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Graded [Shade of the Fae See- Fae See] Home Sweet Home


Roleplay Artist
Hello thread viewer! This RP is part of the Isekai Hell Community! If you are interested in fantasy and or anime please feel free to check out the above links to our highly active rping community!
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See

RP Goal: Kalina learning more about her past life in the current world.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario

As Kalina moved deeper into the area of the Fae See she was exploring, the sunlight became less and less prominent. The vegetation became thicker, and a canopy had started to form above the forest. More unique plants which grew better in the shady environment began to crop up, such as ferns and small mushrooms of differing colors near the damper areas of the dirt paths.

Due to the current state of war between the Fae See and East Empire, the disguise she adopted would play a significant role in how well she would be received traveling in the area when it came to interacting with others. Thankfully at this point she had managed to cross the border into the Fae See successfully without issue given her skill set and competency.

Eventually Kalina would reach a point where the there was more of a clearing in the thicket of the woods, and there was a fork in the path:

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One led down to an even shadier area where in the distance there were some decently small sparks flying around lighting up in the dark a bit with faint whites and green magical energy. Nearby there appeared to be some patches of white fluorescent flowers which the sparks were flying and hovering around near each other in pairs of sorts. Along with the flowers there were some prominent light emitting red mushrooms. If Kalina was observant the faint sound of multiple voices speaking Sylvan could be heard but getting specifics on the conversation proved to be difficult without focusing in and using some means of enhancing senses to understand.


On the other path somewhat farther down there was more light in the shade, radiating from what appeared to be some sort of business given the Sylvan that was written on the sign, suggesting it was some sort of Tavern built out of the tree. Nearby the business front there were tall glowing mushrooms placed sort of like a processional way to attract people toward it. It was pretty easy to tell what places were intended for more diverse audiences such as travelers rather than just Fae See citizens if they accepted currencies or not, due to the Fae See itself not really using any currency officially, trading goods and services being much more common.

Shael Xyvern
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Beyond the paths the occasional sounds of animals and other forest dwellers moving around could be heard from within the depths of the vegetation. While close by but out of sight Shael Xyvern was not far off, figuring after her business of finally joining the adventurer guild that she’d make her way back near home and go and see her parents as it had been quite some time, and this milestone seemed just as good as any. Little did she know that her ‘sister’ was not all that far away from her, the one who she had not seen in many years. For now she was taking some much needed time to relax a bit before she saw them again, and contemplate all that she wanted to say to her parents. It had felt like quite some time since she'd last been in the Fae See, and with the passage of time feeling much less significant, everything felt a bit less pressing.
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Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.

After a short break at Sophia's estate, her desire to adventure started to rise up again. She wanted to go back exploring places. One place in particular was drawing her in like none of the others. The place she'd learned was rumoured to be the home-place of her original 'body' or being, whichever one might be more correct. Things were odd to her. Since she'd become part Lune Elf, she had feint memories of places like these, but they didn't really feel like memories of her own. It was strange, yet familiar. Familiar, yet new. Old yet forgotten. Forgotten yet remembered. All in all, it was like she was visiting a place from an old and mostly forgotten dream.

She'd travelled as Edith Ryker. The wealthy merchant was likeliest to traverse the See without too many issues, despite being Human. It'd worked thus far. Hopefully it would continue to do so.

The Mushrooms, their glow... something about it felt incredibly familiar. Another thing about them felt incredibly foreign and alien. It was disturbing and comforting alike.

Considering her current guise, it was an easy to choice to go along the path leading to what seemed to be a place housing a tavern in a tree. Her current 'race' was likely meant to go there, after all, so she followed along, hoping not to spark trouble immediately after arriving. She'd enter the tavern a bit hesitantly. She normally couldn't really book a room in such places, at least not for long, as the fact she always had to refuse the food made her suspicious. She should be able to eat a bit by now, but probably not enough to avoid drawing suspicion to herself. It was likely best she just asked for information, for now, right? As she entered, she decided to go with that. {“Excuse me, I'm a trader from Ryke, hoping to find new opportunities here. Is there anyone I could talk to?”} She spoke, using her [Deception B] to spin the lies together in Sylvan as she went on.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Tavern

Mention: Elvario Elvario

The Illumination became more prominent as Kalina approached the building, the height of the glowing shrooms that lit the path only more evident as she got closer.

By the point she reached the door it opened itself up as if under the influence of some magic.


The space revealed from the door opening was rather pleasant. Perhaps some additional magic had been at work to give the environment a sense the people inside were somewhere brighter. The surrounding walls looking like they were looking outside into a daytime environment. Meanwhile there was a central tree placed in the middle which had small sparks coming off of it, as well as the occasional vibrant glittery energized moth.

There was ample seating at the drink area counter, as well as some tables around the interior wall for sitting.

Significantly sized group of fairies who were rather small were all standing on a table in the far corner around a standard sized plate who were sharing some sort of green hued exterior white frosting interior sort of dessert.

There were also a pair of dwarfs who looked like they had been downing quite a bit of alcohol at a table nearby, they had hardy armor, one with a two handed sword on his back and another with a two handed ax, both with beards and some braids in their hair. They looked quite preoccupied with their drinking and talking, sitting at the counter.

No one who was in the establishment thus far seemed to be taking notice of her words, that was until the one who was behind the counter turned to her and spoke. While there weren't really any facial features to go off of, the tone sounded warm and more feminine than anything.

They spoke back to her in the fae tongue, “{Oh hello there dear! You must have come far, all the way from Ryke no less! And you’re so deep into the shade of the See, very impressive!, I can’t say I was quite expecting you to speak this language, it mustn’t be the easiest thing for a human to pick up, The name’s Violeush, and I’m the owner of this fine establishment. While I personally don’t have any business opportunities for a trader for Ryke, unless perhaps you could hook me up with some fine ingredients or drinks, there is a more populated settlement not all that far from here with some rarer and interesting wares, but I will admit it isn’t exactly always easy for..foreigners to get in, but if you are pursuing the trail of Rykes it’s not all that much farther down the paths..}”

“{However for the time being, since you've come so far, could I perhaps interest you in a drink, something to eat, or a room? I will say there aren’t too many businesses out here like mine in quite some distance besides that place I was speaking of.}.”
It looked like no one was suspecting Kalina of lying.

Shael Xyvern
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Shael on the other hand was actually sitting at one of the stools near the counter. She was currently holding a small wooden round cup which had some sort of amber glowing drink which she was nursing. This place was a usual stop for her when she went back to go and visit her parents, it had been there for quite some time, and she knew that while the journey wasn’t an extremely far distance for her on foot, it still wasn’t exactly just a stroll over there. So having one of her favorite drinks, and perhaps some snacks seemed like a sensible idea, to really get that taste from the part of the Fae See which really felt like her home to her.

Shael’s eyes did eventually look toward the new human comer, truthfully she was a bit surprised to see one come this far into the See, as well as know the language so well, she might have expected an adventurer to come this far, but it was definitely plausible a merchant would too. Either way she had rather liked the ones she had met from that last quest..hopefully she’d be able to see them again soon enough.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.

Her deception was often good enough for her to even fool herself. Perhaps that's why her 'acting' the part of her alternate identities came more and more as a second-nature. She glossed over at the fairies. Living expenses for them must be low, if they could share so little food with so many of them. Truth be told, she was a little taken aback by the walking mushroom replying to her. She'd seen some peculiar Fae before, but this one topped them all. She doubted this one had good flavoured blood though. Not that that should matter right now...

Right. {Why, thank you~} She replied to the compliments she was given for getting here. {“Drinks, you say? If you provide me with a list of ingredients and drinks, I'll be sure to get some things arranged when back at Ryke. I'm mostly here to figure out what new opportunities might open up~”} It was the ideal excuse. Even with what limited knowledge she had, a trader coming in to look for possible future deals wasn't too strange and no actual negotiating had to be done.

