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Multiple Settings (Seeking Male Character) Adventure, some romance, intrigue and plenty of action.

On my profile are listed my preferences in regard to what to expect when in comes to roleplaying with me. Reading that before reading this thread will let you know right away if we are compatible or if we have roleplaying styles that differ too much. Please PM me instead of replying to this thread, thank you :)
I only use photos as face claims, no anime or artwork please. Photoshop can be used to modify some details like the hair or eye colors, but imagine as if we're running a tv show or movie and who you would like to portray the role of your character.

Being almost 30 years old, I'm sorry but I will not play with people under 18.

I am seeking a literate roleplayer who is as passionate as me when it comes to character development with possible psychological evolution throughout the story aka character growth and depth. I have created a few characters over the year and I would like to play them with a male character (who is at least 25 years old) in a story that would involve adventure, romance, intrigue and definitely action. My inspiration come from various tv shows or movies that I like and that you might recognize through the concepts of some of my characters. None of them are regular humans, as they all have special abilities of some kind. Since I cannot link you the website onto which I have written their profiles (as I think is mentioned in the rules), I will give here a short list of information about them. Lets see if some of them inspire you to build a story where our characters would be the main while we drive all of the npcs and the world they are experiencing. My preference would be modern era, but some of my characters can be adapted to a medieval time. The level of fantasy I enjoy is that, when in modern, society seems as it is in reality, but among the people would live these supernatural creatures, hiding among humans or lurking in the shadows. Think of shows and movies like: Supernatural, Shadowhunters, The Vampire Diaries, the world of superheroes like Marvel or DC, etc.

*There might be some canon characters from fandoms that I would like to play my characters with.
Like Dean Winchester from Supernatural (which we would work together to give life to the surrounding characters of Supernatural to take part of this adventure), who would especially work well in a story with Celest. Her father being a hunter that they would have known in the past and I have various ideas of how she could meet Sam and Dean.*

Here below will be some of my characters with a description. Feel free to ask me in PM any questions that you would have about them. I have their profile on a website too, but I figured giving a description here of the concept itself might give you an idea to help you choose.
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Note: For a medieval fantasy setting only, to be played with a pirate captain only. This is a specific concept of character I made for a pirate adventure. She is an Aquarian, my own version of Siren/Mermaid/Sea Witch/Ocean Amazons etc.

Eloraine Bellerive of Bluepoint was born the only princess of the Bluepoint kingdom. Since a young age she knew she was different as she had special powers that she knew were associated with the sirens of stories she had heard or read over the years. Her father had said her mother had died when she was born and that he didn't have any answers about her origins other than how special her mother was and that the young Eloraine had to keep her abilities secret from the world. Her step-mother, the princess that became Queen when marrying her father about ten years ago, have been pushing the king to force his daughter into political marriage with another kingdom for alliance. It made Eloraine want to escape the life of nobility, but the real trigger had been the letter she found in her father's desk. Her mother was still alive and had been located on a highly dangerous pirate owned island named Zanesh. Turns out, her father had hired people over the years to try and find her mother, as she had abandoned the baby with the king not long after giving birth. Valrya Blackwater was now a notorious pirate captain.

Rayne had always been attracted to stories of pirates and dreamed of sailing the seas. Fearless, the 19 years old princess ran away from the castle in the middle of the night, dressed in a stable boy's clothes, forsaking any makeup or jewelry that could tie her to nobility. With a pouch of gold that she kept hidden in a bag, a hooded cloak, she managed to buy her way onto the first merchant ship that could take her away from town to any island. Because most of the citizens of the kingdom had never met the princess or seen paintings of her, no one really knew what she looked like and thus Eloraine renamed herself Rayne. Her primary goal is to find a ship that would take her to Zanesh where she could hope of finding her mother and get answers on their origins and the reasons of her abandonment.

