Seeking a literate roleplay partner (always open)!


Magic Eight Ball

The recruitment section.

No need to explain what I'm here for, eh? Anyway, hullo! I just joined this site on Sunday, and since I haven't been here for very long, I don't have any roleplays started. Can you see where this is going?

My main search here is to find people who are literate and can give multi-paragraph responses to my own multi-paragraph posts (which is usually a minimum of three paragraphs). I'm looking for something sort of simple (I'll include some pairings below). Romance would be nice. On that topic, I'd rather be the female role; I'm a girl, so it's easier to play, y'know? Oh, and I'm in the mood for MxF~

The only specifications I have are the following: have good grammar, spelling, and punctiation (including putting thoughts and speech in correct terms like italicizing thoughts and using "quotations" for speech), be able to post at least three decent paragraphs, and warning me if you're going to drop the roleplay/are getting bored. I understand if you have typos, by the way. It happens to all of us!

I suppose that's it for now. If I think of anything else, I'll probably edit it into this post. As I said before, I'll list some pairings below, but feel free to suggest your own; I'll do almost anything.

I hope I get some responses! c:

Pairings (the bolded being the part I wish to play, and the asterisks being the ones I'm craving the most):

Waitress x Customer**

Barista x Customer**

•Vampire x Human

Werewolf x Human

Alien x Human

Zombie Apocalypse Survivor x Zombie Apocalypse Survivor**

Angel x Human

•Demon x Human

Modern Fairytale Character x Modern Fairytale Character

Supernatural/Paranormal x Supernatural/Paramormal Hunter

•Royalty x Commoner

x Witness*
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Hi there! I've been RPing for about a year now, but I've been writing fiction since I was twelve. I'd love to do an RP with you! I am interested in these three,

Vampire x Human

Royalty x Commoner

Modern Fairytale Character x Modern Fairytale Character.

I am accustomed to playing both male and female roles, but I've played a lot of males lately. If you wouldn't mind playing the male role in an RP, that would be great. If not, I'm sorry!

Anyway, welcome to the site! I'm sure you'll receive many replies to this.
Hello there! I'm really interested in some of your prompts and I'd love to RP with you. I've been RP'ing for six or seven years now and have been writing fiction for over a decade and I really like your writing style. I can play both male and female, whichever doesn't suit you or whatever.

These are my favorite ideas:

Modern Fairytale Character x Modern Fairytale Character

Supernatural/Paranormal x Supernatural/Paramormal Hunter

Royalty x Commoner

Anyway, if you're interested I clearly am. xD (And us newbies have to stick together. Ish. Not really, but it's still fun to say.)
Hi if you're still accepting I'd really like to do maybe the Werewolf X Human one or the supernatural creatureXhunter

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