Secrets of a Race (are you a Hunter, or the Hunted?..) [Inactive]


The Painter of Thoughts
ThunderDire submitted a new role play:

Secrets of a Race - We must remain unknown, follow are tradition, never break the clans rules, but what is you did?..

For hundred and thousands of years dragons have been a myth to the human world, in stories an dreams. Mothers told there children in fear to take medicine, when knights used dragons as a heroic tale. Now it's the present day. One of metal deathly weapon, secret scientist known of living in a place called Area 51. One of where school is required and a democracy was created. Yet what these humans thought..,were wrong. Dragons exists, yet they have a secret. They can shift into a human...
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Rollo wanted to have one final meeting with the members going to college. He got up from his bedchamber and got dress. He walked towards his main hall and he sat down on his throne. He sat there for a few moments. "Messenger!" A man ran into the hall. "Yes sir." Rollo looked at the messenger with no expression on his face. "Go into the town and collect the "children" and tell that I want to see them before they. The messenger look at his list of addresses then looked back. "Yes sir." Then ran out of the hall into the town. Rollo looked at another servant. "Excuse me chief prepare a big breakfast?" A voice yelled from another room. "Already on it sir." Rollo thought to himself again. "Ah it's good to be the elder."
Walking to side of her home she was completely dressed. Her hair braided on falling on one of her right shoulder. Sighing she began to walk though the town, knowing that soon she would finally get to get out of here "Freedom." Her dragon roared in side at the thought, noting that she was a big rule breaker so finally instead of leaving with out permission she was actually aloud to leave. "Oh I wonder how humans truly are...will they like me, oh god what if they find out! Do I kill them?" She chuckled excited for what was going to come she mummers "just be yourself and you"ll do fine" she continued her walk.

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The messenger found Kyra. "Excuse me mam. The elder wants to see you and other shifters before you go out to college." The messenger then ran off to find the others.
Funny, how people never realize they were pawns until its too late.

Cold sunset eyes glazed over in thought, stared at a black knight in pale hands. She rolled the chess piece into her palm, memorizing the hardened details of the horse head. The shape of the snout, the hidden crevices of the mane and eyes. She then placed the game piece down, back into its military formation with the rest of the board. A hoarse groan of the leather chair echoed through the darkened room. She stood, stretching her tired limbs and muscles as they adjusted to their new found freedom.

Outside thunder roared an angry cry as droplets of rain fell from the night sky, pattering against the tall windows that claimed the whole wall behind of her. She found it ironic she could die so easily if she pushed through the glass. But that would never happen she was to cautious to die so quickly. She was no way a near foolish as so many around her. Poor Generals.... A thin hiss of amusement left her clenched teeth, thinking back to one man with emerald eyes and silk made hair. That one was so handsome.... and he fought like a demon. Too bad it didn't last long. With that lingering thought she pulled on her gray raincoat and closed her office door with a soft click of the lock. She walked to the front desk where her secretary looked over her nails.

"Elisa, I suggest you stop tinkering with your manicure and leave. But if you want to stay the night going over extra work... fine."

The woman shot up, shaking her head in the most exasperated of manners. Her brown short hair flipped back and forth so wildly, Nova had the urge to grab it and yank every strand out. "I'm sorry Ms. DeWitt! I just got distracted! I was looking over some pa-" The girl immediately went quiet when noticing her superior's stare. She shrunk away when Nora finally decided to speak. "Goodnight, Elisa...." Nova turned toward the elevator, barely giving the girl to say much more. Moronic child....
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Stopping before the messenger she smiled. "Oh sure! Ill walk over right now" as the messenger she made her way forwards to the hall. The moist morning air blowing thought the brisk trees. Reaching the doors of the great hall she pushed them open walking in she bowed slightly "Morning Elder Rollo". She sat down at a open seat.

