Secrets of the Toriga System

Fus ro dah

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The blank character sheet for this RP is below. If you wish to add extra information, feel free!

Yes, you may play more than one character if you want.

(Images go up here.)










Birth planet/colony:

Current residence:


Brief History:

Weapon Of Choice:

Anything Else?:


The Shunned

Name: Yin Taesen'anea (Silver tracker of the Night)

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Species: Halfbreed. (Eurium x Ialdor)

Height: 6ft 2”

Weight: 160 lbs

Occupation: Bounty hunter, adventurer, co-Founder of the Adventurer's Guild.

Birth planet/colony: Vilsyrka, Asildra.

Current residence: Nomadic.

Personality: WIP

Brief History: Born to an Ialdorian mother and a Eurium father, Yin was an accident borne from a night of drunken passion between his parents. Assuming she was pregnant to her husband, Peng continued on with her life until the day Yin was born. It was only then that the truth came to surface when two twin boys, a strange mixture of Eurium and Ialdor were being held in the nursemaids’ arms.

In accordance to the law, Peng was cast out shortly afterwards. Banished from the city forever, and now without a husband, she took her newborns and fled into the desert. She finally found a small community of exiles who accepted them into their fold. The boys were raised, moving from place to place when they needed to. Peng contacted the boys’ father when they were old enough to travel; and the twins got to meet their father. He accepted the strange looking boys as his own, and the two took up residence in a more remote location of Egyrius; working alongside the Taur of the forests who did not judge them and assisted them in building a home big enough for the four of them.

As they grew, they were raised in both worlds; learning both Eurium Snowmagic and Ialdor telekinesis. Their power was nowhere near as high as their parents, due to their mixed heritage; but it was still enough to get along in the world. Yin and his brother returned to Ialdor when they were of age, Bolin deciding to stay on the desert planet and founding the Adventurer’s Guild. Yin was the first member.

Weapon Of Choice: Tigerwood bow, and a short sword for close combat. Sometimes combined with what little power he has.

Anything Else?: Twin brother to Bolin Taesen'anea, founder and leader of the Adventurer's Guild. He’s younger than Bolin by 30 minutes.


Name: Bolin Taesen'anea

Nickname: Bo

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Species: Halfbreed. (Eurium x Ialdor)

Height: 6ft 4”

Weight: 180 lbs

Occupation: Bounty hunter, adventurer, Founder of the Adventurer's Guild.

Birth planet/colony: Vilsyrka, Asildra.

Current residence: Nomadic.

Personality: WIP

Brief History: See Yin's history. Same story.

Weapon Of Choice: Tigerwood crossbow, twin daggers.

Anything else?: Twin brother to Yin Taesen'anea, founder and leader of the Adventurer's Guild. He’s older than Yin by 30 minutes.
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Name: Refia Constantine

Nickname: Ref

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Height: 5 feet 2 inches

Weight: 97lbs

Species: Human

Description: Considered to be rather short and thin. Refia changes clothes often, yet she favors a thin black jacket and the casual black shirt. Her pants are whatever she can find, particularly black and baggy as to not draw attention. Refia's hair is a dark brown along with her eyes. Skin is light but not entirely pale.

Occupation: Bounty Hunter and Explorer

Birth planet/colony: It is documented as E-2009

Current residence: She travels the universe, yet stays in E-2009 whenever there is the opportunity.

Personality: Quick thinking and violent. Refia is dedicated to what she does and will stop at nothing, and will let nothing stop her, when given a task. Anger is not something Refia can handle easily, yet she despises the emotion, happiness is something that is valued. Unstable and often lost, it is difficult to capture any sort of emotion for an extended period of time.

Brief History: Not much is known about Refia as she never finds the time to speak about her past. What is known however is that she had spent time in the Prison Colony and it is the reason for her violent personality. She has somehow found her way off and refuses to share how.

Weapon Of Choice: Two plasma pistols

Anything Else?: Refia is afraid of cats.



Rahani Orathius








220 lbs.




Mercenary Captain and arms dealer


Tall and thin, very athletic for his age. Has a dark black coat and fur and red markings all over his body

Birth Planet:


Current Residence:

No permanent due to his line of work, has some bases across the universe

Brief History:

Born on Rhion, Rahani loved the thrill of the hunts that he would go on with his brothers everyday to get food for their family. He was getting tired of it when he was 20 years old. He left his home planet to see what the rest of the universe was like. He ran into a mercenary group when he was traveling and was in love with it. He joined and worked with them for over 10 years. The leader had grown close to him since they were the only two Ny'iss in the group and no one else respected them. He was made a captain after 10 years of service and was made the groups procurement of arms to help them.

