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Secrets of Fairhaven High

"Yeah, I'm ready." Luke said in response with a bit of a blush at how close they were as he wrapped his arm around her. This was the first time they had snuggled up like this. "Is there any specific place you want to go?"
( sorry fell asleep at 9 last night. )

She smiled."lets go to Starbucks. There is one near our house."She said. Her hair was still wet so she was a little cold.Alexandria sighed. "So you know the substitute teachers I see."She said with a slight frown." Also that gym teacher is an ass hole."She said. Alexandria kept an arm around him and sighed."I also dont like how close you and that woman teacher are, she is also seriously scared of everything."Alexandria said and shook her head as they walked outside."frick thats cold."She muttered.

Death to all betrayers
In response, Luke took off his coat and put it around Alexandria to warm her up. "Feel better?" He asked before explaining about the substitute teachers as they began walking. "I know them because we were in the same homeroom in high school, our homeroom teacher being the same physics teacher that stopped me from committing suicide. Yeah, Roboman is tough to get along with, I know. It took me a month or two to get used to him myself. As for Fries, we grew up together as kids and she's more like a sister to me."
Alexandria took his coat happily. "Thanks your not cold?" She asked. She listens and nods."yes the sister that isn't actually a sister."She said as they walked wrapped around him."yeah I don't really care to know him. He is an arrogant dick. Sorry but it is true."Alexandria said.

Death to all betrayers
"Don't worry, I'm not cold at all." Luke said in response. Alexandria then talked badly about his former classmates. "Geez, you really don't like Fries do you?" He asked noticing the cold tone directed towards her. "For Roboman, acting brash or stupid is something I could believe, but he's lost all of his arrogance ever since that day. Remember how I mentioned there were other people my teacher helped? He was the baseball player that got reformed through soccer. He had overwhelming strength as a pitcher but nobody could ever keep up with him, eventually ostracizing him. There's no way someone who's been at the bottom of the barrel like him could ever act so cocky, especially ever since he lost to Mr. Mark. He will act rude but he has his humble side."
Alexandria nods."like I believe that and Fries yeah I dont like her at all."Alexandria tone did not change about the girl."Look great that you know them and all. Glad it brings back memories, but I rather have my teachers back."Alexandria said and sighed as she walked."I liked dance now I really dont want to go. PE was I didn't want to go and now I may just ditch."She said. "Look they got to go."She says

Death to all betrayers
"Although you say that, I can't really do anything about it. I'm not the school administrator or anything like that." Luke replied with a complicated expression on his face. "Well, it's just temporary so let's just bear with it for now. Besides, it's not good to skip out on classes even if you don't like them. Such an attitude won't get you anywhere. I'll talk to those two later about this. Looks like things haven't changed, even now. I still have to be the one to keep an eye on them." He said this with a gentle tone. "If you want, you can give them a piece of your mind as well."
"Sadly I know that."She said as they walked to the car."just temporary kinda sucks. I won't skip."She said."um no need to talk to them it's temporary as you said. You know what I'll talk to her. Also giving her a piece of my mind may make her piss her self. " Alexandria said. She sighed. As they go to the car she smiles. "You drive or me?"She asks him.

Death to all betrayers
"Oy, she might actually get that scared." Luke said before saying that he would drive. "If that happens, it's not her I'm going to be worried about, it'll be you. For as long as I've known her, she kicks whatever she's really scared of on reflex and those kicks can break through stone tablets with ease. Even for me, it'll be hard to stop her." He then started the car.
"Good to know. " Alexandria said and got on slumping in the seat. She normally didn't, but she was pissed off at the situation and her shoulder and back hurt.She had been dropped twice and now she was feeling it. She started rubbing her neck and closed her eye's. "Stupid kid can't pick up the lightest girl in the class."She said

Death to all betrayers
"Don't get so down about the situation, think more positively. You won't get anywhere if you're thinking of only the bad things." Luke said with a smile as he noticed Alexandria slumping in her seat out of anger. As she began rubbing the spots that hurt, she began complaining about her partner always dropping her all the time. "Well, from how I saw it, it appears that your partner hasn't fully memorized the dance moves and lacks some of the coordination needed. It had nothing to do with his strength. How about we have him practice with a mannequin or something of the sort so he can learn those last movements without hurting anyone." He then remembered Alexandria still felt some pain. "Do you want me to give you a massage or something when we get back home?"
Alex sighed and rolled her eye's at him." Yeah easy for you to say your not in the situation. He knows the steps he can't pick me up worth a damn. Trust me he has dropped me so many times I supprised I am not in a body cast."She said and Leaned her head in the window she sighed. "Can we just go home, please I am in pain and really tired hun."She said. Her head was killing her and making her feel slightly sick.She closed her eye's and pinched her nose to hopefully stop the car from spinning.

