• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ⠀⠀⠀ ◞ ◢ SEE YOU IN HELL. /// ˟ 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

Vinegar Bees

flowers & teeth.

IN CHARACTER⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


In the modern day, humans have a lot to worry about—the rising cost of living, messy and brutal politics, and crime and violence seemingly worsening with every day. What many humans don't realize, though, is that there's an unseen terror among their midst—demons from Hell who live among humans, wolves in sheep's clothing, hungering to feast on their delectable souls. Far less intimately tied up in human affairs are the angels of Heaven, some of whom intervene when they can but most of whom are stuck following Heaven's strict laws about appearing to humans. But the eons-enduring cold war between Heaven and Hell is heating up, and soon, humanity will no longer be able to ignore the otherworldly beings in their midst—not when their home becomes a battleground.

Hello and welcome to SEE YOU IN HELL, a modern urban fantasy/supernatural roleplay! In a nutshell, this is a lazy lit, casual roleplay that's meant to emulate the feeling of early '10s roleplaying. In my years of roleplaying, I've done my share of highly-structured stories with intricate plotting, and while those experiences were great, I dearly miss the days where posts were short, stories spontaneous, and interactions frequent and varied. I've been on a hiatus from group roleplaying for a long time, but I miss meeting new people and making new friends through roleplaying, because whatever force governs this universe saw fit to curse me with roleplaying as my Special Interest. If this sounds anything like you, I hope you'll consider joining!

This roleplay is not a walk-in in that I will require applications to be accepted before you can post (for a few different reasons, one being that I'm honestly just very anxious about roleplaying in a group after such a long hiatus, and I want to be able to maintain some kind of control over the size of the group so I don't overwhelm myself), but believe me when I say I want to make the process of joining as smooth and quick as possible. There will be no pre-determined roles or complicated app process. Just head to the APPS thread, fill out the application as shown there, and post it. Once I've reacted to your application, consider it accepted, and you're free to begin posting! If there is something in your application that needs to be tweaked or edited, I'll send you a PM to discuss it! We will have a PROFILES thread for anyone who wishes to make a more detailed profile for their character(s), but this is not required.

I will be making a Discord server for OOC communication. Please note that engaging in the Discord is not required; if you'd like to simply post in the IC thread and leave it at that, that's completely fine! However, I really enjoy talking with and befriending people I roleplay with, and I'd really love to make a nice, laid-back, close-knit group if possible, so the Discord server will be there for anyone who wishes to use it and especially for things like activity updates. As a full-time worker, I completely understand that you don't always have the time or energy to post, so the Discord will serve as a way for us to check in with each other.

Sorry for that somewhat rambling intro. Basically, this is just going to be a relaxed, loosely-structured roleplay for people who just want to roleplay spontaneously, meet new people, and make new friends. Click the links on the bar above to navigate the threads (the links bar scrolls horizontally on mobile), scroll down to give the rules a quick read, and buckle up for a wild, supernatural thrill ride!

01. Please be 18+ in order to join. I'm really sorry! I just don't feel comfortable running a group with minors as an adult.

02. Above all else, please be nice! Drama and conflict are all great and wonderful in-character, but out-of-character, I'd like this group to be a relaxed, friendly space. We're all adults with busy lives and responsibilities and stress, and I'd like this to be a place we can escape and just enjoy and have fun. I will do my best to be as welcoming as possible, and I ask that you please try to do the same if you join the group!

03. There are a bunch of little rules I could break this one up into, but I'm going to ultimately file it all under one big rule I'll call "roleplaying etiquette." Or maybe "roleplaying common sense," but that sounds a little harsh LOLRIP. ; v ; What this means, basically, is to be mindful of other players. Do not control another person's character without their permission. If your character is in combat with another character, please don't auto-hit them. This roleplay will involve supernatural powers, and I'm not going to put any hard limits on them at the outset, but I'm essentially trusting you to write any powers in a way that is fun and fair. If there start to be concerns of characters being overpowered, god-modding, etc. I may need to start putting limits. Oh, and please keep it PG-13. Romance is great, but fade to black if things start to get spicy, pls.

04. Let's talk posting styles! I love them, but not everyone does, and that's totally okay! Feel free to do whatever you'd like with your post layout. Fancy coding? Go for it! Just a picture and a name? No problem! Just text? Also welcome here! In fact, using a picture for your character is not required for this roleplay, in case anyone happens to have a character in mind but can't find a good image for them. If you do use a picture, however, I ask that you only use art/illustrations, i.e. no real-life face claims.

05. This roleplay is intended to be lazy lit. What that means, basically, is to just write your post without worrying about meeting certain word counts/standards of "quality"/etc. The focus here is going to be on having a fun time with a brisk story and interactions. Not every post is going to be your best, and that's okay! I'm not going to impose any minimum word counts. Likewise, I can't stop you from writing a novella if that's what you want, but I really would like to try to avoid filling the thread with huge walls of text as those kinds of posts can quickly become tedious and overwhelming.

06. Multiple characters are allowed. You can have as many characters as you can keep up with.

07. As far as activity goes, I'm going to approach it with a similar mindset as rule number two, i.e. "just use basic etiquette/common sense." We've all got responsibilities. My current job allows for way less free time/computer time than I used to have, so I get it—lulls in activity will happen. I'm not going to chase you down for a post. All I ask if that you try to be mindful of the group. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, roleplaying is an important way to relieve stress and make connections with people with a similar, very niche interest. If you're going to be away, just let us know so we're not waiting and worrying. To put a number on it, I'll say that we're aiming for roughly at least a post a week per character, and if you're inactive for longer than that, I'll navigate your character out of the current scene and carry on. Please know that if you go inactive at some point, you're always welcome to rejoin, and I'll be happy to help reintegrate your character into the story.

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[Makes goblin menace noises as she was given permission to start posting]

Nighttime in New Ark City was Ketna's favorite part of each day. The sun couldn't hurt her eyes. Fingers drummed against the top of her staff, occasionally fiddling with the various trinkets she had tied to it. Feathers, tiny animal skulls, and beads. All kept in place with fraying threads. It was like their own personal windchime. A faint smile ghosted across their features as they tracked the dusting of stars with their gaze. Light pollution from the city was unavoidable but, high upon the rooftops of the taller buildings, Ketna stilled marveled at the sight of what they could see. If she could, she'd stay there and just watch the night sky. Car horns below, however, reminded her of the existence of reality. Or, well, what she hoped was reality.

As the wind picked up, and rain droplets began to dribble upon her and the surrounding world, Ketna finally moved. She dropped down from the rooftop, plummeting the five stories to the ground. Knees bent upon landing to absorb the impact, startled cries from unsuspecting humans hardly registering to her ears. Someone was shouting additional words, but the Demon didn't seem to take notice as she began walking down the sidewalk. Ketna was muttering to herself about what book they needed to finish; Vazithrazuul would know. The scribe always remembered for her.

They just needed to remember how to get to the Archives....

Late night coffee always had a small appeal to it. As the warm liquid reached their lips, storm gray eyes shifted sideways to glance out at the street. Two figures danced in a deadly war--one human, one demon. The pair had already been at this for some minutes, neither side wanting to yield to the other. Razathna set their mug down on the table, leaning back in their seat. They looked over to Xaal. "Ready to intervene in a few moments? That one's lifeline isn't ready to end yet," they remarked, hinting at the likely possibility that the Guardian Angel may need to save her charge from the demon.

A soft hum left the Collector's throat. After a moment, they sat a bit straight. "Ah... I almost forgot." Reaching into their trench coat, Razathna pulled free a small pouch tied off with a satin bow. "Naya'il requested I give this to you. She says it's a souvenir from her current deployment in the Latin Americas." They passed it over to Xaal. "She wants you to open it when you're not busy with your own assignments. Wouldn't tell me what it was, though."

Location: A random street in New Ark City | Time: Night

Is today the day? June wondered as he stared blankly at the passing cars on the road. How long had he been standing there? A few minutes, or perhaps an hour? He couldn't tell. He had lost track of time as always. He thought of checking his phone but knew it wouldn't make much of a difference. It always comes, after all. He had been waiting for it since he stepped out of their house this morning, when he went to his first class, and when he had his lunch. With every ticking of the clock, he had been bracing himself, but for some odd reason, nothing had happened yet. There were no chills down his spine nor the eerie feeling of being watched. The day had been uneventful up till now, and it made him more anxious but also quite hopeful. Maybe his prayers had finally been answered, and the day when misfortune doesn't happen to him had arrived.

"Maybe..." he murmured under his breath as the bus stopped in front of him. He considered getting on but faltered when he saw the driver smiling at him. As if splashed with cold water, he looked at the other passengers on the bus through the window. There was a salaryman on his phone, a couple of students laughing in the back row, and an elderly couple sitting at the front. The seemingly peaceful sight made his blood run cold.