Since everyone who are not pirates or an ally of them are too afraid to get close to Zanesh, she knew that the only way would be to somehow board a pirate ship. The only real danger about that island was because it was controlled by the pirate business, a sanctuary to criminals and their families where illegal business were being conducted. Rayne knew they were not all murderers and rapists as most citizens liked to spread as rumor.
Isabelle Bastien
Isabelle Bastien

A telepath born of psychic descent who has lost her sight at the age of 10 but where her abilities had developed to allow her to see life the energy of life forms in her dark world. She is a music teacher and singer. Because of a traumatic experience with her mind reading in her teens, she has refrained from using her telepathic abilities ever since. To her psychic ancestry, sometimes she is struck with visions of the future while she sleeps at night. Yet, it's not like there is anything she can do to prevent these things from happening. She is a positive person, seeing the good in people and very passionate about her work, about music in general and the various instruments she can play. Her abilities, like instincts, allow her to always find her way when lost and feel people's intentions.

Note: Among all of my characters, she is the only one that does not know how to fight yet. She is potentially among my most powerful characters but will require a lot of training when it comes to her abilities and how to defend herself.
Lexa Cash
Lexa Cash

A powerful convent of witches performed a ritual on the devil to trap her into a human form and strip of her memories. The strong magical seal would keep her powers locked away while her memories would be placed in a jar. If the jar was to be broken, they would find their way back to her. Waking up with amnesia in the middle of a city, she was found by Siobhan, a bar owner. Brought to live with her temporarily and given a new identity, it was quickly understood that the bar Siobhan ran was a place of bikers and shady business.

What the witches didn't expect, was the seal to start cracking, unable to contain that much power within. As her abilities began to appear, so was her hunger for violence, blood and death. It was by impulsion that she killed two innocents, bringing her this new sensation of guilt stirring her stomach. It would not leave her until she finally had killed men she deemed deserving of punishment through one of her mercenary jobs. That's where she truly began to enjoy it.

Her abilities made her stronger, healing faster and with enhanced senses. She understood that she wasn't human, but didn't know what. Anything demonic she would encounter would feel familiar, letting her believe that she might actually just be a form of demon. The blank on her past memories would eat at her now and then, making her angry, seeking answers.
Bethany Blair
Bethany Blair

Note: This is a vampire concept I have created using various versions I've encountered. This one has the entire world run by vampires among humans with civilians unknowing. The purebloods are a species completely apart from humans. They are a parallel species to humans possibly dating back to the first traces of civilization. Even the oldest vampires still alive don't even know as they most likely are less than 500 years old. They have varied psychics abilities depending on their ancestry and will sometimes focus on practicing certain abilities more than others. They don't require blood all the time, can walk in the sun and eat regular foods. Blood is important to keep their abilities functional and their bodies healthy. Without it few times a week, they would eventually grow old incredibly fast and die. The nightborn vampires are the version we generally see in tv shows. They're the humans that purebloods have turned, most likely to save them from certain death or a lover they want to spend eternity with.

Bethany is about 130 years old, born a pureblood vampire. Workaholic, she is a highly ranked agent of the Elite Knights, which are the vampire police force that have affiliated themselves with the FBI. To the general public, they have FBI badges, to the FBI, they are a special investigators. Only the highest among the FBI ranks know that they actually are vampires taking over every investigations involving their own. They have clans with different lifestyles, traditions or principles, but all vampires follow a specific set of rules.
Here are a few:
"We do not kill humans unless there is no other possible way to protect ourselves and our secret existence from the human world. We do not kill our own unless by self defense. The council of each clan must keep a list of any humans that had voluntarily been revealed the existence of vampires for various reasons such as: friendship, blood donor, lover. Any crimes committed towards one of our own must not be solved personally. They are to be brought before the Judges." and many more.
Bethany is very hard to read as her expression is generally neutral with only subtle divergence to notice when she's annoyed, angry or amused. Though her voice is deep and mellow, she often sounds cold and factual without any signs of empathy. When with friends, she's a great listener and advice giver, but she tends to rarely ask for help and will hide signs of pain or sadness, not wanting to bother anyone. The cases that she is mostly working on lately seem to be linked to a rebellious clan of vampires that don't want to follow vampiric laws. She suspects that their end goal is to reveal to the world the existence of vampires and take completely control over humanity, reducing humans to slaves.
Note: A little inspired by Supernatural (which I'd love to play her in that setting with someone playing Dean, but it's not an obligation), she is my most detailed creation in terms of the origins of her abilities. With her there is a variety of potential allies or enemies that we can come up together to make the story one interesting adventure.

