Secrets of Evercrest


Alexis “Lexi” Drake







Appearance Notes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Lexi.jpg.1f744ee482a861349788b9932ef9a857.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Lexi.jpg.1f744ee482a861349788b9932ef9a857.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tattoo: Its on her foot and it means New Beginnings


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Tattoo.jpg.63bd13b22bdd41a440bbe80670728479.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Tattoo.jpg.63bd13b22bdd41a440bbe80670728479.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality and Background

Lexi isn’t your average college student. She gets decent grades, and attends sports events but rarely attends parties and other social events. She rather be studying or dancing, on tumblr. Her warm personality hides the wall that Lexi has built up. When it comes to boys and being intimate with them, Lexi becomes a brick wall. She has only had one boyfriend. Brandon Avery.

Brandon Avery was a cocky SOB who acted charming and witty. He came into Lexi’s life as a “Prince Charming” when she was 16. When a high school bon fire party turned awry, Lexi was drugged and was taken advantage of by some of her brother’s teammates. Brandon drove Lexi home and punched one of the guys in the face. They continued on talking and ended up dating. Their relationship was in the honeymoon phase for a couple months. After that, he became emotionally abusive making her feel like he was the only one who would love her. And that she’s lucky to have him. He cheated on her countless of times and when they graduated high school they finally went their separate ways.

Lexi is using college to give her a new start to life. She’s desperate to fit in and be liked. She may succumb to peer pressure if she feels that it will make her be seen as wanted. She feels she is “damaged goods” Lexi’s exterior hides how insecure she really is. She puts on a show for everyone. Her true feelings are only revealed by her true passion: Dance. It was the only thing that saved her from Brandon and life in general. It’s her “little bit of heaven”

Hobbies & Interests


Working Out

Social Media



My brother’s friends liked to take advantage of me. The first time was when I was 15. Some still try to and their now 21.


Brandon Avery- Ex Boyfriend


The Ex:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images.jpeg.331e0aa55d4f375322bb2a6a31d9e0d0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/images.jpeg.331e0aa55d4f375322bb2a6a31d9e0d0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Loren Graham

Physical Description:

Hair & Eye Color:

Short brown hair, light brown eyes

Height & Weight:

6'2", 175lbs.

Identifying Marks/Tattoos:


Senior Portrait:


Loren is unconventionally attractive, with many of the qualities which his father possesses. A strong jaw, a slightly larger nose and masculine features. He has thick, wavy dark hair and light brown eyes, deep set and warm, the color of amber, set beneath thick, dark lashes and brows. While generally clean shaven, he does occasionally sport a slight scruff.

Loren is tall and has a lean, athletic build, broad shoulders, a narrow waist and long limbs.

He dresses typically in business attire - suits and jackets, ties and dress shoes. When off the clock, he favors jeans and t-shirts. He wears no jewelry, but keeps on his person a silver pocket watch - a graduation gift from his father.


Vital Statistics

Full Name:

Loren Jacob Graham










English Professor

Loren is a tough nut to crack. Serious to the point of being stoic, he rarely shows much of a sense of humor, particularly when it comes to his work. His idea of unwinding is a quite evening, a class novel and a glass of scotch, all of which he prefers to enjoy alone.

Since his divorce, Loren has seen a handful of women, but nothing more serious than a date or two. He generally keeps to himself, though he has been known to play a pick-up game of basketball with co workers.

Despite his cold, sometimes shrill personality, he has a deep heart and compassion for others, particularly the students under his care. And beneath his frustrations towards his family is a genuine love and concern for their well being, most especially his sister - with whom he was, at one point, extremely close.



+ Structured - Everything Loren does has a purpose - He is firm in his belief that nothing should be done unless it's done for a reason and then it should only be done if it can be done well.

+ An Ear - Loren prefers listening to talking and with a decent memory and a wisdom that belies his age he is exceptional at giving advice - but only when it's requested.

+ Resilient - Despite the accusations against him and his subsequent divorce, Loren hasn't given up on either his job or the idea that some day he might once again find love.


- Non-Empathetic - Loren is a brick wall when it comes to emotion - his and the emotions of others. He doesn't handle emotional upheaval well, and could even be called cold, at times.

