Seeing the Untouchables (Captain Caramel & Happy Crane13)

Emily heard Leo calling her name and managed to slip out of the crowd to join him out of the way. "Hey, I hope your English class went well," she said with a smile. She hadn't noticed how cold it was until she left the throng of warm bodies, a shiver made her quickly zip up the light blue windbreaker she wore. "Let's get outta here, it's too cold to be outside."
They walked on the sidewalks in silence. Their footsteps clicked on the pavements as the wind sang songs, its lyrics foreign the human ears. They trudged on for a few more minutes until Moonleaf''s sign appeared in the distance. "There it is," He said, gesturing towards the structure with his hand. "C'mon, I want you to taste their Peppermint Milk tea." He said as he grabbed her hand and they broke off into a jog.

They slowed down as the steps came into view. Leo peeked into the large glass window and found the teahouse almost empty. "Great," He said, smiling. "Let's go."
'Peppermint Milk tea?' Emily repeated to herself. It sounded strange, but also potentially tasty. She didn't often drink tea, but absolutely loved milk, and peppermint was one of her favorite candy flavors. Then, Leo grabbed her hand and they started running. This ended up endowing a benefit beyond reaching their destination sooner; the short jog just down the street had begun to warm up the chilly kids.

Emily gladly entered the warm building with Leo. Inside, there were few guests having even fewer, muted conversations. It had a quiet, comfortable atmosphere.
Leo walked towards the counter where the cashier greeted him with a smile. "Two peppermint milk teas please!" Leo said a little too enthusiastically.

"Name?" The cashier asked as she grabbed her pen.

"Leo and Emily." He replied almost immediately.

The cashier shot him a startled look but took the money without hesitation. Leo turned around, smiling. "How 'bout there?" He asked, gesturing towards the booth by the corner where a bulletin board hung on the wall filled with post-its filled with doodle and scribbles made by the customers.

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