September Roleplay of the Month Nominations

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
September Roleplay of the Month

User Nominations

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the user nominations thread for the September Roleplay of the Month! A quick explanation for new users - the Roleplay of the Month (or RotM for short) is a newsletter feature that showcases a recently-created roleplay that shows great potential and quality. Users are encouraged to suggest roleplays that they are in or have seen to be considered for the next RotM.

How does this work?

The Roleplay of the Month is not a popularity vote. The userbase at large does not get to decide the final featured roleplay. That choice is left up to the newsletter volunteers. But, there's only so many of us, and we can't possibly keep up with the amazing new content that you guys pump out! So this is where you come in. Posting your nominations in this thread vastly increases the number of threads that will be seen and considered for RotM, which is a good thing for everyone!


Roleplays that will considered for RotM are group roleplays that are

  • Open; is currently accepting new players
  • Active; has at least one new in-character post a week
  • In progress; have at least one page of in-character posts
  • New; between three and one month old

These restrictions are to make sure that RotM goes to a thread that is both fairly new and somewhat established. In addition, a roleplay thread created by a member of the Staff (bold username) cannot be nominated. However, roleplays created by Fellows are fair game.


Your nomination must include

  • The title of the roleplay
  • A link to the primary in-character tab
  • A couple sentences on why you think this thread should be considered for Roleplay of the Month.

Most importantly, users can’t nominate their own threads – that’s right. You can nominate your friend’s thread, the group that you’re in right now that’s totally awesome – but it can’t be your own thread.

Nominations will be open for two weeks, from the 12th to the 26th of August.

What's deserving of a nomination?

Maybe the game master is really good at giving people exciting plots to work through. Maybe there’s a lot of awesome worldbuilding, or everyone’s posts are detailed and fun to read. The thread might have been going on forever and a half, or the premise of the story is particularly unique and original. These are all things that the Fellows look at and consider when choosing a Roleplay of the Month.

Don't worry about whether or not a roleplay is "good enough" to be nominated. Think about why you enjoy that roleplay, why you think it's special, and convey that in your post.

Frequently asked questions

Wait, how old does the thread have to be?

No older than three months, and no newer than one month. For September, we're looking to feature a roleplay that was creating during May, June, or July.

Are Hosted Projects eligible for nominations?

Yep! They fit all the criteria about being an open group roleplay, so they can be nominated.

Can I nominate multiple threads?

Sure! If you've got two or three other threads that you would like to see given a shot, you can go ahead and nominate them as well.

Can a thread be nominated multiple times?

Yes. However, multiple nominations does not affect the likelihood of the us choosing that thread for Roleplay of the Month.

So the RotM is going to be chosen from this thread?

Not necessarily. We might choose a roleplay that none of the regular userbase happened to nominate. We take your nominations into account, but ultimately, the choice goes to those working on the newsletter.

I think there's a better way to do this.

Please post your ideas in Admin Contact or in a suggestion thread in Site Questions & Information, and we will consider your method for the next month.

Go forth, and nominate!
Question, can I nominate one that I'm not in but I enjoy reading? Because the one, I'm in is open but it hasn't been around for three months. I'm sorry if this is a lame question.
sukaithemoonlord774 said:
Question, can I nominate one that I'm not in but I enjoy reading? Because the one, I'm in is open but it hasn't been around for three months. I'm sorry if this is a lame question.
It's not a lame question, it's a very good one! And the answer is yes, yes you can.
For the requirement of being one to three months old, I'd like to ask if that means a full thirty/thirty-one days old minimum and full three months maximum, or just from the past three months.
sukaithemoonlord774 said:
Thank you and do I tag the rp or just write the name here on the thread?
Write the name of the RP in your post and paste a link to it, along with your little statement about why you're nominating it.

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]For the requirement of being one to three months old, I'd like to ask if that means a full thirty/thirty-one days old minimum and full three months maximum, or just from the past three months.

It means the thread creation date is sometime during May, June, or July because it is still technically summer vacation for me and I am NOT doing arithmetic before school starts.
Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

I've nominated this roleplay because:

A: Kyero has put a ton of work into the world, into the storyline, and into keeping the roleplay going.

B: Kyero made sure to connect all of the characters in a very strong situation. They had our characters going about their own business to begin with and then had a huge event that really did bring all the characters together.

