Secrets of Evercrest


Pounce Ninja
Character Sign-ups

Overall you guys have freedom to make what ever characters you like there are only 3 stipulations

  1. They attend College
  2. 17 or older
  3. You can only have up to 3 Characters

I do want the RP to center around the students going to college and what not so there will be an NPC tab for family/ important people to your character/s. This way they can be part of the RP they just aren't the main focus. This will also be for any colorful character you would want to see around time like the Strange but fun dance instructor who loves show tunes or the really judgmental mechanic.

Feel free to make more connections here!:

Link to Doc

Profile Template



(17 and up please)


(Freshman, junior, grad student?)


(Pretty much open to what you want)

Appearance Notes

(With picture any kind I'm not picky. Also include basic thing like height, build, normal attire, any piercings, tattoos, etc.)

Personality and Background

(Paragraph or two is fine)

Hobbies & Interests

(3-4 more if you want)


(It could be personal, love interest, something small or groundbreaking! Up to you. Possible subplots and such can develop from this)


(Doesn't need to be super detailed. Just family, friends, other players. It can be further explored in the Google doc. Family and such can be described in greater detail in the Neutral Characters thread.)


(Pets, vehicles, favorite pendant/ trophy, theme song, basically anything of importance or not included above.)

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Ariana “Ari” Pierce















Sand Blond (Natural)

Currently Dyed: Blue


Standing a height of 5'9" Ari is fairly tall with a very toned athletic build. Years of running and conditioning have earned her a good bit of muscle build especially along her legs. Her eyes are a bright blue which seem glow when excited. Her natural hair color is a dirty blond but it hasn't been seen since 8th grade. She has picked a color every new school year. Last year it was bright green this year it seems to be blue. Her skin has a slight tanned tone from days spend running in the sun. She is rarely in anything frilly or formal. She always wears sneakers since she almost always running somewhere. Her overall appearance is more boyish and sporty. Her normal attire usually consists of jeans, a tank top of some sort and a hoodie.

Personality and Background

Known by most as a loud mouth and over opinionated Ari isn't afraid to let the world know what she things and loves a good debate. She is headstrong and energetic, she is also very goal driven. Once she sets her mind on something she can be extremely stubborn about changing it. Ari is a great public speaker and despite her punkish appearance she is is very bright and has an excellent memory. Overall she is friendly and easy to talk to, most times. Ari is hard to trust people but once someone has earned her trust she is very loyal and protective. The teen is fairly aggressive and playful with her friends and will sometimes try to rough house with them. Ari spends most of her free time running or working out, she runs once per day.

Whenever stressed or in need of time to think a good run is always needed to clear her head. When running doesn't cut it music makes a great relaxer as well. Ari loves to listen to and play music. She knows a bit of the guitar but does very well in playing the Piano. On rainy days when she can't go runnin Ari can be found playing old songs and come up with some new ones.

Ari doesn't talk much about her family aside from them being absent a lot in her life. However she doesn't play the card for attention or let it drag her down. Instead she tries to keep active in school activities to keep from going home to a boring house. Despite not having her parents around much their influence still leaves its mark. Ari tends to be very picky about almost everything from what she wears to what she eats. She is picky even about what she reads but when something catches her eye it's hard to get her away from it. Ari does tend to favor fantasy and supernatural book but even then is picky about lore. She has been known to get into arguments over what counts as a werewolf or vampire and what doesn't. While not religious Ari will argue forever and a day against gay rights and growing popularity in the media. Ari hates when things are pushed or forced upon her and will lash out if pushed too hard. She is known to be determined stubborn and easily susceptible to tunnel vision once a goal is set. She hates to be proven wrong and will hold a grudge.

Hobbies and Interest

  • Running
  • Playing Piano
  • Supernatural/ Fairy Tale Creatures
  • "Debate"
  • Playing Chess
  • Dying her hair different colors
  • Interest in Art but can't draw or paint.


Ari is very much in denial about her sexuality and speaks out mostly to convince herself.

She went out with some friends for her 17th birthday and ended up getting her belly button pierced. She has managed to keep it a secret from everyone outside of her small group, even from Chase.


Chase - Brother

Aiden and Elanor Pierce - Parents (Absent most of the time)



Chase Pierce









Standing at a full height of 6ft Chase is a fairly tall guy and is just as energetic as his sister. More lean than built Chase has strong muscle tone and well built legs from year of running. He has shaggy light brown hair with blond highlights and his eyes are a steely blue. He can normally be found wearing some kinda sports wear and tends to favor shorts over pants. When not being active he can be found in some kinda button up shirt and jeans.

Personality and Background

Chase is normally the support player when it comes to his family, friends and team. If there is something that needs to get done he's the first to volunteer and will go out of his way to helps others. Unlike Ari, Chase tends to think before speaking and weighs out his words to avoid conflict. Most can never tell where his feeling on a subject are because of how neutral he tends to be. Chase is driven and very goal oriented. He has aspiration of becoming a doctor and takes his academics very seriously. Chase tends to excel in practical classes such as math and science but falls flat in the area of creativity for such things as music or art.

If there is anything Chase loves more than Soccer it's his sister, Ariana. Being basically left on his own with only the guidance of babysitters Chase practically raised himself and Ariana. He is extremely protective of Ari and will go out of his way to make sure she is safe. Almost to a smothering degree. He has zero tolerance for anyone harassing or harming his sister in any manner. While normally an all around caring and chill guy a much darker side tends to come out when it comes to anyone messing with Ari. This causes him to get into a good bit of issues. Chase tries to be the voice of reason but he also believes that sometimes people just need to learn things the hard way.

Chase studies and works as hard as he can and is very interested in becoming a doctor but, now and then he tends to wonder if he should keep pursuing this career. Especially if it means having to leave Evercrest and his sister.

Hobbies and Interests

  • Running
  • Soccer
  • Reading
  • Playing Chess
  • Listening to music


He tries his hardest to keep his cool and be a nice guy in order to mask a much darker side. It tends to slip out from time to time especially when someone is messing with Ari.


Ariana - (Sister)

Aiden and Elanor Pierce - Parents (Absent most of the time)



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Erich Grün


Name ::

Erich Grün

Age ::


Year ::


Major ::

Marine Biology, Minor in Zoology

Appearance Notes ::

Erich is built younger male coated with a good layer of muscle. He stands at about 5'9, weighing in at about 160lbs. His hair is a light brown, naturally buoyant, and typically looks like he is in need of a haircut. His eyes are a pale, frosty blue that contrast his slightly tanned skin. He has no tattoos or piercings, but does have a scar that runs down from the top of his left thigh to his knee from a motor biking accident including an inebriated taxi driver and a pair of shorts. He also has a small scar on his shoulder from an out-of-control garden hose with a sharp rusty tip. Fun times, no?

The young male typically dons a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt, not one for formal clothing. He prefers to pick darker and more subtle colors - he does not care for neons most of the time, but if it's simple and not over bearing, he will wear it. He does not wear jewelry, so he could be seen as boring; rather, you just can't wear that kinda shit when you're swimming with sharks.

Personality and Background

Erich is a very open, blunt individual with a desire for truth and an intolerance to ignorance. He's very accepting of other's but typically avoids individuals that have trouble seeing the bigger picture. Additionally, anybody who can't seem to fend for themselves is also generally avoided. He's generally very unpredictable with what he's going to say at any time; he's a hard guy to follow when it comes to a thought train. Inside, however, he's actually very attached to his friends and has a sort of abandonment issue, despite the fact that nobody in his family or major friends has ever left him voluntarily. You could say its a self-esteem issue.
Hobbies & Interests

|| Swimming || Marine Biology || Language Learning || Drawing || Birds || Painting || Mini-Movie Making || Diving/Snorkeling || Reading || Traveling ||


Erich has, at one point, almost killed a man - he purposely drove his car into the other guy. However, the other guy kept quiet for some reason, which has prevent him from being put into prison.


Elaine Grün - > Grandmother, Father's side.

Marty Grün - > Grandfather, Father's side.

Yanna Ortyun - > Grandmother, Mother's side.

