Seeing the Untouchables (Captain Caramel & Happy Crane13)

Seeing The Untouchables

A Roleplay between Captain Caramel and Happy Crane13

Player: Captain Caramel

Name: Emily Harrison

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Power: Dreamwalking - entering and manipulating the dreams of others

Personality: Haunted by the bad dreams of anyone near her, Emily is quiet, reclusive, and fearful. On the other hand, she is diligent and always tries her hardest at the task at hand.

Background: Emily grew up with a single father, due to her mother dying in a car accident when she was two years old. Her father never fully recovered from the trauma, and somewhat withdrew from everyone around him. Emily grew up seeing the event happen often in his nightmares, and she too became quiet and reclusive. As she aged, she gained bits of understanding of her powers and is trying to learn to control them. At the same time, she is trying to reach out and make connections with other people.



Her eyes are greenish-hazel, and she doesn't wear makeup. Generally she wears jeans with a variety of tops, from nice blouses to plain t-shirts.

Player: Happy Crane13

Name: Leonard "Leo" Monroe

Age: 17

Grade: 11

Power: Ability to see fragments of other people's memories. However, he has very little control over it and it could happen anytime at any moment.

Personality: Leo appears friendly and open to other people, but he is actually secretive and doesn't give away things too easily. Due to his strange ability, he often finds himself in solitude, but nonetheless tries to reach out to other people without letting his ability get in the way.

Background: Leo was born into a rich family, but his parents were often not there for him. He'd find himself being alone in his house almost always and his achievements disperse into far-off memories. When he was 11 something strange happened, while attending one of his parents' annual auction parties, he found himself blacking out in the middle of the party. Just standing there, looking out into the distance; his eyes clouded with nothingness. He saw his mother's memory of her having a secret affair with his father's co-worker. Confused and terrified, he set himself out to find out the truth and the truth was revealed. His father found about it months later and found himself motherless. A feeling quite worse than just being alone.

History class was one of Emily's least favorites; it seemed to bore the other students and would often send them off to sleep. This was terrifying for the high-school girl, for she could travel into dreams. More accurately, she would get pulled into dreams against her will if someone was sleeping nearby. Today was an especially bad day, for Emily hadn't gotten much sleep the night before – her father was having the nightmare about her mother's death – and was starting to doze off herself. She vigorously took notes, trying to keep herself awake.

CRACK! Emily's head hit the desk loudly. Mrs. Davidson halted mid-sentence to rush over to her. "Emily? Are you okay?" she asked, touching the girl on her shoulder.

The touch pulled her out of dream she had been caught in – the boy by the window had dreamed of being caught in a gust of wind and was plummeting down to the courtyard below, pulling Emily, who had appeared just as he started to fall, with him. Sitting up slowly, the tired girl put a hand to her forehead. "Uh…"

"Oh, you're so pale! You must've passed out," Mrs. Davidson assumed, "You should go to the clinic and have them make sure you're alright." The teacher took a look around the room before her eyes settled on one boy. "Leo, would you please escort Emily and make sure she gets there safely?"
Leo was busy receiving and passing notes to the others, while trying to get a peek at them. History class was such a bore and it was such a struggle just trying to stay awake, so when Mrs. Davidson, the teacher with wild curls and cat-eye glasses, called her and asks her to escort the silent Emily to the clinic he instantly agreed with the suggestion. He tried to hide the smile forming his face, but it just coming, so by the time he took Emily's hand he was already grinning at her. "Let's go." He said, almost a little too excited, which earned him a sideways glance from Mrs. Davidson.

"I expect you to come back immediately, Mister Monroe." She announced sternly. Students looked at them, some snickered, and it made Leo cringe.

"Yes, Ma'am." He replied as he helped Emily out of her seat. They both went out of the classroom and whirled around to look at Emily. "Well, you don't look good." He said.
Leo seemed excited for the chance to leave the classroom, smiling as he took Emily's hand. But the girl did not smile back. Her heart was still racing from the brief nightmare she had experienced. Really, falling was a common terror, and though Emily had become somewhat used to it by now, she felt the emotions of the dreamer rather than her own, which made it just as scary, every time.