{A mysterious settlement offering valuable trade deals? Sign me up!} She replied to the second suggestion. She debated whether or not to stay here for a bit. Food was a no-go, a drink might work. It'd be the polite thing, right, after getting information? {I guess I can stay around for a drink.} She replied. {I'll go with whatever your recommendation is~} She spoke, deciding to be brave. If she was going to drink something that wasn't blood or water and test her newfound dhampir stomach, she might as well go all-out and take a gamble on what she'd be handed, right?
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Tavern

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Upon hearing that Violeush raised a hand and a purple magical energy of sorts picked up a long piece of parchment from behind the desk causing it to float, as well as a pen which started to write down some things swiftly in Sylvan.

"{I can certainly do that if you are inspired to do business with me, it would be of great help to diversify my wares.}"

Eventually a list separated into more Mediterranean like spices in particular , which were logical with the climate that Ryke possessed, as well as ratios of each. Below that a drink list developed, certain fruit juices as well as alcoholic beverages, below that was cost recommendations for the amounts, of not to pay more for x item ideally, as a proposal for how many Rykes Violeush would be willing to offer taking into account travel time, difficulty of obtaining the good, and of course the fact That Edith would be buying it for her. The amount offered appeared to be fair given the task at hand.

"{I hope that could be agreeable of course all the numbers might not be quite accurate as of current, it's been some time since i've gotten my information but of course I'd be willing to adjust, regardless I believe it would be mutually beneficial, as I do not desire to travel out there, I have a business to run.}" Violeush stated truthfully, floating the parchment over to Edith.

Violeush gave a nod to Edith "{Excellent decision, Happy to have you! I do have a suggestion then I think-}"

Just then the dwarf who had the two handed battle axe on his back called out "{Wadda ya waiting for lass, give 'er some grug!"}"

The dwarf who had been with him turned to the other one who said it and laughed, "{You must have had too much already to say something like that you and I both know Grug is a real dwarf's drink! Not for some dainty business woman like that."}

Violeush, made a sound like she was clearing a 'throat' and continued "{What I was saying was I think I have just the thing in mind..and I don't think it'll be grug." Violeush then turned around to the bar area and started to mix a drink up, until it was severed in a modestly sized rounded wooden cup much like the one Shael had and the mixture had a prominent glow.

"{This is one of our most popular specialty drinks, hope you enjoy.}" Floating the beverage down in front of the stool nearest to Edith.

Shael Xyvern
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Since there hadn't been a ton else going on Shael had been listening in some passively while she continued to drink, giving the rowdy dwarfs a skeptical look when they had gotten loud, also taking note of the fairies who in comparison were rather dainty as they cut their small portions off and put on them on their considerably small plates and eating utensils. Then there was this human merchant talking with Violeush, who Shael had actually been glad to see again, as it had been many years since she last talked to the Fae Fungus person. Her ear did twitch a bit when she heard talk about the nearby settlement, and a thought did cross her mind, before she took another sip and enjoyed the sweet flavor and bit of a gradual pleasant warm burning sensation in her throat.

Then her mind went to work..should she say something? It certainly wouldn't hurt her village to have more business coming through human or not, perhaps it might help them all be a bit more open minded with time, yes since she was heading there anyway..would it really be a problem. Shael eventually decided to make her way over to near Edith a bit of time after Edith got her drink, and Shael stood nearby.

"{Excuse me, I over heard your conversation, and to my understanding you're here on business, well the dwelling area which Violeush described is a place which I'm quite familiar that I'll be heading toward, frankly it'll be much easier for you to get in if I'm beside you as someone who was born and lives there, so if you perhaps wanted to travel together there, I believe it could be to your benefit, and their benefit.}"

Shael spoke matter of fact with a serious tone with focused intent.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Mushroom / Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She almost felt a tad bit bad when the mushroom lady handed her over an actual list. She put in a lot more effort than Kalina expected she would. Perhaps she could hand it over to Sophia? See if her crafter's guild could do anything with it? That'd be an option. Either way, her lie had perhaps been too convincing, but she was already caught up in it, so she'd best keep it up. {That looks wonderful, I'll be sure to present this to my business associates~} That wasn't too much of a lie, considering she was planning to at least show it to Sophia at one point or another.

As for the drink, she was rather curious was 'grug' was and she did play the 'bad drunk' right now, but she feared it'd be taking on more than what was good for her. {Will do~} She eventually spoke, as the mixture was put in front of her. The glow made it surprisingly exciting to try out, although the fact that she hadn't had much non-blood drinks yet in general made her excited to try this. She successfully ignored the Dwarves with little effort.

She was surprised when an actual Lune Elf approached her. She certainly recognised part of that pale white skin and the pointed ears that her new 'self' reflected in the mirror. It was odd. If she'd truly been from this place originally, even this girl might be someone she once knew. Elves grew pretty old, right? So this one could've been a neighbour, co-worker, classmate... The thought was rather odd, but it also made her a tad more curious to learn more about these Lune Elves. The fact that having a Lune Elf along made it easier to enter their village only further convinced her to agree to this one's proposal. {That would be lovely~ I'm Edith Ryker, as you said, I'm a merchant from Ryke. It's a pleasure to meet you miss...?} She introduced herself.

Come to think of it, she figured she might as well try to push her luck a little. {“I must admit, however, that I didn't hear a lot about your species. Most people I asked just told me you all tend to be rather... reclusive. So would you telling me a bit about your village and its customs? I'd hate to accidentally be rude immediately after my arrival~”} That should do the trick.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Tavern

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Thankfully Violeush was pretty good at expressing how she was feeling through tone given her unique form. [Oh you think so and you would?, I'm very pleased to hear it, thank you."} The mushroom lady replied.
After waiting a bit for and observing how Edith responded to the drink she went back to doing some sort of work behind the counter once more, cleaning the surface and reorganizing some drinks and supplies around it looked like, the objects floating with the same sparkly magic around and about. Regardless Violeush had bought Kalina's story thus far and didn't seem suspicious in the slightest, assuming good will from her.

Thankfully the dwarves appeared to go back to whatever they were focused on talking about, if one paid attention to the conversation it sounded like they were going on a hunt for treasure together in some ruins which had been difficult to explore for many. A pretty typical aspiration for a dwarf, to gain more riches and material goods. It wasn't too difficult to listen to it given the way they spoke to one another was rowdy and loud at times They also continued to drink presumably what their grug was.

Shael Xyvern
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The Lune elf now in front of Edith seemed pretty neutral for the time being, with her reserved nature, her body language wasn't exactly hyper friendly, but it wasn't cold either, a sort of just lukewarm disposition. Even so her intention was kindly motivated to an extent. After hearing the introduction, she gradually offered Edith a handshake, she thought that the human in business might appreciate this gesture, so she might as well give it a go.

"My name is Shael, Shael Xyvern." She replied matter of factly whether or not the gesture was accepted.

She looked curious at the questions which were asked of her, it wasn't all too common that she was asked something like that. She was somewhat pleasantly surprised that this human cared at all how she was perceived there, of course part of Shael simply assumed that it was because it would increase the merchants chance of getting a deal, but nevertheless she figured she'd answer it, to care at all held some merit. Despite how serious she looked and quiet she had been before she actually had quite a bit to say to her.