Urrich Ortyn - > Grandfather, Mother's side.

Julia Grün - > Mother.

Kammeron Grün - > Father.

Kyle Grün - > Older brother.

Ann-Katrin Grün - > Older sister.

Eva Grün - > Aunt. Father's side.

Józef "Joe" Kowalski - > Roommate. Kojote 's character.

{{More to be added later}}


He owns a Bronze Winged Pionus, named Nikolaus. He has a moderately heavy German drawl, while his family has a very heavy accent. They all live very near to eachother.

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Seraphine Zendaya Austin







Political Science- Pre-Law​


Coming in at about 5'6, 165, Seraphine is an oddly shaped woman. Or maybe it's just how she dresses. She comes with curves, nice fitting curves that give her a bodacious look with a nice flat stomach. Her eyes are a dark brown, close to a cocoa color with a tint of milk in it. Her black hair is big and natural (most of the time) and she just let's it do what it wants on most days. Oh, you're probably wondering about the type of clothes she wears to make her look oddly shaped? Well, because she usually wears a loose top, her large bosom usually has her with a top that's too long for her, but it's because it's the only size that'll fit her right. This makes her look bigger, and less curvier than she actually is. She tends to wear large tshirt, very short jean shorts with chucks, but she can girly it up on a moment's call. She just happens to be a free soul, and just usually like what's comfortable.​

Personality and Background

Saruh often gets called a hippie, because of her demeanor and ideals. That term is pretty accurate since she loves to be friendly, be a free spirit, live happily with the Earth and animals, bring happiness and joy to others, and is a pacifist though she's not a strict one. She also teeters between being a Pescetarian and a Vegetarian, but has given up poultry, chicken, and red meat altogether. She also has abandoned her faith in Catholicism (though she did that years ago), and follows a faith that borrows things from Hindu, Buddhism, Native American myths, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander myths. She'll often speak about the spirits. She still is a gossiper though, and can really talk bad about someone,​

Saruh's life had always been relatively easy, her mother was an established District Prosecutor in D.C. usually for violent crimes, before certain events in Missouri and Florida, caused her to switch over specializing in Civil Rights cases. Her father was a District Attorney most of her childhood, but during her junior of High School he became a named partner at one of the biggest firms in New York. So, she was never hurting for money.​

Her mother was also once a hippie, so she never really held Saruh back and just let her live life as a free spirit. She grew up spending most of her time just walking the parks, painting murals with her hands, and playing music. Music eventually became her passion in her latter years of elementary school, and she started to sing, play the guitar, and the piano. Now, she knows how to play over 20 instruments, but sticks to the piano and the guitar mostly.

Getting into College was easy, she had good grades, she just probably smoked too much for her own good.

Hobbies and Interest

  • Music

  • Nature

  • Singing

  • Natural Order

  • Societal Order

  • Lying in the Park

  • Finger painting


She's a bi-sexual and a nymphomaniac! (don't look that up kids)​


Kenneth B. Austin- Little Brother​

Braxton Kenneth Austin- Father

Zendaya Sarah Austin- Mother

Zendaya Seraphine Austell- Grandmother maternal

Malika Johnson- Grandmother paternal



Kenneth Braxton Austin







Computer Engineering​


Freshman year of High School Kenny hit an 8 inch growth spurt, but since then he has only grown an inch putting him now at 6'7". Though he has put on muscle since high school, he is still only 220 pounds. His eyes are a dark brown like his sister, and his hair has the potential to be as big as her's but he prefers to keep it cut low and let it curl. His skin complexion is a light honey brown, but he can tan really easily.​

Personality and Background

Kenny was very religious going through High School. He's still just as religious, but he's less vocal about it now. He doesn't push it off on people as much as he use to. If it wasn't for him saying his grace, prayers, and him at church often the only give away he was religious would be the rosary he wears around his wrist. Other than that, it would be hard to tell. Kenny is a disciplined young man, who tends to focus hard on his academic work and sports. This all coupled with church, and he rarely has free time for himself. When people get to spend time with Kenny, they call him a hard worker, gentle, and fun guy who people like to be around, though some will say he is too focused in school, sports, and religion.​

Though they're siblings, and only a year apart Kenny had a very different childhood than his sister. He was very wild as child, and even beat up a kid when he was six so bad they the other kids needed to be hospitalized and the parents sued. Kenny was sent to live to with grandmother, who was a devout Catholic, in Fort Worth, Texas. She disciplined him hard, and kept him in church, which molded him into who he is today.​

He moved back with his parents in Eighth grade, before entering High School. In High School he did fairly well, though a lot of people avoided him for his religious habits until the football team loosened him up a bit, and taught him how to follow his faith without pushing it on other people. He won the starting quarterback position as a Junior, and never looked back. He set state records for passing yards, touchdowns, and rushing yards by a quarterback. It was an easy choice to pick Evercrest, especially since it would be an open race at quarterback. As the top dual threat QB in the class, Kenny was highly recruited and had almost gone to the University of Georgia late in the recruiting process, but eventually chose Evercrest. Aftering winning the starting job as Freshman..popularity seems to be getting to him..


Hobbies and Interests

  • Church

  • Football

  • Building Computers

  • Programming Computers

  • Playing 2k


He is a um.. (v word) and envies his sister's ability to live free.​


Seraphine Austin- Older Sister (see her for the rest of his connections family wise)​



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Name Jonathan Ripley

Age 17





Appearance Notes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Native-American-Teenager.png.02f5b06625a04989ad493d510fb180d5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Native-American-Teenager.png.02f5b06625a04989ad493d510fb180d5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

About 5' 10". He always considers himself native american, but people don't recognize it sometimes.

Personality and Background

Saying that Jonathan's life is complicated is like saying beans taste a bit like beans. Born in Mexico in a small town on the Baja California peninsula, both of his parents were Navajo. His parents always tried to care for him, but they were always working and trying to get into the U.S. Growing up, he would roam the desert around his town and look for fossils or arrowheads. He never really had friends and was usually left alone.

Jonathan's whole world was shattered when his parents were murdered when he was 14. It turns out that his mom owed some money to a gang and had never payed it back. They were after him next, so he packed up what little he had and set off to the United States. He barely managed to get a family to adopt him and get him citizenship. He wandered around the country for a while, having been to every state except Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, and Kansas. He finally got into college and settled down in Evercrest.

Jonathan is kind of anti-religious and will argue for days about how the science is right and not your faith. He definitely believes that there is no god. He always tries to prove the science to other people.

Hobbies & Interests

Collecting fossils and native american artifacts

Wandering the wilderness

Playing on his laptop


He has never told anyone about his birth parents and just says he was adopted when he was 1.


Joseph and Isabella Coleman (adopted parents)

Jordan Coleman(adopted brother)


He has an old but functional motorcycle and a little lizard that is always either in his pocket or on his shoulder.



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Evelyn James








Appearance Notes

Evelyn is about 5'2 and weights about 110 pounds. She has an athletic build because of her years of dancing. Her hair is long pale pink which could be spotted a mile away and it's usually up in a ponytail. Her eyes are a light grey color that looks like a shatter mirror and she also has a slight tan. You can see her in a sports bra with an off the shoulder half shirt over it and sweatpants when she is practicing. Her normal attire when she is not practicing is a slightly big sweater and jeans. Shoes aren't a thing in her wardrobe, she would rather go barefoot. But she does have few pairs for when she has school, even though she slips them off when people aren't watching and the ones she needs for dance.

Personality and Background

More on the quiet and observe side, Evelyn would prefer to by herself or listening to others talk than talking herself. Unless you are quite close with her and I mean real close, you'll see she is random, sarcastic and can be loud. She is also a different person when she is on stage, you can see her graceful and just radiating with confidence. She can come off competitive especially when it comes to dance. A bit on the nerdy side you can see her obsessing over disney, star wars, and mythical creatures. She can get overly jealous over others and can hide her emotions well. When scared, she'll grabbed onto anyone near her, even if she doesn't know you.