Before she realized it, they were outside the classroom and Leo was facing her and remarking on her condition. Putting her free hand to her forehead, Emily felt a bump growing. "Well, I have a massive headache," she said lightly. Though Leo seemed friendly with their other classmates, they had never talked, so she was a little hesitant.
"A headache, huh?" He repeated as he tried to catch a glance at Emily's green eyes. "Don't worry, the nurse'll fix you up nice and fast." He said reassuringly as he trudged on down into the silent and deserted hallway. They both walked in silence, their footsteps making an abstract rhythm, when the clicking starts to fade out, like a song starting to end. His vision began to blur and he stopped walking, afraid that he might fall if he keeps on moving. He knew where this was going, he just hoped that Emily doesn't freak out when Adam stops and stand still as the statue of the school's founder in front of the school. The worlds faded into black.

He felt his stomach churn as he plummeted down into the courtyard, whoever had this memory they must be already dead. He couldn't scream and his body moved all on its own, flailing and twisting in every direction. And just before he touched the ground a hand placed itself on his shoulder. Leo knew the hand wasn't hot, but from all the adrenaline he got, he thought it was scalding and he could feel numbness. He sat up and found himself back in the classroom just a few minutes ago before he walked out of the room. Then, he slowly realized that this was Emily's memory.

He snapped back into reality and he met Emily's green eyes, finally. He could feel beads of sweat forming on his forehead and his heart thumped and thumped in a rapid succession. He was panting, his chest heaved up and down, as he tried to gather himself and push away the crawling questions inside his head. He tore his gaze away from Emily. Why was Emily falling down into a courtyard, wouldn't she have already died, or at least fatally injured? Why did she find herself sitting up back in the classroom when she was almost inches away from her death?

He could still feel his stomach churning and the mistakenly thought searing touch of her seatmate on her shoulder as he forced a smile and started walking again.
While leading her through the halls, Leo suddenly stopped short. Without any explanation, he froze with a blank look on his face. "Um... are you okay?" Emily inquired, waving a hand in front of his face. The boy was unresponsive. "Is something wrong?" the girl asked, slightly disturbed; she was different than other people, so the unknown was less scary to her than it would be to others. If something about this boy was abnormal, then it would just mean Emily wasn't alone!

After a few moments, Leo seemed to come back, as if he had been removed from his body temporarily. As he met her eyes, Emily noticed he was panting and sweating, but before she could say anything, he looked away and started walking again. The estranged girl knew a false smile when she saw one, "Um, Leo, are you alright?" If he was anything like herself, Emily was sure he would keep quiet and shrug it off, the same way she had done only a few minutes before with the teacher. But it was worth asking - she had to know if there was a possibility he was different like her.
A silent rush of anger swelled up inside. Why is she asking about this? He turned around, his eyebrows furrowed, jaws clenched and ready to snap at her, but the look in her eyes stopped him he knew what it was.


His anger dissipated and looked at her, searching for something in her eyes. A hint of some sort. What is she hopeful about? Is she different like me? He asked himself and instantly dismissed the thought, realizing how ridiculous it is. He managed a smile and nodded. "Yep, I'm alright." He said reassuringly. "Now let't get you to the nurse's office before you faint, and I'll have to carry you." He added teasingly and kept walking again, praying that that blackout wouldn't happen again.

Still, he couldn't get the look in Emily's eyes. How it looked hopeful about everything, how it seemed to pull him out of time. Somehow, a part of him wished, hoped, that Emily was different too, that she was just like him, that he wasn't alone. He shook the thought away, thinking how selfish he sounded just now.
In response to Emily's concern, Leo seemed angry for a moment before he brushed it off nonchalantly. Emily blushed as he teased her about potentially carrying her - it was embarrassing enough they had held hands until she let go when he had stopped suddenly. Taking a calming breath to cool the blood rising to her cheeks, Emily walked with Leo the rest of the way to the nurse's office uneventfully.