"Are you getting in?"

He flinched at the driver's question, and before the man could ask him another question, June turned around and started running away. I won't do it again. So, please...leave them alone. He gritted his teeth as he pleaded, and as if the God of Misfortune heard him, the sky started pouring. Soon, the streets were wet, and the shiver down his spine came.

"Ah..." he smiled helplessly, knowing what was coming next. Just like that, out of nowhere, a ball came rolling down the pavement to block his way, and he saw it way too late to stop his pace. With his full weight, he stepped on the ball and tumbled to the ground. Luckily, he was quick enough to brace himself from the fall and lessen his injury.

For a moment, all he could hear was his heavy breathing as he lay still on the ground. His body was in pain, but he felt relieved. Relief that he had run instead of riding the bus, or else there would have been a bigger accident. Those passengers would have been caught in his misfortune as well.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" A woman came running along with a little boy. June winced in pain as he tried to get up. Did I sprained my ankle? he looked down at his right foot as he fixed his standing. "The ball slipped from my son's hand, and we couldn't get it in time."

"It's alright. I should have been more attentive while walking," June answered.

"I'm so sorry," she said before looking at her son, "You should apologize, too, Mikey."

"But it wasn't my fault. I told you I saw the girl jump down from the roof, Mom! I was so surprised! That's why I dropped my ball," the boy argued.

"S-someone jumped?!" June asked in surprise.

The woman sighed, "No. I'm sure no one did. My son likes watching superhero movies these days."

"No! It's the truth! I saw her jump down, and she landed like a cat! She even has the ears! Look, that's her!" the boy exclaimed as he pointed to the girl walking on the sidewalk across the street. Just like the kid said, the girl appeared to have animal ears from afar as she walked with a staff in her hand. June had been in this neighbourhood countless times, but he had never seen her before. There was no way he would forget seeing someone that unique before, especially not in this conservative area of New Ark City. Curiosity kicking in, June pulled out his phone from his bag to check the time—7:00 PM. He still has time to wander around.

"I should get going," he said, giving a slight bow towards the mother and son before heading towards the crosswalk. Fortunately, the rain wasn't pouring as much, so it was easier to walk around. His ankle hurt, but his curiosity took over him.

"I'll just have a bit of a closer look and then go home..." he muttered as he crossed the street to follow her.
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//Epiphany Flowers

Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees

She should quit the habit, really. The smell of an ashtray interfered with the floral aroma of her shop, and the sheer inconvenience of having to climb up to the second-floor balcony made the endeavor, in most cases, simply not worth it. Not to mention that smoking definitely had some pro-aging effects and was going to hit her with lung cancer down the road.

A candy-sweet smell wafted into Nicky's nose, and she scrunched up her face. Took a draw of her cigarette, a sip of room-temperature coffee, then fixed that vaping zoomer down below with a dark glare as he walked past, totally oblivious to the enmity he had earned by releasing his wet breath into the world. The shop owner considered the cost-benefit ratio of flicking a cigarette butt onto his head, and decided against it. There weren't better things to do, but there were other things to do. She extinguished the cigarette in the dregs of her coffee, tossed both in the garbage, and then popped a breath mint, turning towards the sound of another ascending the stairs to the second floor.

"Good work today, Maylee," she said, tossing the part-timer a strawberry Kit-Kat (survivors from last Halloween), "How's your ankle? That brat didn't send in another fake delivery, did he?"

an easy
an easy mark
but how you think i got this

epiphany flowers - balcony
a little weary
click here
A pain jumped out from her ankle as Maylee ascended the stairs. She gritted her teeth, paused, collected herself. Sometimes is was frustrating being so painfully... human. At least, it was when her enemies so decidedly weren't. Demons never had to pop an aspirin after a fight, she imagined. Demons didn't have to soak swollen joints or change bandages to keep infection at bay.

Explaining her frequent injuries was another problematic matter. It wasn't as if Maylee had much in the way of friends—not in a normal sense, anyway—but when she managed to make it to her dance classes at the local college, there were always surreptitious glances at the fresh array of bruises on her legs. Nude tights could only cover so much, after all. And she had used up the 'tripped-getting-off-the-bus' excuse enough times to stretch any good-willed suspension of disbelief. Sooner or later, she had to suck it up and dance on a throbbing ankle.

Better to dance on it than fight on it, at least. At least she didn't risk getting her head bitten off when she was doing pirouettes... although her coach might get there if she missed another class. For their part, the other students were becoming more and more transparent in their concerns, and a couple of the girls had even pulled her aside to obliquely mention how they always stood up for each other when their boyfriends were being difficult.

Thankfully, there was someone she didn't need to explain anything to. The crisp night air hit her cheeks pleasantly as she ascended to the balcony and found her boss, Nicky, taking her usual smoke break. The habit secretly worried Maylee a little, but she knew it wasn't her business, and she wasn't exactly a paragon of safe life choices, herself. Still, she was grateful that she had somehow encountered one of the few people in the city who both knew about the threat of demons and did her best to stay out of the crossfire. It was rare to find someone take the existence of demons as nonchalantly in stride as Nicky had, but it meant Maylee had the privilege of a mundane job to keep her sane and a boss who didn't ask too many questions if she came in limping.

An object came sailing into her line of sight, and Maylee snapped it up, her body reflexively ready to deflect it back at her target—but she relaxed when she realized it was just a candy bar Nicky had tossed her way. A little embarrassed, she ducked her head and began to quietly unwrap the treat. It could be difficult, sometimes, to force her body out of that automatic fight-or-flight mode that had kept her alive thus far.

" she said, moving closer to the balcony beside Nicky, and then she lied: "
My ankle is fine.
" She slipped the Kit-Kat into her mouth and enjoyed the light sweetness. She had to stay active to stay in peak form, and that included a reasonably nutritious diet, but there was no reason she couldn't cheat a little every now and then. "
How's business looking?
" She could be referring either to the flower shop or other business—whichever Nicky felt more inclined to talk about at the moment.

breakable - ingrid michaelson

A pain jumped out from her ankle as Maylee ascended the stairs. She gritted her teeth, paused, collected herself. Sometimes is was frustrating being so painfully... human. At least, it was when her enemies so decidedly weren't. Demons never had to pop an aspirin after a fight, she imagined. Demons didn't have to soak swollen joints or change bandages to keep infection at bay.

Explaining her frequent injuries was another problematic matter. It wasn't as if Maylee had much in the way of friends—not in a normal sense, anyway—but when she managed to make it to her dance classes at the local college, there were always surreptitious glances at the fresh array of bruises on her legs. Nude tights could only cover so much, after all. And she had used up the 'tripped-getting-off-the-bus' excuse enough times to stretch any good-willed suspension of disbelief. Sooner or later, she had to suck it up and dance on a throbbing ankle.

Better to dance on it than fight on it, at least. At least she didn't risk getting her head bitten off when she was doing pirouettes... although her coach might get there if she missed another class. For their part, the other students were becoming more and more transparent in their concerns, and a couple of the girls had even pulled her aside to obliquely mention how they always stood up for each other when their boyfriends were being difficult.

Thankfully, there was someone she didn't need to explain anything to. The crisp night air hit her cheeks pleasantly as she ascended to the balcony and found her boss, Nicky, taking her usual smoke break. The habit secretly worried Maylee a little, but she knew it wasn't her business, and she wasn't exactly a paragon of safe life choices, herself. Still, she was grateful that she had somehow encountered one of the few people in the city who both knew about the threat of demons and did her best to stay out of the crossfire. It was rare to find someone take the existence of demons as nonchalantly in stride as Nicky had, but it meant Maylee had the privilege of a mundane job to keep her sane and a boss who didn't ask too many questions if she came in limping.

An object came sailing into her line of sight, and Maylee snapped it up, her body reflexively ready to deflect it back at her target—but she relaxed when she realized it was just a candy bar Nicky had tossed her way. A little embarrassed, she ducked her head and began to quietly unwrap the treat. It could be difficult, sometimes, to force her body out of that automatic fight-or-flight mode that had kept her alive thus far.

"Thanks," she said, moving closer to the balcony beside Nicky, and then she lied: "My ankle is fine." She slipped the Kit-Kat into her mouth and enjoyed the light sweetness. She had to stay active to stay in peak form, and that included a reasonably nutritious diet, but there was no reason she couldn't cheat a little every now and then. "How's business looking?" She could be referring either to the flower shop or other business—whichever Nicky felt more inclined to talk about at the moment.
The Evil-Soothing Godslaying Beast King
outside a public restroom
ridin’ that high

Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees

"EE-AWW, EE-AWW, EE-AWW," the fire alarm blared. Loud enough to vibrate the ceramic tiles lining the floor. Powerful enough to break through the barrier of flesh and rumble the bone beneath. The demon's clawed hand was raised into the air, fingers clenching, grasping, at the nothingness that slipped between their digits like running water. Smoke fumed from their fingers. Bright orange embers smattered against the floor with each clutch of their palm. The demon held hellfire as if it was a tangible, solid thing, crimson red and hot enough to condemn the most stout souls to a painful damnation. Useless, now. It only scattered the light beneath the photoelectric smoke detector that hung above them.