Evelyn lived a normal life, her parents were happily married, and they weren't rich but they were happy. Until one day her parents won the lottery when she was 7 and her parents completely lost sight of family and their daughter. Evelyn started to do rebellious acts which would make her get in trouble with the cops. Thinking this would help her parents notice her, it did the opposite. They just sent her off to a private school cross the country, South Korea.

When she went to the private school she completely shut down. Her parents never called her to ask how it was going and when she tried to call them the phone was disconnected. She changed from her rebellious acts to being just quiet. Evelyn usually hid away in her dorm room or in the dance studio they had there. Where she learned her passion for dancing. She learned most of her dances from k-pop dances but slowly started to make her own. It didn't matter what form of dance she loved it all, from hip hop to ballet or jazz to contemporary.

Hobbies & Interests


-Dancing (duh!)


-Watching Disney movies


-Going to concerts



-She was kidnapped by her babysitter when her parents became rich, she doesn't like talking about what happened that day.


(Doesn't need to be super detailed. Just family, friends, other players. It can be further explored in the Google doc. Family and such can be described in greater detail in the Neutral Characters thread.)


-She has a pet tarantula, named princess.


-Her favorite K-pop dance at the moment


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Eliana Brookelyn Brown






Peace/Conflict Studies

Appearance Notes

Eliana often catches the gaze of people around her wherever she goes, and no, that's not because she's particularly "beautiful". Her fashion, her hairstyles...or even just the way she carries herself, Eliana is usually the odd one out. Her golden-brown hair falls in loose waves about four inches past her shoulders. It's unevenly cut, and is almost never seen pulled back. A few freckles dust the girl's nose, shoulders, and cheeks due to the time she spends outside, but oddly enough, she's fairly pale. Eliana stands at a decent 5'6", so she's not the tallest girl in the bunch, but definitely not the shortest. She's a little underweight for her height weighing only 110lbs. Her eyes are as brown as her hair, and her eyelashes are just as long (not really, but you know what I mean). Never a day passes without the girl being temporarily blinded by an eyelash. Her face is usually void of makeup, making her look a tad younger than she actually is. Her skin is impossibly clear (probably since she doesn't cake on foundation every day), though there are very subtle dark circles under her eyes due to a lack of sleep.

Personality and Background

If you asked Eliana, "If you has one wish, what would it be?", she'd most likely say, "To go back in time to go to Woodstock.". Well, that or world peace. She's an easy-breezy type of girl, and she is probably the last one to start a fight with anyone. Well...maybe she would, if she could get her head out of the clouds for more than five seconds at a time. If you want to have a meaningful conversation with Eliana, you'll find it easier to just enter her own little world instead of trying to pull her out of it. She's known for saying some pretty weird things, like, "I wonder how it feels like to be a glass of orange juice. Like, what would happen once someone drank half of you?"

Yeah, she's kind of an odd one...but that doesn't make her an idiot. Eliana is actually pretty smart, she's just a little misunderstood. I would like to say that's because of her terrible and traumatic childhood, but I can't. Eliana had an amazing childhood. Being an only child, Eli was the center of attention in her house. Since she lived with both parents and both grandparents from both sides, Eliana always had something to do and someone to talk to. She didn't ever need to go through the typical "I wish I had some siblings, I am so BORED." dilemma.

Both of Eliana's parents were "office people". What do I mean by "office people"? Well, I mean just that. They worked in an office. Does it matter what they did? Not really. Eliana didn't care. She was too busy being absolutely infatuated with her grandparents' pasts. They were all hippies. Die-hard, protesting, pot-smoking HIPPIES. Or they
were. Of course they'd grown a little more tame in their silver years, but that didn't stop them from leaving an impression on young Eliana. I mean, growing up in a house like're bound to turn out a little weird.

And she did.



Hobbies & Interests

-She loves music. Most people are surprised she didn't decide to major in it. Whether she's playing her guitar, singing (badly), or just listening to some Stevie Nicks. It's apparent to everyone around Eliana that music is in her soul.

-Finger-painting. Well, she calls it finger-painting. In actuality, she kind just likes smearing a bunch of colors together with her hands on an empty canvas. The final product is usually some greenish-brown mess of a blob, but it's the process that Eliana likes so much.

-DANCING! Not ballroom dancing or anything professional, though. Casual dancing. Every pole or street-sign she comes across, you can bet she's going to grab onto it and swing around it at least once. When there's a puddle in front of her, instead of going around it like a normal person, she will do a ballerina LEAP over it.

-Flowers! She loves picking them, pressing them, studying them, weaving them into flower crowns...or even just sitting in a field and appreciating them. She's always been interested in botany...she finds it fascinating...but not so fascinating that she's willing to go beyond reading a book or two about it.

-Basket-weaving. An odd hobby, but surprisingly enjoyable. She likes having something to do with her her, it's like what knitting/crocheting is to some people. She even has her own basket-selling website. It's actually pretty successful (for a basket-selling website, that is). Eliana has actually made a few bucks off of it!

-Protesting! Sort of. Eliana's idea of protesting is handing out flowers and saying things like, "Love is all you need." and "Give peace a chance." or some other song lyric.


Eliana is pretty much an open book, but there is one thing she will keep to herself...and that's her tendency to smuggle small animals into her dorm. Whether they're injured or just adorable, Eliana can't help herself from befriending them. Of course, she'll usually release them after a week or so, but it won't be long after that she finds a new furry pal. Oh, that and the fact that she's been deemed anorexic by some doctor her parents sent her off to, but she doesn't believe it. Besides, the animal thing is A LOT more interesting.


Józef "Joe" Kowalski - Her partner in crime! Joe is the one who patches up the furry creatures she finds.


Eliana's choice of transportation is by her bike (which honestly looks like the grown-up equivalent of what a three-year-old would ride).
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Józef "Joe" Kowalski

Age ::

20 Years

Year ::


Major ::

Major in Biology with concentration on Veterinary Studies

Appearance Notes ::

Joe stands at around 6'2" With his weight generally around 145lbs Tall with a fairly lanky body. He barely seems to have a scrap of fat on him. However he also doesn't seem to have a scrap of muscle on him. He chalks it up to his metabolism. His hair generally in a mess, and somehow his beard never seems to grow from it's present state.
Personality and Background ::

Joe is the gregarious guy who seems to fit in any sort of group you put him in with. If he's amongst the more geeky groups he can readily talk with them about most topics. If he's with the Sports crowd, He can at least feign knowledge of a football team or two. He's fairly easy to get along with, honestly so long as you aren't a dick to him, you'll get along with him. Or if your a dick to animals. He's really not fond of people who abuse animals.

He's also fairly religious but keeps it on the down low out of personal choice. Generally he'll just disappear for an hour and a half Sunday or Saturday. It's really hard for him to get angry he'd rather keep his head down, and do something constructive, like studying. He manages to pull decent grades in most subjects. Science has been his best subject...except Physics, Physics has been the bane of his high-school and college existence. He doesn't know why he doesn't get it, He really doesn't care, he just hates it with a passion.

Joe comes from a small family that moved from Poland when he was 2. His father worked as an Electrician and his mother worked her way up the hierarchy of a grocery store to manager. He was an only child but it was a nice life. When his dad got home, they'd watch re-runs of Animal Cops, which is probably where Joe picked up his goal of becoming a Vet. High-school was his low point in life. He does not mention it much, saying he left that behind him when he went to college.

Hobbies & Interests ::

Video gaming



Target Shooting, (Family lived near a range. He actually was pretty decent, apparently he could have been on a team)

Cooking, He did a fair bit of cooking at home, helping his mother a lot in the kitchen. If the Veterinary career didn't pan out he figured he could go into cooking.

Secret ::

There was only one time he exploded and got angry, and that was at his Ex-girlfriend. A three year relationship that tanked a week before graduation. She feel in with a bad crowd during senior year, started doing some illicit substances that progressively got worse. He tried to talk some sense in to her for months, trying desperately to get her out of her downward spiral. It ended in a massive fight at her place, with her ranting at him, paranoid and raving. He got angry, actually flipped a table and stormed out. 3 years of his life wasted, he just wants to put it all behind him. So far he's done a good Job. Still sometimes he wonders if he could have done anything differently, and it weighs on him. She never did show up to graduation...

