Seto Yūrei - Fortune


New Member
Personal Information:

Name: Seto Yūrei

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Date of Birth: 22nd November

Grade Level: Second



I imagine his winter outfit to be quite similar to this, he wears his school jacket buttoned up with a black scarf wrapped around his neck. His lower half is the traditional school trousers and some slightly heeled 'beatle boots' - something like the following: 



Seto isn't very trusting of new people and finds it hard to meet others with similar interests and mindest. This has led to him being quite a very solitary boy for his age, spending most of his time on his own, creating art and studying rather than spending time having fun. Having originally been a very open and caring child, an tragedy in his youth forced Seto to become very disenfranchised with society and the way the world works. 

This led to him becoming much more obsessed with his art and his work, trying to channel all of his emotions into his music and academia. Seto believes heavily in hard work, and often says that he has very little time to suffer those who do not work hard or help themselves (although he usually does anyway). Despite his solitary nature, Seto is a very confident person and doesn't allow his opinions or beliefs to be heavily influenced by others.  

Seto is often very opinionated and will not hesitate to speak his mind on matters which he thinks he is more knowledgeable upon, regardless of the social fallout of such conversations. While this can often make him seem arrogant or cocky, in his mind he's genuinely just trying to make a positive difference. Due to all of this, at first he can come of as quite cold and, due to his pride in his art and his work ethic, he is often viewed as pretentious or (as mentioned) even arrogant at times. Below this surface 'shell' however is a much more complex character who still carries an almost painful amount of hope that he can make a positive difference in the world and who strives every day to try and be his best.

Combat Information:

Main Arcana: Fortune - X

120 SP



The markings and ornamentation of the mask represent Seto's obsession with music and creativity, while its lack of mouth is symbolism for his solitary nature and the way he feels as though he cannot often open up about his past to others.

Initial Persona:

Name: Virgil

Arcana: Fortune - X

Origin: Virgil was a Roman poet who served as Dante's guide through Hell and Purgatory throughout 'The Divine Comedy'. In the story, Virgil represents the pinnacle of human reason along with the natural limitations that come with human reasoning.





Cost: Navi 

Effect: Reveal an enemy's stats, weak points and skills. 


Cost: 3 SP

Effect: Restores 1 ally's HP by 45.

Me Patra

Cost: 6 SP

Effect: Dispels Confusion, Fear and Rage (party).


Cost: 12 SP

Effect: Increases 1 ally's Defense for 3 turns - Damage dealt to ally is decreased by 25%
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1. For Dia, you need to include how much HP is restored. I recommend 45-50 for your particular character.

2. Add this line to Rakukaja: "Damage dealt to ally is decreased by 25%."
Fixed those two. Do you also want analysis to have a cost by the way? I was trying to think of what to do for it but I didn't have a reference to go off since it never costs anything in the games.
Analysis is fine as is without a cost. You need to have this line at the beginning of Rakukaja: "Increases 1 ally's Defense for 3 turns." And it should also cost 12 SP to use.
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Sorry, I was going off of a site for reference for all the SP costs and it said 6 for some reason. Fixed it now anyway.
Awesome! Thanks for the help, looking forward to hopefully getting to get stuck into this story soon - I really like the sound of what you're doing with it.

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