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Futuristic Secrets of the Toriga System

Fus ro dah

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<Image goes here>






Current occupation:

Birth planet/colony:

Current residence:



Brief History:

Weapon Of Choice:

Anything Else?:

Writing Sample: (At least two paragraphs. Any character is fine!)
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The Shunned

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Ferupa.full.1032538.jpg.efbdf9a0579914c2a2d705d09793e9f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Ferupa.full.1032538.jpg.efbdf9a0579914c2a2d705d09793e9f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Yin Taesen'anea (Silver tracker of the Night)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Halfbreed. (Eurium x Ialdor)

Height: 6ft 2”

Weight: 160 lbs

Occupation: Bounty hunter, adventurer, co-owner of the Adventurer's Guild.

Birth planet/colony: Vilsyrka, Asildra.

Current residence: The Adventurer's Guild headquarters on Vilsryka, ten minutes walk from Asildra.

Personality: <need to do>

Brief History: Born to an Ialdorian mother and a Eurium father, Yin was an accident borne from a night of drunken passion between his parents. Assuming she was pregnant to her husband, Peng continued on with her life until the day Yin was born. It was only then that the truth came to surface when two twin boys, a strange mixture of Eurium and Ialdor were being held in the nursemaids’ arms.

In accordance to the law, Peng was cast out shortly afterwards. Banished from the city forever, and now without a husband, she took her newborns and fled into the desert. She finally found a small community of exiles who accepted them into their fold. The boys were raised, moving from place to place when they needed to. Peng contacted the boys’ father when they were old enough to travel; and the twins got to meet their father.

He accepted the strange looking boys as his own, and the two took up residence in a more remote location of Egyrius; working alongside the Taur of the forests who did not judge them and assisted them in building a home big enough for the four of them.

As they grew, they were raised in both worlds; learning both Eurium Snowmagic and Ialdor telekinesis. Their power was nowhere near as high as their parents, due to their mixed heritage; but it was still enough to get along in the world.

Yin and his brother returned to Ialdor when they were of age, Bolin deciding to stay on the desert planet and founding the Adventurer’s Guild. Yin was the first member.

Weapon Of Choice: Tigerwood bow, and a short sword for close combat. Sometimes combined with what little power he has.

Anything Else?: Twin brother to Bolin Taesen'anea, founder and leader of the Adventurer's Guild. He’s older than Yin by 30 minutes.



  • Ferupa.full.1032538.jpg
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Name: Rafel Silverwing




170 lbs

Current occupation:
Pilot, bounty hunter, Adventurer's guild member

Birth planet/colony:

Current residence:

Description: a pale silvery down covers most of his body, with large silver wings and dark almost steel on the outer side. Rafel wears a brown tunic with short sleeves and a hood

Personality: feels as though he is above everyone else (and sometimes he literally is) Rafels humour is based upon dry sarcastic remarks and pointing out the obvious, Rafel has often been called blunt and insensitive and at times this is very true

Brief History:
ever since Rafel was a young owlet he has had to fight for everything with his 4 other brothers and sisters, since the Silverwing family was a poor one, meaning food was scarce and they often ate very little if at all. the first of his brothers and sisters to fly Rafel was given praise by his parents and resentment by his brothers and sisters.

for a long time Rafel hunted in the forests, bringing home rabbits and other small animals, until one day as he was hunting with some of his brothers, they knocked him out and left him for dead, when Rafel awoke he has no idea where he was, he had never felt so longing for the walls of a city, any city. luckily he managed to find his way to a port city on the coast. when he came to the city the smell of fish was overwhelming and the longing for home only grew stronger as he walked into a small inn and booked a room.

the room while hot and smelling of rotted fish was his home for several months, as he dared not go home to his brothers, no matter how much he longed for his old bed. it took a while but he became accustomed to life in the small town of Mistwood, he would fly over the lake in the mornings before the boats went out for the day, and he hunted in the forest for a living, one day he was recruited into a guild of bounty hunters for his near silent flying, and skill with a spear. the only problem with this was that the guild was based on the planet Cetis.

Rafel visited his old home to say his final goodbyes to his family, he bid his mother and father goodbye, and promised to write to them, but he couldn't look his brothers in the eye, and neither could they.

Rafel has made a good life for himself on Cetis, using his hight and large wings to intimidate those who would not pay there debts. he is also a new recruit in the Adventurer's guild, co-piloting the ship

Weapon Of Choice:
a large bronze tipped spear and his talons

Anything Else?:
the second born and largest of his family, he has 3 brothers and 1 sister

Mod edit: Accepted
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Name: Serainya

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Ny'iss

Height: 4'0

Weight: 110 Lbs

Current occupation: Adventurer's Guild recruit, part-time botanist

Birth planet/colony: Rhion

Current residence: With her parents in The Silver Fort.

Description: She's mostly humanoid, save for the wings protruding from her back and the antennae sprouting from her hairline. Her wings most resemble that of a morpho butterfly's, hair black and eyes brown.

Personality: She's hotheaded, quick tempered, aggressive and always has to get the last word in. Sera would never back down from a challenge and takes great offense when someone comments on her height. Impulsive and stubborn, she firmly believes that all one needs to succeed is strength of character.