- Tainted - Because of his past indiscretion, Loren has been painted in an unfortunate light and because of this finds it necessary to be over-cautious when it comes to his students and his private life.

- Stoic - Loren's sense of humor leaves a little to be desired. His fear of letting loose gives others the impression he's rather a wet blanket.


Quirks, Talents & Proclivities:

When concentrating, Hadi has a habit of humming... consequently, not very on-key.

Hadi is an extremely talented writer and has a magnificent eye for cinematography. She works exceptionally hard on her documentary projects and has been featured on the local news more than a few occasions.

Despite a strict medically-enforced diet, Hadi has a sweet tooth and a bad habit of stress eating.


Quirks, Talents & Proclivities:

He has a small habit of looking at his pocket watch when he's nervous - a reminder of his past success.

Overall, he is a talented teacher, a half decent cook and has an indefatigable memory.

He'll have the occasional drink, but avoid drunkenness - He also enjoys a cigar now and then.

Goals & Aspirations:

Having already accomplished school, Loren now just seeks to live a safe, drama-free life, teach his students and avoid any more scandals...

Hobbies & Interests:

He is a reader, through and through and will devour any book set before him in no time at all. He also enjoys most sports and has a secret passion for cooking.



Mother: Sable Wright - Actress

Father: Henry Graham - Composer

Sister: Astoria Graham - Student


Loren was raised, along with his younger sister Astoria in New York City, just outside of Queens. His parents separated while Loren was in highschool, and shortly thereafter, Loren left for college. When reports reached him from his father that his sister had been assaulted by her Au Pair, Loren put schooling on hold to reach out to her, but when, a few months later, she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia whatever compassion he had for Tori seemed to sour.

He, like her father and most of the therapists involved fell under the impression the molestation had been a figment of delusion. Having lost his scholarship after putting his studies on hold, Loren was furious.

Severing ties with his family altogether, he returned to school, paying for it on his own. Two years into his studies he met Grace Ford. By senior year, the two were engaged and after graduation, were married in a small, private ceremony. A year later, Loren was offered a teaching position in an Upper East Side private school. Two years into his teaching position, Loren was let go on suspicion of having had an affair with a student. Grace left him and shortly after, Loren left New York, moving out west.

Secrets and Skeletons: While working in a high school in the upper east side of New York, Loren was accused of having an affair with a student. The incident was never fully verified, but he was fired in light of the scandal. His wife, unable to shoulder the dramatic incident, left him shortly there after.


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Jack Winston





Grad Student




Standing at an average height of 5'9", Jack has wavy locks of blonde hair that sometimes fall over his greenish eyes. Has a very light build that does not pack much muscle, and he has an overall dainty appearance. His skin is only slightly tanned and anymore would burn him, but that does not keep him from the outside. Enjoying comfortable clothes, Jack does not wear very restricting clothes, and enjoys sweaters as well as loose white shirts. One of the most important things about Jack is his camera, which he carries around everywhere he goes, not to mention the bag of camera stuff he has in his satchel bag, which he keeps for carrying all of the stuff he can use to fix his camera in case it breaks, as well as multiple memory cards. Jack also has scarf that he likes to carry around that belonged to his grandma, who he had loved very dearly.

Personality and Background

With the ability to find beauty in the world around him, Jack is an optimist who enjoys capturing the moments of life that fleeting rush around him, trying to escape his camera's internal memory. Very skilled with his camera, quickly able to find camera angles and shots, it was not surprising that Jack became known at his high school and, more recently, Evercrest for his abilities. Jack gets very irritable when he forgets things, his temper becoming short, and his patience for people getting very thin. Jack also has an slight disliking of people who crush other peoples opinions or thoughts on a matter, their actions making them appear on his radar, making him move in closer for a picture or two. He loves his sister very much. He enjoys gossip and digging out others secrets, not having any qualms with using these secrets for public perusal or gaining something.

