Seekers & Hunters (Actual RP)


Brownie Goddess
Welcome to the 21st century where humans walk around blind to the things around them, especially the dangerous things. Spirits roam the world with an iron fist even though humans cannot see them, they can be the cause of death for many of the living creatures. But everything has a weakness and the weakness of souls are Soul Hunters.

Soul Hunters may look like humans but the difference is that when they have to do their job there's always something completely different; they either have ears, a tail, different eye color, a tattoo that suddenly appears. Those who have both a tattoo and ears(or tail, eye color) are those with partners. Soul Hunters each have one partner, one of them is called a Hunter and the other is called a Seeker.

Hunters have the abilities to physically touch spirits and destroy them completely, Seekers are those with the ability to locate nearby spirits but the downfall is that the spirits are hungry for the blood of Seekers. If you are a Seeker without a Hunter then your life is in constant danger and you only have one ability to protect yourself while Hunters can have two and are stronger then Seekers.

Some Hunters and Seekers find their partners on their own while others have to go to the company of 'Death' in order to apply for a partner that fits you best.

So... which one are you? A Seeker or a Hunter? How are you going to survive in the world blind to humans and are you able to keep your secret safe?

We'll find out sooner or later... let's get the show on the road!

Character List:

@Karma200 as Kiara Masters & NinaMorex

@MaximTheColdHearted as Adrian Kail

@Angelic Infinity as Blake Density

@MafiaGrape as Rachelle Dollanganger & Cole Russo

@Zeyro as Charon

@Yin as Lore Yamatsu

@Nico as Xeon Grey

@Akihito as (Temporarily Blank)

Kiara sat in her office with a pout on her face, she had a meeting with a bunch of stuck up men who wanted to buy the business from her.

"As we were saying, this fashion designing thing you have going on is the #1 most popular around the world but are you sure a woman like you can handle it? We're offering you over 50 billion bucks and 20% of what we will be earning from the company... that should be enough for you right?" One out of 5 of the men in her office offered her with a look of annoyance; they've spent about 20 minutes trying to talk her into handing the company over to them.

Kiara looked at the men with an innocent tilt of her head, it was the first reaction they've gotten out of her since they've arrived, a hopeful look spread on their faces.

"Dull," She simply said, she wasn't one to actually speak much but when she did her sentences weren't always complete. They looked at her with a look of confusion that made Kiara's assistant put a hand on her forward and shake her head.

"Out, uglies," Kiara pointed toward the door of her office, if anything ruined Kiara's calm mood it was dull and boring things that didn't catch her attention.

Her eyes flinched a bit when they weren't looking, the top of her head burned where her ears usually were when she used a bit of her abilitiethere were spirits around and it was probably because of the seeker blood she forever carries with her.

"Hm... danger," Kiara mumbled under her breath before shrugging her shoulders and exiting her office to make her way home.

She was walking in a dark area with a calm and absolutely careless air around her, it didn't take long before the spirits she had sensed earlier cornered her.
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Flashing lights appeared from Lilian Blasely's bedroom.

"YEEHAW! I got em from behind!" She hooted with excitement. Lilian was playing her games as she usually did, playing mostly shooter games. It wasn't nearly as thrilling as it was in the military but it was still fun.

"Git sum suckers!" She shouted into her microphone. All the men in the game were bowing down to her since she was kicking their butts and also a *girl gamer* as kids call them these days. Lilian yawned and stretched her arms. She got up out of her chair and opened the blinds just a bit. The lights show through, nearly lighting the whole room.

"So bright. I'm a vampire." She said to herself. Lilian closed them and went to her fridge to get a bite to eat.

Nothing there.

"Blast, I guess I must show myself once again to the other beings." She joked as she glanced down at her clothing. Only her underwear. Living alone had its perks like being able to prance around with your underwear without anyone saying anything.

She put on some camo pants and a black sleeveless shirt that made her look like a anime soldier girl. Her tatooes finished the picture. Lilian smiled as she remember her unit had all gotten signature tattooes to celebrate their 7th year of being together.