Brief History: Having a temper since she could crawl, her parents always said she was born with a fire in her belly. Sera's had a sheltered life when she wasn't out picking fights or pulling pranks, sometimes coming home with a torn wing or bruised and bloodied face. She'd always smile through the pain, though, as she believed with all her heart that if there was no show of pain then there was no weakness to show, either.

Weapon Of Choice: A whip for most battles, using a small dagger strapped to her leg for the close and personal ones.


Mod edit: Accepted!


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Weight: 190lb

Current occupation: Farmer. Adventurer Guild member.

Birth planet/colony: Dorox

Current residence:

Like the rest of his race, he has mottled green and brown skin, perfect for blending in with the marshy environment. He keeps his vine like hair at his shoulders, and doesn't tie it back. He is often seen wearing brown colored clothing woven from plants, but he does have some clothes woven from spider silk for special occasions.

He is unbelievably passive and laid back. He takes life like the turtles, slow and taking each step with confidence. He isn't lazy, just has two speeds. Slow and not as slow.

Brief History:
He was born and raised in the traditional ways of the Cavr, worshiping the sky whales, fearing their destructive powers and thankful for their peaceful nature. He has seen only one sky whale spew out it's deadly passengers, he still has nightmares of that day.

He joined the Adventurer's Guild in the hopes of leaving his home to see all that was out there, dangerous or other. Much to his parents horror, he was accepted. But they have yet to actually send him off to do anything.

Weapon Of Choice:
Quarter Staff.

Anything Else?:
Confident rider of the spiders.

Writing Sample:
Draz rode on the slowly swaying back of a Marsh Spider, staring up at the clouds and listening to the mystifying song of the Sky Whale. They were so graceful, floating weightlessly in the sky. It was a wonder that such graceful and beautiful creatures could unleash such... What was the Human word for it? Ah, yes, hell. It was awe inspiring to see these peaceful creatures and know of their destructive capabilities.

But he had a job to do. His da had told him to sell the turtle meat at market today. Also said to buy some of the bread that was starting to enter the market. And to think, those soft, fluffy loafs came from a grass. Just one of the many amazing things the humans have showed the Cavr. His da also said that he and many others had managed to take down an Onyx Crab. At least, they were hunting it today. Draz hoped his da would be alright, but knew that if his time was today, there was nothing he personally could do about it. But, still, he hoped for the best as the Marsh Spider made it's slow way across the flooded landscape of Dorox.

GM edit; Accepted!
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Name: Tendai Masego




235 lbs

Current occupation:
Part-time Hunter, Adventurer Guild recruit

Birth planet/colony:
Middle Colony E-2009

Current residence:

Description: His build is particularly solid as little to any fat can be spotted on his body, which displays a few claw like scars on his arms and legs; also there is a long, sharp and deep scar over his right eye. He has hazelnut skin with copper eyes; although his right eye is a bit darker in coloration. Also he has short, curly oil black hair that is kept combed back. Tendai's usual attire is black cargo pants with a grey shirt and a small dark grey leather jacket.

Personality: He is exceptionally sarcastic and humorous in most situations; although he isn't heartless and watches what he says to others. Also he is kind to others as he feels if people were out there willing to help it can get people out of some tough spots as he learned in Prison Colony P-5500. A big major drawback to his sarcasm in many cases people aren't willing to take him seriously, which can make him angry and potentially lash out when someone doesn't listen.

Brief History:
Tendai grew up in the colony E-2009 born to a mother and father who worked at a factory in the colony, which provided an exceptionally moderate life; although it was better than some of the lives of those living in colony E-1009. Things were going quite well for Tendai throughout his young years in the colony, but as anyone might say good things can't last forever and people can be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was on his way back towards his home after finishing one of his educational courses when he heard voices and scuffling in a nearby building, which with curiosity gaining the upper hand in this situation he went in to get an idea of what was going on, but just a few steps in and he already knew it was a crime in progress. He began to turn around with haste and try to acquire help for what he assumed to be a man in need of help, but within a few quick paced steps out the door he heard and felt a loud hit against his body and his world faded to black.

Once he awoke on the ground he rose up from the floor of this building to the sounds of sirens and soon he was restrained back to the ground with his arms cuffed to his back. He soon learned he had somehow killed a man in that building in what was thought to be a robbery, which he denied these claims but according to the officer there were clues linking to him the crime. He was eventually put in prison colony P-5500 for this crime, which he endured for a hard four years until eventually he was let out as it was finally known from a corrupt officer that he was framed. This led to him being compensated for his time being falsely accused and as soon as he could he made it back home and of course things weren't the same after what he experienced. He decided it was time to travel to other worlds he had read much about and start a new life and led him to the world Rhion.

He became a hunter on Rhion as he learned from locals in a village that two-tailed black wolves at night and realized it could pay for his stay on their world. He has been living on Rhion for two years and has been doing quite well as a hunter while making his own place amongst the Ny'iss in the village.

Weapon Of Choice:
Longsword, shield and if these are lost a switchblade as a last resort

Anything Else?:
Dont call him puffball when his hair is messy.

Edit: Accepted!
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