Born a few years before his sister, Jack has always been a very cherishing person, and even as a baby he enjoyed the world around him. His parents spoiled him as any other would, but with that came an equivalent amount of repercussion for his childish mistakes, and he grew like any other young boy would. It was the day he got his first disposable polaroid that he began to find an interest in photography, moving on to become even more enthralled by the art, and began to pursue it with a passion. When his sister was born, he spent his time taking many pictures of her, and showing her all about the ways of photography, well, with his limited knowledge.

While she was a baby, and she didn't know what exactly he was saying, the art did make a mark on her, and his efforts were rewarded with a photo loving baby. As they grew up, the passion bounced between them, increasing each time, and becoming a sole part of their lives and their favorite passtime. It was this love of his sister that created his want to protect her, but without any muscle or frightening demeanor, he used his skill with photography to bribe those around him if they tried to mess with her, going so far as to lay into younger children his sister was ridiculed by. This new passion took on a life of his own, and now it is has gotten to the point where he simply enjoys the adrenaline rush and thrill of digging up secrets. However, he is still fiercely protective of his sister and will go to the darkest of places to ensure her happiness.

Hobbies and Interest

  • Photography
  • Blackmailing
  • Gossiping
  • Movies
  • Black and White Films
  • Protecting his Sister
  • Cinematography


In order to get where he is in the Newspaper, both in his Highschool and Evercrest, he blackmailed the members and original leader of the club. He has them all under his control and a strong grip on the information that goes out in the Newspaper.


Parents- Harold and Susanna Winston

Sister- Izzy Winston


Jack gets to the School early to make sure he is prepared for his classes. Believes that the "Early bird catches the worm". He usually rides his scooter around. He sometimes rides with his sister if she leaves early enough.



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Riley Rose.

Original Name: Riley Matthews.






Black and white photography and science (Biology, marine life, etc.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f38450c_ScreenShot2015-03-28at9.26.53AM.png.6e26573ad19c187b942195650b91a180.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f38450c_ScreenShot2015-03-28at9.26.53AM.png.6e26573ad19c187b942195650b91a180.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes

Riley often modest around some people, she leaves her hair down or in a bun and usually wears makeup though she knows it doesn't make her any prettier. When up close her eyes are a shocking blue and she will shock you. She often likes leggings the occasional jeans, long t-shirts or long sleeve shirts, and paints her fingernails from time to time. (Their blue waves with a turtle right now, loves sea life.)

Personality and Background

Riley is pretty nice and outgoing, she's often shy especially around boys and can't help herself but to flirt when she absolutely likes someone. She is very sweet but cautious around new people she's never met.

Riley's first few months she's never really talked to anyone, she's tried but is now more willing to talk and open up to people. She's always had issues with people after her family abandoned her on the side of the street after one measly mistake on the internet and all she could do was hope for forgiveness, though her parents write her letters for feeling bad and wishing her the best she reads them and puts them in her drawer as she doesn't know if she could forgive them either, except for her brother Chris, he's the only one she talks to in the family. She doesn't even take their last name anymore.

After a few years Riley grew more confident and willing. More forgiving and happy, she never let anyone stomp on her nor let her down again but she actually has a friend..she barely talks though. Riley was known as one of the quietest people but now she gets out a bit and enjoys herself along with a good book or maybe some notes, she loves to swim but is a bit modest about others seeing her body but she figured she try anyway also taking pictures of the outdoors or of couples. (With permission of course.) Riley uses them as class projects and even gives the couple a copy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f38b1d5_ScreenShot2015-03-28at9.59.04AM.png.10a74861d5f383e3de143f74dd03d375.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f38b1d5_ScreenShot2015-03-28at9.59.04AM.png.10a74861d5f383e3de143f74dd03d375.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Swimming.
  • Taking pictures (Photography.)
  • Studying.
  • Trying to get to know people.
  • Going out to the mall or somewhere to enjoy herself.


Riley actually isn't lonely, at home she has many, many friends who absolutely adore her and would do anything for her and she always is on her phone talking, videochatting, and much more. She also has a brother, Chris, she doesn't about him much but absolutely adores and keeps in touch.

Riley feels in love, but she doesn't know with whom yet.