Death to all betrayers
"Very well then, we'll go home." Luke said in response as he turned the car towards home. Luckily for him, she had requested to go home right at the crossroads leading to it. It didn't take very long and when they got home, Luke got out of the car himself first before going over to Alexandria's side of the car and helped her out by undoing her seat belt for her while carrying her bridal style into the house. She still seemed to still feel ill so he wanted to carry her back to her room. Once he set her down on the bed, he put the covers over her before leaving the room. He then went into the kitchen only to see a surprising sight. The two new teachers today, Michelle and Ryan, also known as Fries and Roboman were in there talking to Melody.

"Hey, Nii-Nii, Roboman and Fries are here!" Melody said excitedly. Through her brother, she had also gotten to know his old classmates and thought of them as older siblings as well to some extent.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked his former classmates with a bit of a sigh. To be honest, he was half expecting this to happen after seeing them today.

"Didn't we always come in without warning back in high school?" Ryan said in response.

"Fair enough." Luke said remembering how that happened often. Not just with these two, but with practically all of his classmates as well. "So how was your first day of teaching? From how I saw it, you two left both good and bad impressions on the students."

"Some of the students didn't really like me, I wonder why?" Michelle said with a somewhat sad face. "I'll just have to work hard to get them to like me!" Geez, her mood shifted so fast. Luke thought to himself as the four of them began to talk of random things as well as talk about the past.
Alexandria layed in bed and kept herself curled up. She Sighed as she got up to use the bathroom. The room spun and she felt sick to her stomach. She made it to the bathroom and got sick in the toilet. Alexandria groaned and sighed. She brushed her teeth and got water. She grabbed her phone texting Luke."hey can you make me tea?"She sends him the message.

Alex sat in the bathroom and layed her head on the cool tile floor it felt nice. She shivered and sighed. She couldn't move.

Death to all betrayers
Back in the kitchen, Luke receives a text message and after checking it, he got up to pour some tea that had been brewed prior. When he got to Alexandria's room, he saw she wasn't there. He put the tea on her desk before walking to where the bathroom was thinking that it'd be the only place she'd go if she was sick besides bed. He listened for a sound and he soon heard what was almost heavy breathing. This is bad, it sounds like she doesn't have the strength to move. He thought to himself in a bit of a panic. He then called for Melody and Michelle to help get her out of there and back into bed as he still had the decency to not look. Once they got her in bed, the four of them got to work to help lower her temperature, prepare medicine and other such things.
Alex was in and out of consciousness. She woke at being moved and shivered slightly. Her fever finally broke a few days later. She had gotten ill in the trash next to her bed a lot over the past 2 days. She however couldn't remember much. Alex woke late afternoon and looked around. She sat up slowly and her arms shook.She crossed her arms and went to get up. She wasn't fully dressed." Great"she muttered and stumbled grabbing sweat pants and a sweatshirt. She still felt off and could barely walk. She stumbled for the door and made it with heavy breathing. She closed her eye's.She had been hit hard by some flu bug.she sighed and made her way back to bed and grabbed her phone. "Hey Luke can't make it downstairs."She sent him.

Death to all betrayers
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"You know, you should rest if you can barely move." Luke said already leaning on the door frame having already opened the door. He brought with him some medicine for her flu. He then placed a cold towel on her head to help lower her temperature. "Come on, take this." He said as he spooned some liquid medicine and held it out to Alexandria. "Or do you feel to weak to sit up?"
She looked up and sighed. She sat up shakily and leaned back on her pillow."I am resting. God I feel like I have bricks in my head."She said. Alex sighed."this feels nice."She said and placed a warm hand on his. "Thank you Luke."She said

Death to all betrayers
"It's the least I can do for my girlfriend." Luke said with a smile as he gave Alexandria her medicine before holding her hand in his. "The medicine should bring down your fever in at most an hour. Just get some sleep and get better okay?" He then kissed her on the cheek before leaving the room to let her rest.
Alexandria sighed and went back to sleep. She woke again the next day in the afternoon. She was feeling better. She sat up with a sigh. She had missed so much school. Alex frowned and just rolled over feeling sick again at the thought. She sighed and closed her eye's.

Death to all betrayers
"You feeling any better?" Luke said as he entered the room. He had just got back home and was checking up on her. "I got the work you missed for you. I'll help you through it if needed. Luckily you haven't missed much." He said as he sat down on the chair next to her bed. He then touched his forehead to hers, a way to check temperature. "Thankfully your fever seems to have gone down."
She rolled over,"yeah, feeling fine. Uh great work."She muttered. She sighed and looked over at him when he touched her forehead. She sighed she pulled him to her and kissed him."thank you."She says and sighed.

Death to all betrayers
"You're welcome." Luke said before kissing her back a bit before leaning back. "It's no big deal, just being a good boyfriend and teacher." He said with a smile. "If you're hungry or anything, I'll go and make some food."
She sighed pulling away from him with a small smile." Hood boyfriend, I like the sound of that." She sighed. "Good teacher I know its your job, but come on school work."She said with a slight joke."no Not hungry stomach still feels funky."She said

Death to all betrayers
"You mustn't neglect your school work you know, it's helps in the long run." Luke said in response to the joke. "Well, since your stomach still feels weird, I'll go get you some tea then. Need anything else?" He asked as he stood up.

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