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Servant X Mi'Lady

Justin was already memorizing the whole mansion he was never inside it he was usually in the small house where they kept all their servants locked up. He then thought he knew how to get out so he quietly ran to the entrance of where he thought it was. There was people walking by everywhere so he had to his behind or in some door all the time and he thought he would be caught if this would keep on happening.
Evangeline managed to make it to the dinning room and knew that Justin was behind her. I wonder if I should have kept that other chain on... Well if he does something strange I can always put a collar on him. Wincing at her own thought process Evangeline sighed and groaned. A collar? HE isn't an animal... Noticing that there were some of the maids entering, Evangeline smiled and waved at them calmly.

"Hello, I was wondering if there was something that my friend and I could eat...?"

Gesturing at Adrian as she said 'friend' Evangeline smiled at them.
He sighed he knew it was a lie but he sat down he didn't like his name it was worse than drake but he wasn't that desperate to tell her his name.
Evangeline flashed a fake smile at him and then looked at the maids near them, "So what do we have to eat?"

"You can have some early dinner. Master won't be home until late so you wouldn't be eating with him."

Evangeline gave a small nod and smiled at them, "Would you mind bringing it to my room then? I shall be waiting."

Getting up and pressing down her gown, Evangeline made her way t exit the room and return they way they had returned.
He sighed as she questioned him and spoke again "Y-you addressed me a f-friend, though you knew it was lie." He sighed as he followed her.

(If your asking why I'm doing terrible grammar for his speaking it's because he doesn't know their language well. :P )
Chuckling Evangeline opened the door to her room and entered, "Friend. There is no meaning to the word. It is like an empty jug, try to fill it but someone or something will do something that will make the jug become empty or break. I don't see the point in having friends."

Evangeline looked out the window with cold eyes as she said this, "Close the door behind you."

(Yeah I figured it was something like that ^^)
He sighed and closed the door "friends have meaning they not people you just throw away..." He talked back at her. He never talked back to someone higher up but he had to in order to keep a friends word filled with pride.
Evangeline looked at him and sighed, "If you say so."

As if admitting defeat she made her way to the door that had been slightly opened by a maid.

"Your food miss..."

"Thank you, I will take the food off your hands."

Giving an easy fake smile she closed the door and placed the food on her table. Not hungry anymore...
Justin looked at the food and sighed as he was hungry he wanted to grab it and eat it but he didn't know if she would allow him to without another catch.
Justin sat there on the ground "So you are a huge softy after all" he smirked at the girl she never treated anyone bad not even her own servant or was she just hiding it for later.
Evangeline glared at him and sighed, "... I would not know..."

A softie huh... *scoffs but then smiles softly* That might be nice... to be a softie... Looking at Adrian she sighed and made her way to her desk and grabbed the tray.

"If you want some food take some."
Justin sighed "and to answer your question, My name is Justin." He grabbed food and ate some and smiled it was good. Royal food tasted better than servant food.
Evangeline looked at Justin with surprise but then smiled softly, "Justin... I like it..."

Taking something to eat herself she sighed and made her way to her bed and looked at Justin with observing eyes. Why did he tell me his name?
As she watched him fall asleep Evangeline gave a small sigh and knew that he would get cold if he slept like that. Grabbing one of her spare sheets she placed it over him and whispers silently.

"This is thanks for telling me your name. That is all."
Climbing into her bed she turned off the lights and clambered into bed but then hopped out needing to take a wash and changing out of her other clothes. She hadn't asked the maids to help her but she knew how to change... Maybe... After several attempts but then smiled and made her way into her bed. Closing her eyes she began to fall asleep.
Evangeline groaned as the light hit her face and like before she fell off the bed as she tried to get up. Rubbing her head Evangeline sighed. She was used to this rude awakening but it never made it hurt any less than any other time. Looking over at Justin she noticed that he was up and casually got up and patted the creases in her dressing gown.

"So… You are up… Good Morning…"
He sighed as she spoke but he just waved at her he never liked to talk nor find her like hearing anyone talk. Justin got up and handed her the blanket.
Evangeline looked at the blanket and then back at him, he is going to ned it again tonight...

"It isn't mine. I don't want that rag. I'll give it to you."

With that she crossed her arms and went off to the bathroom to get changed.

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