Filch's foot pinned the creature's knee to the floor and a thick chain wrapped around its neck like a noose. The chain cut into the fat of their neck, and bulging flesh poked through at each end of the chain from the immense pressure. The devil's entire face was lit up bright red. His eyes turned into rubies, with striations of veins creeping towards the center like a spider's web. Bright red bruises marred the demon's pale-white flesh.

"L-let, GO!" the devil screamed. The foul odor emanating from its breath caused Filch's face to scrunch. Filch pressed his foot down harder on its knee, rough enough to feel the bone underneath grind against the tiles. In one smooth motion, he tugged the chains upward, like pulling back the reins of a horse. Spittle ejected from the devil's mouth and his face looked fit to burst.

"Die already, fucker." Filch felt the creature's pulse through his chains. It slowed as its body began to still. Their raised arm began to wilt and the fires he held were blotted into a dim ash. It was close, and he could taste it, that sweet release of dopamine that would surge through his nerves as if a syringe was staked right into his cheet.

Its heart stilled.The devil's skull hit the raised toilet seat with a wet thud. Filch wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

The sight was admirable. The vision of that creature's head flat against the toilet seat ... while its body dissipated into the bathroom air. It could have been the cover of the album for some underground rapper. Filch would add "artist," as another one of his many talents. The camera shutter of his phone was rendered inaudible behind the cry of the screeching fire alarms.

The boy opened his contacts and texted a copy of the photo to an individual he had dubbed, "Melee."

"fucking insane kill, right? i couldn't resist showing it off - i know you'll love it," he sent another message with a click.

One down, and another to go. The devil was part of a set: twin brothers who made a habit of using the souls of drug addicts like poker chips. The other was on the way to some hideaway under the pretense of safety.

Filch collected his weaponry and exited the bathroom to enter the crisp night air.


//Epiphany Flowers

Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees meepy meepy

“Don’t lie.”

Nicky rolled asideto give Maylee some space against the railing, then flicked the part-timer’s forehead.

“I could hear the difference in your footsteps.”

Now that was a bald-faced lie, but pretending to be more capable than how she actually was kept the kiddos honest. Especially when they were Olympic-level athletes who also slew demons without even getting paid for it. And it was an easy lie to catch too: she had helped Maylee with the compress just two days ago. No need to dwell on it for long though. She considered reaching for her pack of cigarettes again, then decided against it.

It wouldn’t be funny if Maylee got chronic breathing problems from second-hand smoke. That shitty little brat would probably blame her if that happened.

“It’s been going. One of the long-timers is moving outta New Ark. City too skeevy these days.” She sighed, tearing open a chocolate bar herself. University students bought roses, but it was business owners and affectionate spouses that bought the stuff that really raked in money. Compared to what she earned from those orders, brokering for demon-hunting was basically charity.

Normally, at least.

“Got a customer after-hours though. Gimme a moment…”

She pulled out her phone, flicking through e-mails before stopping at this one.

“Some Ely chick’ll be coming in tonight to talk about her problems. Told her to bring dinner if she wanted to talk shop, but if she doesn’t, I’ve some sandwiches in the fridge.”

an easy
an easy mark
but how you think i got this

epiphany flowers - balcony
a little weary
click here
Maylee flinched when Nicky flicked her forehead, more taken aback mentally than physically.
Did she... did she really just do that? Like I'm a little kid?
Feeling a little sour, Maylee frowned and rubbed her forehead. She knew Nicky's intentions were good, though. Her boss had a good head on her shoulders, and Maylee respected that. She was young to be running a business like this all on her own, and Maylee knew there were plenty of lowlifes who saw a young woman running a business and thought they could cheat her out of some money. But Nicky was far shrewder than that.

Besides, they were both misfits of a sort in this city. They stuck together. And they tended to attract other misfits—well, one particular misfit, at least.

Speaking of which. Maylee's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out to see a notification from '😬' flashing on her screen, as was his display name in her contacts. Sighing, she punched her passcode into her phone, wondering what he was bugging her about this time—


Maylee's phone slipped out of her hand as she immediately recoiled at the image of grotesque violence displayed on her screen. For a moment, she could only gape at her phone, and then she scrambled to pick it up and delete the offending image.

I can't believe it,
" she muttered. "
That idiot just texted me a picture of his latest quarry... or, at least, what's left of it.
" There was no need to elaborate on who said idiot was. Nicky was well-acquainted with that particular thorn in their side. Sighing, Maylee collected herself and shook her head, irritated. That was just like Filch—no heed for consequences. Had he even bothered to clean up the scene afterwards? Had he gotten injured during the fight? It wasn't as if she was really worried for him, but... well, he was still human. She didn't want anything bad to happen to a sort-of-ally.

Brusquely, she texted back: 'where the hell is that? are you hurt?'

Sighing, she stuffed her phone back into her pocket and rubbed her forehead. These sorts of happenings weren't outside of the norm for their little group, and she knew Nicky wouldn't be surprised by any of it. What surprised Maylee, though, was Nicky's news about an apparent customer who would be coming to the shop after hours. Before Maylee could help herself, it slipped out—

Wait—Ely? You don't mean... Elysia?

There was absolutely no way. A celebrity like that—she wouldn't frequent their little shop, would she? She probably didn't even travel around in public without an entourage of bodyguards. Maylee couldn't deny a little thrill of excitement at the thought, as absurd as it was. The Elysia walking into Epiphany Flowers...

She swallowed, a flush of embarrassment covering her cheeks. Wait, no. She couldn't let anybody know how much she secretly loved Elysia's music, the tears she had shed during late-night viewing sessions of the once-Broadway actress's movies. Absolutely not.

I-I mean... yeah. Um. There's a celebrity who goes by that name,
" she said, clearing her throat and stuffing her hands into her coat pockets. "
But I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

breakable - ingrid michaelson

Maylee flinched when Nicky flicked her forehead, more taken aback mentally than physically. Did she... did she really just do that? Like I'm a little kid? Feeling a little sour, Maylee frowned and rubbed her forehead. She knew Nicky's intentions were good, though. Her boss had a good head on her shoulders, and Maylee respected that. She was young to be running a business like this all on her own, and Maylee knew there were plenty of lowlifes who saw a young woman running a business and thought they could cheat her out of some money. But Nicky was far shrewder than that.

Besides, they were both misfits of a sort in this city. They stuck together. And they tended to attract other misfits—well, one particular misfit, at least.

Speaking of which. Maylee's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out to see a notification from '😬' flashing on her screen, as was his display name in her contacts. Sighing, she punched her passcode into her phone, wondering what he was bugging her about this time—


Maylee's phone slipped out of her hand as she immediately recoiled at the image of grotesque violence displayed on her screen. For a moment, she could only gape at her phone, and then she scrambled to pick it up and delete the offending image.

"I can't believe it," she muttered. "That idiot just texted me a picture of his latest quarry... or, at least, what's left of it." There was no need to elaborate on who said idiot was. Nicky was well-acquainted with that particular thorn in their side. Sighing, Maylee collected herself and shook her head, irritated. That was just like Filch—no heed for consequences. Had he even bothered to clean up the scene afterwards? Had he gotten injured during the fight? It wasn't as if she was really worried for him, but... well, he was still human. She didn't want anything bad to happen to a sort-of-ally.

Brusquely, she texted back: 'where the hell is that? are you hurt?'

Sighing, she stuffed her phone back into her pocket and rubbed her forehead. These sorts of happenings weren't outside of the norm for their little group, and she knew Nicky wouldn't be surprised by any of it. What surprised Maylee, though, was Nicky's news about an apparent customer who would be coming to the shop after hours. Before Maylee could help herself, it slipped out—

"Wait—Ely? You don't mean... Elysia?"

There was absolutely no way. A celebrity like that—she wouldn't frequent their little shop, would she? She probably didn't even travel around in public without an entourage of bodyguards. Maylee couldn't deny a little thrill of excitement at the thought, as absurd as it was. The Elysia walking into Epiphany Flowers...

She swallowed, a flush of embarrassment covering her cheeks. Wait, no. She couldn't let anybody know how much she secretly loved Elysia's music, the tears she had shed during late-night viewing sessions of the once-Broadway actress's movies. Absolutely not.

"I-I mean... yeah. Um. There's a celebrity who goes by that name," she said, clearing her throat and stuffing her hands into her coat pockets. "But I'm sure it's just a coincidence."