"{Well reclusive is certainly one way to put it, but I would say it's a fair assessment. It can be somewhat difficult to get into any Lunen settlement when you aren't a Lune Elf yourself. Not being a Fae doesn't do you any favors either, my people have always been a skeptical careful sort, even more so during this war time, so there is always great discernment in who is permitted to enter.}"

"{Firstly, I'm afraid that any Rykes or other minted currencies you have on your person aren't going to be of too much use in my village, unless you're intending to do business with other merchants who do business outside of the Fae See, or you're trying to treat the currency as parts of the raw material which make them up, but in that case you'd surely get more value from using them as intended elsewhere. Otherwise in general you're better off negotiating services, goods, or resources for trade. This deep in the shade of the Fae See and you'll see currencies become less and less accepted at places and trade more commonplace, I'm sure as you're already aware having come this far that this tends to be the case in the See, but I figured I should let you know now since it'll become a factor you'll encounter more regularly on average around these parts.}"

"{Secondly, while I'm sure this is common sense, I will restate it, I would highly advise against making any comment in jest or disrespect against our faith and practices pertaining to it, it's one way I can guarantee you you'll end up offending and angering someone. I will let you know now, you will not be permitted to enter any inner temple spaces.}"

"{ Thirdly In my village and other Lunen dwelling places, culturally, Lune elves who are considered elders, are inherently entitled to more respect than say, someone like me, whose still considered quite youthful in the grand scheme of things. This expected additional respect might take the form of letting an elder take their food first , and if you are sitting next to them, offering to pour their drink for them. Regardless of how you feel about them personally, I'm telling you now, you're often better off just holding your tongue and trying your best to remain civil, particularly as someone whose going to already be burdened with the stigma of being an outsider human no less.}"

"{I hope that all of these..details don't deter you, I just think it's only fair to give you a better idea of what it will be like. However with me at your side you should have a significantly easier time getting around and getting done what you need to get done than you would otherwise. Despite all of this, Just like any other people, I can assure you trust can be built up with time.}"

"{Is there anything else you'd like to know about in particular?}" She then inquired.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Taking a sip from the drink she was surprised. It might not be fresh Faeblood or witches' blood, but it was good nevertheless. Moderately sweet and oddly warm, although not literally warm, like fresh blood, but somehow... figuratively? She wasn't sure. Was this the 'burning' they mentioned alcohol having? She liked it, even though it was a rather odd sensation.

She was rather surprised by how talkative the particular Lune Elf she'd met was. Considering they were supposed to be isolationist loners, Shael was breaking all known stereotypes. She figured she'd accept the handshake. Her new body temperature was 'lukewarm' enough to not instantly stand out as that of an undead, after all. Especially not if she kept it short.

On the other hand, Shael gave her an information overload. Oddly enough, her entry into Lune territory was going to be ironic. Being a Lune Elf that had to sneak in as a Human even though non-Lune Elves apparently had more issues getting in. That said, she figured it'd be even more complicated if she went as she was. She was wise enough not to comment on the 'war' as she figured any word said was an unneeded risk.

{I see... goods for goods. I'll have to note down what is most in demand and what is most on offer, in that case.} Another perfect job that didn't need any actual merchant skills that she could use to keep the ruse up.

She nodded. {Of course.} She'd heard some things about the Fae's religion. However, she did debate using her newfound [Chameleon] skills to enter one as a full Lune Elf later. After all, she was rather curious.

The next part also spoke for itself. Most cultures had some form of respecting elders. {Understood.} Actually, no, she did have one question. {Ah, but I learned your species ages very slowly. Would it even be possible for an outsider to recognise the elders?} Truth be told, there was an ulterior motive to bring up their ageing. She wondered if the family of this original body might still be alive. Perhaps even having barely aged, despite it having been more than 10 years since she'd taken over this body.

Otherwise, there was only one more question that remained. {It seems like outsiders aren't really that welcomed, so whilst I'm grateful that you're willing to be my guide, I can't help but wonder. Why would you go out of your way to help a stranger like that?}
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Tavern

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
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Shael took another swig of her own beverage which she still found quite enjoyable, while Edith processed what she said and started to reply to her. "{If you wish to partake in successful commerce this far in, that would certainly be a step in the right direction.}" Shael agreed with her.

"{You did some research then, I think that it is admirable to learn more about the world around you, more humans would be wise to follow in your foot steps.}"

She responded, once again seeing a sign that this person, while profit driven yes, were also willing to take some things into consideration which extended beyond a surface level look. Even if it wasn't the most formal research perhaps, asking around about the area you were visiting still counted for something, or at least that's what Shael assumed this person had been doing. Shael not being a mind reader did not know what her true reason for asking was.

"{As a matter of fact they do. Believe it or not, given my age I'd look quite elderly if I was a human, and my parents despite being around much longer than me, still look quite young by human standards to have someone as old as me as their child.}"

"{While it can be a problem there are some ways you can have a good guess, most commonly the higher a position someone holds, the older they typically are, while this is not always true you can assume the more experienced someone is, and the more likely to hold more prestigious position in whatever work they do..then chances are they are on the older side of things.}"

"{Sometimes older ones tend to wear more traditional garb as well, which I can also point out, assuming you don't mind some more of my company when we get there.}"

"{While very few, there are some who remain in my village who look elder even for human standards, they are easy to spot, if you encounter one of them it is essential you follow my advice.}"

"{With that said you would not need to follow that elder respect protocol with me, since as I said I am still considered quite youthful and when it comes to other races it becomes more relative, I am youthful as are you still are in your race, so I am not owed additional respect in that way.}"

Shael stopped to think for a moment at the next question, taking a moment. for another drink of her beverage before responding.

"{I am afraid what you say is true, there's a very cautious attitude toward outsiders, some people are skeptical of their intentions, or quick to place blame..Even if some won't admit it..I truthfully think that some are just afraid, terrified even that if they open up and stop being so guarded they'll lose what they got.. while it can be a vocal group expressing themselves not all Lune elves are like that, especially some of the new generations like myself, there's some more open mindedness.. In part it's because I'm heading over there anyway, but truthfully a more compelling reason is because..and I know this might sound idealistic but.. I hope that by continuing to show kindness, that one day I can help the others see why that way of thinking isn't alway necessary.}" Shael replied to her with a slight smile.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She suppressed a giggle at the compliment of more 'Humans' needing to be like her. He was a fair few things, but 'Human' definitely wasn't one of them. It's what made the compliment all the more ironic. Luckily enough, she kept up her facade.

The next line of information was a bit more thought-provoking. They were indeed able to grow old and still look young. In other words, it was safe to assume her former 'self' still had people living here that knew her. If she were to drop her disguise, she might even get recognised. Part of her wanted to abstain from doing so at all costs, another part was curious to try it going around as herself, even if just for a bit. It'd be a dangerous gamble, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

For now, however, she figured it'd be best to calmly assess the situation. To that extend, it sounded like Shael was more than willing to be her entrance into Lune Elf society. {I'll be in your care, then.} She replied. She'd gathered that Shael was a more progressive kind, which was good. Conservative types weren't going to be fun or easy to hang out with in her current situation. Even so, she couldn't blame them for hating Humans, considering the war against the East Empire. Shael would likely have a tough job changing anyone's mind while there was an active war raging on. In her own case, she'd have to make extra clear she was from Ryke and had nothing to do with the East Empire.

Having finished her drink, she stood up. She was getting eager to see this actual village. The place that might've once been her 'home' yet that she had no memories off at all. {“Well then, shall we head for the village? I'm eager to see it with my own eyes.}
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Tavern

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
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Shael gave a nod at Edith's word. Indeed she supposed she would be, this would definitely be the best way to help someone else get in. It wasn't like Shael was unaware of the more difficult times ahead between the war and getting a human in, but she felt that this was probably just as good a time as any to show that even when the world was seemingly going astray, there was still light to be had. Even if the onset of the task was more difficult if she could show by example even now that some humans were good and that others were good too, then it might only be that much more impactful when their expectations were defied. of course she was assuming a risk here herself, she was assuming that Edith, based on what she had seen, was just someone who was trying to do honest business, she had seen that much when she overheard her speak with the mushroom person. She had seemed genuine enough..but if Edith proved to be dishonorable, then it certainly wouldn't reflect well on Shael, but taking gambles was the way of the world for progress so she was willing to take it.

