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Realistic or Modern ⠀⠀⠀ ◞ ◢ SEE YOU IN HELL. /// ˟ 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐬

Vinegar Bees

flowers & teeth.



Welcome to the application thread for SEE YOU IN HELL! There is going to be a simple application process for this roleplay. If you would like to join the roleplay, please fill out an application using the info provided in this thread and post it here. I will provide a coded version of the application, but please note that you do not need to use the coded version of the application and are more than welcome to submit a plain text version. I know coding can be very daunting for many people (I would know; I'm one of them!), and I don't want coding to be an obstacle that precludes anyone from joining the story. All are welcome here!

Please click
for the coded version of the application. If you do not want to use the coded version, please simply make sure to include this information in your application:

NAME: your character's first and last name
RACE: your character's race (i.e. human, demon, angel, etc.)
PRONOUNS: your character's preferred pronouns
AGE: your character's age
HEIGHT: your character's height
THEME SONG: a song that fits your character, or their favorite song (OPTIONAL—this is just for fun! I love learning about characters through songs associated with them).

Please include a short blurb about your character. You don't need to get too detailed; just give a brief overview or snapshot of what you feel is the most important info about your character. Basically, 'pitch' or describe your character in a nutshell. If your character has any supernatural abilities, please include them here.

And last, if you are using images for your character (not required), please include either any image themselves or links to the images. Please stick to using illustrated (anime/semi-realistic/etc.) images.

After you post your app, I will reach out to you with any questions I might have, and I will react to your app once it is accepted. I hope you'll consider joining!

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application incoming !
Maylee Song.
five feet & two inches

A human, yes, but not easy prey. Maylee has been well aware of the supernatural from an early age—too early, some may say. Monsters under the bed and in the closet became more than just fantasies—they were realities to be fought against. Fantasies, after all, couldn't take away people she cared about. While other children tripped and skinned their knees, she learned how to dress slash and bite wounds. Her dolls were traded in for weapons clutched in small, shaking fingers.

She has no special powers. Why would she? She is, after all, nothing more than a weak little human. What she does have, though, is a tenacity that very well may be the death of her. Oh, and a mysterious old knife that can pierce a demon's heart. If nothing else, her mother gave her the tools to fight back.

Her "day job" is a delivery girl at a local flower shop. A young woman biking around town with a bouquet of flowers in the front basket isn't exactly the intimidating image she'd like to project, but hunting demons doesn't have an hourly wage, and landlords don't care if you spend your nights as an unseen protector of humanity.

She has a passion for ballet that spurred her to enroll in some classes at the local community college, but actually making it to class is often easier said than done. Still, the agility and flexibility of a dancer come in handy when battling demons. She can't expect her human strength to hold a candle to a demon's, but killing her becomes more complicated when demons realize they have to catch her first.

Guarded and fiercely determined on the surface, Maylee in reality nurses a heart that is soft and vulnerable, one that has scabbed over and bled a few too many times. Her drive to fight for humans who can't fight for themselves comes not from undaunted courage—as much as she endeavors to hide it, she battles fear as regularly as she faces off against the unholy—but from a sense of compassion, a bleeding heart for those who are weak and scared like she once was. Perhaps in an effort to become the hero she wishes she had, Maylee has appointed herself something of a guardian for humanity. She can't count on angels to do it, after all—she doesn't believe in them.


A human, yes, but not easy prey. Maylee has been well aware of the supernatural from an early age—too early, some may say. Monsters under the bed and in the closet became more than just fantasies—they were realities to be fought against. Fantasies, after all, couldn't take away people she cared about. While other children tripped and skinned their knees, she learned how to dress slash and bite wounds. Her dolls were traded in for weapons clutched in small, shaking fingers.

She has no special powers. Why would she? She is, after all, nothing more than a weak little human. What she does have, though, is a tenacity that very well may be the death of her. Oh, and a mysterious old knife that can pierce a demon's heart. If nothing else, her mother gave her the tools to fight back.

Her "day job" is a delivery girl at a local flower shop. A young woman biking around town with a bouquet of flowers in the front basket isn't exactly the intimidating image she'd like to project, but hunting demons doesn't have an hourly wage, and landlords don't care if you spend your nights as an unseen protector of humanity.

She has a passion for ballet that spurred her to enroll in some classes at the local community college, but actually making it to class is often easier said than done. Still, the agility and flexibility of a dancer come in handy when battling demons. She can't expect her human strength to hold a candle to a demon's, but killing her becomes more complicated when demons realize they have to catch her first.