Status --- Protective, Healthy
Location --- Coffee Shop
Others --- Razathna

Though Xaal liked to think she was dedicated to her job, she couldn't deny that she wished she had more time for some peace and quiet. Granted, it was hard to truly deem the current situation as an example of that, given the commotion outside of their cosy little table setup. But Razathna was nonetheless a presence she welcomed as a few moments of almost-calm whenever the two could find the time to catch up. Curious, golden eyes focused outside of the window as the fellow angel gestured to it, brow wrinkling as she watched her latest charge duck and weave around the demon they had decided to contend with. Determined, but unpracticed. A soundless sigh issued from Xaal at the observation, her feelings on the matter better-established instead by the sink of her shoulders as she watched on.

The angel took a sip from the coffee she had been warming her hands on, setting it down gentle beside her in order to free up her hands for a reply. < A bit more time, perhaps? > She began, the gestures nimble and graceful for she knew Razathna to be perfectly fluent in them. She then nodded her head towards the dueling duo once more before continuing. < I have faith in this one. > It wasn't surefire by any means, far from it, and she appreciated the head's up from an individual that undoubtedly had a far better gauge on the vitality of the pair. But she liked to at least give her charges a proper chance to prove themselves before she was forced to step in as an eleventh-hour hero. Sometimes they could surprise.

More words vyed for her attention, and slowly she turned her attention back towards Razathna. A surprised expression soon morphed into a fond smile as the pouch was revealed, Xaal nodding in thanks for the gift before plucking it from their hands. For a moment she toyed with it in her hands, lips pursed in thought as she tried to guess what it could be, before remembering Naya'il's request to open it outside of her duties and reluctantly pocketing it once more. < She is lovely, to think of me. I should send her a present too- > Xaal paused as more shouts sounded from the window, followed by a yelp of pain, then grimaced.

< Nevermind. You were right. Let's go. > She corrected, easing up from her seat and then holding out her hand in what looked to be a rather dramatic gesture until a golden bow started to materialise in it's grasp. Likewise, a matching quiver filled with arrows appeared at her hip, and she took a brief moment to count their number before heading for the door. < You distract, I fly? > She offered as a suggestion, waiting for a moment where the duo's attention had shifted further away from the building before she exited out onto the street.

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vaguely outside


Charity balls weren't really her thing, usually. On occasion, she would make an appearance at one, knowing that the things were run by decrepit and vile humans, usually in it for the ego boost, trying to make themselves look better than they actually were. She loved the taste of pride engrained in a human's soul more than any of the other sins. She thought that maybe she could find a new soul to feed on tonight, the ball being conveniently close by to Cyrus's estate, and she was getting awfully bored of the current gaggle of humans she was feeding off. Luck just wasn't on her side tonight. She didn't even bother chatting to anyone for more than five minutes, the souls in the building just weren't repulsive enough for her tastes. She left maybe thirty minutes after her arrival.

Now here she was, strolling the streets of New Ark City in the night, feeling ever beneath herself. This was the behaviour of lower-ranked demons, lurking on the streets to take any old prey, not someone like her. She tried to justify it by telling herself she was just clearing her head, it was something Cyrus said humans did if they were feeling low, but good god she was hungry. And a dead human's soul was better than nothing, she supposed. She just hoped she wouldn't get blood on her dress that night. It was vintage, after all.

What she didn't particularly expect that night, was the stench of demon blood. Low-ranked, from what she could sense, but the curiosity got the best of her and before she knew it, she was following the scent.

She didn't know what to make of the scene, regarding the short male in front of the public restroom with a raised brow. She could smell the demon blood wafting from the restroom, undeniably from a dead demon, and the scent clung to the man in front of her. The corner of her mouth quirked upwards in amusement. She definitely couldn't make a meal out of this, the human was already under contract, and from a demon she actively had a distaste for. Unsavoury, to say the least.

"I wouldn't take someone like you for a demon hunter," She doesn't try to hide her own nature, she knows it'd be futile. The flash of fangs, the unnatural colour of her eyes, and the slight point to her ears. They all usually go over the heads of most humans unless Lenore makes it blatantly obvious. A demon hunter would sniff her out no matter how much she tried to conceal her features, so she doesn't waste her effort, "They tend to be a bit more brutish, no? And you seem a little... well, little." she finishes, the only intention she had with this conversation was provocation and the amusement that came with it. She could tell the little man was capable enough, but it wouldn't be like her to not push a human's buttons when she didn't deem them worthy enough to be her meal. And if things went south, all she would have to do is tell him to leave.


♡coded by uxie♡

Charity balls weren't really her thing, usually. On occasion, she would make an appearance at one, knowing that the things were run by decrepit and vile humans, usually in it for the ego boost, trying to make themselves look better than they actually were. She loved the taste of pride engrained in a human's soul more than any of the other sins. She thought that maybe she could find a new soul to feed on tonight, the ball being conveniently close by to Cyrus's estate, and she was getting awfully bored of the current gaggle of humans she was feeding off. Luck just wasn't on her side tonight. She didn't even bother chatting to anyone for more than five minutes, the souls in the building just weren't repulsive enough for her tastes. She left maybe thirty minutes after her arrival.

Now here she was, strolling the streets of New Ark City in the night, feeling ever beneath herself. This was the behaviour of lower-ranked demons, lurking on the streets to take any old prey, not someone like her. She tried to justify it by telling herself she was just clearing her head, it was something Cyrus said humans did if they were feeling low, but good god she was hungry. And a dead human's soul was better than nothing, she supposed. She just hoped she wouldn't get blood on her dress that night. It was vintage, after all.

What she didn't particularly expect that night, was the stench of demon blood. Low-ranked, from what she could sense, but the curiosity got the best of her and before she knew it, she was following the scent.

She didn't know what to make of the scene, regarding the short male in front of the public restroom with a raised brow. She could smell the demon blood wafting from the restroom, undeniably from a dead demon, and the scent clung to the man in front of her. The corner of her mouth quirked upwards in amusement. She definitely couldn't make a meal out of this, the human was already under contract, and from a demon she actively had a distaste for. Unsavoury, to say the least.

"I wouldn't take someone like you for a demon hunter," She doesn't try to hide her own nature, she knows it'd be futile. The flash of fangs, the unnatural colour of her eyes, and the slight point to her ears. They all usually go over the heads of most humans unless Lenore makes it blatantly obvious. A demon hunter would sniff her out no matter how much she tried to conceal her features, so she doesn't waste her effort, "They tend to be a bit more brutish, no? And you seem a little... well, little." she finishes, the only intention she had with this conversation was provocation and the amusement that came with it. She could tell the little man was capable enough, but it wouldn't be like her to not push a human's buttons when she didn't deem them worthy enough to be her meal. And if things went south, all she would have to do is tell him to leave.
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Rain was falling more consistently now, soaking through her oversized cardigan and turning her hair into drenched tangles. A soft hum floated from her lips, struggling to carry a tune. Around her, the auras of humans flooded through Ketna's senses, ebbing and flowing like temporary fluxes of energy. She enjoyed feeling them, identifying each texture and scent and color. A few even had sounds to them. Just as wild and varied as demons were. Ketna always favored the soft auras most; they reminded her of.... someone.

She paused, head tilting faintly sideways. She... couldn't remember. Something about that made her features twitch into the ghost of a frown. If she thought hard enough, Ketna could recall something--no, someone--having a soft aura like flower petals and wind within the darkness. She closed her eyes, head rolling slowly backward until her face met the rain directly. Who...? Her eyes began to sting behind her eyelids.

A new aura brushed against her senses, this one hesitant and delicate. Ketna blinked her eyes open. Odd. This one stood out to her, amongst all of the humans in the nearby streets and buildings. Why? Fingers curled tightly around her staff as she grasped with both hands, holding it close to her chest. The aura wasn't unsettling. Quite the opposite, really.

But why did it feel so clear to her senses?

She whirled on her heel, snapping her staff up to aim at the human behind her as if it might deter them. What greeted her was a small looking boy, his form a meek thing battered and bruised. His hesitant aura seemed like a cold fog clinging to him with delicate fingers. Ketna stared at the human boy; grey eyes locked with his black. Silence stretched onward, only the sound of the rain splattering against the world and cars sloshing past gave any indication of time ticking onward.

Then, words whispered between bared fangs. "You have too many auras...."

Somewhere out on the streets of New Ark City
Company: A curious human
Ping(s): DillyWanderer DillyWanderer

Late night coffee shop
Company: Xaal
Ping(s): Lycanious Lycanious

Smiling slightly at Xaal's compliment of Naya'il, Razathna nodded. "Indeed. Let me know if you need any assistance in that regard; I know her favorite shops." They followed the other Angel's gaze out the window, smile fading and a similar sigh escaping. "That one did last longer than I initially gave them credit for," they said. As Xaal's bow materialized, Razathna reached into an interior pocket of their coat, pulling out a wallet to free some human currency. Carefully, they tucked the bills into the uniform pocket of one of the shop staff, the human slumped over in a dining chair and drooling upon the table nearby theirs.

