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Multiple Settings โฉฉ ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜ƒ๐˜†๐—ป ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‡๐–ฝ๐–พ๐—‹๐—Œ โ€” ๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ข๐˜ญ

is there something driving you away from my thread? (anonymous)

  • too many rules.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • no mutual interests.

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • incompatible writing styles.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • you seem mean.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • something else. (feel free to let me know, if you're comfortable.)

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
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๐—๐–บ๐—๐–ผ๐—๐—‚๐—‡๐—€: ...
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    Mirrored literacy is the way to go. The sweet spot for me is somewhere between 300 and 600 words in a reply, but it all depends on what the scene demands. A scene meant to build tension, or one meant to establish the setting could easily exceed 1K words, but a fast-paced action scene might not even break 2- or 300, lest the impact of the scene be dulled by how much it drags. All this to say: write what's appropriate, write what feels natural. I couldn't give a fuck less about arbitrary word counts as long as you're actually providing effort, giving me something to work with; the quality of your writing can, and will, speak for itself. What I do require is third person and novella (style, not length), as seen in my writing sample. It should also be noted that I only write through on-site PMs, but I'm cool with discussing via Discord.


    Communication is key. I definitely encourage OOC interaction overall, but even if we don't keep regular contact, I do kindly ask that you speak up about problems you might have, whether our ideas clash and you want to work out a compromise, or you lose interest, or you find my reply difficult to respond to, whatever the case may be. Just speak up, put some bass in your voice, it's not at all insulting to me. It's considerably more annoying to have a promising story die out because minor problems just festered instead of being subject to discussion โ€” can't fix a problem if I didn't know there was one. Kind of starting anew as I return from hiatus, I'm happy to retry with partners where our plot may have fallen through due to ill timing, ghosting on either end, or whatever else.


    Romance is a factor in most, if not all of my stories... maybe about 85% of them, because there are times where I like a good platonic story. By no means is it the sole focus, nor is it even the main focus in my stories, but it's there. Most of my fandom characters are (bisexual) women, but I'm cool with any gender pairing. I'm also more than happy to write a platonic, or even antagonistic relationship if that's what you prefer. What I'm not willing to write, because it bores me to tears, is canon x canon, and while I typically only do original x original in non-fandom universes, there are some exceptions to this, which will be marked as such.


    If you'd like to interact with me by the end of this, please be clear in your message, or leave a comment here and Iโ€™ll reach out to you. In the first case, tell me what you're interested in writing, your triggers if applicable, maybe drop a writing sample and a bit about yourself if you'd like. You don't need to write your autobiography if you don't want to, but a vague "hi" or "do you want to rp?" won't do it for me. All in all, just be chill, let's keep it cute and groovy.

call me

sevyn (22)









I Fought the Law

The Clash

friendly neighborhood writer-man!

I don't believe in consistency


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๊’ฐ ไธ€็•ช ๊’ฑโ €โ €Mirrored literacy is the way to go. The sweet spot for me is somewhere between 300 and 600 words in a reply, but it all depends on what the scene demands. A scene meant to build tension, or one meant to establish the setting could easily exceed 1K words, but a fast-paced action scene might not even break 2- or 300, lest the impact of the scene be dulled by how much it drags. All this to say: write what's appropriate, write what feels natural. I couldn't give a fuck less about arbitrary word counts as long as you're actually providing effort, giving me something to work with; the quality of your writing can, and will, speak for itself. What I do require is third personand novella (style, not length), as seen in my writing sample. It should also be noted that I only write through on-site PMs, but I'm cool with discussing via Discord.

๊’ฐ ไบŒ็•ช ๊’ฑโ €โ €Communication is key. I definitely encourage OOC interaction overall, but even if we don't keep regular contact, I do kindly ask that you speak up about problems you might have, whether our ideas clash and you want to work out a compromise, or you lose interest, or you find my reply difficult to respond to, whatever the case may be. Just speak up, put some bass in your voice, it's not at all insulting to me. It's considerably more annoying to have a promising story die out because minor problems just festered instead of being subject to discussion โ€” can't fix a problem if I didn't know there was one. Kind of starting anew as I return from hiatus, I'm happy to retry with partners where our plot may have fallen through due to ill timing, ghosting on either end, or whatever else.