Guarded and fiercely determined on the surface, Maylee in reality nurses a heart that is soft and vulnerable, one that has scabbed over and bled a few too many times. Her drive to fight for humans who can't fight for themselves comes not from undaunted courage—as much as she endeavors to hide it, she battles fear as regularly as she faces off against the unholy—but from a sense of compassion, a bleeding heart for those who are weak and scared like she once was. Perhaps in an effort to become the hero she wishes she had, Maylee has appointed herself something of a guardian for humanity. She can't count on angels to do it, after all—she doesn't believe in them.

Viktor Ivanov
Vi, Vicky, Ivanov
Appears to be 29

A demon of great power, Viktor is one of the greedy ones, hoarding souls that'd be more than enough to feed at least three others for decades.

Viktor is a fairly charming man, most mistake him for being some kind of incubus, he's highly intelligent and manipulative.

Viktor is said to have been alive for at least 3 centuries, but the exact date is highly unknown. He is no more than a millennium old though.

The thing he disguises himself as is a bodyguard to the spoiled brat to a guy who sold his soul to Viktor for help to fame.

The special ability he has is that of blood lust he calls it, he has a natural urge for blood, rather it's from animals or humans, it doesn't matter as long as the creature is a mammal. It grants him a temporarily increase to his health and endurance, making him harder to kill.

Positive Traits
Intelligent: Viktor values his pride above all else, he's skilled in both the fields of medicine and strategy. For the longest while he was a unbeatable commander of a army
Brave: Aries is one of them bravest souls out there, he'd more then willingly sacrifice himself in a battle if it meant getting others out alive, even if they're lower ranks then him
Loyal: Viktor's loyalty is very hard to gain, but once you do, you best believe he'd more then willingly kill for you, hey, if it means he gets in trouble but you get revenge he doesn't really care what happens to him
Caring: He doesn't show it much, but deep down he cares, a lot more then he lets on.
Negative Traits
Ruthless: Viktor is ruthless in a battle, so much so even a few demons are scared of l him, even to humans he's not typically considered a good guy since he will not hesitant to kill if somebody's irritated him enough
Cold: Viktor would rather die then let anyone inside his feelings or thoughts. He's been though too much to let anyone inside. He has a tendency to fake emotions to blend in with humans more
Aggressive: Even to those he cares about Viktor can accidentally act aggressively, he can get quite terrifying, especially if he's disrespected by someone he considers lesser then him
Prideful: the sin of pride is a common one, and Viktor is no exception, his need for control or his pride in his intelligence could be used against him
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.... I am weak

NAME: Ketna Morass
RACE: Demon
PRONOUNS: She / Her | They / Them
AGE: 187 years is the best estimate
HEIGHT: 5'3"
THEME SONG: Tossup between Saints and Lullaby, I think

Small, frail, and practically sickly in appearance due to being locked away for decades by a more powerful demon, Ketna is a primarily silent being drowning in oversized clothes and cardigans. Patches of mushrooms and moss grow upon their shoulders, back, arms, and legs. Corkscrew-like black horns grow from her temples and arch vaguely downward while grey eyes with dark sclera peer out from a gaunt, sharp-featured, face. Due to years kept in darkness, her skin is a very pale teak coloring. Lastly, ash-dark hair falls from their head in messy, unkempt waves to end at their lower back.

"Force-fed" contracted souls during captivity to determine the extent of her abilities, Ketna's talents lie more in the vein of intricate--almost hallucinogenic--illusions. But it's also led to her own uncertainty of reality versus fiction. To help keep herself grounded, she utilizes an aged wooden staff. More specifically, they fidget with the various enchanted trinkets attached to it. As a bonus, the staff helps her walk on the days her legs are unable to adequately hold her weight on their own.

Detached from the world--even Hell--for the majority of her life, Ketna comes across as very aloof. And she stares a lot. She spends much of her time simply drifting from one location to another, absorbing everything with her senses. Sunlight is still painful to fully be out in, though. Someday though. Someday....

NAME: Razathna Atman
RACE: Angel - Collector
PRONOUNS: They / Them
AGE: Physically 30s; chronologically several hundred
HEIGHT: 6'3"
THEME SONG: Option A or Option B

Tall, broad, and possessing warm russet colored skin, Razathna regularly dresses sharply in fitted suits and long coats typically in black and red. Their long black hair is most often kept in a variety of braided styles with faint streaks of white peppering through. Stormy gray eyes peer from their stern visage, a jagged scar cutting down through their left eye and veering across their cheek. To complete the look, massive dark feathered wings grow at Razathna's back, not unlike a crow.

