Seska Academy

Snow ducky

You come up to a hidden school for the elite and rich, where things are very different. there are no teachers there only robots that cater to your every need, maids butlers for those who are seniors your matched with someone that you will in the end up marrying after graduation. The students are very smart and elite taking over their parents companies one day, there is self taught learning or group learning here..what will you accomplish?

the school matches you up with others so that come graduation you leave with a partner in which your companies will come together and work together. every two weeks you will be tested on what your learned and studied so be warned!

founded by a mysterious headmaster who runs the school from the highest point in the school's main is said that he/she is very....odd....


-Music building

-business building

-Theater building

-technology building

-Virtual Reality Building

-Main building(commons,food,headmaster,ect)


*questions PM/VM me

Sign ups:

Merina walked to the cafe with an attitude her parents had yet again set her up with some poor slob of a guy who was a head for a law firm. Pushing him away with her unladylike manners she couldn't help but laugh, the Cafe which the students ate was semi full as she took her usual seat by the window overlooking the garden a robot came by,"Bring me Chicken Salad with a Diet Coke half ice this time and i mean it ROBOT.." her eyes narrowed as it took the order leaving with a whoosh having robots was better then annoying teachers that was for sure. 5 minutes passed and it arrived Merina saw a rather good looking male and he was not sitting across from her,"Merina wont you play with me today~" it was against the rules to play around with other matches but this didnt stop her with a sly smile she took a bite of her salad,"we shall see Yuui.."
Lily sighed happily as she entered the music room and picked up the guitar, strumming hit and singing a happy tune. She smiled as it sounded better that it did before, she took out her book and wrote the notes down and then the lyrics. She was paired with a boy named Itou, He was a singer and her father was going to help his band, and expected her to marry him. Of course they wanted it to look like it was out of love, instead of a buisness arangment. That thought alone made her a little upset and she but the guitar down. Lily then turned on the mic and played back a track of her own, her father had never heard these and never wanted to, to him Lily was only a buisness woman. She sung along and danced around the room.
Itou emerged from the recording room, his band Yor was doing a wonderland album and his creative genius did it again. Humming along some girls came up and asked for his autograph,"cute girls maybe you should drop by.." he teased signing there books they blushed walking away he couldn't help but laugh. Music played he sighed it was Lilly the girl he was suppose to love, he stood in the doorway."your not too bad Lilly I don't know why you won't join my band. We could use a female voice." he leaned on the doorway wih a smile
Lily jumped and blushed, she hadn't relized he was there "I wish" she sighed falling into a beanbag chair "I really do" she ran a hand through half of her hair, as it was more that waist length and she couldn't reach that far behind her own head. She had so many Idea's and songs and tunes but her father wouldn't hear one word of it. She was mearly to join the buisness together and to complete the deal. She closed her eyes tilting her head back. "But I can't"
He felt for her inside her situation was almost like his in a way. His parents gave him till graduation to play Band and he would take over the virtual reality business. He walked over and sat beside leaning on her beanbag chair he looked at her upside down his white hair in his face somewhat,"I really don't see why my hairy as to be white. I am no rabbit." he outed tryin to make her laugh. He got an idea,"what if you put in a song in the album I do need to make one more and I'm at a blank.." he had several but none of Ben seems to jump ou at him. He didn't tell anyone for he was scared to feel like he let everyone down but Lilly he felt like he could trust her. More as a friend then a lover really. His gaze looked out the window," really want to go through with it Lilly..marriage that is. I know we boh don't want that and there is no for sure deal that I can continue.."
She smiled and laughed slightly at the rabitt joke and looked at him "Really? you'd let me?" she asked exitedly, she loved making music and she would love a shot at the song, in fact she had writen one, she just needed music. When he brought up the marriage she said "No, I don't I want to fall in love and get married, not used as a buissness deal sealer. I want to live my own life, not have someone plan it." she said glaring at the roof, as if it was her father. "I want to do what I want, perform, write music, not be a stay at home wife like I'm expected to be." she said to him, she felt like she could trust him with, this her father had made it clear she was going to marry him and she hated it, but he turned out to be a friend.
Tim walked into the cafe, he heard they server good tea here. He sat down, and a robot wheeled up to him. "I'll take your finest tea, thank you." Tim said trying not to be loud. He is just a 1st year after all, plus he doesn't want to be mixed in with the wrong group. While he waits for his tea he brings up a pocket watch and places in in the middle of the table. He then plus out three cogs, and a pare of small, thin, tweezers. He slow and carefully pulls off the top of the watch, and goes to work.
He looked back at her smiling,"yea I'd say it was by someone close to me and wait to see what your father says ten tell him it was you. If that's okay with you that is." sitting up he was resting his head on his arms that were now resting on the beanbag. "I wouldn't want to force you to get married don't worry my parents have other plans but I hope that they can see I can do both jobs." eyelids lowered he hated thinking about that leaving his music he would feel half complete. It ran through him like the blood that ran in his body."Yor will be number 1 and when that happens I want my best friend there with me as member, song writer, friend."
She smiled and hugged him "That is fine with me" she grinned and got up walking to her bag and taking out her book "I started somthing, and tried to show my father, he wouldn't have any of it." she said a little sad She turned to a page and handed it to him, sitting down again "What do you think?" she asked him nervously.
Merina was sitting in the guys lap after sometime she got bored and walked around she spotte Tim and smiled slyly. She would kick this guy out too she hated them all, well the ones her parents approved of. Leaning on the table she got close as he took a part the watch."Tim hi there~" smiling cutely pretendin to care about him.
Tim jumped a little, "Oh uh, hi, um Merina was it? Um.." Tim struggled to get his words out. "Can I help you with something?" Tim asked his face turning red fast, he kept his head down close to his watch to try and hide it. Merina was cute, but from what people say she is hard to please and get along with. What does she want with me? Tim slowly pulled out a cog, and replaced it with another, and close the watch up slowly.
He took it silently sitting up and looked at the music carefully. His eyes widened a bit, the lyrics flowed well as he tried to imagine the song he could see it clearly. Him up on stage guitars, pianos with drums maybe even classical instruments. Lookin to Lilly he placed the book down and pulled her in for a hug,"that was good Lill I don't see why he won't let you sing and write. Don't let his words get to you because I like it." speaking gently in her ear letting her to he took the book and flipped through excitedly without asking.