Weapon Of Choice:

One Sword and Some Small knives

Anything Else:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401803840.545253.jpg.1453cc3b6669aa030fa08733150eb095.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19746" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401803840.545253.jpg.1453cc3b6669aa030fa08733150eb095.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Alcina Ganymedes










115 lbs


Hybrid (Eurium x Cavr)


Alcina is known to be deadly, although part Cavr, she enjoys a good fight as much as the next Eurium.

She also knows she has a great body and knows how to use it to her advantage.


Assassin/ Mercenary/ Wanderer

Birth planet/colony:

Dorox/ Feland

Current residence:

Anywhere she can lie on


Alcina is somewhat cold and distant to those she deems as enemies, while to her family and friends, she is both a close companion and a protector. She is known to be violent and brutal when it comes to fighting.

Brief History:

Born out of wedlock to an Eurium father and Cavr mother, Alcina has always felt like she wasn't needed. As she grew older, she learned combat from her father, and the ability to heal from her mother.

She left her hometown when she was of age, and to this day, travels the universe.

Weapon Of Choice:

A bow and arrows, or twin daggers are fine with her.

Anything Else?:

She loves to try any sort of food, much to her stomach's chagrin. Also loves a good drink.



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Name: Rey’gash (Ray-Gash)

Nickname: Doc, Medic, Vagabond. Take your pick.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 5’ 11

Weight: 180lbs

Species: Ca’vr

Description: Rey’gash’s hue is a slightly darker green than most. For clothes he usually wears a dark tunic on top. The sleeves are cut short for his fins to poke out off. For the bottom he has some dark ivy stained jeans that now look fairly tatterd, and covered in ethnic patterns. (he got them from healing a human. When the human asked what He could repay Rey’gash with, the answer “I could always use an extra set of clothes.)

Occupation: Healer, though it’s not a steady work, more of a pay per job, he doesn’t have a clinic or anything

Birth planet/colony: Born and raised on Dorox.

Current residence: None permanently, Travel from place to place healing and trying to do good; also, wanting to take in the wide range of cultures that the worlds have to offer.

Personality: Rey’gush is a fairly nice fellow, always ready to lend a helping hand where he can, usually that falls into healing the needy. He also is very interested in seeing all the cultures out there and how they intermingle. Human Quisine mixed with Ca’vr spices? Ialdor style art as attempted by other races? Two examples yes, but so many others out there. So many combinations not tried yet!

Brief History: For Rey’gush, there are no interesting stories about his past, he grew up the same way most Ca’vr grow up on Dorox, He learned the healing and shielding arts, revered the great leviathans, and worked in the swamps. The the thing that changed that was when he reached the point where he could be called an adult. He wanted to see the different planets, the peoples, try and do as much good as he could. He hasn’t stopped.

Weapon Of Choice: Quarterstaff he carved himself, while he’d prefer to use it for healing or shielding, he’s quite capable of delivering quick strikes to somebody trying to attack someone he’s tending to.

Anything Else?: nope not much, just tell me if I need to fix anything.
Name: Lian

Nickname: Lily to some because of her facination with other worldly flowers.

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 144 Lbs

Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anthro_by_sirquo-d5p5px3.png.84ee90af9fff928bf38bba3dbd97851d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19818" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anthro_by_sirquo-d5p5px3.png.84ee90af9fff928bf38bba3dbd97851d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> But uh, with more clothes. I promise!

Occupation: Overly Excited Traveler / Sellsword

Birth planet/colony: Asildra, Cetis

Current residence: N/A

Personality: Prideful, high morality, protective of others rights, has a certain level of hate for all men, is veeeeeery partial to alcohol.

Brief History: Lian's father was a high ranking official in the Asildran Guard, which spurred her on a similar path. At the appropriate age she joined the Guard herself and quickly advanced through all of the required training. Upon joining her patrol group, however, she learned that woman are looked down upon in the military; A fact that her father had kept hidden from her.

Months passed and Lian barely saw the outside of the Barracks, and in a fit of frustration(And a fair bit of alcohol) she devised a clever plan. She payed a traveling Tuar merchant to lie about having slept with the young Ialdor, and she was thus expelled from the city.