Vikki Matthews - Mother

Leo Matthews - Father

Chris Matthews - Brother

Kathrine, Mary, Julie, Lilly, Izzy - Best friends.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f38d161_ScreenShot2015-03-28at9.59.38AM.png.abb3aa75dde596838260caabb0e2a78e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46810" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1f38d161_ScreenShot2015-03-28at9.59.38AM.png.abb3aa75dde596838260caabb0e2a78e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kiyo Ren Fresser







Web developing and Web design

Appearance Notes

  • Weight: 180.3
  • Height: 5'5
  • Eye color: Dark brown, appears to be black from a far
  • Hair type: Afro
  • Hair color: Black
  • Styled hair: Usually lets it all out, fro-hawk, Afro puff, straight (only for special occasions.)
  • Tongue ring: Black with a red spider web
  • Nails painted black
  • Wears no make up
  • Tattoo on the inside of her right arm , starting from the bottom of her palm up toward the crease in her elbow. The design are crows flying upward toward her arm.
  • Skin tone: Milk chocolate


Kiyo stands to be 5'5 and weighs 180.3 pounds. Due to her genetic genes Kiyo has high cheek bones, long legs and a medium waist. Her built is between athletic and flexible due to her past track days and recent cheerleading camp. Thanks to her mother she has a more curvy figure and a rather large rear, most would call her "thick". Her hair is type c when it comes to being classified through the gird of natural hair. Her hair has tight curls, so running your fingers through them, or combing it is literally impossible. For her bottom attire she mainly wears jeans, baggy pants , and if forced a long dress. For shirts she usually wears band shirts, black shirts, black shirts with animated designs on them (Naruto, Bleach, Black Butler, Attack on Titan, Game of Thrones , etc.) , white shirt with skulls, and if forced blouses. For shoes she wears nothing but converses or custom made converses, heels and others she wears by force. As far as facial expression's go, she mainly has an annoyed look on her face, a face that shows complete disgust over the world. Her eyes are usually lowered and her brows are dented.​

Personality and Background

While her parents are holy, mean, overworking, fun, and comical; Kiyo is not, at least not all of it. Kiyo has a funny side, though most of her jokes usually end with talking about somebody, references from shows she watched, or stating the obvious. Her sarcastic nature is usually the death of her, so she makes plenty of enemies and very few little friends. Kiyo tend to keep her thoughts to herself, because she knows that if she were to say something , then the other party would end up in the hospital, thought that does not stop her from saying what is on her mind. Gaining the blunt personality from her dad, she is more assertive and articulate when it comes to announcing ones fault, stupidity, action or anything she finds annoying. Kiyo is quick to tell someone to shut up, move, or get lost, usually using more big words with insults. Her impatience comes from her mother. Kiyo hates waiting for things, she hates being put on hold for three minutes. Kiyo demands what she wants either at the time or a week from the time. Kiyo is always punctual and hates those that aren't.

Somewhere along the way during her years of growing up, Kiyo became more independent , and self reliant. She found new use for others, and realized that with gaining help from others, it would only slow her down. The friends she did have soon decline to zero which she had no problem with. When she had reached high school she had a met a gang that changed her slightly. Kiyo's dark side that was slowly progressing due to family issues had sped up thanks to her new friends comments. Kiyo began to hate the world along with her family. Come junior year of high school, Kiyo suffered mental breakdowns from stress. Both school and her family held her to too many high expectations to where she couldn't complete them all. Gaining Borderline personality disorder, Kiyo lost all sense of control when it came to dealing with her emotions. People began to label her as a ticking time bomb, which like always Kiyo was attracted to.

Reaching the end Kiyo became more manipulative then ever, and lost all feeling for other people. If you weren't in her small circle of friends , you meant nothing to her. She would keep a firm glare and a wall malice to make sure others would stay away. Kiyo however from time to time does show kindness and will branch out to help someone in need. Other than that Kiyo doesn't talk much about her past, and whenever her parents where brought into a conversation she would quickly shut it down.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Drawing
  • Web designing
  • Web developing
  • Anime
  • Skateboarding
  • Guitar playing
  • Music
  • Games


Kiyo is pansexual, though with her parents being Christian's , she tries to steer clear from conversations dealing with sexuality. On top of that if they ever found out that she was agnostic, her life would be over.