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Through the thin crowds of others, the occasional couple or the one chattering happily on a phone, a tall figure weaved through the obstacles. Vulatross could say he was in his normal mood, irritated and ready to slam some skulls against a wall. For him, it was a sign that he was himself. He couldn't stand the sight of his particularly calm Mother today, and couldn't find it in his quote-unquote "black heart" to even get cross with her. The woman has been through so much, he really avoided lashing out at his family at all times. Vulatross puckered out his lower lip to huff upwards, blowing a piece of his bangs from the eyes that could slice through diamond like a hot knife through butter. He had grown used to the occasional glance, either it be in intimidation or annoyance.

Not just a moment ago, he was notified by a messenger that he, Vulatross Zee Gatana, was invited, or even required to meet with the Elder once more before college. He didn't usually do this, but even when he did, he wouldn't have noticed it. He actually looked on the bright side of this event. How bad could it be? Even after thinking this, his mood did not waver. Time to speed up the pace to get this over with. Tross ran a hand through his hair with a worn sigh, he traveled through the great halls, his environment of light and airy to gracious and humble in almost a bat of an eye. Silently opening the door and sliding in, his eyes moved towards the floor as he plopped into an empty seat with his hands in his pockets. "Elder Rollo." The fire bearer grumbled in greeting.
Sitting in the brown wooden chair, she leaned her head back, waiting for who ever might enter the hall next. Yet less then a minute of entering the hall, Vulatross entered, as quiet as he tried to be, yet she heard him. Her eyes flashing a blue green slightly amused, thinking to her self. "Trying to get in here unnoticed, pity,...a mouse might of been quieter". She chuckled to her self. Turning in her seat she gave a half smile, looking at Vulatross "Morning Mouse".

Returning her gaze back to Elder Rollo, waiting for the next person, or people to walk in. Her hair not completely perfect anymore, not frizzy yet a slightly messy side braid. Pushing her hand up, she began to play with her hair bored.

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"Morning, trash." Vulatross snapped back immediately, He hated being called mouse, or any nickname generally. He found his hands quivering in tightly wound fists in his pockets, gosh, he hated this girl sometimes. He gave a deep breath, deciding that it was best to keep today chill. He was going to move on to a environment of stress, work, drunks and guys who liked to slip roofies into women's drinks. He had plenty of butts to kick there, and not now. After what seemed like an eternity, the male exhaled through his nose, two thick lines of charcoal smoke exiting in place of invisible oxygen. The smoke swiftly disappeared into the open air as quickly as it came.
Looking back at him she chuckled thinking turning in her seat"wow he really gets upset...trash? Touché" she grinned at him "That's a strange name to give some one...trash? Whats ya reasoning Vulatross?" She shot a half smile. Amused.

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Was this girl taking pleasure in his anger? He had to admit, he did get heated very easily, especially with this woman in front of him. She seemed so scandalous, he couldn't make an opinion on her, so he was suspicious of her. She was just... Her. Vulatross shrugged one shoulder nonchalantly, not finding much power to talk to her about his insult. "It suits you more than you'd think. Do you always ask for explanations on little things?" He muttered, his tone softening a bit. She seemed rather harmless, but could be taken as some sort of mastermind like his brother. Maybe that's why he was so cross with the other.
She smiled, taking what he said into thought. Truly she considered him a close friend since they were kids and knew she shouldn't mess with him was just flat down amusing to her. He got upset so easily. Turning around she stretched out her legs crossing her arms behind her head, as a kind of pillow. "Indeed. Why wouldn't I, everyone secretly wants to know the little things." She said pausing slightly on a thought "Oh also I like to ask questions so I'm pretty big on that..just to let ya know.. For the future at school class mate." She smiled, closing her eyes yet still awake.