Connections ::

Edward Kowalski- great dad, loving father, Military History enthusiast

Filicja Kowalski- Loving Mother, Great cook, Makes rolling pins viable weapons.

Erich Grün 's char - Roomate and probably best friend on Campus.

Eliana Brookelyn Brown- "This girl is going to keep handing me small cute animals to help...and it is going to be the death of me."

Other ::

Theme song Beware the Dog ~ The Griswolds


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  • Name:

    Flannery Spitzer Sergeant


    Spit, Sergeant Sarcasm


    Twenty one


    August twenty seventh








    Web design


    Computer science
Izzy Winston








With her dark green gaze fixated upon you, Izzy has the look that can make you feel like the only thing in the world worth knowing or more disregardable than ever, her interests showing clear in her looks as she lacks the politeness to feign interest. While her brother inherited the dusty brown from their mother, Izzy's whispery blonde is the most grand standing thing about her. While she sometimes envies the ease in which other girls her age can get along with others and the hot guys of the campus, she is comfortable behind her camera and the delightful view from her trusty accomplice in the secretive art of stalking. Izzy has stylized herself around a more flannel design, her clothes mimicking the same style her brother held onto for many year, but her own soul took to it far stronger than his. Even her Camera, while being one of the latest models, is still her favorite for its classic appearance.

Personality and Background

Born to her loving family, Izzy was showered with affection, however none more so than her one and only brother, Jack Winston. His smiling face being one of the first thing she remembers from her childhood, along with the vague lessons he gave her on the care of Cameras. Her life was special after that, her childhood consisting of nothing, but happy times as her parents let Jack take a big role in the emotional and social development of Izzy as she grew up. Of course, her strong connection with her brother and the subsequent spark of her love of Camera's backfired as she entered grade school.

While she and her brother thought cameras were cool, the little kids with their short attention spans found them boring, and picked on Izzy for them. For a time, Izzy put down her love of Cameras, letting it gather dust as she went through the year trying to make friends. However, the damage had been done and the other kids were already calling her a nerd girl, her need of glasses and a lack of parental authority only fueling the kid's urge to tease Izzy. With the added pressure of it all, as well as Jack's urgings and thoughts on the matter, Izzy took up her Camera and her passion resumed.

Fast forwarding to Middle School, it was a time of love for Izzy. However, problems arose as her crush seemed to be so much better. Her gut would always wrench if she even thought about going up to talk to him, and with her social status, or lack of one, she knew there was no chance. However, even if she was restricted of asking him formally, she tried to get close to him in small ways. She would try and say hey to him in the hallways, only to begin staring at him as she failed and he passed her by on his way to his next class of the day. Sometimes she would slip notes into his notebook and see how he reacted to them, one significant event being that during one of her attempts, he got sick of them and went to the teacher.

It was only by chance that the matter was dropped, and while the teacher was vigilant for someone to try to pass another note, Izzy had already given up. After all the trial and error, she realized that through the lens of her camera, the world wasn't so scary, and so, she joined the Newspaper, her brother having bribed himself as the top, and with this status, she was able to bring her camera everywhere. She began to follow her crush, taking pictures of him from afar, and never realizing that she had been seen multiple times by him. The situation exploded when Izzy's crush finally had enough and went off at her, calling her names and other things, even threatening to tell the principal about her stalking.

After going to her brother about it, he made it his job to get back at the horrible man who had hurt his sister, and while she never knew what he done to him, Izzy was always aware at how resigned her crush now appeared when he saw her. However, her affection towards him did not falter, and she continued to take pictures of him. It was when her crush began to date another girl, a petite one, that she realized how much rage it took to redden the vision. She did nothing directly, her nervousness and social ineptitude not giving her the skills to confront the witch for weaving her nasty spell on her man. However, she did make it her job to take pictures of her as well, her room quickly becoming full of pictures of the people in school who interacted with her crush. When she did gather the confidence to confront the girl, she was surprised and immediately ground into the emotional dirt as the spitfire of the girl tore into her for everything she had done, especially her noticeable Stalking.

It was this point in time that Izzy realized the futilely in her ever getting into a relationship, and she branched out to not only being jealous of those she had a crush on, but those who had luck with men, in general. Her love of the idea of love grew to the extent that all men that interested her were a target, and have been on the wrong side of her Stalking. Her brother knew about her stalking habit, and instead of helping her with it, he found that he could protect her better if she continued to interact people from afar, not willing to see his baby sister go through such heartache and sadness as he had seen in the past. When her brother left for college, it was a one way track for Izzy as she eventually followed him to the same college, where they live together in an apartment together and pay it off halfway.

Hobbies and Interest

  • Photography
  • Men
  • Movies
  • Black and White Films
  • Long walks
  • Cinematography
  • Watching Documentaries
  • Random Trivia


She has never shown anybody, not even her brother, though she often discusses it with him, is that she has a shrine in her closet, where she keeps her most important pictures pinned to the wall, including her multiple Stalking Victims over the years, and more innocent, happier times of her childhood.


Parents- Harold and Susanna Winston

Brother- Jack Winston


She drives an old refurbished car. She only really cares that it



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Tori Graham

Physical Description:

Hair & Eye Color:

Wavy/Curly. Ginger, with blonde highlights, deep blue/grey eyes

Height & Weight:

5’6”, 115lbs.

Identifying Marks/Tattoos:


Senior Portrait:


Tori is pretty, without being gorgeous, petite, without being short and thin, without being scrawny. She is a true ginger, with blonde highlights throughout a mane of thick wavy hair, a pale complexion and narrow, almost pinched features. Her eyes, a soft slate, are on the large side, and set beneath thick brows, her nose round and slightly crooked and her lips full, with a natural smile.

She's of a small build with fairly little muscle, with a narrow waste, a slight figure and limbs longer than they should be. Her hands are extremely slender, and elegant and she keeps her nails trim and rarely painted. On her palms are callouses, built over extensive time from the many instruments she plays.

Her style is generally conservative, with a bohemian flair and she favors more delicate fabrics, like lace and silk. Accessories are something of a vice and she is almost never seen without some form or combination of hats, jewelry, gloves, scarves or belts. She prefers make-up which accentuates the size and shape of her eyes and brightly colored lipstick. She has an admitted obsession with parasols.


Vital Statistics

Full Name:

Astoria Elizabeth Graham








Music Theory and Composition


Barista at 'Brewed Awakening' coffee shop

Traits: ESFP
Tori is, by nature a vibrant, energetic and effervescent person. She is generous with her time and energy and especially when it comes to empathy, managing to encourage with flair and style. Utterly social, she finds nothing more enjoyable than spending as much time as possible around people, particularly loved ones.

She is naturally curious and generally unafraid to explore new options and seek out a challenge, but her excitability and penchant for leaping before looking often times comes across as a lack of focus. Under pressure or the strain of criticism, her focus becomes exhausted and she has been known to panic.

She is quick with a joke, playful and spontaneous, and when it comes to work she'll put in all necessary effort to make sure she does her job efficiently. Emotionally, she is a rock, but not without cracks - particularly her temper, which, when raised can be quite volatile. She is, however, extremely good with people, both compassionate and observant.



+ Bold - She isn't afraid to speak her mind or go after the things she wants. Fear, at least not conventionally, doesn't enter into her vocabulary. She enjoys a challenge and prefers spontaneity over planning.

+ Practical - She rarely overreacts and has a fairly decent hold on her emotions. She sees things the way they are at face value, rather than looking at things subjectively or with bias, and formulates her opinions and thoughts based on facts, rather than speculations.

+ Observant - She pays attention to everything and everyone around her. She knows details that most people overlook and goes the extra mile to make sure people feel welcome and special.


- Unorganized - Her spontaneous nature comes at the cost of organization. Her planning skills are somewhat lacking and she is, admittedly, something of a slob in her day to day life. Her dorm room has been labeled Chernobyl and there's little question why.