A broody sort, Razathna's time and energy is dedicated to shepherding souls at the time of their death. Whether to Heaven or Hell, it matters not. Aiding them in this task is their broadsword, Atropos, used to both send a soul off to its judgement or fend off against an enemy. Admittedly, however, they view the relationship between demon, human, and angel much more neutrally. There is a balance to the world, and they are inclined to see it maintained.
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NAME: Filch Vegas
RACE: Human
HEIGHT: 5’4”
AGE: 18

The Evil-Soothing Devilslaying Beast King


Filch's mind is an errant gramophone needle picking up stray signals, ever-changing, ever-twitching—as fluid as the ocean's deep blue. He has been described, affectionately, as an "amiable, narcissistic, but high-functioning psychopath." In his psyche, he exists as a divine soldier ordained by Him to root out and destroy evil wherever it might sleep. Yet, the truth lies somewhere in between, seeded deep in those ever-twitching eyes and hurried gait. Filch is unquestioningly empathetic. The issue lies in the way that he expresses the depths of his empathy. The boy is one to make lofty promises without thinking of the consequences ... and where he goes—death tends to follow. Hesitation breeds defeat: a mindset he has lived by ... and a mindset that wrested his soul from his heart.

Fancying himself a hero of yore, Filch is ever on the trail of his quarry. Devils, ferocious, unerring creatures of pure evil, sent to Earth to wreak havoc on civilians simply living their lives! The boy was born with a sense for the creatures; his nose is the first appendage to enter any room. Demons have a particular smell that others seem to ignore. To him, it is a foul odor: pungent, rotten, enough to pinch the etchings of his face into a rictus of disgust. A tool most useful, in his line of work; it stands alongside his arsenal of bladed weaponry. Your hand cannot enter a pocket on Filch's person without risking stabbing or slicing your flesh. The boy is a living arsenal.

A troubling item is that if one were to peer into the depths of Filch's being ... then they may only find a hollow, soulless, husk. For Filch, despite his hatred for the "deal-striking-hellshits" the promise of power was all too tempting. For how might one stand against these creatures without becoming one yourself? Filch struck a deal with an entity known only as, "The Taxman." In exchange for his mortal soul, he is granted a physical strength surpassing that of an Olympic athlete. More than that, he can shape and control metal as he pleases. He has yet to hone this ability, but he is also able to create metal in small quantities. It seeps from his pores as a liquid before being melded together by his hand into any shape he sees fit.

As insane as Filch might be, he is a vessel for his empathy. He desires above all else to be useful to those around him.

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application incoming !
Fluid (They/Them)
Appears 30-35 (But far older)
6'4 ft

Vaz is a thin, gaunt being with an expression that suggests they've been needing a good night's sleep for the past few centuries. Though once an angel, they have since fallen from grace and their form is now more comparable to that of a demon after a steady consumption of souls. They can be easily spotted by the broken, uneven set of horns above their head that once functioned as their halo. On occasion one can also see a dual set of large, dark wings coated in ash and patchy, broken feathering flare out from behind their back, but Vaz tends to prefer to keep the sight of their now-ruined wings away from unfamiliar faces. They have wavy, light-blonde hair that they usually tie up into a messy bun to reveal a set of pointed ears. Their eyes have thin, golden slits for pupils and a black sclera, and are often hidden behind a set of old-fashioned reading glasses on a chain. Typically they would dress in an overly formal and conservative manner no matter the occasion, and have a notable fondness for suits and the colour navy in their ensembles.

Eloquent, verbose, and often found leafing through an ancient tome that they’ve fished out from their library, first impressions of Vaz typically conjure up the image of a wise and formal being. Indeed, as a former angel of Knowledge, Vaz has the entire catalogue of The Archives at their disposal (though you may need to wait several minutes for them to retrieve the answer you need these days). They have a tendency to keep to themselves, reasoning that those who need answers from them will, eventually, be inexplicably drawn into an encounter with them without their intervention. Specialising in drafting contracts based around the exchange of information for souls, Vaz has managed to gain something of a reputation for themselves as a go-to demon for when you need answers to questions that no one else would even dare to ask. The fact that they are unable to lie tends to also give extra weight to said answers, though it is important to note that this limitation does not necessarily mean that they won't omit certain details or twist their words.

In terms of their unique ability, Vaz tends to hold a strong affinity with the written word. More specifically they are able to summon and dismiss written works at will if stored in their library, which they fondly refer to as The Archives, as well as manipulate them through the air. Though some have been known to dismiss this as a rather mundane ability in the past, it leaves Vaz with a hefty amount of knowledge at their disposal and, sometimes, the added bonus of being able to fling around several hefty encyclopedias as a form of self-defense.