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Vulatross gave a small sigh, reaching into his hood and looking over at the girl not too many ways far from him. "You excited for the chaos that could ensue at Collie?" He asked, his normal frown parting to show a row of his sharp teeth. He was often compared to a shark when he showed his teeth, so much that even his smiles were told to be malicious. "You're annoying sometimes... But I wouldn't mind looking to shove my foot up a certain person's rectum if they mess with ya. I prefer you over some stranger, if anything." He didn't stutter when he usually said something as graphic or even very violent. He spoke the truth. Better her or anyone else he knew than others.
It had been another tough day at work today. The not so social girl was stuck giving her customers fake smiles throughout the day, and at this point all she wanted to do was get home.

Aislyn worked at a bookstore. Your average unnoticed store that sits just on the corner of the main stretch, you always see it, but you never show any interest in going into it. That was her source of income. She worked with a tedious old lady who owned the store, and the two spoke, but rarely. She spent the entire day working the counter, dealing with very few costumers as usual. The bright side was today she'd gotten off early, and she had no time to spare.

The girl rushed out the door, allowing herself a quick wave to the kind old lady as the tiny bell on the door rung, and she was gone. She stepped outside, heaving a relieved sigh as she tasted the air. She allowed herself to casually roam the streets, the sights and sounds were quite a joy. She'd figure she'd stop by the café just a little bit down the stretch. It was a good way to start her half day off.
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Hearing what he said she wined "Chaos is my middle name..." Turning around she looked at him giving a upset look "..I thought everyone new that."

She smiled and winked.Listening at what he said next she ginned then smiled softly " thanks Vulatross, I agree with you, and still...even though your a first class grumpy pants..... I would kick someones rear end if they messed with your too. " Taking what he said to thought she began to realize she said seriously "honestly I'm afraid...I don't know what to expect. I mean what if the hunters there figure out that were there. I mean.." She took a deep breath "I just don't want anything bad happening to any of us.." She sighed.

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Ryan started his usual morning training. He picked up a math book and hung himself upside down on the bar that went across the top of the door hole in his room. As he opened his book and scanned through some formulas, Ryan did some reps of upside down sit ups.
Zenith was asleep outside in the grass when a messenger came and woke him up. Apparently the Elder Rollo had wanted to see all of the shape shifters before they take their leave off to college. He nodded to the messenger and stood up, calmly beginning his walk over to the hall. His white lizard Lakice trudged beside him slowly, also having just awoken from a nap. Zenith's hair was slightly messy and fluffed as he opened the doors, hearing two people arguing inside. He didn't have any input for them to receive so he simply sat down and yawned...

Everything is so melodramatic today.... He thought as he leaned back in the chair and stretched.
Rollo didn't say anything during the little argument. It looked like he was napping. He opened his eyes and took deep breath. When he breathed out through his nose a dark black smoke was coming out. "Your probably wondering why I called you and the other shape shifters here." He snapped his fingers then the chef came out with a big breakfast enough to feed an elder and a few shape shifters. There was literally everything that you can find in a breakfast. That includes hash, eggs, bacon, sassauge, fruit, and half a dozen types of drinks to was all the food down. He grabbed his plate. "Start eating eating children. I'll tell while we eat." And he started to eat some breakfast.
Zenith could never turn down an offer for food, so with another yawn he began piling food onto his plate. It literally made a stack. He took a piece of bacon and nibbled on it, before practically inhaling three pieces in one bite. He munched on the sausage and slurped down the eggs, almost looking like some sort of ravaged beast or monster. Though not a crumb was spilled and he was rather neat about it. The hash browns were his favorite so he took his time as he ate those...

"Thanks." He mumbled in between bites... Zenith couldn't care less about being too rude. It's just who he was.