Daughter of a supernatural hunter, she was born with abilities that had disappeared from her ancestry line at least 500 years ago. Her parents suspected the sudden appearance of these lost powers were because both of them were descendants of those with the abilities. Having an incredible capacity to learn new languages in such a short time, this 25 years old already has a career as translator for a big agency. Even though her father trained her to be able to defend herself against the supernatural that she might come across, he had kept her out of the hunting lifestyle for her safety. Keeping her abilities secret had been a bit of a struggle in terms of relationships, but she knew it was for the best that no one, even her best friends, should know about what she can do.

Celest's powers resided mostly in her blood. From her ancestor's journal, passed down through generations and in an ancient tongue only she seem capable of understanding, Celest had learned a lot about their blood power from their self-experimentation. Their healing factor were incredibly accelerated compared to a regular human, making them very hard to kill. Their blood could heal other people's wounds and diseases and if ingested, could act as a boost of a species' abilities temporarily. If humans were to have enhanced senses, speed, strength, imagine what it would do for a supernatural creature already powerful.

Not only was her blood enticing for blood drinking creatures if they were to smell it, the taste being a heavenly nectar like they've never experienced, it was also dangerous for humans to find out what it's capable of. She could end up in a lab somewhere, studied and having her blood used daily for saving too many lives than it should. It was a good, but scary thing that once it left her body, the power within her blood would be gone.

There were more secrets about her ancestors, kept in a hidden temple within the mountains somewhere in South America. Someday, she hoped to travel and find it.
Far from a typical 16 years old, she did not grow up knowing society or any social ethics yet. Being born in a laboratory, genetically engineered, trained to be a soldier among many others like her, Krysta is among the 100 that survived. Unlike most of them, she was always defiant, getting severely punished for disobedience and yet, it didn't stop her from trying to escape. Her training would have been complete if she had stayed to her 18th year of life, but she managed to find freedom beforehand. With the help of Eric, an employee that was trying to quit the company - something that is just simply not allowed to be - she and a few of her siblings finally managed to escape the facility and the island they were trapped to. Eric had the whole thing prepared and left on a boat with the small group of 11 teenagers. Chased by the organization, they finally arrived on the continent, the West coast of USA but ended up separating and fleeing in different directions.

Eric had Krysta follow him, seeing as she was the instigator of her siblings rebelling, he took her to hide in a rented apartment under a different name. From there on, they will be keeping a low profile, searching for her siblings and trying not to get caught by the organization. Eric has many contacts, fake IDs, plans to take down the entire organization, but first, he had to start by gathering her siblings and getting them and some allies to go back to the island to destroy the facility and prevent this army of genetically engineered soldiers from coming to term.

Was it known by the FBI? Was it some secret project backed by the government? Or was it an illegal project made to sell soldiers to different countries?
The X-3 of the X project seemed humanely wrong, but the X-2 phase had been what made Eric want to quit.
X-1 was volunteering men and women, soldiers or even not, to be trained and injected with something that would modify their DNA to give them certain animal properties. Night vision, super strength, enhances senses, all possibilities, but many lost their lives from complications.
X-2 was the most disgusting of all. Children under 11 years old were kidnapped from the country and then brainwashed and trained. They would forget their own names, their parents, memories completely blank from their past and the would become obedient spies that would work for the organization or their clients.
X-3 was engineered babies, trained to endure pain, to have no fear, to fight with their basic animal instincts.

Note: I don't want anyone to play her siblings nor Eric, as he's my support NPC, but someone that would end up involved in this problem whether they choose to or not.

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