Seeking Fully Literate Roleplayers


New Member
Mornin' Darlin's,

or to whichever greeting is appropriate to your respective time-zones...

I'm new to this site, but certainly not to Role Play. I enjoy plot and characterization above all, so I just have one question for you guys;

Do you want to develop your already existing OC, or develop a whole new one just for the thrill of it? Do you want responses and character reactions with depth and a drive for plot to help you further your understanding of said character? Looking for a fun adventurous topics like Pirates, Vikings, A Period Piece RP, S&M, a combination of such, or even something you've had in mind yourself? Well DAMN. You've come to the right place.

I want to Role Play with you, said person, who also wants more plot, more development, and more connection into the mind of your OC(s). What would YOUR character do in any given situation? Let's find out; I want to know all about it!

Just message me here, or on my

profile page, and we'll go from there. For now, here's and a sample of the kind of post you can expect from me (Generally 4-7 paragraphs, this is an introductory post for an RP):​

Note: Evric's character sheet

The man that danced around in front of him had made several critical mistakes this evening; He kept his thumb tucked in his fist for a punch that he’d stricken, aimed directly for the face. He’d broken his thumb on impact with Evric’s nose- another clear mistake. Never aim for the face. Face punches never really stop people, and you just trade damage for disorientation. A wry smirk fell upon Evric’s lips, taking in the disbelief on his opponent’s face. He’d been biding his time the whole night, tiring out his larger opponent, a man who struck with broad gesture and flimsy tactic.

Evric himself wasn’t one much for tactic, but in this fight, it had become all too clear that agility won over brawn. Now Evric stood at a menacing position. He was quicker, more alert, and much less injured than the man weaving pointless steps in front of him, making a sad attempt at intimidation. Sucking in a harsh breath, Evric felt a fractured rib shift, letting him know that the adrenaline high he had was slowly edging off with his guarantee of success in mind. Time to finish this up.

He stepped in for a series of quick jabs to the other slave’s ribs, striking low to make him double over. He saw the man lose his breath, timing it to grab the other by the gritty crown of his hair, and dragging the man’s head in a downward motion towards his upcoming knee, the impact resulting in a sickening crunch. The snarling crowd fell silent as the body hit the ground, the only sound coming from the ragged pull of Evric’s breath, leaving him in puffs of cold air in the middle of the frigid underground ring, before the bet holders that won that night broke out in a roar of approval. Just like that, it was over. Evric nearly let himself drop to his knees in exhaustion, before he was pulled from the pit and dragged off into the slaveholders’ back room. He bit his tongue at the abrasive contact, knowing in his mind that this night, it would be the last he would know of these men; he already had their bloodied faces pictured in his mind.

But they would have to wait.... the man who held his “papers” had made his way into the back room. Evric had heard the heavy fall of his footsteps down the hall. Usually he would smell his distinctive stench of cigarette butts and alcohol from far enough away, but with his nose broken from the fight, all he was getting has the repugnant scent of iron and sweat. Evric almost had to bite back a laugh, hiding his chipper mood under one of his generic scowls. He’d waited months for this; it was hard to hold onto his “master’s” favour, the man being barely tolerable, but through good favour he had loosened his holder’s grip. The sad excuse of a man sauntered in, pleased with this night’s display for the crowd. Tonight, he’d earned a lot of money, and had decided to celebrate with his prized possession.

“Come here boy,” He gestured as Evric peeled the bloodied strips of fabric from his knuckles, discarding the wrappings. He wanted to feel it in his bones when he wiped that smug look off the man’s face; the thought gave him shivers, an involuntary action that was misinterpreted. The goblin traced over a bruise that was forming around Evric’s left eye, smiling at it. The look he gave Evric after was truly something bile-worthy, but he had to stomach that down, too far ahead to back out of it now. They were completely alone back here, the false sense of security Evric had instilled in the man allowing for some leeway, the guards of the establishment attending to those elsewhere.

Evric met his gaze, advancing slowly until the two were in spitting distance, Evric ghosting light touches over the other man’s hip. “Did you like what I did out there? I did that for you,” He lied, drawing himself in closer, much to his master’s approval, “I could do that again... if that’s what you’d like?” He managed to utter, watching the man before him become more complacent to these more common, bolder advances. It was all a simple game that Evric had grown accustomed to; he knew the rules now, and he was more than willing to play by them if it meant he got what he wanted. Triumph filled him as he was pulled in for an unappealing kiss, responding appropriately to the body in front of him.

So close... Evric quietly guided them back farther in the room until he felt the backs of his calves touch the bench, spinning them without letting the other know he had secretly taken the lead of their actions. Sitting them down, Evric was finally able to catch his breath as the other broke away, reveling in the fact that he had his slave sitting in his lap. It was in this moment of weakness, this moment of hazy response that Evric took his chance.

An echoing smack hit the bench, Evric suddenly lurching forward and pinning the man underneath him, a guttural snarl sounding from the back of his throat. He grabbed the man by the throat, forcing him down with one hand as the unprepared slave owner flailed in response, unable to shout out with his windpipe being crushed. Evric drew back his stronger arm, sending it back down, all of his pent up rage and disdain towards this wretched man thrown into his blow. Repeatedly, Evric found his bare knuckles crashing against a progressively bludgeoned face, the concept of time lost on him as the body in front of him even stopped responding, and whatever he was punching now an unrecognizable mess of bone and flesh, pounded inwards.

Evric stopped, finally, his body trembling with an odd mix of empowerment and anxiety, a cold numbness washing over his strained muscles. He’d broken his hand. Not unexpected, considering, but not a great situation either. He almost fell backwards off of the torso he’d been straddling, a dizzy spell catching him as he attempted to get up abruptly. Evric stumbled backwards, catching himself on the wall next to the door, his hand fumbling on the knob. Deep breath.