"{I'll do my utmost to ensure you'll enter safely.}"

After finishing off her drink, Shael took some Rykes off her person and gave them to Violeush, who accepted them, paying for both her and Edith's drink. "{I'll cover it.}" She said to Edith matter of fact. Thankfully this was one of the places which just happened to accept Rykes still as well as other goods, given it was a business which clearly got travelers now and again.

Violeush thanked the pair and told them to come again anytime, to which Shael gave a slight bow, and a smile. It appeared that Shael and Violeush were on good terms and familiar to an extent with the way they interacted.

"{I'm certainly ready, I think I've had a long enough break, follow me and we'll be on our way.}" Shael replied after that point, before she took her leave, while the dwarves continued to drink and the fairies continued to dine together, seemingly having a grand old time.
Luminous Mushroom Shade Path
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The illuminated mushrooms cut through the darkness on the path, as Shael gestured for Edith to follow her along. Every now and again the sounds of animals could be heard moving through the shade, thankfully nothing hostile so far. It became evident the glowing sparks every now and again were more than likely fairies and sprites, some of them having more usual skin tones and designs upon closer observations.

"{So, have you traveled in the See very often, Edith?}"

Shael inquired curiously as she kept a moderate pace, gauging how well this human merchant would be at keeping up, had she been alone she probably would have been moving swifter, but she wanted to be polite, and make sure she could keep sight of her, plus they had things to discuss no doubt.

"{I will tell you now, you can expect more beings like our kind barkeep earlier as you transverse the Shade, but despite unorthodox appearances I find that many of them are quite kind once you get to know them, I think it helps that you don't seem to be the ignorant sort, just with those questions you asked. }"

As they continued to move along the landscape of the path continued to be pretty dark with how the forest canopy was incredibly thick, the vegetation around them still quite impressive.

"{I will admit this it is a bit of a hike but we'll be there before nightfall, in the mean time I hope you find my company the scenery pleasant, please feel free to ask me anything, should questions arise.}"

As they moved along they eventually came to quite a striking area which didn't have as much ground level vegetation , the travel so far had thankfully been safe. The surrounding area became even darker as they got closer to the village.
Waterfall River Bridge
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The distinct sound of running water could be heard to the pair, as they approached what appeared to be a waterfall of sorts on a rockface, bluish glowing water came down from the rushing waterfall into the river, across on the other side there was a tree which looked like it was burning, but it was apparent it was just magical in nature, creating an inviting, dynamic ambient glow in the dark space.

Across the river there was a secure bridge of tree roots, which Shael gestured for Edith to walk with her on. "{Careful might be a bit slippery.}" She said with precaution, it was evident this was an area Shael was probably used to seeing given her lack of an awed reaction, given how beautiful it was.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Shael's dedication to this was almost concerning. To the point it made Kalina wonder what ulterior motives this Lune Elf might have with her. Either way, she couldn't blame her. It wasn't like she was being honest herself, after all. It's why she figured she'd not think too much of it. To use and to be used. It'd be an appropriate deal. She got an advance payment of it by Shael offering to pay for both their drinks. Wouldn't it normally be the other way around? The one that's offering a big favour should be the one to get treated, no? Even so, she figured she'd just play along and smiled at Shael in thanks.

As they headed out, she once again enjoyed watching the luminous mushrooms. Right up until the moment Shael asked her about her travels through the See. {“No, not really. I haven't spend much time outside of Ryke, other than a trip to Widersia.”} She left out her other, more dubious journeys, but figured that it was a good conversation to continue. {“You seem like you've travelled away from the See on more than a few occasions though, or would that be a wrongful assumption to make?”}

Kalina was able to keep up with ease, being more likely to accidentally start outpacing Shael and needing to hold back a bit. Her [Fast F] made her walk at a more than average pace and she'd been on enough adventures to know how to move through a less-accessible terrain by now. She also wasn't doing too much to hid her physique, feeling like faking a weaker constitution wasn't a necessary trait to keep up her current identity. She could always chalk it up to travelling a lot for work, after all.

She couldn't abstain from smiling at the mention of unorthodox appearances. {“That shouldn't be an issue. I've met and befriended my fair share of them already.”} Some of her friends from Widersia and some of the less lively friends she'd made came to mind. {“And thank you, I'd indeed rather not be considered ignorant.”}

When Shael mentioned her company and the scenery, she nodded. {“You've been surprisingly kind to me and the scenery is absolutely stunning, so I have nothing to complain about.”} Upon being asked for questions, one immediately came to mind. {“Those mushrooms, giving off light, do they have any other usages?”} Not only was she curious herself, it'd fit her persona to consider their marketability.

When she was led onto the root-based bridge, she smiled again. {“At this point, I'd almost be convinced you were trying to whisk me away like I was warned about, rather than leading me to a village.”} Whilst her voice sounded playful enough, there was some truth to it. It was tough to believe a path like this led to a village. That said, she didn't doubt for a second that Shael would be in more trouble should she be trying to lure Kalina into a trap, so she was willing enough to play along as the naïve merchant, wondering if this Elf could really be this insanely welcoming or if the stories of Fae whisking away Humans had some truth to them instead.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Shael Xyvern
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Unknown to Kalina, Shael was just doing something she thought was probably beneficial for the community at large, and it just so happened to coincide with the fact that this person who she assumed was a human merchant was looking for business. It wasn’t like it was a situation where she was only using her for a means to an end, since at the end of the day, it was to the benefit of the merchant genuinely as well.

Shael took note and gave a small smile toward Kalina. For some reason despite not knowing her, something about this person put the Lune elf somewhat at ease, it was strange in it’s own way, she was normally pretty calm and serious, so the smiles coming from her were seldom, especially after the incident with her sister…

“{Ah Widersia, I’ve heard of that place, I think it’s something to strive forward..I am uncertain about how developed I’ve heard it is..and I wonder if that’s the best practice for the lands we have, but the ability for Fae and Humans to get along there is admirable in my opinion.}” Shael spoke her truth.

“{Why yes I have actually, not an incorrect assumption, I went and joined the Ryke Adventurer Guild, I thought it would be a good way to assist people, and get to know the world a bit better, while I work toward my aspirations, with that being such a diverse place and all.}”

Kalina did a solid job of making her physical abilities seem believable which were actually a great deal more powerful than Shael’s own. This could be accounted for in their background and age difference, Shael only recently starting to do activities which were more combat demanding.

When they got to the next part of the conversation, Shael was receptive once again.

“{Excellent to hear, I’m afraid some don’t believe others deserve fair treatment just based on the way they look.}”

When Kalina mentioned the follow up part about her being surprisingly kind, Shael wanted to mention the bit about how Kalina made her feel a certain way than others did, which put her at ease, but she felt that might be a bit strange to say to someone who she just met. It was definitely part of the reason she felt more comfortable being kind.

Shael spoke with Survivalist F

“{The medium ones of the side of the paths here are more common than some of the other mushrooms in the shade, but I still wouldn’t call them bountiful. The good news is they do have more uses than lighting. I've heard from brewers you can use them to create potions which grant nightvision, which as you can imagine there’s a market for. They’re also naturally edible, and can provide a pleasant unique flavor profile. In addition beyond the Fae See and in parts of the See which are far away from here I’ve heard from merchants they can catch a nice price for their utility and novelty if you can transport them properly.}”

Of course Shael could have mentioned there was the possibility of finding Taika mushrooms around these parts of the Shade, but she felt telling this merchant about them upfront without knowing the true extent of her character probably wasn’t the best idea. It would also be pretty suspicious if suddenly an outsider she was letting in started asking about something so coveted after she mentioned them..So for now Shael didn’t speak of them.

Shael smiled a bit more at hearing that, she almost felt like letting out a giggle, which she hadn’t in..quite a long time. “{I can assure you unlike fairy tails may lead you to believe, we’re close.}”

Eventually after passing the bridge and traveling further into the vegetation which only seemed to grow thicker at this point, even going off the path for a bit into a side area, the pair were met at what appeared to be just the side of very large rock.

