[Secrets of the Bureau] The Forums of Yu-Shan (OOC)

Sure I'll drop an example. Apologies for not noticing sooner, I fell out of the habit.

Holok, The Bearer's Library

"Chejop, I do hope Maduka knows we're here."

The Bearer's Library is a Manse containing books that have been known to rewrite themselves based on the current hearthstone bearer's thoughts. While infiltrating anyone's Manse is poor form, invading this one is akin to invading the mind of it's owner.

Chejop Kejak, Chosen of Secrets, has his nose is a large red-felt covered tome and is scanning the table of contents. He looks up when Holok speaks. "Glad you could make it. Of course she doesn't. My apologies, friend, for asking you to meet me here but I've gone to considerable trouble to gain entry for a limited time. I have a favor to ask."

Holok restrains himself from rolling his eyes. As part of the old guard of the Bronze Faction, from supporting Chejop's Bronze path out of the Great Prophecy to this Second Age, Holok is afforded the respect of requests rather than orders. But he knows Chejop's in charge, always has been, and he's glad for it so that he can pursue other interests instead of being consumed by the demands of leadership as Chejop is even though it causes this kind of situation to happen more often that he's willing to admit. "I have a track on a Second Circle demon summoning next week, Chejop. I hope it's either quick or important." It also grants me a measure of bluntness, in short supply these days.

Chejop's eyes have drifted back to the book while listening to Holok. "Commendable of you. I'm afraid this is more important than a mortal town sating Octavian's lusts again. And it won't be quick. I need you to spend a month, from this Saturnday to four hence, as body guard to Cynis Avaku. Keep his head on his shoulders and his faith in the Realm strong. At the end I need you to give him a talisman against Lunars." Chejop rests his finger on a line and looks up to meet Holok in the eyes.

Holok didn't really expect to learn why from the Chosen of Secrets, but it would have been a refreshing change of pace. Instead of trying to pry the unpryable, he simply started negotiations. "I'll need your cosignature for the Resplendent Destiny, and you'll will arrange Nara-O's countersignature." I won't be the only one who's mark is on this, if things go south.



Holok, his Celestial Workshop

After centuries of entering the unknown with mixed success Holok has learned a certain mode of operation. Doing your best to prepare helps avoid regrets better than anything. Holok has seen in his time Sidereals reduced to passive readers of the Loom by regret, hoping to foresee every contingency in the threads of Fate, impotent and cloistered as a minor god of Destiny. Holok has always been a Sidereal of action, favoring the Martial Arts. He has the scars on his body and the lack of respect from the colleges of patternspiders to prove it. The official record was one reason for his demands of Chejop earlier, but simple practicality on the efficacy of his prayer was another.

With the speed of Essence, his clock is screwing, mounting and springing itself into existence via his Implicit Contruction Methodology. It is meant to tickle the mechanical hearts of the spiders with his request as well as serve as sacrifice to Nara-O once the ritual is complete.

After all, preparation includes the political as well as the physical and metaphysical.


Holok, the Loom of Fate

A small army of tiny gods, usually unemployed but being paid for this day assignment by Holok, carry his contraption into the Loom of Fate and set it down gently. They keep a respectful distance, fearful of upsetting the decorum of someone as high Essence as Holok. If they knew him better they needn't worry about his social sensibilities, he's just thankful they didn't break anything.

Holok then climbs over and into the clockwork, and sits surrounded by metal gears and oiled joints. He assumes the lotus position with the merely adequate petition scroll of calligraphy rolled up in his lap and begins to chant:

Spiders of the Pattern

Hear my plea

Grant me the power of

Resplendent Destiny

He then turns two cranks, one with each arm, that bring the clock alive. His rhythmic actions keep time, but also enact small clockwork plays symbolic of The Guardians. Several verses follow, espousing the virtues of The Guardians and how grand their ascendant forms are and how terrible their descendant power is. This continues for no less than nine hours, in mind-numbing repetition, at the end of which the only sign is the absence of his petition. Afterwards, Holok can mystically sense his access to the newly created Resplendent Destiny.

He still has a few days until Saturnday. It is time to see if my Student is up to the task of preventing a Second Circle Demon summoning...

Holok, groggy from the long ordeal, stands up and begins to climb out of his machine but then shakes his head and drops back to the middle where he spent the ritual. "I'd almost forgotten the fun part. Nara-O, may you forgive Chejop and I this secret that through our mutual knowledge we withhold from you. Please accept this sacrifice in your name." Holok lands one fist on the machine, faster than sight, and it explodes down to it's component parts.

Holok's sandals crunch broken pieces as he walks out of the Loom while hundreds of tiny gods pick up the pieces and return them to his workshop.


Sidereals are considered priests of the colleges they have dots in (1e Sidreals 205) (in 2nd Ed they're automatically priests of all gods, like Zeniths and No Moons, interesting difference here) so the difficulty of the first roll is 5.