Merina giggled sitting on the table placing her hands near him her hair falling on her shoulders and the table. Her eyes were different and no one dared to question it."awe so cute are we he shy type who can't talk to girls?~" upon seeing his reaction taking his watch placing it in her shirt. Giggling sitting in his lap people stared murmuring."we need to break that now if your gonna be with me dear." lifting his chin she stared directly at him the redness in his face made her want to tase him more.
Tim moved back towards the window, trying to calm himself down. "What do you want Marina." He tried to sound a bit more manly than he did before. " I am only here for my tea." Tim pointed at the Robot coming closer with his cup on it. He knew that Merina was teasing him, all girls do. She was cute he wasn't simple as that. He reached for his watch then realized where she put it, his hand just grazed the bottom of know. His face reddened and he quickly turned away. " Ah! Um! Sorry!" Tim said rubbing that back of his head. He turned around took a sip of his tea then pull out a small trinket and tore it apart and started to work on it.
Lily smiled, or rather grinned and said "You really like it?" no one had ever told her she could do this, let alone well, she was happy and blushed when he started going through the book "I still need music, a beat a melody" she said thinking of all the instruments she could try. "He wont let me because he isn't a fan of equality," she began sourly "Men can do everything and women are weak." she said "Or are eyecandy." she said bitterly.
Marina just lisented to him and laughed as he reached down her shirt. A sly smile came across her face and called a robot over;"bring me my food here robot and some food for my new boyfriend here." it whooshed away she took his hand s away from the trinket and around her waist,"you know I'm not as patient as most girls...nor am I stupid." her race went serious holding his face to her a kiss was planted on his lips. Rather softly and gently she pulled away,"so..first kiss intake it.." she definitely would keep him around his shyness was too adorable.