The sky was the color of of heather, and a hazy fog hung low, mist beginning to shower the town. Fingertips pressed against a window, and the heat from her person caused a murky silhouette in the area. The glass was cold, colder than she might have liked, and as soon as she removed her hand, the condensation had begun to liquidize into droplets, sliding down to the bottom. A soft smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she saw this, but she pushed herself up from the seat and walked toward her door. It wasn't raining too terribly, and Robin recalled her mother asking her to pick some things up from the store. She trailed down the stairs like that of a child, skipping one every now and again, but mostly just skipping in general. A hand kept her balanced, sliding down the wood-work railing until reaching the bottom, where a long coat waited for her. Slipping it on, a metal clinking became audible, and she fished out the source of the noise - a set of car keys that her mother undoubtedly wanted her to use - and placed them on a side table just before walking out the door. The store wasn't far from her home, and Robin decided she could use the fresh air, even if it was tainted with precipitation.

Her feet made a quiet sound as she walked on the concrete, occasionally stepping in a puddle, the water rolling right off the material of her shoes. The streets were rather busy that day, she decided, the sound of cars whizzing past her never fading or slowing down. Honestly, she was a little bit upset about that; people always seemed to be rushing through everything and never giving anything a second thought. People had, what, one hundred years tops to live? Add a few decades, if they were lucky. Yet, all they could do was sprint through life's gifts, and one day, they would just drop dead, and for what?

Pulled out of her thoughts by the warm air of a building greeting her, Robin stepped through the automatic doors, the glass being a pathetic excuse for a barrier against the cold, but it was a barrier nonetheless. She pulled her hands out of her pockets, rubbing them together in the comfort of the store, a few people passing her by, some offering a smile, some offering a scowl. Thankful for the small, one-counter cafe that the place held, she pulled out a few dollars, deciding to get a cup of hot chocolate to warm up.
Meanwhile in the human world

Henry was running through the rainy streets trying to stay dry. It would've been easier if remembered to take his umbrella with him and not a newspaper. "Uh why did it have to rain today? The one day I forgot my umbrella." He kept running through the city until he found a comfortable looking cafe. "Oh perfect." He entered and he's looking for a seat. He found a seat next to woman at the counter. He took a seat and ordered a coffee with three sugars, creamer, and a hint of cinnamon sugar. Henry pulled out a ten dollar bill. While he was waiting for his coffee he thought of having some small talk with the shy looking woman. "Lovely wheather we're having today huh?"
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Vulatross was about to respond back to Kyra is a surprisingly gentle voice. He didn't like the thought of anything bad happening to any of the shifters either, so he was sure to at least fend for some of them. He broke himself from his thoughts as the voice of Elder Rollo arose. Watching the chefs pour in and the feast about to take place, Vulatross only kept silent as he watched the food being served. He didn't even bat an eye as his stomach made a very animalistic growl, the aroma of the delicacies in front of him were soon to be proven too much for his patience. As soon as he was given a plate he starting stuffing the food down. He... wasn't the best at cooking, so he usually went with something simple for Breakfast.

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The sun bathed his entire room. Oh, god knew hoe badly he hated the sun. He slowly opened his eyes to the light of day and tried to shake off the grogginess. He was tired as hell, last night's training was the hardest he have had. Now that his brother is gone, he knew his parents will not go easy on him.

“I can take care of myself! I don't need this stupid training!” He thought as he slowly stood up. He silently walked to the window and gave a last glance out. “I'm leaving. There's nothing tying me here anymore” he said. He've decided to leave when his brother told him he got accepted into college. Without his brother, his parents, sooner or later, will found out about his ability. And if they did. God know what would happen to him. His parents hated dragons and of course they will blame the ability to the dragons.

He did his morning routine, taking care not to awake anyone and when he was done, he walked out of his house and jumped into his car. He looked up at the house one last time, smiled and then turned on the car. Thankfully he packed all of his clothes two nights before.

He drove till he reached a café and stopped to buy some muffins. It was raining so he took the umbrella and came out of the car, walking fast till he reached the entrance “lovely weather we have today, huh?” He said but as he said it he shook his head. Wow. He couldn't believe he was starting to act like his brother. He ordered three muffins and sat in a table next to the window.

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