Once there, Emily explained what had "happened", and the nurse checked her blood pressure and blood sugar level to pinpoint the reason. Finding nothing wrong with her, she made Emily sit on one of the beds and hold an ice pack to her forehead to keep it from swelling.
He looked outside the window where a patch of empty land, usually filled with students when it's free, was silent, save for the occasional rustle of the wind through the trees and the sounds of a speeding car passing by. The sun cast sunbeams through the trees and dappled the grassy ground with patches of golden light while the occasional darting birds would pass through, giving the patch of light a blurry silhouette for a fraction of a second. Leo wasn't new to the position of being inside as he watches the outside world turn and turn. He's always been in his room, in days like this, as he would look out to the window and watch the children play. He'd make occasional friends, but he knew that in due time, that friend would get caught up in the outside world too and leave him. His parents always hid him, away from people, away from the light, way from everything. He couldn't blame them, though, ever since he was a child he'd started getting fragments of other people's memories. He'd cry out of nowhere or scream and would find himself narrating what he saw. When he looks up he'd always see that strange look his mother and father gave to each other, a silent conversation, a sad and terrified one. He now knew whose memories were those.

He turned around to look at Emily with an ice pack on her forehead. "Tell me why you have that?" He asked as he pointed towards the ice pack. "Oh. Oh right, you hit your head on the desk." He stifled a laugh and bit his lip, but he laughed aloud anyway.
A slight scowl touched Emily's face as Leo teased her again. It was quickly replaced by a small smile, "Let me tell you a secret," Emily said softly, leaving forward. She waited until Leo got closer before continuing, "I didn't pass out. I fell asleep. My dad was having nightmares last night so I didn't get much sleep..." - Emily realized where she was unintentionally going and changed direction - "And you know how Mrs. Davidson can drone on in that monotone when she gets going... It's just terribly hard to stay awake!" Perhaps he would tell the teacher and perhaps she would get in trouble, but Emily somehow felt that it was okay to tell Leo. Maybe because of his obvious relief at being able to leave the classroom. Maybe because of his lighthearted joking. She thought he might be amused by her partial truth.
Leo scooted closer to her, close enough to smell her faint perfume. "Well you know her," He replied nonchalantly. "She's basically a breathing zombie." He finished with a dismissive wave of his hand.

For some reason, Leo felt comfortable talking to her. No forced laughs, no forced anything. It seems like their conversations just keep on flowing, like they've been friends for years and Leo has learned Emily's conversational patterns. He smiled at her. "So why is it that you didn't get much sleep because of your father's nightmares?" He asked, hoping not to sound intrusive. "I mean, he doesn't thrash and scream in his sleep, does he?"
Emily laughed at Leo's description of their teacher; it was the first natural laugh she had in a long time. It felt good, a surprisingly relaxing sensation. Though she knew Leo was supposed to return to class after delivering her, Emily was glad he was staying to talk to her. That is, until she had to begin lying. "Ah, no, he just gets up and moves around the house. I'm a light sleeper, so once he starts making noise I can't sleep."
"Oh. Well that's unfortunate." He didn't press on; something in Emily's tone made him stop. A small amount, just a drop, of disappointment welled up inside him. Just nightmares and light sleepers. I would've known. He told himself. They both went silent for a few moments before Leo said, "Okay, since I asked questions and you answered them, it's your turn." He suggested, shooting her a casual smile.
Thankfully, Leo seemed to accept Emily's explanation for her lack of sleep. When he offered to answer a question of hers, she wondered if he was willing to answer anything. Testing the waters, she asked with a tentative joke, "So I pass out in class- and you pass out while walking. Does that happen often?" Maybe if she gave an explanation for his strange stop, he might correct her. But she remembered the brief flash of anger when she had asked before a moment too late, and prayed he wouldn't be angry. She enjoyed talking to him, and didn't want to alienate him.
Leo stiffened, he didn't move for a moment, clenching his jaws and shaking his brain for answers. "Uh... Uh.." He stammered, cursing himself at the same time. "Pass out? I don't remember falling on the ground." He said, trying to wrestles the flinching tone of liar away. He manage a smile, but it was shaky and forced, the muscles on his face seemed to hurt.

