Secret's father's ghost.


Ten Thousand Club
If her father died in Silver Prince's domain, wouldn't his ghost have been sucked up by that manse and forged into soul steel by now?
The Silver Prince spares some people every so often in order to prove his religious propaganda right. Presumably, Secrets father was one of these. But you have a point, Misho did take a huge risk there with the summoning.
The only reason to assume that is that Secret serves the Prince, no? And it specifically says in the Abyssal book that they sometimes Exalt people from somewhere outside their domain.
Yes, most Deathlords do so. The Boddhisatva, though, he's a mastermind type, and it is very specifically mentioned that he never, ever, under any circumstances exalts anyone who is not a native of Skullstone, out of fear that his servants' loyalty be less than perfect. As we've seen in Keychain, this is a valid concern.

...OK, so there was this one time where he turned a Solar into a Deathknight for fun, but that was a very special case (and came back to bite him, so he's not likely to do anything like it again).
He did not turn a Solar into a Deathknight. Someone in his domain exalted as a Solar and he sent him far away so that he can't learn the truth. Moray Darktide is very much not a Deathknight, or even a bad person.
jeriausx said:
He did not turn a Solar into a Deathknight. Someone in his domain exalted as a Solar and he sent him far away so that he can't learn the truth. Moray Darktide is very much not a Deathknight, or even a bad person.
I believe Arrghus is referring to Fallen Wolf of the Cutting Sea

MoEP: Abyssals pg 43

Scroll of Exalts pg 116

You can see him arguing with Moray on page 65 of CoTD: The West.
Regardless, even if Secret was a native of Skullstone who never stepped outside its boundaries in her entire life, that doesn't in any way mean that her father died there.
Jukashi said:
Arrghus said:
it is very specifically mentioned that he never, ever, under any circumstances exalts anyone who is not a native of Skullstone
Screw that.
Okay, Jukashi has spoken, I will hereby excise all traces of this heretic, discontinued propaganda against our beloved Silver Prince (who looks good in pirate clothes) using a spoon, a clever arrangement of hooks, and three barrels of Firedust. Wish me luck.

Oh, and yes, I was referring to Fallen Wolf. Thank you, Sledge2071, for clearing that up.
Incidentally, we're also told that the only reason the Deathlord-currently-known-as Prince hasn't disposed of Fallen Wolf to redistribute his Exaltation to a more fitting subject is that the Neverborn told him not to. And Scroll of Exalts gives Fallen Wolf Whispers 3. So yeah, the whole rebellion thing might not end up working out so well for him after all.
Ascension said:
Incidentally, we're also told that the only reason the Deathlord-currently-known-as Prince hasn't disposed of Fallen Wolf to redistribute his Exaltation to a more fitting subject is that the Neverborn told him not to. And Scroll of Exalts gives Fallen Wolf Whispers 3. So yeah, the whole rebellion thing might not end up working out so well for him after all.
That's not it.
The Neverborn want the Fallen Wolf to kill the Prince. This is not a secret, they flat-out told him so when he was converted.

It helps to understand the Deathlord position. Many people view the Deathlords as cackling madmen who want to destroy the world for no reason. 'taint so. Well, the Dowager, the Bishop, and Walker in Darkness fit to an extent, but none of the others really do. (And even the Bishop doesn't actually want to kill the world, he wants to literally talk it to death by convincing every single person in the world to die of their own free will.)

Most of the Deathlords signed up with the Neverborn for power. Nothing else. They want to rule the dying world. Yes, they agreed to kill it eventually, but as MoEP: Abyssals says, the key word there is 'eventually'. For most of them, they would prefer that the death of the world always take place 'real soon now'. None of them actually have any incentive to kill the world. ("Egad! I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff!")

The Neverborn found out about this the hard way. Why do you think they punished the First and Forsaken Lion so severely? Why do you think that the Mask of Winters basically screwed over all the others by acting so openly? Why do you think Eye and Seven Despairs, the smartest of them all, is basically useless?

From the Neverborn perspective, most of the Deathlords (especially ones like the Bodhisattva, who waste time setting up tinpot empires when they're supposed to be killing stuff) have outlived their usefulness.

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