Outside of Hell and its various dealings, Vaz holds a far more mundane job as a librarian and therefore can often be found within the walls of The Archives during the day. At night said library opens itself to the more supernatural side of the world. It reveals strange new shelves to browse through, a dedicated swarm of animated quills to sort and guide people about the place, and welcomes demons, angels, and even the occasional human as long as they can all promise to behave themselves within its walls. Despite their fallen nature Vaz can be surprisingly approachable for angels, and has even been known to make dealings with them, though this also rarely comes without some kind of fee for them to pay. They can also offer contract drafting and proofing services to other demons for a very reasonable fee, and can help regular humans with their taxes.

Not everything they do has to be saturated with ill intent and the goal of eternal damnation, after all. Sometimes they just want to be able to afford their next trip to the local cafe for brunch.
Demon (Fallen)

application incoming !
Female-Presenting (She/Her)
Appears 25-30 (But far older)
5'8 ft

A tall woman with a lean, muscular build. Xaal is an angel, as suggested by the appearance of a set of white wings with stripes of brown and black that sit on her back. Occasionally a second pair of wings can be seen stretching out below them, though she seems to only summon them when she thinks she’s on her lonesome. Xaal also is able to sheathe these wings out of sight at will, providing her with a more human appearance and thus allowing her to blend in better amongst others. Xaal has dark, curly hair, golden eyes that appear to glow faintly in the dark, and a dusting of freckles that occasionally do the same. Her attire seems to be of a more practical nature rather than with fashion in mind, consisting of a warm coat and a simple pair of pants the end with a set of thick boots designed for long-distance trekking. No matter the temperature outside, Xaal always seems to be dressed as if she’s expecting it to start snowing at any moment. Despite this though, she does not seem to actually be affected by the cold all that much. Her choice of clothing always consists of a high collar or the addition of a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck.

On first impressions, it can be easy to mistake Xaal for a shy and aloof individual. She has a tendency to be difficult for others to track, and some more supernaturally-inclined beings have even described her being as if having a gentle haze of fog surrounding it at all times. Indeed, it would seem as if her unique ability is based all around an inability to be detected by others if she choses to do so, and she has shown to be able to turn invisible and dampen the sounds of her movements. Though she is often pleasant and welcoming to any new faces she stumbles across, her inability to vocalise words can sometimes make communication difficult. She does however know a wide variety of mortal-based languages, and in the absence of sign she can usually get by with a pen and a piece of paper or texting on her phone just fine.

Those who take the time to know her will soon learn that Xaal an be very headstrong and stubbornly optimistic. She is a determined woman but also a patient one, willing to lay low and wait for that opportune moment to spring into action. She shows a strong compassion for those in need, and has been known to watch over vulnerable mortals from afar to keep them safe from danger. When not performing her duties as a Guardian, Xaal can often be found enjoying various creative outlets. She shows a strong affinity towards painting in particular, though she has also been known to sketch, sculpt, or pass the hours practicing a newly discovered instrument.

On the odd occasion she has been known to visit Vaz in their library, and the two seem to regard each other with a sibling-like bond despite Vaz's status as a fallen.



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NAME: Tyrael Justice
RACE: Archangel of Justice
Title: God of Justice

Affiliation: high heavens (impeached)​

Occupation: angiris council (impeached)​

Family: God, father. Inarius, brother
PRONOUNS: he/him/his
AGE: unknown
HEIGHT: 7 foot
Abilities: tank, melee attacks, sword and sledgehammer.
THEME SONG: a song that fits your character, or their favorite song (OPTIONAL— Classes of Justice,

Theme song:


The Great Conflict: As angels were of the great titan Anu and Heaven, so too were demons of Hell and the great dragon Tathamet. As the Archangel of Justice, Tyrael participated in the Great Conflict, and his exploits in battle became the stuff of legend. Of all angelkind, none were more vehement against the forces of Hell, and all demons learned to shudder at Tyrael's might.Off the battlefield, he administered the Courts of Justice. According to Imperius, he and Tyrael saved each other's lives countless times during the conflict. One such engagement was in battle against demon forces led by Diablo himself. The Lord of Terror was captured, with Tyrael and Auriel pointing out that holding him captive would serve their cause better than slaying the demon outright, knowing that he would return. However, Imperius carried out his own form of justice regardless, slaying the Lord of Terror. In another engagement, Tyrael faced the Lord of Sin, Azmodan. However, a fellow angel, Ardleon, called for aid, and despite being poised to deliver a killing blow to the Lord of Sin, Tyrael came to his comrade's aid. Tyrael only encountered the Sin lieutenant Vidian once during the Eternal Conflict. On the occassion, the Heavenly Host did not recognize Vidian as a threat, and focused their attacks on his more powerful breathren. It did not take long before the angels themselves were beginning to turn on each other, and question their leaders. By the time they figured out what had happened, the battle was lost. Izual served as Tyrael's lieutenant during the aeons of war, but was captured by Hell during an assault on the Hellforge. Inarius also served under him, and the two were close, regarded as being brothers among their kind. Inarius tried to make him see the futility of the conflict, but Tyrael would not be swayed. Regardless, the Great Conflict ground to a halt on its own—the Worldstone had disappeared, and the forces of Heaven and Hell could only blame each other before realizing that a third party had absconded with the artifact.