Following Xaal outside the shop, Razathna quickly flicked down the shop's curtains and secured the door shut. "So be it," they at last replied, hand held out low from their side. Atropos, in similar fashion, took form within their grasp as their dark wings unfurled into being. Feathers rustled as they powered their wings, rushing forward towards the demon. With a subtle twist of their body, they brought their broadsword in an arc. Metal clashed, the sound splitting the air and nearly drowning out the human's cry of shock. Sword edge screeched as it sliced along steel claws and sparks danced in the night.

The demon snarled at Razathna, leaping back and spitting at the ground. "Should have figured one of you bird brains would show up. Always coming 'round to protect your little 'flock'. Pah!" He swore and spat, following Razathna's movements as the Collector sidestepped and gradually created distance from the human. The demon scowled when he failed to provoke any remark from them. "Not the talkative kind, huh? Fine. Die silent then!"

He lunged at Razathna, ice crackling as it crystalized at his hands before shooting through the rain.

"H-Hey, watch out!" The human shouted. Wings flared wide as they swept Atropos up and around, letting the blade catch the magical blows. They glanced at the demon hunter from the corner of their eyes briefly before returning their gaze to the demon. A tendril of darkness shot out from within Razathna's feathers to coil about the man and lift him off the ground. "Wha--" The man cried out as he was carried abruptly through the air and roughly discarded upon the coffee shop's rooftop.

Razathna twirled and deflected more attacks from the demon as the human was removed from the street. All of their movements were defensive, Atropos singing with each clash. In part, it was nearly like dancing, and Razathna allowed their body to yield into the fluidity while the demon grew more and more frustrated with each strike and blast of magic from his claws.

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Status --- Focused, Healthy
Location --- Outside Coffee Shop
Others --- Razathna

There was a shimmer that ran across Xaal just as she stepped out onto the street, her form momentarily appearing to blur and then fade out into nothing. From what Xaal could tell it was an ability that rendered her completely unperceivable to most humans, though she'd known one or two individuals from her past that held an extra sense for it. Angels and demons were far more varied, with lower ranked ones tending to glaze right over her while those of a more powerful nature usually had some way of either seeing past the illusion or detecting her in some other manner. It was for the latter reason that she'd requested Razathna set up the distraction, hoping that it would prevent said demon from being able to register that they hadn't come barging into the rescue alone.

White wings speckled with brown, reminiscent of that of a snowy owl, unfurled from her back. Silently they stretched and fluffed at the feathers for a moment, taking a moment to assess the direction of the wind and how heavy the rain was. With a graceful flare she took to the sky, rising quickly into the air in order to perch upon the rooftop of the coffeeshop they had just been seated in. Heavy boots thudded into the concrete below, Xaal making several more paces along its edge until she withdrew one of the arrows from her quiver. As trusted, Razathna was quick to fling the human out of harm's way, though internally Xaal grimaced a little as she heard said human smack into the roof several paces from her with a loud 'oof!' Briefly she glanced aside, confirming that the human was more dazed than injured, before returning her attention back to the skirmish between angel and demon down below.

Now, it was just a matter of waiting for the right moment to strike. She had faith that Razathna could hold their own, of course. In fact she half suspected that the collector was essentially toying with the demon at this point, trying to draw out the extent of their abilities so that both angels could see what they were dealing with. Xaal took note of the crystals of ice that briefly arced through the air with a curious head tilt, though it did little else to distract or dissuade her from the fight at hand. Meticulously categorising the nature of demons and pondering their limitations was more in the realm of her sibling, anyway. The important thing to conclude, in her opinion, was that the demon didn't look to be particularly high ranked. One arrow was likely to do the trick. Xaal pulled back on the string of her bow, waiting until Razathna had formed a small gap between them and the demon before finally releasing it.

Said arrow sailed through the air and met its mark, piercing deep into the gut of the demon. Instantly, the demons howls of frustration and barked out threats towards Razathna were silenced. The demon's mouth still moved, bellowing with new-found pain as he writhed and attempted to pull the arrow back out of his flesh, but the will of Xaal's arrow was stronger and continued to silence him so long as part of the arrowhead remained.

Xaal then readied a second arrow, giving the demon one last chance to admit defeat and skulk away into the night before either she or Razathna decided to finish the deed.

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The Evil-Soothing Godslaying Beast King
outside a public restroom
ridin’ that high

Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees
meepy meepy

The sight of the word "hurt," had caused his expression to lower into a solemn frown. Filch had seen the kind of carnage that Maylee was capable of and he had admired the hell out of her for it. But it had seemed that she still had her doubts about him, and where his talents flourished.

"you really asking if im hurt? i'll send a dozen more so you can really see how strong i am," his finger had hovered over the send button. At the exact moment that his thumb met his screen, a slow and vile wave assailed his senses.

Her scent was cloying and invasive. It felt like an army of fire ants entered his body and pierced his system with saccharine venom. Distinct in its foulness, and potent enough to drown out the lingering embers of the devil who lay dead within the bathroom stall. Instinct had taken him, muscles tensing, jaw growing taut, his focus snapped to the creature as it addressed him. It donned the mask of a woman, tall and twisted—her origins were unmistakable. Demon. And one who had not cared enough to hide it. “Lookin‘ for trouble, hag?

His hand fled behind his back, fingers tracing over the cold handle of a honed steel hilt. His stance shortened to ghost against the ground.

His body slowly circled hers, his feet trading places in a leaden tempo. He was a lone hyena; a ravenous glint spun onto his face and his snout had loosened to expose an array of sharp teeth. He seemed to exist in two places—while his ears recognized the words, his eyes gave the impression that his mind lingered elsewhere.

A flipbook was thumbed over in his head. A reel of violence played in the theater of his mind, in which he savored the many ways he could skewer the witch. Too many weapons to choose. His nails clinked idly against metal—each prod was brimmed with bloodlust. The ridges of his forehead tensed and his legs were coiled and ready to spring.

As he hears the word “short,” Filch unconsciously straightens his spine and stands taller. "And you look even dumber than you are," he spat out, with an undernote of offense and irritation. "Why would I look like other demon hunters, when I'm something much more dangerous?"
June Banner.png

Location: A random street in New Ark City | Time: Night
Company(s): Ketna - ValidEmotions ValidEmotions

June noticed a few things as he crossed the street, like his scraped elbow, his sprained ankle, her being taller than him, and the impressive staff she was holding. He watched the trinkets with fascination as they swayed in tune with the rhythm of their steps. He had seen some similar crafts online, but none came close to how detailed hers was. If magical staff truly existed, he thought it would probably look like hers. She must have had it custom-made. He mused with a pleased smile as if to compliment the maker. He wasn't an artist, but June appreciated art in all its forms.

He halted in his tracks when the girl abruptly stopped walking. He searched for cover in panic, but there was nowhere to hide. I shouldn't have done this. He regretted it, and yet, despite his conscience, June couldn't keep his eyes off her. He held his breath as she stood still, feeling the rain on her face. For a moment, she looked serene but somewhat lost.

What should I do? He mulled over, but before he could come up with anything, the girl suddenly turned around and swung her staff at him. He closed his eyes in recoil, but the attack didn't land. Confused, he slowly opened his eyes and saw the staff pointed at him, but not too close for it to hit. He glanced at her anxiously and was shocked to see her unique style. In silence, he skimmed at each of her striking features that seemed to resemble demons. Ah, so they were horns, not cat ears. His eyes glint at the discovery. Although smaller in size, the bony growths on her temples reminded him of a bighorn sheep's.

"You have too many auras...."

He blinked at her words, not fully understanding what they meant. Is this part of her play? He heard it was common for cosplayers to act out their characters, but June didn't expect them to be this extreme. "I...uh, I'm sorry. I don't know how to act," he awkwardly scratched his cheek with his finger. June had inherited a lot from his father, but his theatrical skills were never one of them. He stole another glance at her before following up with his apology, "Also, I apologize for following you. I wasn't trying to do anything bad. I was just curious because someone said they saw you jump down from the roof. I'm sorry." He bowed his head apologetically.
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epiphany flowers

Her gut twists with uncertainty, breathing shallow and panicked. She had to do this. It was either this or continue living under that monster's control. But if she was caught... the thought of what he'd do to her made her sick to the stomach. Her skin crawled with unease, nausea making her head spin as she leaned back against the car seat, sweat was dripping down her face and the nail of her thumb was bitten to oblivion.