Diane- Mother (Accountant/ Over seas)

Brain- Fahter (CEO of a cereal company/ stays at home)

Shawn- Brother (5th grad in elemetary school, graduating in three weeks)

Lexi - Sister (Works at a bar/ waitress/ Married to Levi)

Dl -Brother (Sophmore in high school/ works at Burger King/ dating Susan/ Drug Deal on the side)

Levi- Brother in law (Construction worker/ Married to Lexi/ Paying for Kiyo's tuition)

Susan- Brothers girlfriend (Freshman in high school/ babysits/ Hates Kiyo)


Pets- Ron (German rotti) Bettsy (mixed breed) Cameron (bunny)

Vehicle- Black sports bike (in the shop)


Leandra Sinciato







Appearance Notes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jack.Frost.full.1355838.jpg.f303ac3ab47e399361b171023a247c77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jack.Frost.full.1355838.jpg.f303ac3ab47e399361b171023a247c77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/86fe840cf2c11b08d3527e44f90936b8.jpg.d3ba0d3ca8480f5fd47adee59acc96b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/86fe840cf2c11b08d3527e44f90936b8.jpg.d3ba0d3ca8480f5fd47adee59acc96b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Animal-Lover.jpg.3cb3aa7bbdc4b1bf12a81a1ab2385b43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Animal-Lover.jpg.3cb3aa7bbdc4b1bf12a81a1ab2385b43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
- Leandra has a scar on the topside of her right hand, a slash that goes from her middle knuckle to around the center of her hand.

- Leandra is 5'5" and weighs about 115 Ibs

- Leandra has ocean-blue eyes and is an albino so her hair is pearly white

- Leandra doesn't own any makeup and never wears any anyhow

- Leandra has her nails painted a dark red that looks black in artificial lighting

- Leandra has a necklace that she was given on her last birthday before she went to college as a gift from her mom, which is pictured below and it is the top left one...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/18878_meds.jpg.f1027c6369fbf8bbaed15ef4e397011e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/18878_meds.jpg.f1027c6369fbf8bbaed15ef4e397011e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Leandra's typical attire consists of jeans, converse, a hoodie, and a beanie. She'll typically wear graphic tees with either cats on them or something relating to video games

Personality and Background

Lea is very social by nature, but when in company of anyone she doesn't know, she'll clam up. She's a natural-born leader and will often take charge in projects and in groups. She thinks highly of herself, but is humble in not bragging about everything she accomplishes. When she accomplishes something then she'll usually find someone else to give the credit to. She prefers working in groups than alone. She has a strong willpower and lives by a certain quote, which is "Never give up." She can get very shy around guys if she is complimented by them or finds them to be attractive.

While Lea loves to take charge often, she also has a very lazy side of her that often shows when the weather is very warm outside. She loves to just lie in the sun and enjoy the heat. When she gets lazy, she also gets quiet and will not want to do much when she gets in this mood. Aside from having lazy moments, Lea has a very calm and relaxed manner of dealing with stressful situations. She never shows her fear and will keep a level head in situations where most would be terrified or excessively worrying. She can also be as stubborn as a mule basically all the time. Especially when she's defending her opinion on something. Lea also loves having fun and has the curiosity of a cat. She absolutely loves to explore everything and definitely has wanderlust, or the strong desire to travel and see the world. She is easily amused by nearly every and anything around her so she never can say that she's bored.

Leandra has a twin brother, Manjano, and the two have grown up together in a family of four, with their parents. While Manjano was more of the free-spirited, rebellious, athletic type, Leandra always followed the rules and excelled in her academics and with her music. Leandra was in the symphonic band in her high school as a percussionist and took three AP courses her senior year while still achieving a 3.5 GPA. Moving onto college, Leandra looks forward to her major, pre-vet, due to her uncanny love for animals. She has a soft spot in her heart for any and all animals, always looking to help them when she can. She spent most of her free time while in high school at her local animal shelter, aiding in any way possible. She hopes to find a new animal shelter or animal hospital to get a part-time job at in her college town.