The Sin War:
In the course of the Sin War, Heaven would come to discover what Hell had already done so—Sanctuary. A world created by rogue angels and demons led by Lilith and Inarius. A world inhabited by the race of Men—beings descended from the nephalem, who had been brought into the world through the coupling of angels and demons. Venturing into the world, Tyrael spirited away Achilios, telling him that he had need of him. He forced him to target his Edyrem comrades including their leader Uldyssian, seeing them as key threats and unnatural blights upon the face of Creation. Achilios managed to refuse however, surprising Tyrael. He later convinced the edyrem that Uldyssian had been possessed by Malic. Surveying the situation, Tyrael was satisfied. Despite earlier considerations, he would not have these "abominations" allying with Heaven. They had to be eliminated due to the threat their inherent powers posed. And with the edyrem fragmented, Sanctuary's potential defenders would not be able to stand against his justice.A s such, Tyrael was among the Heavenly Host who descended upon the world, meeting in battle with the Edyrem and the Demonic Hordes themselves. Uldyssian, realizing that his growing power risked the destruction of the world, sacrificed himself to end the battle, saving Sanctuary, all those he loved, and perhaps most importantly of all, his own humanity. It was an act that touched Tyrael and swayed his heart—he had called these beings abominations. Yet no abomination would have made such a sacrifice as Uldyssian had. The Angiris Council convened to discuss Sanctuary's fate. Imperius opted to eradicate Inarius and Lilith's progeny while Auriel and Itherael voted in favor of humanity, believing that humanity's potential to serve the Light could surpass even their roles and that the Conflict might be ended for good. Malthael abstained. Thus, the deciding vote would be left to Tyrael—were he to side with Imperius (as everyone suspected he would), Sanctuary would be destroyed, as a tie would still result in their original goal being carried out. Tyrael however, sided with humanity. They would be left to their own devices, free to choose between Light and Dark. According to Zoltun Kulle, Tyrael saw humanity's penchant for ruin, but also unbridled hope. Humanity could become what angels could only dream of.

The dark Exile;
Tyrael would at times make sojourns into Sanctuary, and championed many human causes. However, greater tragedy was to come—Hell had not given up on Sanctuary, believing that humanity could be swayed to their cause. This was a view not shared by the Lesser Evils however, and in what became known as the Dark Exile, the Prime Evils were banished into Sanctuary. However, they were still capable of bringing woe to the mortal realm, and by the time Tyrael discovered their actions, they'd been active for decades. This concerned Tyrael greatly—Sanctuary had been spared by a margin of one vote when the Angiris Council had discussed its fate. If Heaven learned that Hell was focused on Man, it might carry out what he and Imperius once, and perhaps still, intended. As such, he kept silent. He would intervene on Sanctuary's behalf, and do so alone. Tyrael fashioned three soulstones out of the Worldstone, intent on using them to seal the Prime Evils. However, he did not fully understand the soulstones' true power. Tyrael gathered a number of Mages, forming a group called the Horadrim. For them, he forged armor in light that morphed to the wearer's expertise. Over many years, they hunted down the three Primes. Mephisto fell first, and Baal second, though he shattered the soulstone meant for him in battle.There was not enough time to reformulate the soulstone, but with the suggestion that a mortal heart could serve as a surrogate soulstone, Tal Rasha stepped forward, plunging the stone into his flesh. Tyrael assured him that his sacrifice would not be forgotten, and led the mages to a tomb beneath the sands of Aranoch. There, the Horadrim built a binding stone etched with runes of containment. Tal Rasha ordered that he be bound to the stone, and as the other mages looked on in sorrow, Tyrael jammed the soulstone shard into Tal Rasha's heart, transferring Baal's essence into the mage's body. Sorrowfully, the Horadrim departed, leaving Tal Rasha to wrestle with Baal's writhing spirit for all eternity.
Finally, after a decade of searching, the Horadrim confronted Diablo in the lands of Khanduras. The soulstone worked and was hidden away within a labyrinthine cave system near the River Talsande. Tyrael appeared before the Horadrim one last time, commending them for having achieved a victory despite their losses. He declared that the site would have to be guarded and to this end, the Horadrim erected a monastery over the site.
Tyrael had succeeded—the Primes were captured, Sanctuary still existed and Heaven was none the wiser. However, he had not counted on the Prime Evils' ability to exert their will over Men. Over time, Mephisto would corrupt the Zakarum faith and Diablo would do likewise through the archbishop Lazarus.