Nearly bolting out the door, Evric slowed himself to a fast walking pace, heading down the hall towards the crowded entrances. Swiftly, he snagged a coat off of the back of someone’s chair, continuing unnoticed as he shrugged it on and pushed his way through the frenzied crowd, keeping his line of sight trained on the exit. It took all of the mental strength he could muster not to just up and run the moment he set foot in the parking lot, concerned that someone would recognize him. He slipped into the closest alleyway that wasn’t occupied by some random junkie or any by-passers, throwing up the second he heard nothing but silence around him. Wiping his mouth with a red-stained hand, Evric felt himself genuinely smile, a sick feeling festering in his gut after what he’d done, but he’d finally got out. “So long jerk,” He laughed quietly to himself as he stumbled forward, “I won’t be missin’ yah.”

(A moderate/long post, though I generally write out 3 paragraphs bare minimum.)

Note: Edited for censor
First: Welcome to RPN, hon. You look pretty good. But I'll tell you before the mods do.

This site is pg-13. So three problems. One - watch your cursing. Two - No sexual content. Three - I dunno. I just like the number three better than two. :P

But anyway. You look like you could bring some serious aspects to RPN, but just your intro violates some rules.
Well, the rules certainly have changed in the past four years- all these new sites and whatnot. Thanks for the warning sweetheart. I will edit my terrible signature too.
Oh yeah. Despite this limitation, this is a very good site though. I like the sig, by the way, but Ace, the site's owner and creator, might not appreciate it so much. x3
ninbinz said:
My, my. I am wholly happy to offer glad greetings. Welcome
Well hello to you too. 

Djinni said:
Oh yeah. Despite this limitation, this is a very good site though. I like the sig, by the way, but Ace, the site's owner and creator, might not appreciate it so much. x3
True. Was there a terms and conditions anywhere? I'd like to read up on that, especially if this is a PG13 site.
Yeah, I saw somewhere that violence/gore is fine but sexual content is a no-no. There should be a "Terms and Rules" link at the bottom right portion of your screen.
Nalakitty01 said:
Yeah, I saw somewhere that violence/gore is fine but sexual content is a no-no. There should be a "Terms and Rules" link at the bottom right portion of your screen.
See, that's just messed up. What does that say about our society? Engaging a minor in a sexual manner is yes, extremely wrong, but to say that violence is acceptable? It's like those video games that don't show the blood; you're teaching kids that if you hurt someone, or if you get hurt, that's not gonna happen. It's a huge factor in the media, that sexuality is evil, but violence is okay? Just plain nonsensical to me. Regardless, I shall abide by the rules, since that's what to do. Thank you though.
Most people here keep the violence to a low as a general rule of thumb, I know several people who hit down very hard when someone makes a particularly gory scene in their own RP's
Excellent, now- does anyone know how to delete/edit a poll? I'm a tad confused. 

ninbinz said:
Most people here keep the violence to a low as a general rule of thumb, I know several people who hit down very hard when someone makes a particularly gory scene in their own RP's
Easy enough to avoid. Just describe the action, rather than the result.
I haven't a clue, but I do recommend you drop into the shoutbox and introduce yourself there too, a number of us tend to linger there a lot, it's a good place to find like minded RPers too.
ninbinz said:
I haven't a clue, but I do recommend you drop into the shoutbox and introduce yourself there too, a number of us tend to linger there a lot, it's a good place to find like minded RPers too.
Thank you Sweetie. 
Alllrighty, now that all of that's cleared up, let's throw some ideas into the pot people.
I would love to roleplay with you! I love extremely long roleplays where characters devolop together, and although I'm not the best writer, I always try my hardest. You wont have to worry about one-liners with me. Just email me-eeffietrinekt@gmail.comand we'll take it from there. I don't want to break any rules here, but PG-13 roleplays are just too dull. ;) I do hope you're still open!

To answer your question, I would prefer to take an already existing OC and devolop it through roleplay. I like to mix up themes for my roleplays, one minute the roleplay will be angst, the next it will be horror, and the next it would be romance. My favorite themes are: Romance, Angst, Horror, Action.
Lindelz said:
I would love to roleplay with you! I love extremely long roleplays where characters devolop together, and although I'm not the best writer, I always try my hardest. You wont have to worry about one-liners with me. Just email me-eeffietrinekt@gmail.comand we'll take it from there. I don't want to break any rules here, but PG-13 roleplays are just too dull. ;) I do hope you're still open!
To answer your question, I would prefer to take an already existing OC and devolop it through roleplay. I like to mix up themes for my roleplays, one minute the roleplay will be angst, the next it will be horror, and the next it would be romance. My favorite themes are: Romance, Angst, Horror, Action.
Check your e-mail and we can head forward from there!
I would like to rp as well, actually. I'm nowhere near your level, it seems to me, but I'm far from a newbie, and am still good. About what Lindelz said, actually. I won't be posting novels, and not multi-paragraph as much as I'd like, but you know what they say. You want to be with best you have to play with the best. So if you don't mind significantly smaller and potentially inferior posts, I'm very game. :P If we could PM about it, that'd be great.
Djinni said:
I would like to rp as well, actually. I'm nowhere near your level, it seems to me, but I'm far from a newbie, and am still good. About what Lindelz said, actually. I won't be posting novels, and not multi-paragraph as much as I'd like, but you know what they say. You want to be with best you have to play with the best. So if you don't mind significantly smaller and potentially inferior posts, I'm very game. :P If we could PM about it, that'd be great.
Level has nothing to do with it- So long as you love to write, we're all here to either improve or explore our writing capabilities, so let's have at it! Don't worry about "keeping up" as some people call it- people get better at things over time, with both experience and knowledge. I'm just glad people are interested.

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