Shael then announced to the rock face {“We will fell the false sun and bring new glory to the true moon.}” And suddenly a sizable door seemed to appear on the rock face, which had a magical hue to it, and just like that a hooded figure appeared and seemed to materialize out of nowhere not all too far away from the pair.

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A black appraisal orb made an appearance not long after before it seemed to assess Shael. “{Welcome Home Shael Xyvern.}” The presumably Lune Elf spoke.

“{You may enter, while I deal with this... foreigner.}”

She then looked to Kalina and said, “But you human, what brings you so far into the Shade that you desire entry here? State your business." There was an assumption that she couldn’t speak Sylvan pretty clearly. The tone used was skeptical, as she looked over at her, the gaze arguably guarded as well. There wasn't any hint of warmth in it, compared to the more friendly tone used with Shael.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She was surprised when Shael seemed to think favourably about Widersia, until she realised it was mostly about the cooperation. {“The type of development in the country was rather two-sided, if you were to ask me. One the one hand, there were a lot of convenience brought about by their technology. On the other, the cold steel, smoke and steam really made me miss the more natural aspects of life. It felt cold, distant and dangerous.”} Part of that was likely just the trauma's from her past life, which had even acted up during her time in Widersia. {“Although one of the things that stood out the most for me were the [Constructs] there. The fully artificial beings. Especially one that had somehow managed to become a baron. There is something rather off-putting about artificial life, even though he seemed as much a person as you and me.”} She was careful to phrase her words as neutral as she could, but in a way that it'd draw out a reaction, as she was curious as to how this Lune Elf thought about them.

She smiled upon hearing the Adventurers Guild being mentioned, as she got a fair bit up the ladder in the Widersia one. Although it'd not really fit her current persona, so it'd be best not to mention it. Although she could mention it in another context. {“The guild is probably one of the main reasons why merchants like me are able to operate in relative safety. I'd not like to imagine how many monster-infested parts of the world we'd have to risk our lives in if not for them culling their numbers through their quests.”}

After hearing about all the mushroom's properties, she nodded. She figured the logical follow-up question for her 'merchant' persona was an easy one. {“Can be grown an harvest in a sustainable way? With so many uses, it seems like a valuable untapped business opportunity, so long as it can be managed in a long-term sustainable manner.”}

She returned Shael's laugh with one of her own, upon the mention of being close. The latter was confirmed when they reached some sort of a cliff-side. Upon hearing the odd phrase, Kalina made sure to memorise it. We will fell the false sun and bring new glory to the true moon. It sounded like it'd be useful, but it was also an odd phrase. Perhaps she could inquire about it later.

For now, however, she had to deal with the guard. Thankfully, she was deceptive enough to put up a smile regardless of the hostile greeting. {“I was merely hoping to learn more about your unique culture and to see if any sustainable business opportunities are present.”} She replied, purposefully choosing Sylvan to reply with. {“Shael was kind enough to offer to be my guide, so I'd be honoured if you'd allow her to show me her home-town.”} She was crafty enough to phrase it like a request from Shael herself, assuming the Lune Elf would catch up on it and/or simply confirm it.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
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Shael appeared interested in what Edith had to say as far as the two sided development talk went about Widersia, as well as the talk of constructs. Even the urban environment didn’t seem too offputting, from what she remembered of her past life she seemed to recall that she had been in more urban environments before and been fine there. Even so the perspective which Kalina brought up sounded reasonable enough to her.

“{Constructs you say? I’ve heard of them, they sound intriguing enough, though I understand that not all in the fae are too receptive to them, but given the magic used to create them, there is some sort of distant connection I think I’ve heard discussed..either way I’m not of the belief that having an intrinsic quality like that inherently makes you problematic, though perhaps I’d exude more caution around such beings just on the basis that there’s a lot I don’t know about. Eitherway it sounds like it’d be quite a sight to behold.}”

Shael gave a nod and a soft smile at the adventurer guild comment, indeed this was largely in part why she partook, to ensure that the world could operate as it did without having to bear the brunt of all that could harm alone. It was only right that the stronger the less fortunate was what she thought to herself.

Shael spoke with confirmation, “{I believe with creating the right environment through magic or otherwise it’d be possible to grow them elsewhere you’d need a relatively dark space, some humidity would help, of course it’d be a multi-stepped process but with the right care and resources, I don’t see why not.}”

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The guard looked a bit surprised that Edith could even speak the language she spoke now like she hadn’t been expecting it in the slightest.

“{Not too many come all the way out here just to do that, a non fae at that, I’ll have to confirm that this is true with her. You wouldn’t happen to have any documentation from a guild or anything like that would you?}”

The guard responded not exactly sounding like she took Kalina’s words at face value, otherwise she would have just let her in and not wanted to confer with Shael, it was pretty obvious this guard took a Lune Elf’s word over one who wasn’t one.

Shael then looked back at the guard before she responded, “{It’s fine, I did offer to show her around, there was nothing that suggested the contrary to what she is saying.}”

The guard responded, “{Well Shael you and I both know you need to be careful you who make offers like that too, but like your father, I’m inclined to trust your judgment on this matter, but you and I know very well the risks involved if you inviting this one in causes problems to arise.}”

“{Of course, I understand.}” Shael responded.

When all was said and done, whether or not Edith was able to provide documentation, since Shael vouched, eventually the door opened up and didn’t open to anything typical, instead it was a dark hole looking portal of sorts which looked near the size of the door itself which was quite sizable, and at that Shael gestured for Kalina to follow before she thanked the guard, and entered the portal, disappearing beyond it’s depth and darkness. It seemed that the Lune Elf security was top notch, since this suggested the actual location perhaps wasn't even that close to where they had gone too, but instead this would provide a warp to the appropriate area for arrival.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Hearing a Fae sound positive about Constructs was odd. Especially one from such a conservative area. Most of them hated those like an unnatural abomination, after all. {“Aren't they mostly considered 'unnatural contraptions that, at best, only deserve an inkling of sympathy for being trapped in a body like that?”} She asked, citing some of what she'd learned about Fae opinions on Constructs.

She just nodded at the mention of mushroom farming. Perhaps she might even keep it in mind, although she honestly didn't have much reason to do so in actuality.

That left her with the guard. {“Of course I do~”} She smiled. After all, her Alternate Identities came with an entire backstory and all the necessary documents needed for it. {“Here you go~”} She held out some documentation signifying her as an Apprentice Merchant with the smile and confidence that (Deception B) bought her. {“I'll be good~”} She told the guard with a wink, upon hearing the latter warn Shael.

However, when she was allowed to enter, she was thoroughly surprised. {“Oh my! A portal! That's so clever~”} She realised these Lune Elf were even more mysterious and isolationist than she'd expected. {“Well then, take me to the unknown~”} She told Shael, ready to follow her through.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, ??? Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
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“{Believe me, there are plenty who pity and despise constructs, after all they’re a popular tool humans use to destroy nature itself in the See of Chearon, as I’m sure you’ve heard about their usage in the current war and even past wars with the Empire’s tendency to leverage them. So you will probably find that my opinion is generally of the minority among the fae of this realm.}"

"{Regardless, I do believe that practicing caution is better than deciding to despise an entire group based on their common intrinsic qualities, You’ll find that many in the Fae see aren’t very fond of humans either, but I’m sure you understand it wouldn’t be fair to generalize all humans in the same negative light, so why shouldn't I exercise the same courtsey for constructs?}”
Shael rationalized.

The guard accepted the documentation which Kalina provided and gave it a skeptical lingring look over as if she was examining it. After some time had passed and it looked like she was satisfied she handed it all back to Kalina.
Lunen Portal Guard ???
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“{This appears to be genuine as you say, and I certainly hope so..}” The guard replied in not nearly as the light hearted way in which Kalina had said she’d be good, making it clear that it was pretty advisable that she didn’t cause any problems unless she wanted problems to come her way.
And with that comment take Kalina into the unknown Shael did, As Kalina followed her into the dark portal. For a moment the whole world around them became dark and strange, magic all around them the feeling of being moved magically taking place which was quite a unique feeling to say the least.