She took a few deep breaths, gulping down the last of her fears, wiping away the stray tear that had slipped out while she was mulling over her despair. Elysia was much stronger than she gave herself credit for. It would be okay, she was here to get help and that's what she would get. There was no reason to spiral when she was so close to getting what she needed.

Despite this, her phone is full of angry texts, a myriad of 'where the fuck are you's and 'you're going to regret whatever the hell you're doing's. She knows her time is limited, that he'll be looking for her right now, but she has enough time to make her request.

"Let's go," she says before she can change her mind. Her driver, and bodyguard of sorts, steps out of the car, goes over to where she was seated and opens the door for her, reaching a hand out to help her out. She takes it without hesitation, stepping out of the sleek Maserati, bags of fresh food in tow, two in her hands and three taken by the driver. He was the only person within her staff who was hired solely by her, without the influence of the demon who tugged at her leash.

They'd parked a few streets away, in a quiet alley. She tugs her mask over her nose, sunglasses and cap on to further hide her identity, wearing a thick woollen coat that goes down to her knees. It was usually effective, people would only realise it was her if she were to be inspected from a closer distance. But for now, the shadows of the night concealed her.

It took around five minutes to reach Epiphany Flowers, the shop was quaint and well-kept, and the scent of flowers filled her nose before she even stepped foot into the place. She notices the two women on the balcony above the shop, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke unpleasant, but it'd be rude to comment. She nods up at them in acknowledgement, entering the store soon after, waiting for them to meet her downstairs.

"Here's the food you asked for," she places the bags on a nearby table, the driver following suit, standing close by. Braised pork belly with rice, chicken and prawn pad thai, a few different broths to choose from, wagyu steak, dumplings, and so on. The bare minimum in her eyes.

She takes off her mask and sunglasses, raising her hand to shake with who she assumed was Nicky, "I'm Elysia, thank you for agreeing to meet," her expression was neutral, her tone calm and level, a little devoid of emotion if anything. Turning to the other woman, she tilts her head and extends her hand to shake, "And you are...?"

Elysia assumed that she was probably one of the demon hunters employed here, and hopefully, someone who could do the job. She was a little conscious of the windows that peered into the shop, and she was eager to ask if they could talk and eat somewhere a bit more private.


♡coded by uxie♡

Her gut twists with uncertainty, breathing shallow and panicked. She had to do this. It was either this or continue living under that monster's control. But if she was caught... the thought of what he'd do to her made her sick to the stomach. Her skin crawled with unease, nausea making her head spin as she leaned back against the car seat, sweat was dripping down her face and the nail of her thumb was bitten to oblivion.

She took a few deep breaths, gulping down the last of her fears, wiping away the stray tear that had slipped out while she was mulling over her despair. Elysia was much stronger than she gave herself credit for. It would be okay, she was here to get help and that's what she would get. There was no reason to spiral when she was so close to getting what she needed.

Despite this, her phone is full of angry texts, a myriad of 'where the fuck are you's and 'you're going to regret whatever the hell you're doing's. She knows her time is limited, that he'll be looking for her right now, but she has enough time to make her request.

"Let's go," she says before she can change her mind. Her driver, and bodyguard of sorts, steps out of the car, goes over to where she was seated and opens the door for her, reaching a hand out to help her out. She takes it without hesitation, stepping out of the sleek Maserati, bags of fresh food in tow, two in her hands and three taken by the driver. He was the only person within her staff who was hired solely by her, without the influence of the demon who tugged at her leash.

They'd parked a few streets away, in a quiet alley. She tugs her mask over her nose, sunglasses and cap on to further hide her identity, wearing a thick woollen coat that goes down to her knees. It was usually effective, people would only realise it was her if she were to be inspected from a closer distance. But for now, the shadows of the night concealed her.

It took around five minutes to reach Epiphany Flowers, the shop was quaint and well-kept, and the scent of flowers filled her nose before she even stepped foot into the place. She notices the two women on the balcony above the shop, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke unpleasant, but it'd be rude to comment. She nods up at them in acknowledgement, entering the store soon after, waiting for them to meet her downstairs.

"Here's the food you asked for," she places the bags on a nearby table, the driver following suit, standing close by. Braised pork belly with rice, chicken and prawn pad thai, a few different broths to choose from, wagyu steak, dumplings, and so on. The bare minimum in her eyes.

She takes off her mask and sunglasses, raising her hand to shake with who she assumed was Nicky, "I'm Elysia, thank you for agreeing to meet," her expression was neutral, her tone calm and level, a little devoid of emotion if anything. Turning to the other woman, she tilts her head and extends her hand to shake, "And you are...?"

Elysia assumed that she was probably one of the demon hunters employed here, and hopefully, someone who could do the job. She was a little conscious of the windows that peered into the shop, and she was eager to ask if they could talk and eat somewhere a bit more private.
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Streets of New Ark City
Company: June

Ping(s): DillyWanderer DillyWanderer
"I don't know how to act."

Ketna's head tilted faintly, eyes blinking slowly as they took note of the boy's features. "How to... act?" She repeated, the words dripping from her lip like a slowly leaking faucet. Humans are easily spooked creatures, dear. Vaz's wisdom crawled through their thoughts as if summoned. You need to put up the act like you're one of them or else they'll go whip up half a dozen ridiculous conspiracies. The thought lingered in their mind as they attempted to work out what the boy could possibly mean. Eventually, "Oh... Act," she mused.

Gradually, she lowered her staff in favor of stepping closer to the boy and watching as he scratched at his cheek. Silently, she reached a hand outward until her fingertip graced the same cheek. Then, a smile started to spread upon her face, a ripple entering her features. As if in slow motion, Ketna's horns faded away. Her skin shifted in tones until it matched the boy's, her eyes similarly doing the same to match the color of his irises. Gray hair darkened and shortened. Finally, her body morphed to match his height and frame. "You don't need to know how. I can act instead," she said, his voice echoing from her mouth instead. A soft giggle floated in the air between them as she closed her eyes and tilted her head again. "It's been a while since I got to act like someone else."

"Oh--" Snapping her eyes open once more, she stood straighter and fixed the boy with a scrutinizing gaze. "You have too many auras." Ketna nearly forgot, their senses picking through each one that clung to him like a heavy coat. They sniffed once, trying to determine if there were any other telltale signs of the boy possibly being something other than human. "You don't feel like a demon. Nor an angel. Just human...."

Ketna had started to circle around him as she spoke now, gently plucking at his clothing and nudging his arms as if examining a specimen for any potential flaws. "And yet... Something holds you tightly. A malicious something...." Ketna stopped circling and stood straighter again. Her features morphed again, back into her own but far more human than previously. She snatched at the boy's arm and started tugging, running. "You need safety!" She knew just the place to take him, filled with endless books and the warm comfort of protection that swaddled her like blankets.


Late night coffee shop
Company: Xaal

Ping(s): Lycanious Lycanious
Icicles flew at their face, prompting Razathna to duck their head sideways to dodge the attack before sliding forward with their sword. They struck a solid chunk of ice instead of flesh. Hopping a step back, Razathna let the demon continue his string of swearing and verbal degradation as they caught a glimpse of Xaal in the background. In the next second, one of her arrows was lodged into the demon's gut, blissfully bringing silence along with it.

They leveled their sword at the demon as he bellowed soundlessly. "This will be your only chance," Razathna warned. It earned them a crude hand gesture. Why did so many demons insist on having no class? They almost rolled their eyes in response, wings beating to propel them skyward as the demon lurched for a renewed assault. Hardly a moment after, Xaal's second arrow struck its mark within the demon's skull, sending it face first into the ground. In kind, Razathna dropped back to the ground, sword piercing and cutting through the creature's neck to ensure there would be no further issue.

As the demon's body disintegrated, Razathna's wings tucked into place against their back and Atropos dissipated into nothingness. They looked up and over at Xaal. "Do you want to bring your charge to a hospital for treatment?" they inquired, arching an eyebrow at the mentioned human as he gawked from the rooftop. "He seems startled by our presence." Razathna lifted their voice a bit, directing it now to the man. "Did you not think angels existed while you fought against demons?"

"N-No! I just--" He fell silent, clearly at a loss of any comeback.

Razathna already knew it, but now they had a better look at the human and could see the youth in his features. The inexperience. "Do your Guardian a favor; invest in some fighting class. Doesn't matter what type. Just work on your combative skills."


Leaving the New Ark Subways
Company: Viktor | Niko

Ping(s): Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
It was raining now. Turning his gaze away from the engorged storm clouds above, Jorath briefly readjusted his coat to tug the collar closer to his jaw and hunch his shoulders. Should return to Vaz before the thunder starts.... Stepping out from beneath the station's awning, he let his sharpened senses filter through the cacophony of auras. Forever on alert for one that felt like drowning in the arctic ocean. The cold of the rain didn't help, already soaking into his skin beneath his clothes as he quickened his pace. Waterlogged hair clung to his face and his nose tickled with chilled droplets.