๊’ฐ ไธ‰็•ช ๊’ฑโ €โ €Romance is a factor in most, if not all of my stories... maybe about 85% of them, because there are times where I like a good platonic story. By no means is it the sole focus, nor is it even the main focus in my stories, but it's there. Most of my fandom characters are (bisexual) women, but I'm cool with any gender pairing. I'm also more than happy to write a platonic, or even antagonistic relationship if that's what you prefer. What I'm not willing to write, because it bores me to tears, is canon x canon, and while I typically only do original x original in non-fandom universes, there are some exceptions to this, which will be marked as such.

๊’ฐ ๅ››็•ช ๊’ฑโ €โ €If you'd like to message me by the end of this, please be clear. Tell me what you're interested in writing, your triggers if applicable, maybe drop a writing sample and a bit about yourself if you'd like. You don't need to write your autobiography if you don't want to, but a vague "hi" or "do you want to rp?" won't do it for me. All in all, just be chill, let's keep it cute and groovy.
โฉฉ โ €(โ €A FOOLโ€™S GAMEโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €seeking.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Old West #Realistic or Low Fantasy #Enemies to Lovers #Realistic or Drawn references #F/M #A/A โ € โ €โžž โ € โ €An outlaw scorned by their partner in crime and a bounty hunter with their eyes on the prize, and then some. The less than likely pair find themselves in cahoots in tracking the outlaw's former partner through the dirty south for the one thing that motivates more than money...


The concept can honestly go so many ways, it's very much open for discussion. I wouldn't mind twisting this into other settings, either, just remaining in a similar or earlier time period. I'd be playing both the bounty hunter and the outlaw's former partner! Regarding the multi-ship tag, I feel this is a setting that lends itself to many fun and unique characters, who I wouldn't mind playing as additional love interests, or just as folk who stand out along the way.โ €! โ €๊’ฑ *

โฉฉ โ €(โ €A DAY TO DIEโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €seeking.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Heist Crew #Modern #Crime #Drama #Drawn References #Drugs, possible substance abuse #Unrequited Love? #F/M #A/A โ € โ €โžž โ € โ €They don't have much in common at a glance โ€” one hailing from the middle class suburbs, the other nothing more than trailer trash, but they're far too alike in all the ways that matter. Broken families and no real outlet for feelings too complex for these young minds to deal with in their isolation, strangers are drawn into the crime scene of theft, the drug trade, whatever else kept green in their pockets. Their paths converge during an operation Muse B* had been hired to handle; should've been easy money, transferring some dope and firepower in one fell swoop, a simple enough task... but where Muse A shows up, nothing is ever simple, and Muse B would come to be far too familiar with the sentiment.
Showing up uninvited, things escalate when the client clocks Muse A as the asshole who'd robbed their house. Threats are exchanged and guns are drawn in no time, and in a blink, the pair find themselves discarding of a body. Rooted in gunpowder and nurtured on blood, a partnership forms. It's not like they'll be working with that client anymore.โ €! โ €๊’ฑ *

โฉฉ โ €(โ €TIES THAT BINDโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €seeking.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Urban Fantasy #Mystery #2-6 character cast #F/M #F/F #A/A โ € โ €โžž โ € โ €In which a group of young adults find themselves, all at once, drawn to the same shady little town as strange and unnatural abilities develop. They'd soon find that what called them there was not so random as it had seemed, and at the center of it, what connected them: their parents. Their parents, who had something to do with the evil that dwelled in this town all those years ago, themselves gifted with unique abilities unwittingly passed to their children, leaving them to finish off what their predescesors started.โ €! โ €๊’ฑ *

