truly Shael didn’t really have a sense one way or another if that would make such a big difference.

After hearing her out, and hearing her say that she was sorry, Shael then got closer to Kalina, before leaning down and offering her an embrace if she would accept it. Regardless of whether she accepted, Shael spoke softly but with a warm inflection

“{I hear what you’re saying Kalina..it’s a complicated matter, it must be even more difficult with the fact that you have all these different factors to consider. While I might not be able to understand from experience what that feels like, I do know that it can’t be the easiest to deal with..but I do want to let you know that I’ll respect your wishes either way, If you feel the need, I have no qualms about helping you out if you’re in need, but if it feels objectionable I’ll respect that too, after all there are other ways of obtaining blood.." She paused for a moment before continuing,

"{What I’m really trying to say is that, the last thing I want is for you to feel alone in this, your sister is here for you.}”
She reiterated, her words coming from the heart.
Kalina Chivernu Xyvern

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Kalina rummaged through her stuff, taking things out of the backpack she'd brought in as 'Edith', as the topic of crossbows had come up, eventually taking out her Hand Crossbow. “{You're absolutely right about crossbows.}” She stated on the mention of packing power and customizing options. “{I've had this one custom-made.}” She stated, as she quickly got it in order, readjusting the string and mechanisms a bit. “{It's made specifically so that it can be shot using only a single hand and to be quick to reload. Of course, it's not as powerful as a result, so you'd need to take careful aim at an enemy's weak-spot, but if you do so, it can be a great weapon.}” That said, she didn't really use it all that often any-more... “{Although now that I know how to use my rapier at range, I no longer use it all that often.}” She suddenly realised she'd been rambling about her vampire hunting equipment and skills. Would Shael even be interested in such things? “{Ah, I'm sorry, I doubt this is of interest to you as much as that it might be of interest to Nyll.}”

All in all, Kalina felt rather conscious of her situation when Shael suddenly blurted out how great her friends were. Even so... “{You're right. They are. They even helped me undo part of the curse and got me on track to finding my home, here, again...}” She figured she might as well tell part of the story. “{I went to the Dark Continent once, because there was a rumour a hag lived in the marshes there and I believe that the hag would know about my condition. She's the one that sent my to Widersia, where I found Theron, Yumi and Senna. Although I wouldn't have been able to make it through those marshes without the folk that helped me there. There was this really odd and big beastfolk person, a giant reptile person called Baharius. Then there was this insanely competent human, a man called Cayde Whitinger. If you've never met him, you'd not believe it's possible for someone to be so resourceful and capable of helping folk work together. He even managed to keep this weird rat-girl that stuck around in check... Kesh, I think she was called. Then there's Scylla Bancroft. She's rather odd, as I think she's involved with some more... debatable magic, but she's really fun to be around and always cheerful. I... I think we're dating? Truth be told, I don't know a lot about love, but I think I was also dating Sophia? I'm not sure how I got myself into that... wait... Sorry, I'll just...}” It's clear she was unsure of how much to explain about that topic and that she'd already said way more than she realised she should've said.

“{Anyhow, there's also Iberis Odhir, I swear she's the most cuddly person ever, just seeing her makes you want to hug her. She's studying magic, but she, Scylla and I have been through a fair bit of trouble together. We even fought it out with some undead cult and all... I've also met this odd Shadow Fae, Hope, she was called, we didn't hang out for long, but she was surprisingly understanding and I'd love to meet her again one day. It's the same for this other beast woman I once met in Clockhaven, Shion, she was called. She seemed really out of her element in the city, but she still tried to help me out, which was really kind of her. I hope she'll get to visit the See or some more natural areas one day, as it sounded like that'd be a lot more comfortable to her...}” She realised she'd been rambling a lot. “{Well, I'm... I'm sorry. What I meant to say is that there's a lot of people I'd love for you to meet one day.}” That's probably the best way to put it. Some of the folk she met didn't need mention. She'd rather not bring up Renee. Others hadn't made a great impression on her. Yet those she mentioned she all considered worthwhile enough to one day possibly introduce to Shael and the rest of her family.

She'd accept Shael's embrace as she listened to the latter's words. “{I...}” She wanted to reply, but wasn't sure what. “{Thank you.}” She eventually stated. She took a deep breath. “{I'll have to think about it again, but for now, I'll be able to abstain from eating altogether for a while more.}” She reassured Shael there was time, which Kalina would use to think things through once more. Either way, there was something she wanted to say in turn. “{I might not remember a lot, but I want you to know I want to be there for you as well. It seems you haven't stuck to home as much, so I'm sure you've met a lot of people and went through your own struggles as well, right?}” Kalina suggested it as much as she asked it. “{Despite all that happened, I think I've grown stronger. As in, a lot stronger. I've got my alternate identities, my fighting skills, my ability to stealth and infiltrate, so, you know, what I'm trying to say is...}” What did she want to say? She figured should keep it simple. “{If there's any way I can help you in turn, please let me know.}” That's all she really wanted to say when it came down to it.

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