Secret Police -Anime-

Will someone help me catch up to what happened? I was asleep when you guys started. xD
But there are so much words. ;.;

Pretty impressive, though. I guess I'll have to read through everything. ^.^;;
I was originally going to go with Kiyoko being a character that doesn't have powers and doesn't need them, but since she has a guy who's probably going to end up trying to burn her at some point, I think I'd like to give her something to work with. Perhaps... something that affects metal.
UltraYuseke said:
I was originally going to go with Kiyoko being a character that doesn't have powers and doesn't need them, but since she has a guy who's probably going to end up trying to burn her at some point, I think I'd like to give her something to work with. Perhaps... something that affects metal.
Agents can't harm each other that way as in they can't burn each other without reason
Yes, but given that his reason would be the fact that she just kicked him on the shoulder, and'll probably do something worse when the times comes that Akuma's too pissed at her to not burn her, I think that it's highly possible to have happen.
UltraYuseke said:
Yes, but given that his reason would be the fact that she just kicked him on the shoulder, and'll probably do something worse when the times comes that Akuma's too pissed at her to not burn her, I think that it's highly possible to have happen.
If he did harm her even with the reason of a simple kick he could be kick out of judgement
I mean that Kiyoko would do something a lot more harmful than that if it comes down to a point where she does something to get Akuma to try and burn her, but whatever. Guess it still applies at the same level of where you're talking at with the situation.

Either way, would it be alright if I added her the ability to do some stuff with metal? I was thinking she could manipulate metal objects that are anywhere between one and four feet away from her, but nothing closer or further than that range. Basic things like make the metal objects float, the heavier they are the harder it is to lift, can break and bend metal objects that are weak enough, etc. Sound good? That's give her a specified range, limited power, and just make it something to aid her, like if she gets caught in a bullet shower, she can survive.
Does Yui care about girls who get accused of hurting people when they look too innocent to have done so? If yes, then Yui's going to be defending somebody from accusations. (Kiyoko, who's currently in her innocent as hell personality.)
Well, she probably will, though I don't know if someone want's to be on the other end of her furry.
Well, Makoto's letting Yui know of the happenings while Kiyoko sits there confused by the door being kicked down, in her normal state that's innocent and would never do such things.
Hey, Rin, keep in mind that my aura tampers with the powers of everyone. That include people, spirits, demons and etc. A human may not feel the weakening, but a demon or a spirit feels quite well. Keep that in mind when interacting with me.

And that's the drawback of my esper. I fail miserably on stealth. I also can't use any magical items or accessories.

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