โฉฉ โ €(โ €WORDBANKโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €extras.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Slowburn #Rivals to Lovers #Academic Rivals #Anti-Heroes, Anti-Villains, overall themes of complex morality #playing multiple characters #Psychological Horror #Mystery #High Fantasy #Urban Fantasy #Medieval or otherwise pre-modern settings #Open communication and engaged plotting #Isekai and time travel #Moodboards and Playlistsโ € โ €โžž โ € โ €Alternatively, I'm not a big fan of pre-established ships and otherwise rushed romance (with exceptions of second chances, arranged marriage, fake dating), plots surrounding pregnancy or raising children, one dimensional characters, canon/canon, romanticization of mental or physical illness, meta-gaming, overly incompetent /damsel in distress characters (specifically those without the intention of character development, though static characters of any sort are an ick). This one is oddly specific, and I don't usually have to specify it, but I do have a terrible fear of centipedes. Even the imagery of them or anything centipede adjacent will have me absolutely tweakin, it's so serious.โ €! โ €๊’ฑ *
Low Lays the Devil โ†’ A starry-eyed rookie (local journalist?) joins a jaded detective to investigate a series of strange happenings in a sleepy little town.
As Above, So Below โ†’ The ruler of an underwater empire, despite their hatred for the surface world and an intent to wage war, is drawn to the noble of a land dwelling nation, and hopes to form an alliance, if not more.
Deep Waters โ†’ A sea bound being ventures onto land in search of their captured sister, and seeks the help of a well known mercenary to aid them in their journey.
Just in case anyone finds this categorization confusing! I'll expand upon canon compliance, canon divergence and alternate universes, as per my personal definitions.
Canon Compliance is as it sounds: mostly following canon as it's written, just with these additional characters in the mix and impacting their surroundings.
Canon Divergence, or a
'soft au' is one in which there are a number of notable changes but the core elements of the source remain the same; using Red Dead as an example, a storyline where Arthur survives would be, by my definition, canon divergent rather than a proper AU.
Alternate Universe refers to a storyline where most things are different save for the characters themselves, such as coffeeshop AU, pirate AU, college AU, anything that fully takes the characters out of their element. That said, I wouldn't consider things like hanahaki, soulmate, fantasy or other such "flavors" to be AU so much as divergent, since these things can exist alongside canon rather than in it's stead, the same applying to plotlines that exist within the same universe but before / after canon, and most crossovers. Finally, if there are two or more tags that seem to conflict with one another, that means that it's an "either or" option and I'd most likely be down for whichever, though they are typically ordered by preference.