After what only felt like moments suddenly the pair were on the ground of what looked like a very thick forest canopy which was even more intense than what had been seen so far. The trees looked incredibly tall, and the environment let even less natural light in. Who could tell just how far a distance they had traveled through that portal? At the very least the ground they landed on appeared to have some natural paths which moved between the trees. But there wasn’t anyone particularly around it that looked like to be of assistance, only further cementing the idea that the majority of people who came to and from were from around the area.


What was even more fascinating was that while the ground was dimly lit, if one looked up, up above there were some lights, and wooden pathways which crossed between the trees, as well as buildings in the trees. Figures could even be made out in the layered platforms upward sounds of faint talking and music could be heard.Despite this there didn’t appear to be any obvious way up into the trees.

“{We’ll be heading up there.}” Shael said simply, as she walked her way over to one of the trees and pressed her hand up against it, emitting a bit of a crimson hue from her hands and suddenly a wooden ladder going up the very large tree came into view which looked like it lead to one of sizable platform paths. Whether it was the only way up or not was unclear, but it looked like Shael had deemed it appropriate enough.

{“If you fall you’ll be caught, but you should watch your step just the same.}” She then said casually, making the ascent. Every now and again little colorful orbs of magical light floating through the canopy space around them.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She decided not to continue the talk regarding constructs. Whilst she admired Shael for open-minded stance on it, she wasn't even sure what she herself thought about them. She'd be rather twisted if she would assume their entire species to be 'bad' or 'lesser' considering her monster background, but at the same time, she did wonder how many of those constructs were truly sentient. The baron back in Widersia had clearly been so, but the many worker bots hadn't been. It was odd topic that just confused her.

She's just smiled at the guard when her papers got accepted. She'd put a lot of effort into these alternate identities, so she was glad they finally paid off. Now more so than ever.

However, when she got into the portal, she felt a little dizzy. Last time she'd gone through such a thing, she ended up into some alternate dimension hell-scape with undead, gross slugs and whatnot... This time, luckily, she ended up in a far better place. {“Whoa...”} She uttered, as she looked around. {“This place is amazing.”} She stood still for a bit in not-so-silent awe, considering she'd just vocalised it.

{“Oh my, I'm glad I'm not afraid of heights~”} She replied when she was told they'd be climbing a long way up. {“I'm surprised that even that far up in the trees, there's still so little light. These trees must be enormous.”} She thought aloud, looking up until her neck started hurting from it.

However, there was something that caught her interest. {“I'd be caught? How?”} That sounded interesting. Also like a fun way to get down quickly later. Was there some magic at play? Some nature? Some near-invisible safety nets?

For now, however, she figured she'd do what she was told and watched her step as she followed along with Shael. {“Ah, I forgot to ask, but are you here to visit family or something? I'd hate to get in the way of you visiting your relatives.”} She stated, both being curious as well as out of some genuine desire not to impose too much.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, ??? Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
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Shael gave a small smile at Kalina’s exclamation that the place looked amazing to her. It was a more positive reaction that she had perhaps been expecting, she happened to agree, she quite enjoyed many of the settlements in the See and this one being home of course was one of her favorites.

“{ Glad to hear your first impression is nice, I am too, might be a bit hard enjoying your time here if height was a problem, and right you are, these trees are incredibly old, and vast, I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of a place called Wmgroth, foreigners who have been to the south associate those trees in that place as being large, but these I think are even bigger..infused with quite a bit of magic at that. Large plant life like these are a large reason why the canopy of the shade is so encompassing in large swaths of it actually.}”

{"Believe it or not, not all Lune elf dwellings are desigend like this one..there are some interesting ones which actually go beneath the ground.}"

She spoke a bit more light-heartedly on the first comment, even if the comment was serious on that note, suggesting that a good portion of where they were going to be was high up.

“{Oh that? There’s a persistent area of effect spell around much of the high up areas so that even if you fall you’ll be caught not too long before you hit the ground and then will float down gently, it’s designed to work on really anything that should fall a distance considered dangerous and get close enough to the ground that would be a cause of concern had it not been there.}” Shael explained to the best of her ability, thinking there probably wasn’t a need to bog down the human with more intricacies about the spell, plus truthfully she wasn’t even entirely sure to the extent of her understanding of how it all worked, she wasn’t a master magic user by any means.

As the small colorful orbs of lights continued to move around them every now and again, and the duo neared the top with good progress, she heard Kalina’s next question, right..she hadn’t really told her much why she was going to her village, because it hadn’t really seemed necessary or come up in conversation.

“{Well yes I was planning on making a home visit, I like to see them at least a couple times every decade or so at minimum.}” This comment only further cementing the different sentiment about the passage of time held.

“{ I figured that me successfully getting into the Ryken Adventurer Guild was a good enough reason as any for me to come and share the good news and see how they’re doing.}”
She replied back.

“{If you’d like to meet them it really wouldn’t be any trouble, I’m certain if they know you’re an acquaintance of mine, they'd be understanding. I’m planning on staying around here for a while anyway which I usually do when I visit, so even if you needed to take care of your business first they’ll and I’ll be around.}” She further replied fairly generously, all things considered being pretty easy going so far.

There was still some feeling she got that couldn’t be explained..that made her feel more inclined to be more friendly than usual to this human..perhaps it was intuition, but even Shael normally didn’t feel inclined to go this far to someone she didn’t know very well at all.

Once Shael got to the top she stepped onto one of the dark wooden platforms to which she was appraised by what looked like a dark orb which was nearby, which since it didn’t react she had the okay. It was safe to say the security of the village was pretty serious.

From that point onward it was apparent they had entered some sort of central ‘downtown’ area with the way the wooden paths curved into a sort of large circular section with guardrails around the interior of the circle, there were also several buildings which one could enter around the circle, it looked like at least a few of them were businesses of varying creeds, at least one restaurant, and a shop which looked like it sold hunting gear, an armory, as well some sort of brewery, none of them looked excessively sized, which was logical given this was a pretty discrete village. There were other buildings there too, but those in particular stood out obviously.

More strikingly, there was a building which externally looked like a religious temple of sorts on the large wooden circle, which looked more prominent as the pair made their way further down the platform.

Beyond that on the scene, there were some more mushrooms used for gentle lighting on the sides of the paths, perhaps because they looked pretty more than anything, since any typical Lune elf had natural night vision.

“{You may be able to find some business in this section, truthfully it’s why I chose this way to come in, provides quicker access to a more..should I say, economically involved area.}”

Shael said, turning to Kalina presuming she was following.

Of course the human got more than a few looks some neutral to skeptical and guarded from the what appeared to be nearly exclusively Lune Elves who were out and about on the wooden platform level the pair was were on, ranging in heights, clothing, and status pretty clearly just from a look, but one unifying feature was their pale skin, pointed ears if exposed, and occasionally more unique hair and eye color compared to other groups.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

She shook her head. {“I don't think I've ever heard of it.”} That said, she just knew about the capital, Bishri, which was about it.{“Magic in the trees...”} She mumbled, as she recalled something. {“Ah, does that mean these woods are guarded by one of the See's cardinals?”} She did recall the See worshipping their leaders and that said leaders had a strong connection to magic and elements.

A chuckle escaped her lips when Shael mentioned going underground. {“I'll admit that was where I was expecting we'd be going as well~”} It was more difficult to believe they were this high up than that they'd be underground.

{“Hmmm.”} Shael's explanation made her wonder something. {“How many people get lazy and take the quick route down as a result?”} She could imagine someone not wishing to climb all the way back down and just taking the leap.