- Easily bored - Homework and school projects are a nightmare to the social butterfly, and there is nothing worse than being by herself. She bores easily and procrastinates as if it were a profession.

- Unfocused - Over excited by new or interesting things, she tends to lose focus and when overwhelmed she can often exhaust herself, before asking for help. She's prone to breakdowns and has, on the occasion put herself into a near catatonic state when stressed.


Quirks, Talents & Proclivities:

She is a walking Quirk in everything she does. As a result of medication she takes, Tori has an occasional twitch in her hands and feet and is prone to restlessness and nervous shaking. To cover this up, she almost never sits still and is rather known for 'dancing' around, rather than walking.

She has many talents where music is involved, primarily (though not limited to) the piano and singing. She also writes music and has, since the start of high school been composing a musical.

She is a raging shopaholic, who spends more than she has on accessories and clothing and has a tendency towards hoarding belongings. Due to the increased chances of substance-abuse associated with her condition, Tori does not drink.


Goals & Aspirations:

Her goals are to graduate with honors, finish her composition and move to New York City.

Tori dreams of becoming a renown composure and making her debut on Broadway in a musical she has, herself, written.

Hobbies & Interests:

Beyond music, Tori enjoys dancing and karaoke. She is also a half decent baker. She has a secret, hidden love for old schticky science fiction movies and loves romance novels.



Mother: Sable Wright - Actress

Father: Henry Graham - Composer

Brother: Loren Graham - Teacher

Friend: Chase Pierce

Friend: Cameron Leon


Apart from having a slightly unconventional upbringing, Tori's childhood was rather unextraordinary. Her parents, while never married, shared a relationship that was both romantic and professionally intertwined. By Tori's tenth birthday, however, things began to slowly unravel. Her mother opted to take an acting position across the country, leaving with very little notice. Tori's father coped as well as could be expected, but eventually became overwhelmed by the stress of raising two children on his own and maintaining his tedious work schedule - Tori was left under the charge of an Au Pair, a friend of the family named Lou Daniels.

By fourteen, Tori started to show signs of mental strain and anxiety and during therapy it was revealed she had been molested by Daniels. At fifteen, despite efforts by her psychologists and doctors, Tori began exhibiting symptoms of Schizophrenia. By sixteen, she was being medicated for the disorder.

The medication and continuation of therapy seemed to do wonders, and with only a few set backs do to dosing, Tori was able to finish high school. She was accepted into Evercrest University on a full-ride music scholarship.

Secrets and Skeletons: Tori is a diagnosed Schizophrenic, medicated for the disorder. Her medication keeps her positive symptoms (hallucinations and delusions) under control, but she is prone to negative symptoms (lack of emotion/motivation) at all times - particularly in times of stress. When overwhelmed, she can become nearly catatonic.The medication she takes gives her extrapyramidal symptoms (twitching/restlessness/shaking), though she masks them well with an otherwise energetic disposition. Since the onset of the disorder, Tori has been required to attend therapy to control her negative symptoms.

As a result of her disorder and the psychological scarring from her past, Tori is terrified of relationships, but she has had a lingering, nearly subconscious crush on Chase Pierce since first having met him.


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David Sigmund Summers






Psychology with a minor in sociology

Appearance Notes

David is 6 foot even and fairly on the lanky side with brown hair that is always slick back. He weighs around 180 pounds, mostly still a mix of fat and muscle but average at best for build. He always wears thick rimmed glasses even though his vision is that bad. He is known to spend quite a bit of time on his appearance but not to any standards of today

Personality and Background

David as much as he is a student of psychology is still sociology awkward. He tries his best to relate but at times he lacks to understand the social memes that many gravitate to. This is part of the reason that he is studying psychology so that he can at least understand people a little bit better even if he would never admit it. He always carries around a notebook scribbling down notes on thoughts and people hoping to find something about them so that way he might find a way to socialize. Even though awkward he is still very smart when it comes to anything information or school related and usually keeps a average around a 3.2 when in high school.

Ironically his family life was quite average compared to most. David viewed his parents as fairly bland and boring but to be more accurate they are uncharacteristically chipper bordering annoying to most. David's father Robert Summers works in construction as a foreman standing at the same height as David with a broad build and weight of 220. Even though working in construction he always seems to have energy to spare and was always active in his family. David's mother Katherine Summers works also in construction but more on the ground putting everything together while still helping her husband direct everything still. She stands at 5 feet 10 inches and with somewhat broad shoulders but still a feminine build. Her hair,blond and short, is cropped to a bob so not to interfere with her job and she follows her husband in energy which again could seem to be almost annoying in energy but slowly people warm up to them.

David decided to go for psychology halfway through high school when he started to feel that his parents personalities overshadowed him since he couldn't seem to make friends as quickly as they did. It was rough just saying the right things and it always seemed like he was putting his foot in his mouth. This caused him to turn introvert thinking there was something wrong with him until he took his first health science course and found studies in psychology. He was never so engrossed with ideas and concepts of the human mind that he could not think of anything else but studying it all day to find out its secrets. Even though he has this passion he is still very new to the classes and concepts so whenever he learns a new study he always wants to test it on someone else.

Hobbies & Interests


watch psychology thrillers (favorite is silence of the lambs)

Listening to a spectrum of music

Video games


Has a fondness for cartoons and doodles even though he thinks is very childish a silly


Robert Summers- Davids loving father, always energetic, almost annoyingly friendly, hard working and stern foremen

Katherine Summers- Davids loving mother, very energetic like husband, graceful as well as strong, very protective of her children

Alexander Summers- Davids brother, extremely calm compared to parents, Works on computers all day, mostly distant but still has a good heart


Has a notebook he constantly keeps on him where he keeps tabs on everyone, is rather distant from his parents

Dakota Esperanza Gonzalez-Williams

Physical Description:

Hair & Eye Color:

Curly Natural Hair that often changes color and style, though it is naturally long, curly, and dark brown while her eyes are a light greyish-brown.

Height & Weight:

5'11, 160

Identifying Marks/Tattoos:

Minus the name.


High School Basketball:


Kota doesn't match the stereotypical perception of a female basketball player. She is beautiful both on and off the court. Her body maintains its athletic physique without sacrificing any feminine features, and her soft hazel brown eyes usually turn fiery when she walks on to the court.

She is strong and tall, and has little to know body fat and a lot of muscle. Her stomach is very sculpted, and when she shows it you can see her six pack, and her arms are very defined but she still remains slim. Unfortunately, this build takes away from her overall curves, but she still manages to have a nice butt.

She is generally feminine when she is off the court, though she can rarely keep her nails painted and during the season, usually opts for her hair to be straight because she sweats it out often. She wears dresses, and skirts and even her athletic wear maintains the feminine look.


Vital Statistics

Birth Name:

Dakota Esperanza Gonzalez

Name She Writes:

Dakota Esperanza Gonzalez-Williams


Kota, Gonzo, D.W., Dak(endearing though)






Psychology with a Concentration in Sports , Minor- Computer Science


Starting Point Guard for the Women's Basketball Team

The Twins

Kota is often described as bright and joyous, smiling all of the time, and hanging around friends. She is often described as a good teammate, and a wonderful leader. Though, she does have a bit of an attitude off the court. She can be a bit snappy, narcissistic, and has a bit of an ego. She also has an extreme temper, a long with extreme bouts of depression.

This aside, she is rather friendly, it's just how much you can handle of her at one time that decides what type of friend she is to you. She is loyal, and will defend her comrades. She struggles with the Biological and Physical sciences, but enjoys coding, video games, math, and Psychology. Though she is a good team leader, she is a smack talker and often gets into it with people on and off the court. She's feisty.



+ Aggressive - Kota isn't afraid to get after what she wants, and will do what it to get to it. (she is also ambitious)

+ Deductive - Her deductive reasoning is top notch, and because of her quick mind, she is able to diagnose , dissect, and find a solution in a situation which part of the reason she is a good point guard and leader.

+ Tough - Her perseverance is unmatched, and it has a lot to do with her toughness physically and mentally. She can take a punch (figuratively and literally) and doesn't back down.