Book of Enoch:
A Watcher is a type of biblical angel. The word occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel (2nd century BC), where reference is made to the holiness of the beings. The apocryphal Books of Enoch (2nd–1st centuries BC) refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones. In the Books of Enoch, the first Book of Enoch devotes much of its attention to the fall of the watchers. The Second Book of Enoch addresses the watchers (Gk. egrḗgoroi) who are in fifth heaven where the fall took place. The Third Book of Enoch gives attention to the unfallen watchers.The use of the term "watchers" is common in the Book of Enoch. The Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch 6–36) occurs in the Aramaic fragments with the phrase irin we-qadishin, "Watchers and Holy Ones", a reference to Aramaic Daniel. The Aramaic irin "watchers" is rendered as "angel" (Greek angelos, Coptic malah) in the Greek and Ethiopian translations, although the usual Aramaic term for angel malakha does not occur in Aramaic Enoch.
The Book of Cain:
Tyrael was taken into the old manor of King Leoric and dragged down into the torture chambers below. The Nephalem found him being tortured by cultists. While they were killed, Tyrael was mortally wounded. However, upon being reunited with El'druin, Tyrael's health was restored, as well as his memory and some of his armor.
New Tristram, Tyrael warned his new companions that Belial was spreading his influence through Caldeum. Leah wondered how they would find him. Tyrael responded that they didn't have to, that by following Maghda and the Coven, they would find the Lord of Lies. Leah refused to leave before laying Cain to rest. Tyrael acquiesed, and stated that he would arrange passage to the East, and would see to Cain as they departed. With The Nephalem, he stated that he also sensed Azmodan's influence within Sanctuary, but didn't know where he would strike. Their saving grace was that at least for now, Azmodan and Belial were rivals rather than allies.
In New Tristram, Tyrael warned his new companions that Belial was spreading his influence through Caldeum. Leah wondered how they would find him. Tyrael responded that they didn't have to, that by following Maghda and the Coven, they would find the Lord of Lies. Leah refused to leave before laying Cain to rest. Tyrael acquiesed, and stated that he would arrange passage to the East, and would see to Cain as they departed. With The Nephalem, he stated that he also sensed Azmodan's influence within Sanctuary, but didn't know where he would strike. Their saving grace was that at least for now, Azmodan and Belial were rivals rather than allies.
Leah and Tyrael carried out Cain's funeral. Leah lashed out at Tyrael's sympathy, asking him what he knew of sacrifice. In response, Tyrael revealed his true nature to Leah; how he had become mortal in order to aid humanity. Leah, having come to terms with her uncle's tales, took his writings in hand, before Tyrael cremated his body.




Nikolai Makarov
Niko, Nikki, Nike, Makarov
True age is unknown, he appears to be 21

Niko was made by the hands of god, born a angel, he was a sweet, intelligent angel for many years.

Niko was a high ranking angel, one of the top fifty in the eyes of god. Deeply devoted, almost obsessively so.

Unfortunately one day a high ranking demon decided to use that against Niko, make the angel obsessed with one of the demons.

They demon chosen was Viktor, who disguised himself as a soft nerdy guy. Viktor played Niko, turning the angle against the heavens only to distance himself as soon as the angel became corrupted.

Unfortunately, the high ranking demon was correct, Niko was obsessed, a stage five clinger. And now his newest obsession? Viktor.
The 'love' Niko had for Viktor didn't let him blame Viktor for his corruption, no, he blamed god, for letting him he led astray.

Niko soon got a thirst for blood, maybe, just maybe, if Niko was almost good enough to he a demon, Viktor would love him, right?