โฉฉ โ €(โ €UNTIL DAWNโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €very high interest.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Canon Divergent #Josh Washington #Michael Munroe #Emily Davisโ € โ €โžž โ € โ €And in this episode of Sevyn rekindling a nearly decade old interest with a total of two and a half active fans... SAVE ME, UNTIL DAWN STANS ๐Ÿ˜ญ WAKE UP, I BEG YOU!!! I will say, while I'm not that interested in The Quarry, I do have a bit of a concept for a crossover, which I'd like to explore! I'd also love to stay in the canon universe though, expanding what happened on and after the mountain. Naturally, with such a small cast, feel free to request anyone in turn! I think I'd best play Mike, Matt or Emily, but that's not a limitation on the restโ €! โ €๊’ฑ *
โฉฉ โ €(โ €MODERN WARFAREโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €high interest.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Canon Divergent #Canon Compliant #Simon Riley #Kyle Garrick #Valeria Garza #John MacTavish #John Price #Farah Karim #OC X CCโ € โ €โžž โ € โ €I'm familiar with the reboot and the original games, and despite my preference for the reboot cast, I'd like to merge elements of the original story and characters with the reboot. I have a slight sci-fi craving for this lately, more along the lines of metal gear solid V, or very basic Marvel โ€” enhanced humans, somewhat advanced technology, but nothing too futuristic. That said, I like the basic source material just as much, and I have no problem with keeping it chillโ €! โ €๊’ฑ *
โฉฉ โ €(โ €RED DEAD REDEMPTIONโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €high interest.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Canon Divergent #Canon Compliant #Arthur Morgan #Original Character #OC X CC #OC X OCโ € โ €โžž โ € โ €I've played both games so many times, and I'll forever love them. I'd like to write along the events of the second game, but if you'd prefer the first, I don't mind writing it for you. Aside from Micah Bell, Bill Williamson and Colm O'Driscoll, I'm down to take a crack at most other characters ไธ€ I'm most drawn to playing John Marston, Javier Escuella, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill and Charles Smithโ €! โ €๊’ฑ *
โฉฉ โ €(โ €MARAUDERS ERAโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €high interest.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Canon Divergent #Sirius Black #Remus Lupin #Original Character #OC X CC #OC X OCโ € โ €โžž โ € โ €I'd like to write in the seventh year or later, probably pushing the whole war thing back. I wouldn't mind more of a college setting ไธ€ always found the lack of higher education in canon odd. There are a lot of things in canon that I find ridiculous, such as JKR's take on foreign schools and the ugly themes of thinly veiled bigotry, and I'm happy to put some of our own twists on the source materialโ €! โ €๊’ฑ *
โฉฉ โ €(โ €MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSEโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €medium interest.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Canon Divergent #Phase 1-3 #Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley #[Andrew Garfieldโ€™s] Peter Parker #Steve Rogers #Natasha Romanova #Bucky Barnesโ € โ €โžž โ € โ €I'm well-versed in The Infinity Saga, but not very caught up on phase four past Moon Knight. Full transparency, I haven't seen Eternals, What If, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, I Am Groot, She-Hulk, or Captain Marvelโ €! โ €๊’ฑ *
โฉฉ โ €(โ €MISCELLANEOUSโ €)โ € &. โ €โ›โ €extras.โ €โœ
โ € ๊œœโ €#Spiderverse #AMCโ€™s The Walking Dead #TellTaleโ€™s The Walking Dead #Criminal Minds #The Outsiders #Scream (1996) #Resident Evil: Village #Supernatural #Black Butler #Attack on Titan #JuJutsu Kaisen #Detroit: Become Human #My Hero Academia #TellTaleโ€™s The Wolf Among Us #Creepypasta
The itch under her skin was steady by this point, something that Aranya couldn't quite ignore even as she stepped into the establishment, heavy perfume clouding the edges of her mind. Red silk falls from her back as she shrugs the blazer from her shoulders, handing it off to some nameless attendant without a word of acknowledgment.
The demoness had never been one to govern herself by feeding times, but what could she do? She'd been promised new arrivals this week, and she figured that it was around time for her to check 'round the area anyway.

It was to the human bar that Aranya first treaded, not bothering to waste much time; half lidded, silver eyes trailed the scene, before her attention was turned to the bartender, the smirk of her vampiric employee all too familiar. Ruby-stained lips parted in order to ask, โ€your usual, maโ€™am?โ€ with a knowing lilt, hardly waiting for an answer before she took a glass, emerald splashing the bottom.

Absinthe smoked as it slid along into cool crystal, and Aranya took the glass from the woman's manicured hands. โ€Or something spicy tonight?โ€œ she continued, drawing a low laugh from the base of Aranya's throat as her free hand trailed the counter, fingertips brushing over the polished surface.

"I was thinking something sweet,โ€the words came out in a low hum, the woman leaning languidly against the bar as her eyes scan the scene once more. โ€œAlthough... not from your hands,"she added after a moment. The tip of her tongue passed over her lips, absentminded and slow, before raising her glass to take a sip. There was a woman performing now, dark eyes and thin curves, and if interested, Aranya may have looked on for longer. Instead, her attention returned to the lingering worker.

"What do you think?โ€ she asked in an almost teasing manner, the curl to her plump lips was wry, dark eyes expectant, and she set her glass down with a faint clink, basking in the invisibility of being unrecognized for the moment.

โ€That I'll find what I'm looking for tonight?โ€
coming off of an abrupt hiatus! craving red dead redemption II, until dawn, modern warfare, moon knight, and some originals!
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yellowjackets is so good, i wish lesbian cannibalistic cults were real.
omg lol hi guys. really craving until dawn, moon knight (or marvel in general) and rdrii c: but please do reach out for others if you'd like!
Really craving Marvel / Moon Knight (SEASON TWO COMING RAHHHHHH), Modern Warfare and some original (cowboys, knights, pirates) stories, among other things!

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