- Stubborn - It's hard to convince her to change her mind what's she's made it up, even when she recognizes she is wrong.

- Overly Vicious - Sometimes she comes off a little bit too harsh, and not just because she is blunt, but often she means for what she says to have venom.

- Narcissistic - Her narcissism, a long with her egomanna makes her a shallow person, that can be hard to deal with.


Quirks, Talents & Proclivities:

She has this habit of rubbing the back of her neck when she is lying, pinching her cheeks when she's bored, and her eye twitches when she's mad.

She is a very talented basketball player, but also is good at management and managing people.

She often works out a lot, and spends most of her time practicing basketball, buying clothes, dressing up and going out, and drinking excessively in the off-season.


Goals & Aspirations:

She wants to make it to the WNBA and play for a while, but she rather become a Mental Health Doctor for the NBA and help agents and teams figure out how to recruit Free Agents or players in general, to come to their team.

Hobbies & Interests:

Outside of basketball, she likes to..well loves to eat. She likes to cook too, it helps feed her desire to eat all the time. She also enjoys playing video games.



Mother: Sherelle Gonzales-Williams - High School Teacher

Father: Dominic Williams - Football Coach of Penn State University

Twin Sister: Delilah Gonzales - Basketball player for Evercrest, Starting Shooting Guard

Friend: Kenneth B. Austin


Dakota and her sister were born out of wedlock to parents with completely different lifestyles. Their father, Dominic, was a black latino immigrant from the Dominican Republic who made a name for himself playing college football, before eventually becoming the head coach at Penn St. Their mother, was a High School teacher who was bi-racial (Native American and Black) at a school he stopped by as an assistant coach for on a stint after he graduated from college. The twins were born shortly after, but their father was offered an assistant job at the University of Florida, though their home was in Forth Worth Texas.

The twins were relatively rebellious in their childhood, getting in trouble at school from fighting, skipping, drinking all of the like, and their mother figured their father's absence was the cause. So, she tried to introduce them to basketball (she was a college player) to help ease their anxiety, and at 7 the girls were outside daily playing basketball. So she made a bargain with them, they can play basketball as much as they want as long as they stopped getting into trouble at school, and eagerly the girl's agreed.

At the age of 15, the girls became stars on their High School basketball team, and their father had also just come back into their lives. At first, they were against his return, and Dakota herself usually got into verbal arguments with her father, but after a while and good heart-to-heart the twins eventually accepted him, even taking his last name.

After their father's return, the twins seemed more focus in school, getting better grades and even seemed to play basketball better though it was never enough to carry their team to the high school championship. Dakota's attitude from her childhood never left though, and she almost saw her basketball career ruined when she got into a fight after a basketball game with a girl from the opposite team and she nearly beat her to death. After a lot of bribery, the incident was covered up, and soon the twins chose to go play basketball for the Kansas Jayhawks.

Their freshmen year they started, and they both did well (Dakota better), but her fiery attitude caught up with her again and she started a big brawl during the NCAA tournament, and was suspended for the rest of the tournament, and the first five games of the next season. (her sister was not). On the suggestion of her mother to be closer to their parents, (as to get her help with her anger) the twins transferred to Evercrest (Dakota suspension still remained in tact). But her attitude and temper reared it's little head again, but this time it was a private environment with her team over taking the starting spot from the former starter. She was suggested to get mental counseling, and was diagnosed with BPD.

Secrets and Skeletons: Dakota was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. She generally only takes medicine during the season (against her doctor's orders to take it all year), and it makes her rather bland and dry. she also lost a baby once, and unlike her sister who is a virgin and heterosexual, Dakota likes to experiment. She also beat a girl to near death, though it was covered up.

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Victoria "Tori" Moore

Victoria Moore






Major in Writing, minor in Psychology

Appearance Notes

Victoria is a typical girl with auburn hair, and blue eyes, she rarely puts on makeup, but when she does, its light and natural looking, except in special occasions. Her skin is lightly tanned from her hobbies at the beaches.

Personality and Background

Victoria is a social girl, only because she likes to find diverse personalities for her short stories and projects in her writing classes. Since she has a keen sense in observing other's behaviors, she likes to be the listener in conversations, and be able to use her psychology skills to make others open up a bit more. She is also a hopeless romantic, and with her observing, she hopes to find the one.

When she is not around other people, she likes to be on her computer and write down more ideas for her stories. She also critiques blogs and fanfictions from other students, giving her the name "Fic Critic" throughout the school. She mostly hangs out in the library, or in the Literature quad.

Hobbies & Interests

Writing, reading, surfing, studying, listening to music, dancing to herself


In order to get through school, her part time job is Burlesque dancing. Her other name is Jynx Mcquire, and she is renowned in the club she performs at, The Rosy Peach. She does not reveal this to her classmates, for she might get bullied so much. She has a Rosy Peach calendar where she is on the August space.


Her Madame, Rosy Calhoun


Theme Song: Victoria's Secret by Sonata Arctica​





Burlesque outfit:​


Name: Teah Melanthios

Age : 20

Birthday: November 9th

Year : Junior

Major: Business

Minor: Culinary arts

Personality and Background

Teah for the most part keeps to herself, She feels a bit awkward talking to other people so she doesn't mind being at home alone or spending time with herself. But once you get to know her she's super nice and really chill .

Teah was born to an average middle class family with traditional values. She was brought up to be a “perfect” lady: Prim & Proper, kind & quiet. On a plus side she doesn't mind being quiet, She actually enjoys it! She dislikes being the center of attention and rather be a wallflower. But she hated the rules and restrictions her family put on her, So as soon as she graduated from high school she moved out and lived on her own. Her parents didn't like the idea and even now she gets a call telling her to move back in but she loves the freedom of making her own decisions without people breathing down her neck 24/7.

Hobbies & Interests

Photography Video games

Cooking/ Baking Tumblr





She has a small crush on Flannery ( Spit) She hasn't talked to her or anything... too afraid that Spit might dislike her.


Lucina Melanthios- Mother

Marco Melanthios- Father


Has a pet cat named Nowi

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/794.jpeg.2d3d16ca9c1099cf2bb4408e12acb396.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/794.jpeg.2d3d16ca9c1099cf2bb4408e12acb396.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Notes

5'2'' with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Pretty short, She likes to wear jeans, shorts or skirts depending on her mood and has an everlasting love for hoodies

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Wig-scroll-girls-fluffy-oblique-bangs-pear-medium-long-non-mainstream-jiafa-set.jpg.7b2ff1605f90e1ed4707debd64857ea1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45971" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Wig-scroll-girls-fluffy-oblique-bangs-pear-medium-long-non-mainstream-jiafa-set.jpg.7b2ff1605f90e1ed4707debd64857ea1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Wynn Sorry for the delay! there was an issue with the site. Overall though the profile is good. Perhaps a better secret though?
I'm late, I know, and this won't look good probably but yea here.

Alex Laken






Culinary Arts



Personality and Background

Alex hails from Sydney Australia, having transferred to an American school in his Sophmore year of highschool where he ended up attending a joint vocational school for Culinary arts where he discovered his natural talent in cooking and his love of the craft. From there he finished the program as the highest of his class and quickly applied for college. Through numerous scholarships and culinary aimed competitions he managed to earn a full ride from Evercrest and immiediatly chose it. With his college plans set and beggining Alex is ready to take life by the horns in the field of Culinary.

Alex tends to act a bit arrogant in his way of speaking or talking due to graduating highest of his highschool class and because of his seamingly natural talent in Culinary arts that stands above many others in the field. Otherwise behind this arrogance that rears its head from time to time is a man who is rather carefree and loves to help others and make them happy, a portion of his personality that could be accredited towards his love of restaurant management, serving, and cooking for others. He's a nice fellow who is always willing to help out where he can. Another of the more negative traits about Alex though is that he can be extremely competative, a useful trait when winning scholarships, but a bad one in friendly competitions with peers. Alex has been known to take losses hard and rub in victory countless times before. Although Alex tends to be arogant and over competative, his more positive traits overshadow these most of the time and make him quite a nice fellow to be around.