Niko traded his soul to Viktor for the power of haemokinesis, during his fall, he lost all but two of his godly powers: pyromancy and the ability to heal with love.​
  • fluticasone fluticasone
    Lenore hearst
    Her demonic name is Alloces, but when traversing earth she simply goes by Lenore
    Would prefer if you abstained from any nicknames
    Appears to be in her early 30s
    Genderqueer, currently feminine presenting, she/her
    6’0 or 183cm
    The typical, hedonistic demon in every sense. Alloces was born into a family of highly ranked, powerful demons, the firstborn and the heir. Having a constant supply of human souls to feed on since the beginning of her existence had made her excel amongst her lower ranked peers, but it had also made her exceedingly bored. After all, there was no thrill of the hunt in being spoon fed already dead and tortured souls.
    It wasn’t long before Alloces had started to frequent the surface realm. All of it was intoxicating. She had grown fond of humans, of their complexity and their despair, the way they seemed so keen on destroying their own home. The cruel ones were often those in power, and it would remind her of just how similar the human realm was to hell, how greed and ruthlessness was essential in making it to the top. But at the end of the day, these humans would one day become powerless, souls tortured for eternity in the deepest pits of hell, their only solace being that they had made a permanent, damaging mark on earth and on those around them. Alloces loved hoarding these specific souls for herself, the more wretched and vile, the better.
    Eventually, Alloces took upon the name Lenore, living from century to century among the very elites of humanity. A socialite, that would take anything and everything that she wanted. Hunting the souls of the powerful was, and will always be exhilarating. She could never understand the demons that stayed in hell, feeding off tortured souls, never having tasted the soul of a living human, the freshness being something that she would never tire of. The centuries had passed, Alloces, now Lenore, had made hundreds, if not thousands of contracts with such humans, granting them the ability of persuasion, making it so much easier for them to gain what they wanted, making the lives of the humans around them miserable. She would watch in elation as things would unfold in front of her, while she remained unscathed, feeding on the souls of those contracted to her and gaining in power, insatiable. Though, it wasn’t against her nature to kill if she was bored.
    Lenore delights in living in luxury, from the most expensive dresses to the biggest of diamonds, her ability to charm anyone to do her bidding made it exceedingly easy. She’s silver-tongued, cunning and knows exactly what she wants. Human pleasures had grown on her over the years: drinking, smoking, taking the prettiest of men and women abed. Though it was all so fleeting with her immortal lifestyle, she showed no signs of stopping any time soon. Manipulative and sadistic, finding joy in humanity’s inherent misery, feeding off negative emotions of those she traps with her contracts. A dangerously beautiful woman, like a spider, waiting for her prey to fall into her web.
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Xavier Xanderlia
X, Vera
Trans-masculine femboy
Appears to be 18

Xavier was born an angel, but somehow got his hands on a Christina bible when he was ten, the bible having a ton of information. Around the same age he started showing signs of being trans and queer.

Being terrified of losing his identity, he didn't tell anyone.

Xavier hid his true self behind a pretty smile and a dress for years. Eventually growing to figure out he loved dressing that way.

It wasn't until a high ranking angle figured out he was trans that the angel told him that the lord of heavens believed it to be alright.

Xavier's a really gentle boy, with a caring heart. Often showing up to people who's going though child abuse or domestic abuse. He's like a friend to them. A sweetheart who's main job is to remind people that they're not alone.

His loyalties lie with the king of the heavens, but he's still loving towards his twin, a demon from the kingdom of wrath.

Xavier's powers focus mainly on healing, his affection for another person being the main cause of it. His wings make him able to fly. He has a high regeneration rate but it takes a week to regenerate him a entire hand, more for something bigger.
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application incoming !
Nicky Sarangerel
Ring Ring

The current boss of Epiphany Flowers, a local flower shop in New Ark City, Nicky is holding the place together in the stead of her parents, who're currently taking advantage of their daughters independent streak to go van-life-ing across the Eurasian continent, starting from Mongolia and then following the trail of the Great Khan's conquests afterwards. It was silly, it was sudden, and it was exactly what she'd expect out of her parents, a pair of history majors who were just about ready to start enjoying their golden years after decades of toil. Perhaps this was a test of sorts, to see if Nicky could hold up the family business by herself. To see if she could handle the strange clientele, the unruly staff, the delicate nature of maintaining good relationships with out-of-city flower farms.

Nicky, of course, had no problem doing any of this. Setting aside the fact that her finance degree was being wasted on this small business (probably for the better, considering how she'd otherwise be selling her soul for profit), it was nice to manage a relaxed business, to see regular faces, to be part of sprucing up occasions. Lovers asking for bouquets, businesses asking for celebratory blooms, depressed university students asking for hardy succulents, and the occasional party asking for glorious installments. Teaching part-timers how to plant, grow, and cut flowers. It's all very pleasant stuff. And the location was good too! The walls are sound-proofed, so outdoors noise is kept to a minimum, and they have a second floor that she could transform into a little cafe space, with windows letting in plenty of bright light on the good days! Epiphany Flowers could become Epiphany Flowers & Eats, a cozy little place catering to young professionals and students alike.

If only the demons weren't fucking up the mood of the whole goddamn city!