Lilian put on her sneaker and grabbed her wallet from the counter and off she went to find groceries.
Acedian smiled as he slipped his black pea coat on and headed to the front door of his apartment. "Finally, my favorite part of the day." he said as he walked out into the crisp night air. Heading downtown on foot began to stalk through the alleys, his years of experience had tought him that the worst souls liked to congregate in the darkest of places. And though he loved hunting, he had not yet found a seeker to help him locate his prey.So he liked walking around at night in the hellish underworld of the big city hoping to stumble upon the souls of evil. He had just rounded off a street when he heard the terrified screams of a women, he could sense malicious souls nearby, "Got you bastards" he muttered as he took of running toward the direction of the screaming. His eyes slowly fading to the blood red, his hands turning into razor-sharp claws, the horns tearing through the skin on the top of his forehead. His speed increased dramatically and so he made it to where the screams were coming from almost instantly What he saw shot pangs of hatred through his body. Three demonic souls had a woman cornered against a wall in a dark alley. "wow shes beautiful" his mind lingered on the thought and then snapped out of it, mad at himself for even thinking such things at a time like this. He sprinted so fast to behind the soul in the middle he was hardly visible to human eye. He grabbed the monster by the throat and sunk his claws into the front of the souls esophagus banishing it instantly it turned to dust and dropped from his hand. He ducked under the fist of one of the other spirits and came up with a claw straight to its heart piercing through and destroying him. He spun around and was knocked back into a brick wal, hitting his head extremely hard he fought for consciousness, he tried to stand as the soul rushed toward him, the souls mouth was wide open showing rows of razor sharp teeth. "Oh no" Adrian thought to himself "I might be in some trouble." But before he could finish the shot and enormous wolf lunged from behind the soul clamping its powerful jaws down on its shoulder. The spirit wailed in agony, "Just what I needed" Adrian thought as he hurled himself towards the soul, grabbing its head and ripping it off with sheer strength defeating the last of the souls he transformed back into his almost human form as he watched the wolf slowly for back into the girl he had just saved. "Your.. I mean.. you can see them... what.. are you?" he stammered, always getting tongue tied around girls he thinks are extremely attractive.
The sound of the phone ringing was the first thing Lore heard as she slowly surfaced to consciousness.

“Urhgn….” She groaned half-lucidly. She shifted and buried her face deeper into the covers, in an attempt to ignore it, not ready to relinquish her hold on the dream world just yet. And it worked, after all, the sound wasn’t nearly as shrill from beneath the bedding and if she just let it drift to the edge of her attention it sort of lulled her back to sleep. A few minutes later the beeping ceased and she hummed contentedly. That was better. A nice silent haven for her to recoup and recover all of those annoying hours of her life she lost playing hostess to harebrained fools. It was perfect.

Until the caller called back.

Eyes a molten mix of gold and silver flashed open and the twenty-two year old heaved the covers off of her form in a violent swing of her arm. “Alright damnit, I’m up!” she snarled, a dangerous spark appearing in her gaze. With more coordination than most would have after just being woken up, Lore headed down the spiral metal stair-case of her to get to the main area of her loft apartment.

A loud tone echoed around the room and her eyes locked on the phone stationed on the side table next to the couch. The culprit.

Fingers twitching in annoyance, she padded over to it, her usually peppy demeanor nowhere to be seen what with the sudden wakeup call. She had shut her alarm off for a reason; it was her day off, and if she wanted to sleep the entire night and day she could!

“Better have a good reason for calling…” she muttered, eyeing the caller I.D.


Her nose scrunched up slightly and her eyes flickered to the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was night time, and Dane never called in the hours from dusk till dawn unless it was game day because of his job. Which it wasn’t. Curious and curiouser. Fury fading a little she picked up the phone and accepted the call.

“I’m in the middle of a napping session, brother-dearest.” She prodded, only a quarter of her usual playfulness lacing her tone.

Is that the tone you use to greet everyone who calls?”