Hobbies & Interests

- Leandra is a drummer and has her own drum sticks that she always has in her back pockets of either her pants, jeans or shorts

- Leandra has an alto voice in singing, though she hates to sing in front of people

- Leandra has always been interested in learning how to play the acoustic guitar and even has her one guitar from a past Christmas, but has never actually gotten around to learning how to play it

- Leandra and her brother were both born on Halloween

- Leandra typically will have all guy friends with the exception of one or two really close girl friends

- Leandra has a Pentax K1000, a vintage camera that she always has on her and will often take pictures without asking anyone's permission before doing so

- Hiking and Camping

- Video Games


Leandra's scar on her hand is from an incident with an ex-boyfriend of hers. He was overly jealous, which she was unaware of at first. She found out when he mistook her high school best guy friend as flirting with her and then he tried to attack him with a pocket knife. Leandra defended her boyfriend and the scar is a result of that. She promptly broke up with her boyfriend and hasn't been looking for any relationships since then, with the underlying fear of them being overly jealous of her and trying to harm someone or herself.


- Leandra's dad was in the military and recently retired from service.

- Her mom is an editor for New York Times.

- Her twin brother is Manjano.


- Leandra has a pet cat, a savannah cat to be specific, which she named Falarion along with a pet bunny that is albino and named Barry

- Leandra also has a car, which is pictured below...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/best-affordable-sports-car.jpg.43ca79f5875cf6693a8ef5ee0079a738.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/best-affordable-sports-car.jpg.43ca79f5875cf6693a8ef5ee0079a738.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Leandra has unique drumsticks that she got on her sixteenth birthday from her parents. They're pictured below...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/graphite-drum-sticks.jpg.1e674a45a1819f4bdd98c81b72286447.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/graphite-drum-sticks.jpg.1e674a45a1819f4bdd98c81b72286447.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Leandra lets her brother and closest friends call her Lea, pronounced like Leah

- Her favorite movie is The Lion King



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Manjano Sinciato







Appearance Notes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/jack_frost_by_sakimichan-d5mz7xh.jpg.0e6c0e394be1e27f2e1925d6ee2fd992.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/jack_frost_by_sakimichan-d5mz7xh.jpg.0e6c0e394be1e27f2e1925d6ee2fd992.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

- Manjano is albino, just like his twin sister, Leandra, and so his hair is also pearly white

- His eyes are a mossy green color

- He has a tattoo on his right hand of the word 'Adventure'

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/adventure-tattoo-on-wrist.jpg.5488a2439bdcd1264c489227ad59680d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/adventure-tattoo-on-wrist.jpg.5488a2439bdcd1264c489227ad59680d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- He also has a tattoo of conflicting flames on his left shoulder blade

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/water-fire-tattoo.jpg.26c1ada2cd6c7ec7251c3ebde896edec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/water-fire-tattoo.jpg.26c1ada2cd6c7ec7251c3ebde896edec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Manjano is overall a lanky build, and is 5'5", just like his sister. He weighs about 130 Ibs

- Manjano often wears sneakers, cargo shorts, graphic tees of just about anything, a light hoodie, and then a beanie

- Manjano also wears nerdy-style glasses since his vision needs correction

- Manjano also has a necklace that he got from his mom on his last birthday, which is pictured below...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/il_570xN.424057002_j9di.jpg.be1dc491c020e4a0d44dae6c8f854a8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/il_570xN.424057002_j9di.jpg.be1dc491c020e4a0d44dae6c8f854a8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality and Background

Manjano is quiet almost all of the time. He prefers to let his sister talk for the pair, though if he really wants to speak for himself then he'll do so. He prefers to keep to himself and artwork, as opposed to going out, meeting new friends, or even hanging out with his current friends. Typically, Manjano will pick that one great friend that he'll end up spending most of his time with. Considering he's lived with his sister all his life, she doesn't count as that one great friend. Manjano and Leandra are twins and basically identical except for their choice of clothing and the fact that they're both different genders. Their personalities are almost exactly opposite, as Leandra is much more outgoing than Manjano is. If you want a more detailed background, then just scroll up and read Leandra's.