Nicky is entirely mundane, outside of the knowledge of the other side of the world that she gained while in university (specifically, it was during the sorority party her parents told her not to go to during her freshman year), but what of it? Someone needs to rein in those dysfunctional kiddos, after all, before they get eaten alive by the perverts and freaks cosplaying as supermodels.
ART BY hashimoto kokai
hashimoto kokai




Appears to be 21

Ali wasn't born a demon, quite the opposite in fact. They were created as one of the followers of Michael, for the first 15-hundred years of his existence, everything was fine.

That was until Michael sent them to infiltrate the human world to protect a particular human. Ali decide to disguise themself as a female.

In the human world, Ali seen how pathetic and needy humans were. All he needed to do was flutter his eyelashes or pout at men to get his way.

It worked, time and time again, Ali didn't even know he was corrupting himself until he felt the sudden disconnect from god a week or two after it happened.

It hurt, bad, the pain of his wings breaking, of his skin starting to tear apart to reveal the golden veins of his.

Ali didn't care though, it seems like humans turned him into a monster. A charming psychopath.

Over the next century, he slowly turned into a Djinn, the most common sin he commited? promiscuity.

Proudly too.

He's got the power of pyromancy, a couple of Djinn powers and his special ability, which he kept from an angel, which is also his demon ability, is physical and verbal mimicry of any demon or human.

Ali's a cold, dark man who tends to plaster on a fake smile.

He's got a extremely charming personality, his mind built for business, his body built for s*x.

He's known as a complete Playboy, and is probably one of the top ten bachelor's in the human world.

He's got a successful technology company, but also runs a few s*x clubs on the side.​
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Not me coming back with these two 🫣
NAME: Jorath (Last name was stripped from him)
RACE: Demon with human origins
AGE: Good couple thousand now but still looking 30ish
HEIGHT: 6'4" without his horns
THEME SONG: Zack Hemsey - See What I've Become or Lola Blanc - Angry Too

Where to begin? Jorath is a complicated mess who really doesn't want to talk about his history. A demon with three sets of horns, he hides the secondary and tertiary sets on a regular basis to help conceal the true level of his demonic strength. His primary set of horns are large branching antlers with broken chains dangling from the main branch. A single chain connects between the two horns. Having a dark olive skin tone, Jorath's eyes are a deep ocean blue set upon an angular face and peering out from beneath an unruly mass of black hair with red streaks. Some of that hair sticks up like a faint tuft. Jorath has a muscular build that's deceptively athletic. Clothing wise, he trends towards lazy streetwear, often sporting whatever pieces of clothing he's scavenged from somewhere else. From his hip rests a length of silver chain that he'll occasionally move to wrap around his arm instead. Beneath his human guise lies a beast of a demon with its wings shorn in half and brutally pinned to his back with enchanted chains and shackles. Similar shackles with broken chains remain locked around his neck, wrists, and ankles.

A demon possessing unique, hard to find, Luck and Misfortune-centered abilities, Jorath lives his days underselling his capabilities and passing himself off as a Wrath Demon. He also makes a strong point to conceal his human origins, pretending to be Hellborn. He spent centuries under a siren demon's cruel control after they tricked him into becoming a demon, committing acts of violence that he still has nightmares about. And, though he managed to eventually break free of Er'anir's control, he still lives with the anxiety of being found again. These days, he works as a guard for Vaz and their library.

NAME: Naya'il Tinnesz
RACE: Angel - Collector
AGE: Bit older than Razathna, looking late 20s
HEIGHT: 5'7"
THEME SONG: Death May Die or Audiomachine - I Will Find You

A storyteller at heart, Naya'il cherishes souls. Being a Collector, she comes to mortals in their final moments, seeking to provide them solace and comfort. Even if their soul is damned for Hell. Often, she's considered one of the few who can grant 'final wishes' to dying mortals. It's similarly not uncommon for her to be paired with Razathna in their line of work; them being the Protector and her being the Devourer simply due to the natures of their respective weapons. While Razathna's blade could defend without risk, Naya'il's scythe--lovingly named Naoxral--could not touch mortal flesh without reaping their soul immediately.

Possessing an agile frame, Naya'il has large brown wings that seem a touch too large for her stature. White hair flows from her scalp and dark brown eyes peer from a somewhat pale face. Fond of dresses, Naya'il rarely wears anything other than a flowing gown and accompanying shawl. However, if a job knowingly requires it, she'll swap out for a more practical outfit.

An endless book containing the histories of mankind, Naya'il has been dealt a blow to her own memories. Her personal memories are missing leading up to only the last few years. Though of great help, Razathna has only been able to assist her in a limited capacity. She is hoping that, somewhere, there is a story tucked away within the mortal souls that will help return what she's lost.
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