Hobbies and Interest

Alex has a hobby of crafting together different recipes in search of the next tantalizing taste for his taste buds. He is also an avid taster of foods and greatly enjoys tasting something new or exotic, or just anything he has never had before. Hobbies not related to cooking are short and few in between, although he does greatly enjoy reading.


Alex secretly has a love for romance novels. He also has never had a real girlfriend, or his first kiss, or anything, although if asked he brushes the question away without answering it.


Alex has a small family consisting of his mother Alisha, his step father Daniel, his brother younger brother half Aiden, and his sister Adelaide.

(@Elle hue hue hue what stands out here? > :D )

Best I can do for tonight @Shura hope it works! If not just message me and I'll fix it in the morning X_X

[Aran Ó Caiside]

["With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying."-Johnny Depp]

  • 4sMjFnY.jpg




    Grad student



    Appearance Notes

    Aran stands at a grand 6'10 and weights a total of 210 lbs. His short ginger hair always seems to be facing upward and he has a pair of lightly colored brown eye and bare a very almond-like tone. Aran also has a well trimmed beard that shares a color scheme with his hair.

    When it comes down to his physical body Aran's skin isn't nothing to brag about. Even when he passes hours below the sun his skin always keeps a light tone, almost even pale. But thanks to his dedication to fit any sort of role Aran has developed an ectomorph type of body build. It may just be above average and can barely be considered as muscular, but Aran doesn't seem to try to develop it any further since he claims "Balance is key, if I lose or gain any more muscular mass then many roles for characters will be kept away from me."

    Aran's clothing hardly seems to variate as it usually consists of a dark colored coat as well a shirt of a similar scheme, a pair of velvet toned jeans and brown pair of boots. Occasionally he will be seen wearing scarf, but this situations are pretty rare. Aran likes to keep all of his wardrobe well ironed and clean to always look his best at everything he does.

  • just-how-cool-is-a-vespa-made-entirely-of-wood-photo-gallery-67731-7.jpg

    -He may be Irish, but his accent has slowly began to die off-

    -Aran's favorite domestic animal is the ferret due to their curious nature-

    -His favorite food is stew-

    -Aran's favorite musical is "The Phantom of the Opera" and his favorite play is "Macbeth"


Rose Evermore

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Zendaya-Coleman.gif.7eaf9146ff47f76053544d3078affd65.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46052" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Zendaya-Coleman.gif.7eaf9146ff47f76053544d3078affd65.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Zendaya_coleman_zendaya_instagram_DTk7aeHu_sized.jpg.79e98645b330f2f29bb95ae09f82aabc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Zendaya_coleman_zendaya_instagram_DTk7aeHu_sized.jpg.79e98645b330f2f29bb95ae09f82aabc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


General Studies

Appearance Notes

She is '5 10" and weighs 140 lb. She is slim and normally she normally wears skirts but she wear jeans once in a while.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/734137_original.jpg.a046914f66f14d238ce67abb6a017ac2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/734137_original.jpg.a046914f66f14d238ce67abb6a017ac2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality and Background

Although she is sporty, Rose is actually more girly and image conscious. She has a large collection of stuffed animals and is weak in academics, but makes up for it with pure spirit and energy. She also has a large appetite and loves to eat chocolate. Rose is more popular with the girls than the boys, which tends to bug her. Rose has a great sense of justice, but it is hidden inside of her and only comes out when someone is in danger. She hates that innocent people get hurt for things they had nothing to do with.

Rose had a pretty good life until her father left once he left everything fell apart. Her mother started having trouble finding a job and her older sister was no help what so ever. All she ever did was go party bring random guys home and do drugs. Rose has had to deal with a lot. Her grades weren't very high but thanks to her baseball scholarship she was able to pay for college.

Hobbies & Interest



Stuff animals



She works three jobs so she take care of her mother and herself. She also goes home to take care of the apartment. She has been doing this since high school and it hasn't gotten any easier.


Her mother and sister

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Zane McIntyre









Personality and Background

Zane is in all reality an arrogant asshole. He's overly confident, but he's got the muscle to back it up. He naturally attracts people towards him who wish to be like him, learn from him, or just hang out with him. He's well practiced in how to act smooth and be a player, a first class bad boy to women. He's easily classified as a competitive man, never stopping until he's the winner of whatever it is he's doing. And usually that's fighting.

Zane loves to fight in underground MMA rings and is quite good at it. He thirsts for the thrill and the brutality of a match but is easily calm and controlled. He's in it completely for the feel of victory when his opponent hits the mat and doesn't get back up.

Zane was born into wealth, his father the head of a big company across seas and his mother an adept player in the stock markets, this combination gave the family a lofty standing in society and a wealthy bank account. Zane has always had access to whatever he wanted but just getting it was never enough. He wanted the sweet feel of victory when he took something, which is how he got into fighting. A simple school yard scrap with another pompous rich kid ended with Zane busting the kids nose open and knocking him to the ground. Zane followed with a kick to the stomach and kept kicking, enjoying the feel of beating his opponent to a pulp. From that moment on he began looking into MMA and other diving forms, having his father hire an instructor to train him over the years. But even Zane knew that simply fighting couldn't be his only money maker, too unstable. His father and mother's business acheivements had taught him that easily. So upon graduationg highschool he enrolled in Evercrest, of which his father was rather good friends with the Dean. So of course he breezed through college getting good grades without trying. Doesn't take much when your father's a 'Financial Contributor' to the institute.

In Zane's second semester of his freshman year he and a few others organized an underground fighting ring that's been kept secret quite well to this very day. It's common knowledge that it exists, but when it meets, how, and where are all unknown to those not a part of it. Every semester they have a fighting tournament for everyone interested ina secret location. The fight is advertised from their website, untraceable to them, and tickets must be bought online with an identity confirmation as well as a cell phone number. 24 hours before the fight a message is sent out to those who purchased a ticket with a time and a location. The tournament is held at that time in that location and come morning there are no traces it ever happened.

After his sophmore year Zane Purchased a large estate in the hills above Evercrest for himself rather than living in campus housing or a frat house. And of course his father supplied whatever money he needed or asked for to get what he wanted.


Secretly the founder of the fight ring. If that's not enough then I'll add another thing I think might be a nice touch lol


Zane has a small family consisting of his mother Annabelle and his Irish father Jode. He is an only child.

Cameron Leon







Film and Photography

Appearance Notes

Fairly good looking and charming to boot. Ever the jokester he is rarely seen without a smile if some sort Cameron is not the tallest standing at 5'10" but has a decent build. His eyes are a jade green and his hair is a dark brown normally worn loose in all of its messy glory. Rarely he will come it back and put some order into it but only on the rare important occasion. His usual attire is jeans and some sort of t-shirt, occasionally a button down shirt over that if he feels dressy.

Personality and Background

Cameron has had a pretty normal life, for the most part. His family was loving and did a lot of activities together. He had an all around normal upbringing but like most kids things started to change towards the end of middle school. Puberty set in and upon entering high school Cameron started to notice something. All of his guy friends would keep talking about how girls they would want to date. While he thought they were pretty he was never really attracted to them. Instead he found his eyes wandering towards other guys.

It was a secret he kept from everyone for a year until he met another guy like him. Feeling a connection with him they started dating sophomore year of high school. WHile in the relationship Cam went from shy and unsure to more confident and not giving a damn about what other thought about him. Adam, his boyfriend, managed to convince him to come out to his parents. It took a lot of convincing before he got up the courage to do it. Much to his surprise they had suspicioned that he might be Gay. Mostly because of how much time he spent around other guys than girls. Cameron felt very luck to say the least. His parents weren’t 100% comfortable with the idea of their son being gay but he was still their son. Three years passed and Cameron grew in confidence and charm. He even joined the swim team with some encouragement. Unfortunately Adam and he had different paths in life with Adam wanting to be a culinary master and was accepted to one of the top university. Cameron earned a full swimming scholarship. As much as he cared for Adam and Adam cared for him they knew they had to break up.

