Merciless Medic
Walking Pokemon Dictionary

She stumbled out of the tent and walked over to the noticeboard. She squeezed through until she got to the front, where she saw her name in the top five. It was comforting to know that she can live up to 30, granted that she's over that age now. She just shrugged and tried to go back to the tent to sleep, only to have another person yell at the group to go to the training grounds if they were on the list. She winced at the voice and groggily walked back to the tent and grabbed what she could of her things before making way to the training grounds.
Once she was there, it was practically hell. Why did the have to wake up so early in the morning for two months straight? She didn't mind the intense workout, and it felt nice to feel the burning and the pain and the exhaustion as she trained with a war hero. But at the same time, why couldn't they have done this later in the day? Like after high noon? Getting up just as the sun was crawling over the horizon was too early. Hell, any time before high noon was too early.
During those two months, Marija grew accustomed to this schedule of getting up early. While she didn't like waking up early, she was able to tolerate it now, even if her mood was rather sour until they could eat in one of their first breaks. But Marija's toleration of pain grew, and the control of her magic grew, as well. She figured that if she didn't have the muscle strength to save herself at least somewhat, she put most of her efforts in her physical strength. It was weird feeling buff. She could have sworn she wasn't able to bend her arms all the way to her shoulders by the elbow anymore, due to her biceps having grown. However, she wouldn't complain about the training itself (besides the early mornings). It felt nice to actually have someone train her for once, as the majority of her training beforehand were all self-taught (and the lessons weren't very good).
At the grueling end of the two month training hell, Marija was woken up in the early morning. Again. She groaned and gathered her armor and things, putting them on quickly and monotonously as if it were now ingrained in her psyche. Once she did that, she walked out for what she assumed was roll call with the lower ranked knights, only to see a blindfolded figure of what she assumed was the Goddess race standing before them. Though, she quickly realized that he seemed more human than anything else, so she put away her suspicions. When the blindfolded figure spoke, he said something about 'time off'.
She can go out to the market and enjoy the wares or go into the forest and contemplate on her life. Well, she learned as much that contemplating on her life was probably not the best decision, so she focused on her plans in the marketplace. Despite not having food and the sun having not crawled up to its zenith, Marija was in very high spirits. Marija bowed to the Goddess known as 'Saul' with her arm across her chest. "Thank you so much for allowing us to take a break. I'll make sure I have fun. Goodbye, Saul."
With that, Marija found her legs taking her rather abruptly to the marketplace, as if she had a hot date or something. She didn't much care if anyone followed her. She never really got to learn about them except for occasional training regimens, hearing them talk across the tables, and the initiation exam they had taken previously. She decided against learning about them for now, and just made her way to the marketplace, ignoring the screaming ache in her entire body from yesterday's training.
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