Hobbies & Interests

- Art, i.e. Sketching and Drawing real-life people, animals, and tattoo designs

- Reading

- Camping and Hiking

- Nature

- Music, just listening to it

- Tattoos, he loves to get tattoos and plans to get more as his years in college progress


Manjano keeps a diary that is always on him somewhere. He mixes the diary with his writings and some random sketches here and there (If you've played the game, Life Is Strange, then you'll have a really good idea by what I mean in this case).


Same parents as Leandra and then Leandra herself since she's his twin sister.


- Manjano has a pet German Shepherd, named Farkas

- He also has a black motorcycle that he uses as his primary means of transportation, though he had to use his sister's car to get all of his stuff to the college itself. Motorcycle and helmet pictured below...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/33933_gt250rside_black_thumb-4b77aa998e5ae-mc-819x819.jpg.cdfb21b30d9569fc33e5a83c66cdc9c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/33933_gt250rside_black_thumb-4b77aa998e5ae-mc-819x819.jpg.cdfb21b30d9569fc33e5a83c66cdc9c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/541-954_A.jpg.9502f4f82e711df16b3d51cd41729115.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/541-954_A.jpg.9502f4f82e711df16b3d51cd41729115.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

- Manjano personally draws his own tattoos before he gets the done since he trusts himself to depict them properly as opposed to someone he won't know at all, or hardly at all.



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Alabaster Ben Cicero

Prefers Ben




Grad Student



Appearance Notes

Ben is tall and skinny, measuring up to 6'1'' but weighs only 140lbs. His ribs are visible just over his abdomen, but he doesn't completely look like an anorexia case if you get past that, with a couple of muscles decorating his body. Due to a protected childhood and personal preference, Ben is free from any scarring and tattoos, and has an incredibly pale skin tone.

Though from his outfit you might expect him to be somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to clothing, but no, not at all. If you meet him a couple of days in a row you'll learn that it is actually the one and only outfit he ever wears, and whether he's got multiple pairs of the same clothing or just never changes is questionable.

Personality and Background

Ben was always that one sick kid that never talked to anyone and seemed to love the nickname "dweeb". His parents were incredibly protective, so even if he hadn't been so shy he'd never have been allowed to do anything stimulating in his entire childhood. He was generally picked on or bullied during the first 9 years of his school life, which was accompanied by being completely ignored by anyone of the opposite gender. Why? He was unpopular, and really ugly on top of that. Talk about a change when he went through puberty and developed attractive features. Still being the wuss he'd always been though, Ben was a quiet guy up until college, and even then. The first year of Evercrest was almost completely without human interaction for him. He watched TV and studied, and that was his life. He wasn't disappointed by it, and he didn't really want anything more.

Well, until he started Grad School he was technically completely on his own, didn't talk to anyone, just did his own thing. At this point it wasn't even shyness. He'd worked his way past that when he started living on his own away from his parents. He just preferred not to talk to people. Although, when second year of grad school rolled around and he'd basically finished everything ahead of time... He had a lot of time to kill. Maybe it's about to get out there and start socializing?

Hobbies & Interests

Watching TV

Drawing poorly

Playing Harmonica

Reading books

Biking around on his unicycle~


His initials are ABC, which isn't much of a secret but he thinks it's silly.

Once again, not really a secret, but he barely sleeps at all. 4-5 hours a night is a very successful night in his case. He believes this to be completely natural.

He loves the Twilight series. He hates himself for that, but he loves the Twilight series.


His parents aren't much of a connection for him. They were protective of him as a child, but they basically kicked him out as soon as he turned 18. He doesn't even go home for holidays anymore.

Józef Kowalski - Last year he randomly tripped over a stranger, and then found that stranger to be very polite. Ben thinks Józef is a cool guy, and he is literally one of the only two other student at the school he's held a conversation with for more than 1 minute that wasn't related to school work. (Kojo yell at me later)

Jack Winston - Jack is the only person his own age he's talked to during his stay at Evercrest. One day they happened to fall into conversations about classical movies, and they found that their interests overlapped in that particular area. They've even been to the cinema together (no homo)


Ben has a unicycle.


It is a very nice unicycle. Don't make fun of his unicycle. It doubles as a very potent weapon.
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