Having succeeded in her brilliant attempt at fraud, Lian now wanders Cetis, more often then not ending up as a sellsword for groups of merchants traveling the deserts. Her lack of knowledge of the world outside of the Asildra gates sometimes makes her increasingly anxious and flustered when in the company of others.

Weapon(s) Of Choice: Three short swords.

Anything Else?: Nup!



  • anthro_by_sirquo-d5p5px3.png
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yeah I was wondering "why are there notifs? so I checked...and found out that 4 pages had passed xD


Rayna Castallanta


Her family calls her Rayn, but she prefers to be called Rayna by others.


24 years old








The Cavr




Explorer/Magic user/Healer

Birth planet/colony:

Born and raised on the planet of Dorox

Current residence:

Rayna has a home on the planet Dorox, where she often goes to stay after adventuring. Her family lives there as well, and they eagerly await her return for exciting new tales.


Quietly forceful, original, and sensitive, Rayna is often described as a kind soul, because of her need to help others as much as she can. She is a highly intelligent woman, and can keep a calm head in a dangerous situation. Being a healer and using magic to protect herself, Rayna has become very skilled in the ways of using magic. When fighting in combat, a more stubborn and fiery side comes out. But even if she beats that person in a fight, she always offers a peaceful resolution.

Rayna is a dependent person for others, because she tends to stick to things until they are completely done. She is also extremely intuitive about people, and is always concerned for their feelings.

Brief History:

When Rayna was young, she had an older sister who she openly looked up to. Her sister was named Xalia, and she was rebellious even as an adult. She traveled across the universe from planet to planet, a new adventure planned out for her almost every single day. Rayna wanted to be just like her when she was an adult, but her family disapproved greatly. When Xalia left to explore Asildra, she never returned. Rayna's family were in mourning for a long time. In result, Rayna was never given the chance to be an adventurer until she reached the age of 20. Now at the age of 24, Rayna jumps from planet to planet just as her sister did.

Weapon Of Choice:

A magic staff given to her by her father. It allows her to heal others and use the power of shielding.

Anything Else?:


(It's not too late to join is it?

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Name: Logos Fairboard

Nickname: Skully, Log

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Height: 1,93m (6'3)

Weight: 189

Species: Human


Occupation: Bounty Hunter, Hired Gun, Occasional Explorer (if there's money involved), Smuggler.

Birth planet/colony: Cetis

Current residence: Nowhere (he sleeps on his ship or wherever he lands)

Personality: He lives by the phylosophy that stronger men must live and weaker men must perish. He's always trying to make money, in any way that is acceptable for him. He doesn't have sympathy for people that don't put effort on things, but he values the ones who do. He's usually cranky and has a hasty temper. He doesn't like to talk much with other humans.

Brief History: Logos was born on Cetis, on a cabin in the vast desert. His father was a soldier and his mother a botanist. They crashed on Cetis accidentally after their ship was hit by pirates. While his mother was giving birth to him, his father died due to the wounds caused by the crash. With nowhere to go and without food or supplies, his mother carried him across the desert, searching for a place where they could rest. She died for the crash injuries plus her thirst. Logos was alone in the desert, hopeless, using his little blanket to protect himself from a sandstorm when an Ialdorian appeared. His name was Cloct. He took Logos home and raised him as his own, but never giving him a name. Cloct trained him on how to survive in such a hot desert and how not to get lost on that monotonous landscape, learning little tricks of localization. When the boy was ten years old, Cloct gave him a name in honour of everything he had learned so far on his life. The only person that Logos knew until he was fourteen was Cloct, due to the fact that he was some kind of hermit, and that he would always hide the kid when one of his long lost friends would come by. At the age of fourteen, he saw two smugglers killing Cloct when because he witnessed them killing a merchant. After noticing that the boy was watching them from a distance, they chased him. As Logos knew more about the desert than they did, he managed to escape while they got lost and died. He returned to the place where their ship was landed and decided to steal it, since there wasn't anything left for him at the planet. With the ship's manual, he managed to learn how to drive it, being able to deliver the merchandising the smugglers had stolen to their respective black market buyers. After that, he became the smooth criminal he is today.

Weapon Of Choice: Plasma Sniper Rifle, Ialdorian Double Swords

Anything Else?: He has a pet Desert Hawk that he carries with him everywhere.

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