Shael's remark of 'every couple decades' reminded her of just how old Elves could get. Well, she too, right now. It also made her wonder what it'd be like to have parents you'd actually want to visit. She'd never had such a luxury. {“That sounds nice.”} Ah, perhaps that came out a bit too soon. Ah well, what's done is one.

The adventurer's guild rang a bell. In act, she almost asked 'Oh, you're in it as well?' until she was clever enough to stick with the guise she was wearing. Edith was definitely not an adventurer.

{“Meeting them?”} She asked. That was an odd suggestion. Wasn't meeting someone's parents more of a thing you did with close friends or lovers, not with strangers you met just this day? Then again, it sounded rather fun. {“That sounds like it might be fun!”} She replied, figuring she'd take a shot in the dark and roll with it.

As she was climbing, however, an odd feeling took over. It was like her body had gone through these motions many times before. Her mind might not remember, but it was as if her muscles did. Considering she wasn't actively trying to 'deceive' that, it'd probably stand out to those alert on it. She was, somehow, climbing these ladders and trees like she was already used to it.

She felt rather stared at, which her [Roguish] nature wasn't all that used too. It's why she kinda wished she could just [Stealth B] away, but she decided against it. {“I've always been curious about the See's faiths. Are you religious as well?”} She'd ask Shael, as she was looking at the temple.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, ??? Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
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“{Understandable, if you are here for business that might be a good place to go to at some point, unlike other areas they’re a bit more urban and they have a more international market area or so I’ve been told, which will deal in Rykes as well as bartering and trade due to the clientele from all over the realm, from what I’ve heard at least.}”

“{That is accurate to say that these woods are looked over by a cardinal, as are many others, since they serve as the mouthpiece of the Spirit King it’s only natural that they spread the word and assist where needed.”}

Shael smiled at the next question, giving a nod at the underground remark too. “{I think you’ll find quite a few youth like to jump down when going this way, of course there are other ways around and about like I mentioned which are a bit less..extreme.}”

Though the smile shifted to a bit of a more serious focused look when Kalina mentioned that it sounded nice, making her wonder what Kalina’s family situation might have been like even if albeit briefly, but she wasn’t exactly about to ask her about hers with the way she seemed to respond to what Shael shared.

Of course Shael was unaware of the next question which Kalina thought of asking, since well..she wasn’t exactly a mind reader.

The strange feeling of being charitable still resonated with Shael, even more so when Kalina asked her meeting them like it was a suggestion which..was arguably a bit strong for a stranger. It made her contemplate why she had been so hospitable there..well it wasn’t like she was about to take her words back.

{“Very well then when it’s convenient for you, I imagine you’d like to scope out the area a bit more, and with what you established at the entrance I am in fact willing to help guide you around if you’d like.}”
By the time they were up on the platform and in enough for Kalina to get a better look at the fairly elegant looking temple, and she asked the question Shael hadn’t quite been expecting the question, but she was pleasantly surprised, the bit of smile returning to her face, looking to where Kalina was looking before looking back to her.

“{The Lune elves while of course we accept The spirit King and his cardinals as divine authority, many of our people have taken particular inspiration from the moon, and how it interacts with nature.the benefits which it yields as well as figures who have spoken wise words through the faith who have had special sacred connections with the moon.}”

Just as Shael was about to answer the later question a short Lune elf made her way over to the pair and looked at Kalina curiously, with a green gaze. Her skin pale as any lune elf, pointy ears quite obscured with the way her hair was. The attire she was wearing seemed suitable for a forest setting, however it was somewhat nicer than what some were wearing, suggesting perhaps she was a bit more well off.


“{Way to show you aren’t from around here human, why even bother asking something like that? As if she could call herself a Lune Elf if she wasn’t. Of course she’s religious.}”

The tone had a bit of snark, and perhaps some condescending qualities , at the very least it didn’t sound guarded or skeptical like the portal guard had been, and more typical of what one might assume a stereotypical fae in general might be like to an outsider.

“{Shael I can show her around, I couldn’t help but hear part of the conversation on the way up and if she’s just here to make some money, you’ve already done more than enough by showing her how to get here, there’s no reason a Xyvern needs to invest that much time in helping, so lady, I can show you to the market since it’s clear for some reason or another surely Shael thought you were worth bringing here as I doubt you found your way here yourself.}”

Shael let out a bit of a soft sigh, almost looking a bit embarrassed by the figure’s behavior,

“{Or you know Vinerva, we could instead show some proper hospitality and use our respective backgrounds to be of assistance, I’m sure your expertise could be helpful..You know just as well as I do what we're called to do.}”

"{Yeah yeah, act as shepherds,}"
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Honestly, she had no desire to go to Wmgroth, but it'd probably ruin her alternate identity if she said as much, so she just nodded. {“It does sound like they may already be too established to find new opportunities.”} She figured that type of statement was in line with her excuse for coming here to begin with; finding an untapped market. Wmgroth sounded like it was far more established as a base of trade.

Although Shael admitted that a Cardinal was in charge, it didn't sound like there was any specific one watching over just these woods. At least Shael made it sound like more of a general, less meaningful statement. Kalina was quick to lose interest in the topic as a result.

Upon Shael's admission of the youth jumping down, Kalina looked down. {“Perhaps I'm more youthful than I thought.”} She admitted, as she could understand why the youth would want to jump down. It felt rather exiting to free-fall from such a great height. She sort-off wanted to try it... Yet she didn't want to climb all the way back up or risk seeming rude, so she abstained from actually jumping.

She smiled upon Shael's next offer. {“I'd love for you to keep being my guide~”} She spoke with a smile. For some reason, she felt surprisingly comfortable with this Lune Elf. Either she'd just been really lucky about who she'd ran into just moments ago, or this Fae was a particularly nice one. Either way, she wouldn't mind hanging out a bit more, or even meeting her family. That said, she did realise she'd have to start being careful. For some reason, these interactions were chipping away at her weariness. She'd need that weariness to keep her disguise.

As for the question of religion, she was a tad confused. {“The moon... I'll admit I have no clue how it interacts with nature, nor do I know any figures associated with it...”} Other than vampires, of course, but that was a connection she'd rather not make for obvious reasons. {“Does that mean there isn't something like a Moon Cardinal?”} She'd honestly assumed the Fae had a cardinal for just about everything nature-like.

The shorter Elf making her way over and interrupting their conversation irked Kalina a bit. Even so, she was smart enough to remain polite and patient. Well, to a degree, at least. Whilst she didn't want to go out of her way to insult or anger this Elf, she didn't really feel like making friends with her either. It's why she'd just give her a smile, then address Shael again with her next question. {“A Xyvern? I don't think I ever heard of those.”} She asked, wondering what that was about. Needlessly to say, she sort-off just Ignored this 'Vinerva' while at it, figuring she might back off on her own accord. After all, without even getting a proper introduction from the short one, Kalina would much rather put her money on Shael.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, ??? Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1.png

Shael gave Kalina a nod, “{I can’t say that’s something I’m the most well versed in but it’s the sort of knowledge I’d like to get better at understanding..making profit, I think it’d be a help for my future goals when going places that value currency in my journeys.}”

Shael let out a small chuckle upon Kalina mentioning that she was perhaps more youthful than she initially thought.

“{Sometimes when some of the others aren’t around I do it myself.}”

She for some reason decided to say, yet another sort of thing Shael would seldom share with anyone under normal circumstances.

Shaels’ wording was a bit peculiar to say the least, and it perhaps wasn’t as clear as it could have been regarding the religious statement, she had been trying to be more accurate and inclusive in how she spoke about it, which wasn’t as helpful for someone who wasn’t in the know.

“{Excellent, I’ll do my utmost to show you the ropes then.}”

Shael responded to the guide comment, looking like she was content with the feedback she got. This wasn’t a feeling which Shael felt she got to have all too often, the reassurance that she was in fact doing okay, sure people said it, but a complete stranger trusting her with something like this where the outsider was vulnerable, really made Shael feel like she was doing something good.