She clucked her tongue against her teeth, eyes focused on the city lights through the window. “Everyone who wakes me up.” She replied.

A rough chuckle crackled through the line. “Well hopefully you’ll forgive me after I tell you what the calls about.” He said. “There’s a game tonight, high-stakes, lot of cocky bastards playing too.”

Interest flared in her eyes and she tore her attention from the city sights to focus more completely on him, spinning on her heal to face her door. “Game?”


A Cheshire Cat smile curved her lips. “Give me twenty minutes.”

At fifteen minutes she was trotting down the stairs again, a bounce in her steps that hadn’t been there her previous trip down to her living room. She slipped on her jacket last minute and headed out the door.

Pale fingers twirled silver keys mischievously.

It was going to be a fun night.
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Kiara tilted her head a bit at the man without a single look of fear from what happened on her face, she was calm like usual but was starring at the man carefully.

"Mmm... Seeker... you are Hunter," It wasn't a question as she could tell he was neither a human nor Seeker, obviously. Something tickled Kiara's head and she couldn't help but place her hands on top of her head to feel the soft wolf ears she got whenever she used her Seeking abilities or turned into a wolf, she was busy rubbing her ears with a look of slight interest before remembering the guy that had helped her.

"Prize... food?" Kiara offered him in her half-finished sentence before grabbing the man's arm and pulling him with her to where her home was, she believed that since the man had went out of his way to help her she should at least give him a meal.
"I get a prize?" Adrian said smiling as he was lead away by this beautiful stranger. "And it's food? We both must be having a lucky night." Never having had parents or anyone else for that matter he had never really cooked, his meals usually consisting of fast food or frozen dinners. "Wait" he said stopping and turning her around to face him. "May I ask your name?"
"But Boss, the other gang stole the weapons! We woke up this morning and half of the guns were missing!" A young man dressed in a suit sat shaking in a small cushioned chair. Across from him was his boss. She'd called him in for a meeting.

Rachella sat slumped in her gigantic leather swivel chair, her feet kicked up on her desk and crossed over one another. She casually picked at her long nails, barely listening to the plea of the young man in her office.

"Uh huh..." She replied with empty interest as she bit some of the dead skin off her bottom lip. "I see..."

"Please, Boss! Ya gotta believe me!" Pleaded the man, feeling that her failure to pay close attention was a result of her anger. Rachella continued to examine her nails. She noticed a small hangnail on her left middle finger and peered closely at it. "Oh hello..." She muttered, before proceeding to bite it clean off. The timid man sitting across from her cringed a little. That had to have stung a bit.

Shaking off her hand, the female Boss averted her attention to her company, a very flat expression etched into her features. "So tell me...did you get footage?"

The male shook his head rapidly. "No, ma'am! The camera wires were cut prior to the theft!" He claimed. Rachella averted her eyes up to the ceiling. "I see...what did you say was missing?"

"U-uh...mostly the new machine guns."

"Drat." She leaned her head back into the squeaky leather of her chair and exhaled a quiet breath. "What a shame." She didn't sound too upset about it though. She was relatively deep in thought.

"It is, Boss. It is...what do you say we do?" Questioned the man. Rachella failed to answer immediately. She began to click her tongue as she bobbed her head in thought. "Well. They took weapons from us. So we take money from them," she finally replied. There was another moment of silence before her company shot her a questioning look.

"I...I don't understand, Boss. Why not just steal the guns back?"

"Because. Why steal back the old when you can steal cash and get new?""

The man was silent for yet another moment. "...but those guns were brand new!"

"Yes. They were. But. If we steal money, then we can by even BETTER guns than those. And it'd be like those hellions paid...with interest of course." She removed her feet from her desk and sat up straight, crossing her arms over her blazer-covered chest and smirking her usual wry smirk as she said this. The man finally understood what she wad getting at and hastily nodded in agreement.

"Go inform the others. I have a photo-shoot in an hour," she waved him out sternly. " Cole in here while you're at that," she added, the sternness in her voice being replaced with a dreamy tone. Her company didn't seem to notice as he scurried out of the office.

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