Jorath was already trying to rehearse what he was going to say to Vaz: 'I fucked up', 'there was another demon that--'. He scowled at himself. Vaz didn't need a whole list of excuses just to know that Jorath had failed again. If he didn't secure another soul soon, then Vaz wasn't going to meet the requirement before their deadline. And it'd be my fault-- His nostrils flared as the evening wind wafted the crisp copper scent of blood to him.

Immediately coming to a halt, Jorath's gaze flickered in the direction the scent came from. Senses prickled as the auras brushed against his awareness. Streaming like half-congealed red liquid and flecked with burning embers. Jorath had encountered the aura once before, tucked away in an alleyway near the Archives. Mingling with it now was a weaker presence, this one glittering like tarnished bronze and serrated.

He glanced away from where the auras lingered, studying the street and humans hustling to their destinations to remove themselves from the rain as quickly as possible. He needed to return to the Archives, to plan and figure out another course of action with Vaz before he got them into another spot of trouble.

But the scent of blood was worrisome.

"...Fuck," he uttered, face twisting again into a tired scowl as he turned and started towards the potential mess. He stepped cautiously, striding past the overturned dumpster and picking his way amongst the pungent debris. In the darkness, he studied the hunched figures from what little distance he could maintain without the rain drowning out his voice. "Hey. Need some help?"


an easy
an easy mark
but how you think i got this

epiphany flowers
nicky and elysia
click here
Maylee sighed and began to rub her temples at Filch's response. He really did seem to think he was invincible. And, to give him credit, he was inordinately sturdy for a demon hunter—that deal he had struck up with the one he called 'the Taxman' ensured that. But making a deal with a demon didn't make a human indestructible, and, if anything, it invited even more dangers into their life. Maylee didn't understand how anyone could trust a demon enough to hold up their end of a bargain. Surely that creature was looking for the quickest opportunity to stab Filch in the back.

Well, she supposed that was what she was for. If Filch wouldn't watch his own back, she would watch it for him. As a fellow demon hunter, of course—nothing more.

She punched in another quick text: 'no, i don't need any more pics, thanks. just be careful.'

A pair of figures passed by the balcony beneath them, then, and Maylee glanced down to see what appeared to be a man and a woman clutching several bags. The woman nodded in greeting and began to head for the shop entrance.

" Maylee said, glancing at Nicky, "
I guess this is our company.

She and her boss headed downstairs to meet their guests. At first, Maylee was taken aback by the rather exorbitant amount of food they had brought—enough to feed a whole family, let alone two twenty-somethings who were used to cheap takeout—but everything else was quickly eclipsed by the surreal realization of just who their guest was. Sure, at a distance, the coat, cap, and mask made her look rather unassuming, but up close, it was unmistakable. In fact, if anything, the heavy clothing only made it more obvious the pink-haired woman was trying to conceal her identity.

Maylee was reeling. This... had to be some kind of prank, right? There was no way a celebrity as prestigious as Elysia would be frequenting their ordinary little shop. And with only one bodyguard at her side, too, unless there were others waiting just out of sight. She stared dazedly as Elysia casually shook Nicky's hand, and, starstruck as she was (God, if any of the demons she had hunted could see her—they'd surely be incensed that they were taken out by a girl who got starry-eyed about meeting a singer she liked), it took her a moment to process when Elysia was extending her hand to her, too.

" Maylee blinked, glanced over her shoulder (as if there was someone else Elysia could be talking to—God, she was embarrassing herself), and then quickly straightened, clearing her throat and smoothing her coat down at her sides before awkwardly accepting Elysia's handshake. How many times was she supposed to shake it? Three? Or was that too many? How hard was she supposed to grip it? God, why couldn't she remember how a stupid handshake was supposed to work?

M... Maylee,
" she said. The urge to gush about Elysia's work bubbled up inside her like a bottle of fizzy soda after the cap was popped, but she did her best to swallow it. Elysia clearly wasn't looking to attract any attention at the moment, and Maylee could only imagine she dealt with plenty of badgering every time she stepped out in public. "
I'm Maylee.

breakable - ingrid michaelson

Maylee sighed and began to rub her temples at Filch's response. He really did seem to think he was invincible. And, to give him credit, he was inordinately sturdy for a demon hunter—that deal he had struck up with the one he called 'the Taxman' ensured that. But making a deal with a demon didn't make a human indestructible, and, if anything, it invited even more dangers into their life. Maylee didn't understand how anyone could trust a demon enough to hold up their end of a bargain. Surely that creature was looking for the quickest opportunity to stab Filch in the back.

Well, she supposed that was what she was for. If Filch wouldn't watch his own back, she would watch it for him. As a fellow demon hunter, of course—nothing more.

She punched in another quick text: 'no, i don't need any more pics, thanks. just be careful.'

A pair of figures passed by the balcony beneath them, then, and Maylee glanced down to see what appeared to be a man and a woman clutching several bags. The woman nodded in greeting and began to head for the shop entrance.

"Oh," Maylee said, glancing at Nicky, "I guess this is our company."

She and her boss headed downstairs to meet their guests. At first, Maylee was taken aback by the rather exorbitant amount of food they had brought—enough to feed a whole family, let alone two twenty-somethings who were used to cheap takeout—but everything else was quickly eclipsed by the surreal realization of just who their guest was. Sure, at a distance, the coat, cap, and mask made her look rather unassuming, but up close, it was unmistakable. In fact, if anything, the heavy clothing only made it more obvious the pink-haired woman was trying to conceal her identity.

Maylee was reeling. This... had to be some kind of prank, right? There was no way a celebrity as prestigious as Elysia would be frequenting their ordinary little shop. And with only one bodyguard at her side, too, unless there were others waiting just out of sight. She stared dazedly as Elysia casually shook Nicky's hand, and, starstruck as she was (God, if any of the demons she had hunted could see her—they'd surely be incensed that they were taken out by a girl who got starry-eyed about meeting a singer she liked), it took her a moment to process when Elysia was extending her hand to her, too.

"Um—" Maylee blinked, glanced over her shoulder (as if there was someone else Elysia could be talking to—God, she was embarrassing herself), and then quickly straightened, clearing her throat and smoothing her coat down at her sides before awkwardly accepting Elysia's handshake. How many times was she supposed to shake it? Three? Or was that too many? How hard was she supposed to grip it? God, why couldn't she remember how a stupid handshake was supposed to work?

"M... Maylee," she said. The urge to gush about Elysia's work bubbled up inside her like a bottle of fizzy soda after the cap was popped, but she did her best to swallow it. Elysia clearly wasn't looking to attract any attention at the moment, and Maylee could only imagine she dealt with plenty of badgering every time she stepped out in public. "I'm Maylee."

Status --- Cautious, Healthy
Location --- Outside Coffee Shop
Others --- Razathna, Darren

For once, the demon seemed to have been dealt with swiftly and with relatively little mess. Xaal shook her head slightly as she watch Razantha bring down their sword and confirm that he would not be bothering them again. Truth be told, even if they proved to be troublesome later, she preferred it when they did skulk off to live another day. Treating demons as mere mindless embodiments of cruelty and depravity was proving to be more and more difficult these days, when she found herself in increasingly common company of them. She'd wondered before whether it was any easier for the likes of Razantha and Naya'il, who dealt far more with the cycle of life and death and perhaps just based most of their decisions around whether or not someone's lifeline was showing that it needed to be extinguished that day. Or was it that it would be extinguished? The line between fate and luck and how easily either were to overturn was not something she claimed to have much understanding of.

In the here and now, though, she supposed that it didn't really matter. The deed had been done. She lowered her bow, privately hoping that the demon wouldn't end up being an acquaintance of anyone that she cared more for, before finally turning and switching her attention to the human on the other end of the rooftop. Swiftly she approached him, dismissing both the bow and her sensory-dampening aura when his breathing hitched and he started to scramble up onto his feet with a wide-eyed expression. For a moment she saw him hold the bat he'd been wielding out towards her in a defensive posture, eyes wide. But as she stood there, wings idly stretching out and weapon removed, he seemed to finally calm enough to at least attempt conversation. "Th-thanks? I think."

Normally at this point Xaal would fish out the phone and begin to tap out a response upon its screen. She knew from previous observations, however, that the young man had a sister who was hearing impaired and thus that he had at least a decent grasp over sign. She waved at him for attention while his gaze darted about the street in search of further danger, waiting until he was facing her before she asked whether he was feeling alright. It took him a second to seemingly process this, but once he registered what the question had been he swallowed nervously and gave a shaky nod of his head. "Uh, yeah, um. Bit winded. Bastard got a good scratch on my arm. But I think I'm alright." He declared, hands moving in their best attempt to match his dialogue as he spoke. "My name's uh, Deathstrike, by the way."