Cameron's first few months at Evercrest was spent being depressed but doing average in his studies. He made a friend with a fairly nice girl name Tori which made him feel less depressed. Over the course of a year he has gotten much better at fitting in around campus. Being part of the swim team also helped a lot.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Swimming
  • Photography/Film
  • Watching and taking notes on all movies old and new.
  • Shopping


As much as he says he’s over Adam a part of him still loves and misses him even after Adam stopped responding to his emails and phone calls.


  • Jenna Leon - Mother
  • Mathis Leon - Father
  • Adam Sanders - Ex
  • Torie Graham - Best Friend

Name: Kayden Jace

Age: 18





Appearance Notes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.78372e93e96af9238556d7a629092332.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.78372e93e96af9238556d7a629092332.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 165lbs


Kayden is a pretty goofy guy, a clown at the least, and a bit mischievous at the worst. He enjoys a good prank, and just generally tries his best to keep everyone happy. He's also remarkably intelligent, which was one of the main reasons he's at the college, he got a full ride scholarship. He's super excited to be at the University, and can't wait to meet new people. He's not blantantly gay, he acts pretty normal usually, he's just into guys over girls.


Kayden's always been a clown, and this has gotten him in trouble a lot, both in schools, and with his parents. However, in school his intelligence made the administration overlook his "harmless shenanigans". His parents were not so forgiving or supportive of him, and often simply ignored him, giving him no choice but to spend most of his time in his room, reading books. But his parents wouldn't buy him any fun books, so he'd borrow text books from the school and read those. The only person who really supported him was his older sister Maya.

Things only got harder when he came out to his parents over the fact that he was gay. They completely shunned him. In the end he moved in with his now twenty five year old sister, who was much better to him than his parents, and supported him completely. He did get a job to help out around the house, currently working as an intern statistician, making alright money, just enough to help out and buy him the occasional new beanie or t-shirt.

Hobbies & Interests

He plays chess

He likes to read

He likes to play pranks on people. Harmless, most of the time.

He likes to doodle. He's not good at art, but he likes to doodle


He's gay


His sister, Annalise Jace


He has a basic stud in his left ear and a Celtic trinity knot tattoo on his wrist. He carries a pocket-watch with a compass in it, and a small pad of paper to doodle on when he's bored, or to do quick calculations that come to his head.



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Hadassah Elia Klein

Physical Description:

Hair & Eye Color:

Short, textured brown hair, deep brown eyes

Height & Weight:

5’4”, 100lbs.

Identifying Marks/Tattoos:


Senior Portrait:


Hadi has always been pretty, but never obviously so. Her hair is kept short, a dark brown with caramel highlights, a choppy pixie cut with long, sweeping bangs. Her eyes are her greatest feature - a deep, honey brown set beneath thick dark lashes and naturally arched brows. Her features are narrow, her eyes on the large side, her nose slight, curved at the tips and her lips fuller on the lower half than the upper.

She has a small, thin frame, a shorter stature and long, toned limbs. While somewhat lacking in curvature, she is nevertheless delicate, her skin soft and pale, free of blemish. On her wrist, the word 'Warrior' has been tattooed.

Her style is rather ecclectic, anywhere from soft and elegant to sporty, but she is, deep down, a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. She enjoys hats, but doesn't wear them often and has a modest collection of sunglasses. She generally wears very little to no make-up, except on special occasions and she detests heels with a passion.


Vital Statistics

Full Name:

Hadassah Elia Klein


Hadi (pronounced Hah-dee)






Film and Documentary Development


Record Store clerk ('Right Round')

Hadi is and always has been a light in a very dim world. She lives every moment to the fullest and ensures that those around her do the same, whether it's something they are wholly prepared for or not. She never takes anything for granted, and has learned as many fail, to appreciate the small things.

A genuine golden heart, Hadi does more for others than for herself, but never expects the admiration or appreciation that generally comes with that form of disposition. Essentially, she just likes giving. Because of this, though, she is often times negligent or even oblivious to her own needs.

She had a decent sense of humor but she isn't incapable of seriousness, and a sarcastic streak, in her own words, keeps her from being too perfect.



+ Compassionate - Everything she can give, she gives to others... including, but certainly not limited to her time and energy. Her heart is built for others, without condition.

+ Joyful - No matter the circumstances, Hadi looks on the bright side. She rarely complains and even if she has cause to, she tries as hard as possible to find a silver lining.

+ Passionate - Anything that Hadi does, she does with all she has. There is nothing half-hearted in her actions no matter how simple or unimportant.


- Cautious - Despite her open heart policy, Hadi is exceptionally cautious with her feelings. She keeps her emotions close to the chest and prefers to be empathetic, rather than to take empathy from others.

- Impulsive - Hadi doesn't always think things through before making decisions and will occasionally act without consideration for the consequences - though primarily only when those consequences affect her.

- Overly Invested - Hadi sometimes cares too much and has been known to over invest herself in the emotional needs of others - often to her own detriment.


Quirks, Talents & Proclivities:

When concentrating, Hadi has a habit of humming... consequently, not very on-key.

Hadi is an extremely talented writer and has a magnificent eye for cinematography. She works exceptionally hard on her documentary projects and has been featured on the local news more than a few occasions.

Despite a strict medically-enforced diet, Hadi has a sweet tooth and a bad habit of stress eating.


Goals & Aspirations:

Hadi has a Bucket-list that she keeps on her, in the form of a journal, at all times. She is diligent about fulfilling one item on her list per week.

Hobbies & Interests:

Hadi is an avid reader and enjoys older, classic movies. She is also into athletics, though never more than casually.



Mother: Mary Klein - novelist

Father: Elisha Klein - lawyer


Hadi grew up in a relatively normal family environment. It wasn't until her sophomore year of highschool that anything of note happened. She'd begun to feel strained, and her parents, concerned for her health and afraid she was overworking herself made an appointment with the doctor to ensure her fatigue wasn't due to stress.

The answer they received was unexpected and far worse than anything they had anticipated. Leukemia...

For several months, Hadi underwent chemotherapy procedures, finishing up her sophomore classes and part of her junior year tutored at home. Despite her condition, Hadi was optimistic. The treatments were difficult, but she endured and by the start of her senior year she was officially in remission. Senior year went without incident. But that summer, she had a small set back.

Still, determined not to be discouraged, she applied for Evercrest and was accepted, taking up a major in Film and Documentary Development and Production that September.

Secrets and Skeletons: Her sophomore year of high school, Hadi was diagnosed with acute leukemia. As of now, she is in remission.



Bran Iorwerth Cadwalader Maddox




Grad Student


Double Major - Philosophy/Ethics

Appearance Notes

6'5" - 180 lbs

Personality and Background

Bran is son of Trystan and Fflur Maddox, eccentric multi-millionaires. Bran's parents were very typical parents, having been raised in suburban Silicon Valley. Upon striking it rich with tech company stocks, they eloped, moving to a small plot of land in Missouri for lower cost-of-living. This was probably for the best, as at the age of ten Bran set fire to the house, razing it to the ground. This was when Bran was diagnosed with Disorganized Schizophrenia. At thirteen, after a stint in Two Rivers Mental Hospital, Bran was re-diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, and released as functional. His parents, having two younger children to look after, left him mostly to his own devices, but the moment he graduated from high school, several colleges got generous donations, and evercrest was the one to finally take him. His parents continue to pay his tuition, and the school can't afford the lawsuit if he is kicked out unjustly, so the faculty is content to keep a respectful distance and treat Bran like any other student.

  • A.K.A. The Poet

    Quiet and reserved -- so quiet, in fact, that Bran never speaks. Communicating solely through sarcastic gestures and icy glares. Content to remain indoors and alone, but also enjoys occasionally sitting outside alone. Writes poetry on par with English majors, often in the form of epic tales of heroism and tragedy, in bardic verse and meter, occasionally darker subjects in slow and haunting meter. Asexual and Biromantic. Seperately diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder.

    Reverted to upon sleep.



Nah, that's not really a secret, this is, though:


Mostly keeps to himselves, family ties to be explained



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