"You must have been imagining things." He suggested, and waved his hand dismissively.
Emily knew he was lying. He froze, gathering an answer, and stammered as he tried to avoid a straightforward answer. But the girl recognized his intensity, which likely correlated with the secrecy of the act in question. For all she knew, he could have some sort of debilitating disease or condition he was trying to hide. Knowing that she shouldn't have pried, she couldn't help but tell him "You're a terrible liar, but I won't ask anymore. I'm sorry for prying."
Adam chuckled nervously. "Me? Lie? To you?" He asked, unconsciously sounding defensive. "And you weren't prying. I gave you the permission to ask remember?" He added immediately in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Would it be wrong if we go back to the classroom, one minute before it ends?" He asked, after a few moments. he let himself lie down on the bed, staring into the dusty white ceiling. "D'you think the zombie would go berserk or just shoot us a glare that says: "Soon, Leo and Emily. Soon."? I mean, she would give us-- me detention, but I don't know--" He stopped, hesitation crept up inside him,

"I don't know... Alright. If I don't get captured by the zombie once we leave the clinic, would you like to hang out with me after school?" He asked as he sat, a nervous smile played on his lips. And for one moment, he felt hopeful too, like how Emily looked like in the hallway. Hope. That was enough for Leo to have courage,
Emily laughed at Leo's suggestion to return to class right before it ended. As he lay in the bed next to where she was sitting, she realized they were both more comfortable with each other than she would expect in such a short time. Leo confined speaking with a bit of hesitation, followed by hope as he asked his final question. "How about this," she started, looking down at the figure lying next to her with a smile, "I'll hang out with you after school even if you're in detention."
Leo couldn't stop the huge grin and hint of red on his cheeks to appear. "Uh... Cool!" He exclaimed. "Uh..." He doesn't know why he's stuttering, but he sure felt awesome. "Miilkshakes?" He asked.

Leo watched Emily with estranged awe, like she was a star that fell from the sky. She was different, she made Leo feel different. He could feel the room getting hotter, although it wasn't even that warm today and he felt his stomach churning, like he's riding on a roller coaster. He could feel the energy rushing through his veins, like he's been zapped by electricity. He couldn't keep the grin off his face, even if it made his whole face ache.
"Milkshakes sound yummy," she replied. Noticing Leo's blush made Emily's own worse. She pulled the ice pack from her forehead and dropped it on the boy's face. "You look hot, have this to cool down," she joked lightly while trying to calm down and reduce blood flow to her face. Mostly a loner, Emily found she really enjoyed Leo's company. He seemed genuine. Emily prayed he would never find out about her strange power; she had lost every friend that discovered it previously.
Cold ice hit his face. It wasn't less relieving than just sitting there with a blush on his face, but he still laughed. "Well that fixes the problem." He stated as he placed the ice pack down,

He opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off when the bell rang. "Well, there goes my plan of showing up to class minute before it ends." He announced. "What's your next class?" He asked, praying for the time slow down, so he'd have as much chanced as he could get to be with Emily.
"I've got math next," Emily said, scrunching up her nose a bit to show her dislike for the subject.

The nurse walked over and picked up the ice pack and interrupting their conversation, "Come on, if you are this chatty, you're good enough to go to your next class. Now shoo!"

Emily stood, offering her hand to help Leo stand up, "What do you have next?"
"English," He replied as he accepted the offer. "I really don't mind going to class late, Mister Richardson barely cares." He stated as they stepped away from the clinic. The hallways were, yet again, empty, save for the occasional darting student, hurrying up to their next class. "I can walk with you to your room, if it's okay." He offered, feeling compelled to get as much time with her as possible.
"No, I can't make you late!" Emily declined fervently. As much as she enjoyed talking to Leo, she really didn't want to get him in trouble. Well, any more trouble than he was already likely in due to skipping the end of history class. "I'll meet you by the first tree on the left outside the front doors," she told him, hurrying off to her own class and making it just barely on time.

After class, Emily stopped by her locker to retrieve her backpack and store the folders and books she didn't need for homework. Then she fought her way through the crowd of students fleeing the building to make it to the first tree on the left.
Leo stood by the first tree on the left just as one would go out the school front doors. The winds seeped through his black cardigan, snipping at his skin. He blew into his palms and rubbed it on his arms whilst students started to file out of the doors.He bent down to gather his backpack and scanned the crows for Emily.

"Emily!" Leo called out as he waved at the crowd, earning him a few glances. "Right here!" He grinned and found himself chuckling. He wanted to bring her to this new place called Moonleaf where they served iced milk tea, and even though it's quite unfitting for such cold conditions, the sweetness always seemed to brighten Leo up.

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