Holok has 3 rolls to make, a Petition roll, a Prayer roll and an Effect Roll. For the Petition he rolls Wits (5) + Linguistics (2) = 7 dice (he chose not to stunt filling out paperwork). He rolls 3 successes, enough to pass but not enough for any bonuses. For the prayer roll, he has a die pool of Charisma (4) + Performance (3) + Stunt (2) + Cosignatory Chejop Kejak (1) + Countersignatory Nara-O (3) + Extended Prayer (3) + Petition (0) = 16 dice. He rolls 9 successes, and passes the prayer roll. For the effect roll Holok has Essence (7) + College (1) + Excellent Petition (1) = 9. The Excellent Petition die is from his rolling within 8-10 successes on the prayer roll. He rolls 5 successes. Because this is a Resplendent Destiny he spends 0 on Power, 2 on Scope and 1 on Duration. He has two successes left to spend on effects within the next season. When he has either spent two points on effects or one season has passed, the Resplendent Destiny will fade.

Other fun stuff, and thanks to AstraKiseki:

http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/inde ... al_Exalted

http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/inde ... 7s_Library
iloveyou and I'm feeling a bit more confident; I'll strike something up tonight. <3

Sorry again.
A stray thought I had while typing up my post - don't forget the free autosuccess you can get on the Prayer roll by expending a Willpower, which will also prevent botches (as much fun as botching a patternspider prayer roll would be for me as the Storyteller).

And don't forget that not all your rolls have to succeed to make a good story =D. This could provide your character direction - to curry favor with the patternspider colleges and enhance your Performance, or to forgo such dedication and suffer through Arcane Fate while in Creation cursing the Bronze Faction that broke the Mask so long ago, or to spend more time in Yu-Shan due to the limits of your effectiveness in Creation perhaps taking up the epic quest of fixing the Mask - to repair the very stars! That would take some serious stage time away from your Motivation, however.

Just saying that no strapling Exalt jumps all the hurdles they face first-time.

The end one is really the kicker. RP a fantastic megaman death! :D (Or kill people with your Health Bar.)

Totally posted, fwiw.
We should totally geek out and detail your Manse sometime. Next time you're in town, remind me to pull out Oadenol's Codex.
That sounds like a lot of fun!

I actually almost got that book at Half-Price, fairly recently. =\ When I went back after payday, it was gone.
I'm on vacation and away from my books, but if you post I'd do my best to respond. I did some preparatory reading for it.
Tikor said:
I'm on vacation and away from my books, but if you post I'd do my best to respond. I did some preparatory reading for it.
Sorry -- I was crazy busy over the weekend. I'll look up a couple things when I get back to my own books and I'll post up soon!

Enjoy your vacation!
Mostly going for the Shadow of the Reaper effect, which is down the Corpse constellation. It requires 3 effect points (and one paradox die), but it reduces a target's willpower to the value of their conviction. As a mortal, I figure that would only be one or two -- far, far better than trying to break her will down from 5 or so.

Unless I'm reading everything wrong -- it seems that I need to drop the girl from an apparent lack of willpower, without doing anything overt in the crazy military city, filled with all manner of observers. The only thing that I'm aware of that actually eats willpower is a Raksha... but they're Beings Outside of Fate.

At any rate, that was why that was my first thought. I suppose I could go poke around the Violet Bier and see if there are any physicians that can tell me how to replicate the symptoms of a non-communicable disease, but...

Am I barking up the wrong tree?
While breaking someone's willpower is a solution I would accept, it is not the one I foresaw you doing. You certainly can take the astrology route, using the Resplendent effect you mentioned. In which case, figure out your modifiers, and we'll breeze through the mechanics this time. There are other ways to go about it, but I wouldn't be much of a storyteller if I told you how, now would I?

I thought you were trying to use Astrology to get the patternspiders to do the work for you through some kind of descending Destiny, not a Resplendent Destiny you would then use personally. My apologies. These things are much clearer if you state something to the effect of "I'm roleplaying modifiers to my prayer roll for another Resplendent Destiny." in the mechanics section. Just mentioning a prayer roll doesn't nail down the mechanics or your intent in the god-infested world of Sidereals...

Calendar time will progress, however, should you gather another petition, ect., ect.
Let me take a stab at what I think might be the confusion:

Ascending and Descending Destinies target the *things* in question. They generally muck with target numbers. Scope is variable.

Resplendent Destinies target the *praying Sidereal*. They can produce neat little effects (this targeting is done once the Sidereal has successfully targeted herself) and make perfect disguises. Scope is the Sidereal, and the cost is 2 regardless of the Essence of the Sidereal.

Many, many other things can be done with prayer rolls (like getting gods to do things for you, producing quintessence, ambrosia, certain sorcery, certain crafting, certain Charms, ect.). Just speaking Firetongue has prayers grammatically coded into it to boost a long-dead First Age Solar's Cult rating. But Sidereals get Astrology, which is a whole 'nother bag of weird on top of the normal godly intervention.

It is a tool you have, and I encourage you to use it. Ask questions if it is not clear.
Shru, I'll be at a wedding all weekend with limited internet access. Looking forward to your next steps for Ayesha when I return.
I should be home all weekend -- sorry, I've been flat on my face sick the past couple of days. I'm feeling a little more coherent right now -- I'll definitely have something worthwhile up soon!
xD Same here. Sorry I'm horrid at it -- between work and my evening obligations I've had stupidly stupid time.

^____^ Have fun this weekend! (Also, waaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooo... you totally never actually sleep, do you?)
Research up in the other thread. :D I'm learning things, too, from this one! Mostly that EVERYTHING IS POISONOUS.

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