Xaal rose an eyebrow at this, head tilting to the side as she regarded him with a slightly baffled expression. It was certainly an odd name, and most definitely not the one that she'd been given when told she was to be assigned as a Guardian to the budding new demon slayer. He seemed to think the same, as an awkward cough sounded before he decided to expand on the thought. "I mean- that's my like. Hero name, you know? Protects my secret identity."

The eyebrow remained raised, until the human glanced away in an embarrassed manner. "But- uh....Some people call me Darren, too." He eventually mumbled. From this her confusions morphed into a slight shake of the shoulders, Xaal taking a moment to titter at this before patting him on the shoulder in acknowledgement.

< I will use 'Deathstrike', then. For safety. > Mused the angel.

"Do you have a code name too?"

< Xaal. > She spelt out for him. Not a code name, as such, in as much as it was just a single syllable that mortal tongues were capable of reproducing instead of disastrous attempts to comprehend her full true name. Xaal watched as Darren nodded, before turning his attention to his arm and sucking the air through his teeth momentarily over it. "That's going to need a bandage, huh." He observed, to which Xaal gave a sigh and nodded in agreement. Healing magic was not really her forte, despite her nature as a Guardian Angel. He might have more luck with Razathna though. Or, at least, the other aforementioned angel might at least have some bandages on their person for him. With this in mind she motioned for him to hold out his arms, grabbing a hold of them once he obliged and launching herself back off of the roof. Xaal was quick to glide down and deposit him onto the ground once more, though it still inspired a yelp of surprise from him as he scrambled to cling to the fabric of her coat on the descent. Right. She had to remember that humans generally didn't like being airborne without prior warning. When flight came to her as easily as did breathing it was an easy fact to forget.

< Can you help? > She asked Razantha, as she motioned towards the damaged arm. < If you can I don't think we need a trip to the hospital. >


//Epiphany Flowers

Vinegar Bees Vinegar Bees meepy meepy Zedalith Zedalith
“That’s some serial killer behavior right there,” Nicky replied, crossing her arms. She didn’t get the sense that Filch was that kind of person, but demon hunters were all eccentrics one way or the other, and that kid was one of the most eccentric of them all. “Could’ve kept the picture and used it to get a restraining order against him, y’know?”

Not that she expected Maylee to do so, if she hadn’t yet blocked his number at this point. There was that weird sense of solidarity and responsibility that developed after all. Even Nicky herself had stuck her head into some of Filch’s business before, just to make sure the kid was still kicking and didn’t get sent to juvie.

That was enough about him, though. She side-eyed the part-timer’s reaction to that name, not paying mind to any possibility of celebrity appearances. There were too many to keep track of in New Ark City; even if Ely was one, what did it matter?

Well, the quality of food definitely mattered.

It was a generically Asian spread, Chinese, Thai, Japanese, all sealed up in steaming plastic containers. The steak looked particularly appetizing, reminding the shopowner that she hadn’t eaten since lunch, and making the pitiful sandwiches in her fridge seem all the more pathetic.

“You didn’t have to bring this much,” Nicky said, clasping Ely’s hand in her own, “Would’ve been fine if you just got pizza.”

Of course, since it was there, she took a couple minutes rearranging the food on the table, went through her products to put together a nice collection of roses to serve as a centerpiece decoration, and then fiddled with the lighting before getting a good picture up. There was a brief moment where she looked at Elysia, wondering if it would be appropriate to take a picture of the celebrity as part of a late-night promo pic, but of course it was inappropriate! It’d be far too much of a hassle to work things out with her PR team.

She sent it off as-is instead, accompanying her Insta post with a #glamdinner.

Sent it off to Filch as well: “Got takeout. Want leftovers?”

With social obligations completed, Nicky slapped Maylee on the back and smiled towards Elysia. “She’s not usually this shy, but Maylee’s one of our best workers here. Might have another head over, but we can start without him; he’s usually not big on the whole ‘thinking’ thing anyways.”

The blinds were already drawn, and the doors were locked. With New Ark as it was, soundproofed walls were simply common sense.

She sat down by the table, gesturing Maylee to start eating, before her gaze returned to the client. “We're pretty casual here, so feel free to cut to the chase. What's the problem?”
June Banner.png

Location: A random street in New Ark City | Time: Night
Company(s): Ketna - ValidEmotions ValidEmotions

June had been exposed to spiritual beliefs at a very young age. Some were taught by his family, and others he learned from the books he read. There was a lot on his list, but June only believed in a few, while the rest he dismissed as an exaggeration of elders to amuse or scare children at night. Some might see it as a disgraceful standpoint from someone raised in a shaman family, but June didn't believe in things he hadn't seen or experienced. However, he wasn't like that from the beginning. There was a time when he was a naive boy who believed in his grandmother's stories. The tales of supernatural beings walking and living among humans. He heard of the evil spirits haunting the living, the demons lurking in the shadows, and the angels who save the weak and the unfortunate. As a child, he believed, no, he wished that those beings were real because only then could he find some reason and solution to his continuous stroke of bad luck. However, death can make a person doubt. After all, no matter how much he prayed, no angels came to save his grandmother from his misfortune, and no matter how much he begged, no demon appeared to offer him a contract to switch their fate.

They shouldn't be real. June watched in disbelief as the girl's body morphed before his eyes. This reminded him of the sentence he once read in a book: Demons can copy and shapeshift into any form they desire to deceive mortals. He was horrified, even more so when her features started to resemble his, and his voice came from her lips.

"It's been a while since I got to act like someone else."

Is she planning to copy me and take over my life?
Dozens of scenarios ran through his head as the demon watched her like he was some spectacle.

"You have too many auras."

This again.
The words that he thought were just some script sounded more ominous now. "I-I'm just a human..." he stuttered, stepping back only for her to get closer again. He flinched every time she made contact with him, scared that a sudden attack would happen. He might not have believed in demons before, but he had read enough to know how unpredictable and violent they could be.

A malicious something....

His head snapped up at her words. With a racing heart, he stared at her with wide eyes. He wanted to ask what she meant, but her body transformed once again before he could. Seeing that her previous form had returned relieved him a little, but even that was short-lived. Fright returned as soon as the demon grabbed his arm and started dragging him away.

I should do something! He groaned, feeling his ankle ache as she tugged him along. Think! He glanced around their surroundings, looking for anything or anyone that could help him. When he saw someone nearby, he used all his remaining strength to prevent them from making another step. "STOP!" he yelled, wishing it was loud enough for the other person to hear. He looked up at the demon, "W-where are we going?" he asked as he tried to catch his breath. He was indeed curious about where they were headed, but his main goal was to stall enough time so he could come up with a plan or for the stranger to come and intervene.

Late Night Coffee Shop
Company: Xaal | Darren

Ping(s): Lycanious Lycanious
Waiting for Xaal to speak with the human, Razathna turned their gaze elsewhere to survey the street. Unless one had a cloaking ability similar to Xaal, the Collector could sense no other demons in the vicinity. The yelp drew Razathna's attention back, effectively alerting them to Xaal and Darren's arrival. Their head tilted faintly in response to Xaal's question. Then, they held a hand out towards Darren, stepping closer with their wings shifting. Black feathers rustled as their wings lifted, flicked outward in a quick stretch, then resettled against their back. The motion caused Darren to flinch visibly, but the young man didn't take a step back. With gentle--yet firm--grasp, Razathna took hold of Darren's arm, stormy gaze examining the extent of his injuries.

"I'm not as pristine as Naya'il...." they stated. "It'll scar, certainly. But the injuries are mild enough." As they spoke, their eyes began to glow, turning storm-gray into a silvery kind of light. Simultaneously, a black glow illuminated their fingertips until their hand was encased in full by dark light. They studied Darren as the human's eyes widened and mouth dropped into a subtle gap. No doubt, Darren was fixated on the way his muscles and skin were knitting back together. Soon enough, unbroken skin resided beneath a smeared and coagulated layer of blood. When Razathna swiped a thumb across Darren's arm, only a jagged line of discoloration remained where there was once a sizable gash.

Razathna released Darren's arm, mostly ignoring the man's sputtering in favor of taking a step sideways. "Watch your shoes," they warned Darren, earning a confused look before the man's eyes again widened and he abruptly doubled over. The sounds of a human getting sick were nothing new to Razathna, especially after a healing. For an unknown reason, mortal bodies sometimes reacted adversely to celestial magic. Especially a Collector's--in Razathna's experience. While Xaal remained with Darren as the human's stomach emptied itself, Razathna returned for the cafe and magically undid the door's lock so they could reach inside for a fistful of napkins. Again, they locked the door before shutting it.

"It's not soap and water, but this should at least help," Razathna remarked, passing the napkins over to Xaal and Darren.

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