"I have a vision in my head. We hav an orcestra start here at the beginning and bring in guitars and drums with piano." he made notes where it all should go his mind exploded wih ideas as he wrote. "Lill I got lots of ideas I can't believe you were hiding this from me." he teased hearing her he took her face placing the book and pen down. Sort of squishing her face,"don't let him invade your mind yourself okay..or I'll kiss you!" he teased messing her hair
Tims hands flew away from his trinket and onto Marina's waist, he was about to argue, and say she ruined his reconstruction. Then his lips suddenly touched hers. Tim withdrew quickly touchings his lips, face as red as a tomato. Boyfriend what!? Tim realized his hands were still on her lap and quickly lift them away. "Sorry!"
Lily nodded and laughed "I thought so to, and then get more common instuments in, but still that same music in the back" when he took her face in his hands she laughed again and said "I promise I will be my own person" she promised backing away from him a little and fixing her hair, then making it into one huge braid, whick she did everytime she started writing. "Now back to the song, It's not ment to sound completely happy like a mix of that and eerie" she said sitting back down beside him. She picked up the book and got out her own pen, so they could both write down idea's.
Merina watched his reaction laughing lightly as her and his food came."look Tim I don't like those my parent send my way." she took some soup and fed him,"you don't seem like the pervert type or one that messes around with girls. Your reactions tell me everything." she stood placing the food before him taking a seat across from him and ate her food silently. She thought that maybe she could kep this one and show him the ropes then set him on the girls.

Picking up his pencil Itou sat next to her and pointed out places where the guitars would come in."I like your idea maybe add the drums here after your solo or with your solo I can run it by my drummer." the song could be the bands main song even. Watching her talk and get into it he smiled as they went on ordering food to be brought for them,"eerie and could fit into the albums theme of wonderland.."
Tim welcomed the food with a warm heart. He listened to her carefully, however his face was still red. Once she was done talking he lowered his head, a small smile cracked on his face. "Thanks Marina." Tim was surprised that Marina was being nice, better yet surprised that some how he and she got into a relationship. He like this Marina her voice was soothing. His hands went straight for his pocket pulling out yet another trinket, he went at it then stopped. He looked back up at Marina, "Sorry." And put the trinket back into his pocket.
Lily nodded and said "Yes, I like the guitar idea but Solo?" she blushed and said "Are you sure?" she really wanted to do this but she didn't want her father to get upset, she has always been a daddy's girl, but he never payed her much attention. She nodded, smiling "I wrote it whne i found out the theme of the album but again my father didn't like I was trying to get involved in the album." she said, Kind of ashamed. "I loved the theme and thought it went well." she said "I thought the tune could go a little like this she hummed a tune
Merina looked up he seemed to always take them out so far."your welcome Tim..I thank you for not asking about my eyes. Most guys it's the first thing." as long as she remembered they always asked and she never given an answer ever. She took her soda and drank he took out a trinket and then put it back."no please show me what your's kinda cute" maybe she could get use to this normal guy.

You gave her a stern look,"I got an idea actually..I think we should give you a makeover to match the theme like us. Do it the day before at night and go from there." he took out a clean paper from his bag and drew with a slight talent for Darwin but he knew what he wanted of her. He showed it too her,"you could be our Alice Lill..." he was more determined then ever to make her shine,"if it doesn't go and we marry..I would never make you be eye candy.." he lisented to her,"oh did you now? I can't believe your dad..I kinds don't like him." he made a face as if he wanted to punch someone but her tune softened him up,"...I like it.."
Lily considered it, looking at the drawing and said "Yes! I like that Idea, the only thing your not touching is my hair" her tone was playfull, but with enough meaning to show she ment it. "And I don't want to look like well, a hooker." she said shuddering. "Thankyou." she said, and hugged him "I'm glad my parents chose you, at least we get on," she said, thinking of her sister and her husband. When Itou's face hardened she was both scared and happy. Happy he wasn't like her dad and scared of his face and what he probably wanted to do, she relaxed when he calmed down at her humming.
"it's more of an Alice rocked out..look" her song was what he imagined it would be and more. The outfit took Alice's dress ripped it up and gave her style. Chuckling at her reply about her hair he laid back staring at the celine."a wig then it should do.." He would risk it all to make himself happy and Lilly happy.
Tim nods and pulls out his trinket, "Ok!" Tim's face lit up. He quickly pulled his trinket out, and started to work. "What I'm trying to do is calibrate the power frequency of the light so it becomes more of a burning ray, or a laser. Its really easy all I have to do is locate and remove what ever is lowering the power and remove it, then I take of the battery compartment, and cut it on one side all the way down. I put a stronger battery in and some tape, and walla. You have your self your own death ray!" Tim lifted up the laser and shined it at a robot. Smoke slowly started to appear above the robots head. "See? Its nerdy I know, but it amazing how much you can change something so harmless to something dangerous."

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