C: The actual story plot/line is absolutely ingenious, would totally work for a Fire Emblem game, and is just all around fun to roleplay.

It's been really great to be a part of and even if I didn't have a character in it, it'd be a ton of fun to read on it's own because it's like we're actually playing thorugh a Fire Emblem world. I wish I could explain the experience it's been with all the things that Kyero has thrown at the characters, and how well they keep the roleplay going with new events. They moderate the roleplay really well, on top of having an engaging and interesting storyline and their own set of characters.

It's just really, really cool. Please go check it out! (
:D )
Zeta Academy

I nominate this thread because:

  1. Light has developed the story very far and done so that uses every single character
  2. The high-school idea has a block schedule that has run very smoothly
  3. The thread isn't really about high-school. It's a secondary that feeds into the overall plot
  4. The plot itself is continuing to develop and progress rapidly and amazingly
  5. He left it able for any free ideas for species and powers and has effectively used them to fuel the plot
  6. The "bad guys" do actions that seem to be pointless at the point and have lasting effects long term giving birth to an excellent conflict
  7. It's an overall amazing role play that people can find themselves compelled to continuing reading
Now I know I'm new to this site and that can make you wonder: "Well, she can't have been in that many role-plays."
Actually, nobody really thinks that unless somebody specifically says they've never RP'd before or something similar that indicates little RP participation (we don't count just RpN RP's for when saying how much experience a person has RPing :3)

Well, there is the frequent request for examples of RP's one's been in, but that's really different because the only evidence of RP experience is those here on RpN.
Among Gods (One month old (at this site) today, in fact)

I nominate this thread because:

1. It's an utterly fantastic role-play that is the reason about a dozen of us are here (including me!).

2. The gamemaster, Neow46, is great at his job and works hard to pump out updates about once every week, and smaller updates once every few days.

3. There isn't one role-player in this thread that I don't have a large amount of respect for both their abilities and their manners (whenever one of us makes a mistake, it's not the "don't do that again you're terrible do your job" atmosphere, it's the "by the way your character moved about a mile in six seconds due to a misunderstanding over differences so just a reminder about that, okay?").

4. It has an interesting premise and lovable characters with many sub-plots and mini-alliances and multiple enemies and forces to take account for in every post.

All very good nominations so far, keep it coming guys!

Tabula Rasa

Reason, magic space ninjas. Cue montage.​

Dreams are but a rhythmic pounding.

Merely that where upon the surface of darkness, something is made from nothing.

--starring Blackadder as Vulcanos Ingen, Forge of the Bandi, Eldest Sibling

Unfurling limbs, long locked in position of slumber, reach out into a new world.

--starring Teh Frixz as Sauthogga, Eater of the Dead, Omen of Pestilence

You are Bandi; and you know nothing of your past--but your body remembers.

Again, her hands raise, moving with the unhurried ease of a deadly caress.

--starring Silvertongued as Sitara Alina Sor, Witness of All Things, Princess of the Silver Stars

With a stalking caution she approached the automated door and to what lay behind it, expanding her hunting grounds.

--starring DeusExAlice as Baksetra, The Hunger


the skyl--ine-- wa//s/ b[eautif]ul on fiIII[re

Produced and directed by Grey. Playing in theatres now.

Mastery of space-time permits simultaneous open casting/screenwriting call. Consider applying today.

Casual - Tabula Rasa | - Best Roleplay Forum
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Afrobrony said:
Would we be able to nominate a trilogy of roleplays?
Broski, you can nominate as many roleplays as your pretty little heart desires so long as they ain't yours.
welian said:
Broski, you can nominate as many roleplays as your pretty little heart desires so long as they ain't yours.
I mean as a whole though. One of the entries also might not be one month old.
Afrobrony said:
I mean as a whole though. One of the entries also might not be one month old.
Hmmm... well, nominate the two threads that you know DEFINITELY qualify.
welian said:
Hmmm... well, nominate the two threads that you know DEFINITELY qualify.
Oh wait, nevermind, those two don't anymore because they wouldn't have one in-character post a week since they've both been wrapped up.
Thank you everyone for your responses! All of your nominations will be taken into consideration as we choose the roleplay to be featured in the upcoming newsletter.
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