Before Shael could really explain in better detail what she had meant, Vinerva was still there and ready to fill in the rest regardless of who wanted it.
Even if Kalina hadn’t really shown any interest in Vinerva what so ever, it looked like she had no plans of leaving.
Shelet out a semi obnoxious chortle, looking much more amused from the situation than others in the area seemed too.

“{A ‘Xyvern’ is Shael’s last name. What did you think it was some kind of magic beast from one of your ‘fairy tails’? And Shael may be a Xyvern but gee, you don’t need to be so inclusive Shael, this isn’t some formal philosophy study.}” She’d then turn to Shael before looking back to Kalina

{“Allow me to give the human a breakdown.}” Now sounding confident and somewhat proud of herself.

“{What Shael meant was, there are many figures who feel a connection to the moon and the Cardinal of the Moon who oversees these woods, some people here feel inspired by them too as speakers, but for all intensive purposes the only one someone like you needs to concern yourself with, is yes, the Cardinal of the Moon, sent by the Spirit King who protects this not only this village but all sections of the forest designated as part of the Shade.}”

While she spoke she had made her way over closer to the pair, particularly Kalina.

“{So technically speaking Shael wasn’t wrong, but I don’t think her explanation was nearly as concise as mine, wouldn’t you agree?..Whatever your name is?}” She said smugly leaning in some.

“{For me, my name is Vinerva, like you already heard Shael address me as, but don’t feel like you need to wear it out~.}
Vinerva then moved into another topic unprompted.

“{The first order of business I’d say for a merchant like you is to build a rapport with the herbalists, start doing some quests with them and I’m sure they’d be more than happy to show you where to get your own, from that point onward if you plan on playing the long game, you can start trading your way up the ladder to rarer and more valuable goods, additionally starting with mushrooms isn’t a bad idea either, there are plenty around which have some nice uses. In general certain goods which are farther away from the Shade will generate more value, and of course I’ve been documenting the shifting trade market in the Shade for awhile now, sooo if you got any questions about that, I feel pretty confident I can help you out. Just remember I wouldn’t normally give this kind of info out to a human for free, it’s only because Shael seems to think you’re special or something.}” She reiterated

Shael smiled a bit bashfully as Vinerva continued to speak confidently like this, not having much of a filter. Perhaps still feeling like Vinerva wasn't leaving the best impression, at the very least it wasn't the worst either.

{“Indeed hah, well, Shall we show her around? Where would you like to go first?}” She’d ask turning to Kalina and gesturing to the surrounding area, more so asking if she’d in fact like to check out the businesses or wanted to go somewhere more for leisure or perhaps even head back to Shael’s place.
Edith Ryker


Equipped titles: Human, Apprentice Merchant, Shrewd Negotiator, Greedy, Bad Drunk
Backstory: Her father is a merchant that mostly managed to stay under the radar whilst making his profits as a reseller of jewellery. After her mother passed away, she's being prepared to take over his business. Whilst she shows promise in some regards, she sometimes messes up due to letting her greedy nature get the better of her.
Mentions: Shael TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common

Kalina nodded. All in all, she had no clue how to make a profit and could only deceive her way into pretending she had. Now that things were getting more serious, it was best to hold back a bit. Lest her deception be exposed. Hence a simple nod would do.

That said, she couldn't suppress a chuckle when Shael admitted to jumping the fastest way down sometimes. {“Perhaps you can show me the ropes later~ Or should I say the free-fall?”} She joked, followed by another laugh.

Vinerva, on the other hand, made her sigh. {“Forgive my Sylvan, you made it sound like it was both a name and a title. Or rather, a name with a title attached to it. I simply wished to inquire is to what I missed regarding her undoubtedly impressive lineage.”} She had no clue how to phrase the question otherwise, at least not in Sylvan.

Then again, there was something odd about Vinerva going off on a tangent. She'd never met this girl before, yet it felt somewhat familiar. Endearing, even. {“I'm Edith Ryker.”} She'd introduce herself, after taking in the information about the Cardinal of the Moon. There wasn't much to immediately deal with, so she figured she'd just try to commit it to memory for now.

It was surprising to hear Vinerva go into a full-on detailed plan regarding how to start up business here. Sadly enough, it was a terrifying surprise. She might have a great alternate identity, but she did not have the knowledge to back it up. How in the world would she dodge this bullet? She tried to imagine how an actual merchant would approach this.

Certainly this sounded like an amazing business partner to have. Soooooo.... doubt, right? Any deal to good to be true wasn't true. She thought that was a merchant thing to go by. She'd have to put her money on it, hope she was right and deceive her way out of it otherwise. {“That's amazing Vinny! Yet surely such useful information would be be too good to be true!”}

She'd heard the words leave her lips and instantly felt her partially undead heart feel even more dead. What the hell did she just call Vinerva? Why did she say it so naturally? Why did it feel so naturally? Why in the world did she say the thing she thought, rather than the excuse she wanted to make up about it? How could she make so many mistakes in two simple sentences?!? She'd been playing hide and seek to avoid the chopping block for her [monster] side for ages. This wasn't her.

Right. Time to fake [deception B] some embarrassment. She didn't even need to try hard, just to amplify her existing feelings. {“I'm... sorry. I must be tired from the long journey here...”} She stammered. Hoping to cut the awkwardness short and get a free-card for her earlier mess-ups.
Time: Early Afternoon

Temperature: Cool

Place: Shade of the Fae See, Village

Mention: Elvario Elvario

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM-1.png

Shael giggled a bit, “{Perhaps I’ll have too.}” She felt warmer than she had in quite some time, like how she used to be long ago, before she had lost contact with..her mind decided to stay away from those memories for now as Shael tried to refocus on the present.

Vinerva looked at Kalina and chuckled. “{Of course, I can’t really fault you there, It’s her last name, but a well known one in this village, she has a pretty accomplished lineage around these parts as you say. Her father comes from a long line of elves who have defeated many dangerous monsters, and magic runs well on her mother’s side it’d seem since she’s a gifted healer. }” Vinerva clarified.

“{And I assume you’d be from Ryke then?}”
Vinerva questioned after hearing the last name, that sounded like a logical leap since it wasn’t uncommon for people to have last names related to where they were from or what their family was known for doing. It didn’t seem like Vinerva was sharing her full name at the moment.

However Vinerva’s expression shifted from a smug one to one where her eyes widened if albeit briefly looking at Kalina as if she had two heads. When she said Vinny.The shorter Lune elf went looked like she had gone into deep thought fo a moment, as if she had remembered something.

Shael looked between the two a bit of a frown forming upon hearing that, it was like she was remembering something too. The memories which she always tried to avoid when she came back here because of how painful they always were.

Eventually Vinerva seemed to come back to herself as a grin formed on her face. “{Of course I’d only expect a merchant to be skeptical, I guess she does know her stuff huh Shael? Just like you thought. I mean obviously you wouldn’t have bothered showing her here if she wasn’t competent right?}”

Vinerva asserted, seemingly not missing a beat from this point onward.

Shael nodded, coming back to the present. “{Uh, Right. I’m inclined to believe Edith will set up a mutually beneficial agreement.}” She said with a small smile.

“{With that said, my dear Edith! but I’ll have you know that you’ll soon come to learn that the wisdom I bestow with my words is worth more than any precious gemstone!}” Vinerva further asserted with her hands at her hips, a confident expression returning which bordered smug.

{“It’s fine,I just haven’t heard anyone call me that in a really long time.}”
Vinerva replied.

“{That's understandable it has been quite a long way for you based on what I heard, While I know that you’re here for business if you just need a place to rest we could head back to my place now if you’d prefer, you’re welcome to come too if you’d like Vinerva it’s been awhile.}” Shael offered. The ball was in Kalina’s court.

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